I would like to ask for 3 prayers if that’s ok

Blaise N

Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2021
Midwest US
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Hi everyone,

I’m reaching out tonight to ask for help.

one is concerning myself and the others are for different situations.

1.)Recently a Walmart distribution warehouse caught fire and sent a pile of smoke thousands of feet into the air.Out of the 1000 employees and firefighters none have been injured.But I’m asking that if anyone can.pray for the company of Walmart and that people still be able to afford products in local Walmarts.

2.)A more serious one,the high school I graduated from recently suffered a tragedy. A 17 year old senior boy was driving down a country road at 80 miles per hour and lost control of his vehicle and was ejected from the vehicle when it rolled over.He was rushed to the most advanced and best trauma hospital in the state in the capital city of my state.He died later Tuesday afternoon.To me it’s unknown if he knew Jesus,let alone accepted him and repented,it troubles me to think on of a 17 year old possibly in hell.Understandably there are many bad teens out there,especially in today’s generation and society.I’ve heard stories of teens my age having sex,doing drugs,underage drinking,smoking,being rebellious,street racing,etc and if they stride along being proud of being unredeemed,then that’s a different story.but to me I don’t know about this boy.I ask for prayers for him also.

3.)Finally,the last one is for myself.So I have received my medicine and it has helped,but I occasionally experience bad small episodes of intrusive thoughts that aren’t severe as badly as they were.Well when i thought all was turning out for the better doing about my evening with my family to dinner after doing a family errand,I told my sister the story of the boy explained above since he and her are in the same grad class and school.And when I was discussing it,I had a thought of imagination the boy(if he hadn’t received Jesus) in hell,and it troubled me to the point where I had more thoughts,of course they are the ones that I hate the most,those being thoughts that sound like they come from an unbeliever,which goes “how can I follow a God who sends a 17 year old to hell” and all of a sudden I was attacked with temptations,feelings(not emotions,b inner feelings),and accusing thoughts of apostasy over sed issuing thought,Even though I feel like I accepted those thoughts,I feel like I’m a cut off Christian,worried in my soul I’m somehow an apostate.Of course I submit myself to the lord and constantly say I repent of it so the Lord knows I won’t ever willfully fall away or abandon him.Now I’ve taken to heart the understanding that nobody is sent to hell,but they choose to go there,and a elder teen has a lot of accountability for right and wrong.And knowingly I know teens are capable of doing equally terrible things that adults can and stride along proclaiming to be unbelievers.But the rationale isn’t important,im asking for prayers that the Lord could grant me 2 things if they be in his will.One I would be very grateful if he could sustain me in faith in him for life and never ever let me fall away(not thag id ever want to,because the thought of falling away terrifies me) and ask that continues to love me.And two that the thoughts thag concern the concept of “innocent” people being sent to hell to make God look unjust be banished from my mind,now that I read it in text,it looks like a plot Satan is using to cause me to distrust God.Of course my anxiety at the moment is calmer than it was earlier but I’m still scared I’m an apostate And scared that I’m an atheist(even though I’m not an unbeliever).The thought that caused such a havoc on me isn’t from me and if it was I’m scared I have a dark heart

If it doesn’t take too much of your time,could you provide prayers for these?


243 God loves me
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You believe in God so be not an atheist, I pray but beware your flesh can’t please God it may be an atheist. And so lord show him that my flesh is evil and without God and everybody has flesh that wants them to do evil and ungodliness. Give confidence oh lord that it is fully within our power not to fall away in what we think are the most terrible trials. You heart sounds innocent enough to me. In Jesus Name.
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William J

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1. I pray that Walmart will still have affordable prices for shoppers even after that financial loss.
2. I pray that the 17-year-old senior is with you, Lord, in Heaven and that you would comfort his friends and family
3. I pray that you would comfort Blaise and take away all disturbing thoughts from him. Let Blaise be reassured of your goodness and mercy. Please reassure Blaise that he is not an apostate.
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Active Member
Oct 30, 2021
United States
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Hi everyone,

I’m reaching out tonight to ask for help.

one is concerning myself and the others are for different situations.

1.)Recently a Walmart distribution warehouse caught fire and sent a pile of smoke thousands of feet into the air.Out of the 1000 employees and firefighters none have been injured.But I’m asking that if anyone can.pray for the company of Walmart and that people still be able to afford products in local Walmarts.

2.)A more serious one,the high school I graduated from recently suffered a tragedy. A 17 year old senior boy was driving down a country road at 80 miles per hour and lost control of his vehicle and was ejected from the vehicle when it rolled over.He was rushed to the most advanced and best trauma hospital in the state in the capital city of my state.He died later Tuesday afternoon.To me it’s unknown if he knew Jesus,let alone accepted him and repented,it troubles me to think on of a 17 year old possibly in hell.Understandably there are many bad teens out there,especially in today’s generation and society.I’ve heard stories of teens my age having sex,doing drugs,underage drinking,smoking,being rebellious,street racing,etc and if they stride along being proud of being unredeemed,then that’s a different story.but to me I don’t know about this boy.I ask for prayers for him also.

3.)Finally,the last one is for myself.So I have received my medicine and it has helped,but I occasionally experience bad small episodes of intrusive thoughts that aren’t severe as badly as they were.Well when i thought all was turning out for the better doing about my evening with my family to dinner after doing a family errand,I told my sister the story of the boy explained above since he and her are in the same grad class and school.And when I was discussing it,I had a thought of imagination the boy(if he hadn’t received Jesus) in hell,and it troubled me to the point where I had more thoughts,of course they are the ones that I hate the most,those being thoughts that sound like they come from an unbeliever,which goes “how can I follow a God who sends a 17 year old to hell” and all of a sudden I was attacked with temptations,feelings(not emotions,b inner feelings),and accusing thoughts of apostasy over sed issuing thought,Even though I feel like I accepted those thoughts,I feel like I’m a cut off Christian,worried in my soul I’m somehow an apostate.Of course I submit myself to the lord and constantly say I repent of it so the Lord knows I won’t ever willfully fall away or abandon him.Now I’ve taken to heart the understanding that nobody is sent to hell,but they choose to go there,and a elder teen has a lot of accountability for right and wrong.And knowingly I know teens are capable of doing equally terrible things that adults can and stride along proclaiming to be unbelievers.But the rationale isn’t important,im asking for prayers that the Lord could grant me 2 things if they be in his will.One I would be very grateful if he could sustain me in faith in him for life and never ever let me fall away(not thag id ever want to,because the thought of falling away terrifies me) and ask that continues to love me.And two that the thoughts thag concern the concept of “innocent” people being sent to hell to make God look unjust be banished from my mind,now that I read it in text,it looks like a plot Satan is using to cause me to distrust God.Of course my anxiety at the moment is calmer than it was earlier but I’m still scared I’m an apostate And scared that I’m an atheist(even though I’m not an unbeliever).The thought that caused such a havoc on me isn’t from me and if it was I’m scared I have a dark heart

If it doesn’t take too much of your time,could you provide prayers for these?
Hi everyone,

I’m reaching out tonight to ask for help.

one is concerning myself and the others are for different situations.

1.)Recently a Walmart distribution warehouse caught fire and sent a pile of smoke thousands of feet into the air.Out of the 1000 employees and firefighters none have been injured.But I’m asking that if anyone can.pray for the company of Walmart and that people still be able to afford products in local Walmarts.

2.)A more serious one,the high school I graduated from recently suffered a tragedy. A 17 year old senior boy was driving down a country road at 80 miles per hour and lost control of his vehicle and was ejected from the vehicle when it rolled over.He was rushed to the most advanced and best trauma hospital in the state in the capital city of my state.He died later Tuesday afternoon.To me it’s unknown if he knew Jesus,let alone accepted him and repented,it troubles me to think on of a 17 year old possibly in hell.Understandably there are many bad teens out there,especially in today’s generation and society.I’ve heard stories of teens my age having sex,doing drugs,underage drinking,smoking,being rebellious,street racing,etc and if they stride along being proud of being unredeemed,then that’s a different story.but to me I don’t know about this boy.I ask for prayers for him also.

3.)Finally,the last one is for myself.So I have received my medicine and it has helped,but I occasionally experience bad small episodes of intrusive thoughts that aren’t severe as badly as they were.Well when i thought all was turning out for the better doing about my evening with my family to dinner after doing a family errand,I told my sister the story of the boy explained above since he and her are in the same grad class and school.And when I was discussing it,I had a thought of imagination the boy(if he hadn’t received Jesus) in hell,and it troubled me to the point where I had more thoughts,of course they are the ones that I hate the most,those being thoughts that sound like they come from an unbeliever,which goes “how can I follow a God who sends a 17 year old to hell” and all of a sudden I was attacked with temptations,feelings(not emotions,b inner feelings),and accusing thoughts of apostasy over sed issuing thought,Even though I feel like I accepted those thoughts,I feel like I’m a cut off Christian,worried in my soul I’m somehow an apostate.Of course I submit myself to the lord and constantly say I repent of it so the Lord knows I won’t ever willfully fall away or abandon him.Now I’ve taken to heart the understanding that nobody is sent to hell,but they choose to go there,and a elder teen has a lot of accountability for right and wrong.And knowingly I know teens are capable of doing equally terrible things that adults can and stride along proclaiming to be unbelievers.But the rationale isn’t important,im asking for prayers that the Lord could grant me 2 things if they be in his will.One I would be very grateful if he could sustain me in faith in him for life and never ever let me fall away(not thag id ever want to,because the thought of falling away terrifies me) and ask that continues to love me.And two that the thoughts thag concern the concept of “innocent” people being sent to hell to make God look unjust be banished from my mind,now that I read it in text,it looks like a plot Satan is using to cause me to distrust God.Of course my anxiety at the moment is calmer than it was earlier but I’m still scared I’m an apostate And scared that I’m an atheist(even though I’m not an unbeliever).The thought that caused such a havoc on me isn’t from me and if it was I’m scared I have a dark heart

If it doesn’t take too much of your time,could you provide prayers for these?
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Active Member
Oct 30, 2021
United States
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Lord Jesus, Blaise N is struggling with turmoil beyond the scope of his ability to manage.
Thank You Jesus for this man's caring soul. I agree in prayer over the Walmart situation. Please have mercy on the soul of the young man tragically killed, needlessly, in a car wreck.
This shows the beautiful soul inside Blaise N. He has a concern for others. This is a wonderful trait.
Please bless, and heal him, as he wrestles with anxiety. For he's Yours. Thank You for his beautiful heart, so easily stirred. Please lift Your child away from thoughts of aposty, and help him to understand Your unending, ceasles love. In Jesus Name... Amen.
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