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Is Telekinesis a Sin? What Does the Bible Say?


New Member
Oct 28, 2006
If you are going to post in this thread, you have to do so under the assumption that telekinesis can be achieved through scientific method.

Most of you are Christians, so thankfully I don't have to convince you that supernatural feats are possible. My question is the same as the thread title. Is performing or seeking to perform telekinesis a sin? Now there are a couple of conditions.

- The power is not gained through the occult or seeking any other gods.
- It is not used to show off or to hurt others.
- A purely scientific approach is taken.

Given this is telekinesis a sin? I know of no Bible verses in reference to the topic or other similar powers. Any help at all is greatly appreciated.


Woman of God
Mar 29, 2006
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I found an excellent response to your question online. I will quote it in part, but you can read the whole thing here:
Are there psionic abilities?

"Psionic powers (a.k.a. paranormal abilities or ESP) is a popular and lucrative business these days. Spiritism, New Age thought, and witches are active in endorsing and volunteering to help others accept the idea and get in on the action.

The Bible does not directly address the subject, but gives ample information for us to be wise and aware of dangers here..."

"...We are thus placed into the position to judge cautiously and be discerning, keying especially off the theology and message that accompanies such supposed manifestations. This is serious stuff, and to be taken seriously because most claims are exposed as having their source in diabolical falsehood or deceived people who then deceive others.

I reject the whole idea of seeking to "learn" psionics. If God bestows the gift on me, I'll use it in conformity with his revealed will. If not, it is none of my business to launch out on my own to seek to obtain a supernatural gift--and I am likely to be entangled with those who are under Satanic control." [end quote]

I consider this to be exceedingly wise advice to anyone thinking about egaging in these things. If you want your life to be pleasing to God, be wise.
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Woman of God
Mar 29, 2006
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One web page teaching about telekinesis says this:

"Physical energy is created by electromagnetic impulses. Universal life force energy, or psychic energy, is called Chi. [Chee] In telekinesis one taps into Chi energy then combines it with physical energy."

Perhaps one only thinks they are not tapping into the power of a demon or false god, yet in fact they are.

I am reminded of Eve's sin. She ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil because she wasn't content to be Innocent.
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Woman of God
Mar 29, 2006
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What does the Bible tell us about ghosts, poltergeists, and hauntings?

"But, again, there is no compelling evidence proving the existence of telekinesis as a natural phenomenon, nor is there any scientific evidence that intensely emotional events can produce "psychic recordings." It is unlikely that we will have a definitive answer to this question soon. And since this whole area borders on the occult -- an area stringently forbidden by Scripture ( Deuteronomy 18:9-13 ) -- it is wise for Christians to be cautious and not delve too deeply into it."

"People who pursue interest in the occult -- even if their interest is "scientific" -- can be drawn into occultism more deeply. Their "scientific interests" are prone to degenerate into personal obsession."

Deut. 18:9-14
"9“When you come into the land which the LORD your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations. 10 There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, 11 or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. 12 For all who do these things are an abomination to the LORD, and because of these abominations the LORD your God drives them out from before you. 13 You shall be blameless before the LORD your God. 14 For these nations which you will dispossess listened to soothsayers and diviners; but as for you, the LORD your God has not appointed such for you.""
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Theurgist Extraordinaire
Sep 14, 2005
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If you are going to post in this thread, you have to do so under the assumption that telekinesis can be achieved through scientific method.

Most of you are Christians, so thankfully I don't have to convince you that supernatural feats are possible. My question is the same as the thread title. Is performing or seeking to perform telekinesis a sin? Now there are a couple of conditions.

- The power is not gained through the occult or seeking any other gods.
- It is not used to show off or to hurt others.
- A purely scientific approach is taken.

Given this is telekinesis a sin? I know of no Bible verses in reference to the topic or other similar powers. Any help at all is greatly appreciated.
I would have to say no, it is not a sin. It is a God-given gift. The difference comes in what you choose to do with such an ability.

The church and religious minded individuals have always feared what they don't understand, and I believe that certain precepts of the law were given as a fail safe to protect weak-minded individuals, as He was fully aware of humanity's short-comings.

At one time it was considered heresy to say that the sun was at the center of our universe. Since man was not able to observe the universe, how could one make such a statement, being that Genesis puts emphasis on the earth as the focal point in God's creation of the cosmos.

Well, God has given us the ability through advancements in technology to observe, and has increased the capacity of the human mind to comprehend such things.

Mathematics, astronomy, and chemistry were also at one time considered "occult" sciences, and the church delighted and felt "justified" in burning individuals curious in these lines of study at the stake, all in the name of God.
If I were able to harness enough strength to lift a truck, some would say that it was the work of demons through me. If on the other hand, my child was pinned under this truck, and I lifted it, the same individuals would proclaim it to be a miracle.

We tell our children not to play with fire, but is fire evil in and of itself? We would not enjoy the comforts of running hot water and heat without it. In the hands of capable and responsible individuals, things that could be a curse, become a blessing.
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Speaking as one who used to be in the occult and practiced such things myself, I can assure you that telekinesis is not an inherent human ability, nor is any other paranormal phenomenon. It sounds as though (please correct me if I'm wrong) by "scientific method" you are implying it is an inherent human ability and there is nothing occult about it, and that's where we disagree.

"If you are going to post in this thread, you have to do so under the assumption that telekinesis can be achieved through scientific method ... Now there are a couple of conditions...The power is not gained through the occult or seeking any other gods."

Huh? In order to answer your question "is it a sin?" then, we have to presuppose it is not (i.e., that there is nothing occultic behind it)? I don't get it. I could conduct a "purely scientific" study of Ouija Boards, but that doesn't mean I'm not sinning and opening myself up to the demonic by using one.

I'm not the type to overspiritualize things, but in this case, getting people to believe in the 'purely scientific' approach is exactly how satan operates. If he can get people to dismiss/disbelieve in his reality, they will walk straight into the trap. There are countless stories of psychologists and the like who began investigating the paranormal on a purely "scientific" basis and invariably feel deep into the occult themselves.

I'm shocked that some people would consider it a spiritual gift from God. Where do you see telekinesis listed as a spiritual gift anywhere in the Bible? On what grounds do some call it a spiritual gift? I'm sorry, but this is a dangerous and harmful lack of discernment. The Bible is replete with verses condemning occultic practices, which telekinesis certainly is.

I am passionate about warning people of the dangers of the occult because I know first hand what can happen!
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Antiochian Orthodox Christian
Jun 18, 2005
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The church and religious minded individuals have always feared what they don't understand, and I believe that certain precepts of the law were given as a fail safe to protect weak-minded individuals, as He was fully aware of humanity's short-comings.

I disagree (respectfully) what you say here. It is quite apparent that non-religious people also fear what they don't understand. This is a human condition.

With knowledge comes confidence, and it doesn't matter if the person is religious in any way or not. :)
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Antiochian Orthodox Christian
Jun 18, 2005
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Concerning the OP...

If it is an invention of man, anything can be used for good, and it could be used for bad. Objections to new scientific discoveries always seem to bring up a discussion about possible misuse and abuse of it, or questions of the morality and intent of the possibilities. I can imagine all sorts of "conspiracy theories" type of things leveled against this telekinesis ability. Perhaps the government is already developing such a thing, and experimented on the set of keys I placed on the counter the other day, only to have them disappear, and reappear in another spot? :eek:

Joking aside, and replacing with it seriousness.... this ability could be used for good, no doubt about that. It could also be used by enemies too, against us. That is just a statement of fact, and not just a simple fear! There are always two sides (good and evil) to new inventions, even if the original intent was for good. If the good far out-weighed the bad in that, then perhaps it would be worth it to pursue.
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Antiochian Orthodox Christian
Jun 18, 2005
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Speaking as one who used to be in the occult and practiced such things myself, I can assure you that telekinesis is not an inherent human ability, nor is any other paranormal phenomenon. It sounds as though (please correct me if I'm wrong) by "scientific method" you are implying it is an inherent human ability and there is nothing occult about it, and that's where we disagree.

"If you are going to post in this thread, you have to do so under the assumption that telekinesis can be achieved through scientific method ... Now there are a couple of conditions...The power is not gained through the occult or seeking any other gods."

Huh? In order to answer your question "is it a sin?" then, we have to presuppose it is not (i.e., that there is nothing occultic behind it)? I don't get it. I could conduct a "purely scientific" study of Ouija Boards, but that doesn't mean I'm not sinning and opening myself up to the demonic by using one.

I'm not the type to overspiritualize things, but in this case, getting people to believe in the 'purely scientific' approach is exactly how satan operates. If he can get people to dismiss/disbelieve in his reality, they will walk straight into the trap. There are countless stories of psychologists and the like who began investigating the paranormal on a purely "scientific" basis and invariably feel deep into the occult themselves.

I'm shocked that some people would consider it a spiritual gift from God. Where do you see telekinesis listed as a spiritual gift anywhere in the Bible? On what grounds do some call it a spiritual gift? I'm sorry, but this is a dangerous and harmful lack of discernment. The Bible is replete with verses condemning occultic practices, which telekinesis certainly is.

I am passionate about warning people of the dangers of the occult because I know first hand what can happen!
I assumed the OP meant developing this through using a machine, or some type of device.

Otherwise, I agree with you... :)
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Theurgist Extraordinaire
Sep 14, 2005
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I disagree (respectfully) what you say here. It is quite apparent that non-religious people also fear what they don't understand. This is a human condition.

With knowledge comes confidence, and it doesn't matter if the person is religious in any way or not. :)
This is true! However those who are religious fanatics, condemn what they don't understand, branding it heretical and demonic; and go on a personal crusade against it, "in the name of God." As far as spiritual gifts go, I do not think that the gifts listed in the biblical text represent the FULL spectrum of spiritual gifts. Jesus turned water into wine, Paul did not include transformation of materials in his list. Not to mention John 14:12, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."
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It's interesting that by just disagreeing I've been labeled a religious fanatic, but remember that writing text doesn't allow for inflection, etc. Regardless, I will not disrespect you.

God does many things that do not have a "spiritual gift" equivalent. God has not given gifts to do everything he has ever done or is capable of. The real question is, since there are clear Biblical lists of gifts, on what basis would we say something not listed is also a gift? We could say anything is a spiritual gift, not because God says it is in his word, but because we simply say "it can be used for good," which incidentally is what Wiccans say about white magic. Remember that satan masquerades as an angel of light. He often brings about his will in the name of love, peace, etc.

We know a tree by its fruit. Those who become involved in the paranormal (such as yours truly) find themselves opening doors to the demonic and suffering dearly for it.

I respect your views Izarya, but if exposing a practice that is unbiblical and dangerous makes me a religious fanatic, then Jesus was the best example.
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I know this will be difficult to read without thinking I'm angry, but I'm really not. I just forgot to mention that I have always been very scientific in my approach to things, but I don't see how warning people equals being unscientific, ignorant and fearing what I don't understand. Either someone feels that studying telekinesis is perfectly ok or they're an ignorant, unscientific, fearful religious fanatic? How is that being objective?

Having said that, if it's true that Cedric is talking about a machine and principles of electromagnetism, etc., that's a whole different ball of wax. Maybe describing it a little differently would clear it up.

Anyway, blessings to all!
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Theurgist Extraordinaire
Sep 14, 2005
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It's interesting that by just disagreeing I've been labeled a religious fanatic, but remember that writing text doesn't allow for inflection, etc. Regardless, I will not disrespect you.
I'm sorry it came out like that, I was not referring to you personally.
I apologize if I came across that way.
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Oct 20, 2006
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I'm shocked that some people would consider it a spiritual gift from God. Where do you see telekinesis listed as a spiritual gift anywhere in the Bible? On what grounds do some call it a spiritual gift?
Matthew 17:20
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
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Woman of God
Mar 29, 2006
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Matthew 17:20
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Can you really use this scripture to justify telekinesis, especially since Jesus Christ said to say to the mountain, not think to the mountain?
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New Member
Oct 28, 2006
It sounds as though (please correct me if I'm wrong) by "scientific method" you are implying it is an inherent human ability and there is nothing occult about it, and that's where we disagree.
I guess so.

"If you are going to post in this thread, you have to do so under the assumption that telekinesis can be achieved through scientific method ... Now there are a couple of conditions...The power is not gained through the occult or seeking any other gods."

Huh? In order to answer your question "is it a sin?" then, we have to presuppose it is not (i.e., that there is nothing occultic behind it)? I don't get it. I could conduct a "purely scientific" study of Ouija Boards, but that doesn't mean I'm not sinning and opening myself up to the demonic by using one.
What I meant by that section is I am disassociating any religious aspect that maybe be attributed to it. Say you don't belong to any 'order', cast any spells, follow astrology and the like.

I would assume that your answer to that would be to say that you can't seperate the two, they are one and the same. Correct?

I would like to point out that I am also disassociating any intentions about the consequenses of the act. I am talking about the act itself.

I assumed the OP meant developing this through using a machine, or some type of device.
No sorry, I meant through a human.

The real question is, since there are clear Biblical lists of gifts, on what basis would we say something not listed is also a gift?
Could someone point out this list to me?

I also thank you izarya for your input.
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I understand where you're coming from, but your argument doesn't provide any way of distinguishing between the occult and a legitimate gift of God. Your argument could also be used to justify ESP, using Ouija Boards and any number of other things.

To All,
Two passages listing gifts are Eph 4:11 and 1 Cor 12:1-11. I'd have to look for others. Two important things to remember: First, God may do anything through anyone at anytime, but this does not necessarily make it a 'spiritual gift' that God has endowed that person to do regularly. Second, because there are some ambiguities in what gifts are listed (like 'working miracles'), we need to look at things in the broader context to discern what is of God and what is not. This is where unerstanding the occult comes in.

I appreciate what you are trying to do, but telekinesis is occultic by nature, not dependent on how you may choose to approach it. Some will disagree, but I'm offering insight from my own study of the occult, experiences in it, as well as that of others. If you were merely studying electromagnetic phenomena and other dimensions such as some versions of string theory predict, it would be different, but it does sound like you are studying from the perspective of supposed untapped human mental powers.

Thanks all!
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