Is mastrobation acceptable?


Otherwise Occupied
Feb 5, 2005
Wasatch Mountains
United States
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Cerridwen said:
Thanks, Jerusha_girl.

Grasping at straws? Not hardly. Teen sex isn't necessarily more of a problem than teen marriage, as often teen sex & teen marriage go hand in hand, but that's beside the point. As a teen myself, the majority of the girls I knew who ended up pregnant in high school (& I'm from Alabama, so there were a lot) ALL happened to be Christians & were ignorant of birth control because their parents didn't have the good sense or responsibilty to talk to them about it. We weren't allowed to have sex ed in school, because so many Christian parents didn't want little Jane or Johnny to know about that nastiness. Utter stupidity. Teen sex wouldn't be such a problem if there weren't so many morons fighting the educating of teens about birth control & protecting themselves.
My suggestion doesn't encourage teens who think they're in love to have sex. I stated specifically that I am not advocating adolescent sex. I think it is better for high schoolers to wait until after graduation for sex, simply because it can complicate the already difficult navigation of the teen years. I think it is better for young people (not adolescents) to have sex before marriage because it gives them a chance to figure themselves out, to experience single life, to "sew their wild oats" as it were, as long as they are responsible, of course. You don't have to "think you're in love" to want to have sex with someone. Sex & love are two different things. Sex within a commited & monogamous relationship is usually very different than casual sex. I think that forcing abstinence until marriage teaches young people to focus too much on the sexual aspect of marriage, & to not focus enough on the partner for life aspect of it. I think it is much better for a person to date a lot of people, experience love with a lot of people, & yes, even sleep with a few of them before settling down with one person, because that way, you know, without a doubt, that your marriage partner is Mr/Ms Right, not Mr/Ms Right Now. Not only do I think that sex before marriage is important, I also think that cohabitation is as well. I would never marry someone I had never lived with or slept with, just as I would never buy a car or a house I had never driven or looked at first.

Love & Blessings, Cerridwen*

And for you Cerridwen,
I think you have really thought about it and we agree on many things. I don't know that I agree with everything you have said but my post that I seemed to be making while you were doing yours is just how I feel. I respect your opinion and your right to have it and live it.

Bless you,
Casi :)
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Otherwise Occupied
Feb 5, 2005
Wasatch Mountains
United States
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Jerusha_Girl said:
We may not agree on everything, but I really enjoyed how you conveyed your ideas and opinion without being condicending or rude or in "attack mode." I respect somebody who can share an opposing opinion in a thoughtful manner. :) I can say that your opinion on teenage sex is something I largely agree with. :)


Hi there :)

I have missed you by the way :p I am glad that I didn't come across rude or condescending because that wouldn't be right of me. In my mind everyone is different, unique. While there might be individuals ready for the experiences of intimacy through sexual intercourse, I know that my own daughter has been hurt when she thought her committment and feelings were echoed by her boyfriend only to find out he told her what she wanted to hear and then took her virginity and moved on. SAying he wasn't ready for that kind of commitment but two weeks later was involved with someone else in that same way. It hurt her deeply. She was too young emotionally and inexperienced to put it into perspective and she was 18. Now some 18 years old it might not have hurt..but for her it was devasting and was a contributing factor to her drug abuse. She just wanted to not feel the hurt or think.

I am glad to hear of your upcoming wedding. Congrats :) I am sure it will be beautiful.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2004
United States
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WhatIsTruth said:
Um..did you even read the question in the OP? The OP asked whether masturbation (or mastrobation) and porn where exceptable in our different religions.

Gee I don't see anything mentioned in there about homosexual vs. heterosexual.

You conservatives gotta plug that in whenever you can don't you?[/QUOTE]

--I did respond to his question by stating that masturbation it acceptable within the confines of marriage. It may help to see who's post I was responding to to begin with. Anyway, my response satisfied both posts.

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jlujan69 said:
I agree that the issue is lust. Now, masturbation without lust is possible not only within the confines of a monogamous and heterosexual (had to clarify that:D ) relationship, but also when it occurs during "nightly emissions" (AKA "wet dreams"--for those of you of the younger generation) as well.

You mentioned this in post 12 in response to arunma. The OP was about whether or not masturbation or porn was exceptable in your religion. YOU mentioned masturbation only being exceptable within the confines of a HETEROSEXUAL and monogamous relationship. Implying that homosexual even if monogamous relationships are based on lust. Which I disagree with and I do not think the "clarification" was needed being that this had NOTHING to do with the OP.

Don't sit there and try to backtrack now...

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