If you need prayer . . .


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May 5, 2015
Word of Faith
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For those who have followed Kenneth E Hagin, I'm sure you remember his account of leaving as a pastor and traveling to preach.
He knew God wanted it this way.
He became concerned when he added his income to be losing money and having less than before.
He was having a hard time with providing, even down to his tires.
He had 2 notes taken out on a car that was done for.

So he brought this to the Lord in prayer.

God taught him to ask for his needs to be met and money to come where it looked dismal.
This was the foundation of name it and claim it,not in the stupid way we see today.
I would say name it based on the Word and have faith it will come.

He was entirely using his faith he was just expecting God to throw down money.

What is faith without works?

So he learned if he had a need to believe for that need,he tells that often he would need say 80 dollars and the offering would be 120.

This was a huge Revelation that his needs and wants and desires were met everything after that.

His exact words were God's not a counterfeiter, he is not just going to rain money down from heaven.

Oneven account was he needed a new car,so in a church meeting he told the pastor he was going to buy a new car.

Did he have the money no,did he know where he would get this car no.

What he had was faith,and as it were the pastor had a relative who opened a car lot, the car dealer was likely a sinner but for some reason wanted to help the man of God.

He drove away with a top of the line new car.

There's nothing wrong with telling God what you desire or need, he will provide.
I am living proof ,the house I live in I believed God for,I was driving down a nice street in a top neighborhood and said Lord I would love one of those houses and I know you will provide.
Then I turned to the next street and said Lord I would even like to live here it's good enough.
A month later we signed the papers on my second choice.
God put me in the favor of a wealthy realtor years before, she knew I was renting so she put me with this seller who was in a hurry to move notth.

God will put people of favor in your path ,you just have to discern if it's God taking you there.

As far as desires the Word says delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.

I desired a new motercycle,I went to test drive 2 good ones,neither one would start or run,their was my sign.
I waited for a while and a elderly man had one for sale that is perfect for me, it had 3000 miles and I bought it for less than half the cost of what he paid for it.
I did not talk him down just paid his asking price and saved 2700 dollsrs.

This may seem shallow for some,but I have learned God will provide for our needs wants and desires,and allow you to be debt free in the process.

I pray that those who are having a hard time with bills seek God's will through understanding of his Word.

If your heart is right toward what you ask for it will come.

James 4:2-3King James Version (KJV)
2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.

3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.

King James Version (KJV)

So many misunderstood this teaching we do not ask a miss because his Spirit will guide us.

Romans: 8. 1. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 2. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. 3. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: 4. That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 5. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. 6. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 7. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. 8. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

It is not carnal to ask for your hearts desire as long as your heart places God above all.

i don't understand this 3 parts

1. God taught him to ask for his needs to be met and money to come where it looked dismal.
This was the foundation of name it and claim it,not in the stupid way we see today.
2. So he learned if he had a need to believe for that need,he tells that often he would need say 80 dollars and the offering would be 120.
3. Oneven account was he needed a new car,so in a church meeting he told the pastor he was going to buy a new car.

maybe comprehension issue on my part, or probably your typos... thanks a lot :D
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now faith

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Jul 31, 2011
Word of Faith
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i don't understand this 3 parts

1. God taught him to ask for his needs to be met and money to come where it looked dismal.
This was the foundation of name it and claim it,not in the stupid way we see today.
2. So he learned if he had a need to believe for that need,he tells that often he would need say 80 dollars and the offering would be 120.
3. One account was he needed a new car,so in a church meeting he told the pastor he was going to buy a new car.

maybe comprehension issue on my part, or probably your typos... thanks a lot :D

Yes I am using a new net book and typos galore, even worse than before!
I corrected the last sentence, it was to say (one).

Kenneth Hagin ,never worried about money : qoute (the money will come) unqoute.

This Faith came to him due to some of the examples I mentioned.

1 God taught him to name his need,that their was nothing wrong with asking God for provision.
2 yes if you need a certain amount God will provide when it seems impossible,the Churches had never given such large offerings to anyone in that day I referred to.
3 This was simply speaking in faith,we walk by faith not by sight.

Sometime in the late 80s or early 90s Kenneth Hagin called a meeting among some of the Preachers he had mentored through the years.
Kenneth Copland was in attendance.
The ministers of that time were saying things like we are going off the air if we don't receive a certain amount of money,in other words they were begging for money.

Hagin corrected them on this matter ,he told them they were not living by faith and begging.

Copland repented admitted he was wrong.

During the 80s PTL gave all ministries a bad name,they begged and cried, it reminded me of the prophets of Baal at the time of Elijah.
We still have to defend our faith over their mishandling of God's Word and abuses that went on.

Name your need,find Scripture to stand on and claim it is yours by faith.

But you will not find air conditioning for dog houses or money to spend on affairs with women in the Bible.
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Let God alone answer through us
Feb 27, 2016
Word of Faith
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I noticed we don't have any stickies or a prayer thread in the Word of Faith sub-forum and I thought it would be great to start a prayer thread, so we can have a space specifically dedicated for lifting one another up in prayer. I would love for us to see God move in all our lives by humbling ourselves and calling out to Him.

Also, most of us spend a lot of time debating in the debate forum and the main forum. Perhaps it would be wise to handle this issue by actively working in the spiritual as well as the natural. We should pray that those we debate with are drawn by the kindness of the Lord and that He will open their eyes and change their hearts. We don't have to call any names on this, but it would be good to remind ourselves to pray for God to continue to draw all of us into unity with one another, especially to reveal to us where we need clarity on all sides concerning what is truly a debatable point.

So, let us cast our cares upon Him, friends, and praise Him for all that He does.

Hey, Mods, can I get this stickied? Thanks. :)

Imo, we are blessed not becz of our humility but becz Jesus humbled-Phillip2:10.

Prayer refers to telling God how & what his Son earned for us on cross & take the blessing as free gift.

Prayer is not humbling but remembering Jesus' works.

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Nov 28, 2009
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God; thanks for immediately and supernaturally setting me free from these charges and cases. Thanks for getting rid of my debts and traffic tickets and all punishments and cleaning my arrest records for nursing school!

Thanks for paying off my Nissan Leaf! Thanks for restoring prosperity in my family's income. Thanks for paying off all our debts and bills. Thanks for giving us clean, organic, paleo and unprocessed vegan food!

Thanks for restoring all my stolen things. Like my iPad, videogames and wallet! Thanks for restoring my clothes and room! restoring my television, videogames, books, vinyl and art and music supplies from all the historical records I collected for historical value! Even all the out of print ones and he ones I never thought I'd have or imagine!

Thanks for healing me of anxiety and depression! Healing my lower back and legs and restoring my hair and my youth in my life and those around me. My family, people I care for and more. Thanks for restoring my income and work and getting into the nursing program. Thanks for restoring all my blessings back.

Thanks for fixing things between Jenna and I. Thanks for healing her and removing her anger and bitterness towards me. Thanks for putting love and care into her heart towards me and loving me back for caring for her too. Despite my ignorance and mistakes.

Thanks for restoring the past 5 years of my life suffering from depression and all the things I went crazy because of Satan and the attacks of his followers. Thanks for healing and restoring me in Jesus name.

Thanks for giving me people who defended me and helped care for me when I was scared alone and helpless and not judge me.
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Nov 28, 2009
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Please provide money and means to bless me with great wealth, health and youth/hair. Please remove my traffic tickets and violations, my debts, legal problems and arbitrary charges, and respect back from my family when they Weren't there for me when I needed them. Turn the nursing boards and school decision to take me in the program in the spring or provide another way for me to go or better I can't see. I can't get into med school due to no job or money no one will hire me and I need your help. Save me from this horrible pit.

I pray my school opens a new program for post grads like me to get my rn license in a year starting this spring and I get selected to get put in it.

Please provide my girlfriend back (I still care and miss her; she's honestly not replaceable), back to karate, jobs with my degree so I can go back to school, money for certifications, help for nursing program and masters program, new car, jobs, my perfect anime, manga, video game, cd and vinyl and film/tv boxset collections and toy figures, music and art supplies, real friends, wealth, tv, computer, tablets, notebooks, eco friendly electric car that's good on gas and miles, etc.

Please provide and give me these things so I can continue on with my life goals and quests in life. Please restore everything Satan took and stole from me, tricked and lost. People stole my car, videogames, iPod and iPad and many things trying to live a good and peaceful life.

Please provide clean organic paleo vegan food everyday and to keep away from bad people, no matter how good they may try to come off. I can't see their hearts or motives but you do and i need your help to guide and direct me my going in and out and beyond.

Please swiftly answer and fulfill my requests in Jesus name. Amen.


Help me to be a better prayer warrior.
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