I Wish I Was a Better Discerner (Any Advice is Welcome)


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Nov 11, 2017
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I keep leaving and returning and leaving and returning to this Forum. This time however, I don't want to get advice from only one specific group at a time. I am very open to advice from any Christian who could help me here. I don't know what I am doing and have honestly been having an identity crisis as of late. Now allow me to explain, some of you already may know bits of my story so I'm gonna condense it some.
Spring 2017 (19 Years Old)
I was a solder in the Salvation Army and was on the path to go to Officer's Training (Seminary for TSA). I was happy and yet didn't realize how little of my faith I knew. I had been raised in a Southern Baptist (Free Will kind) and in the Salvation Army and my family had been attending TSA for the past two years despite having hopped back and forth in my youth.

Summer 2017 (19-20 YO)
I worked at a summer camp and started dating a girl I thought I'd marry. She also felt called into TSA officership (The salvation Army ordains women and men together as couples) and we, like the children we are, sinned out of our lusts of the flesh. Oh God forgive me! After the summer camp we continued our relationship as a long distance relationship but we still sinned throughout. The end of summer I became my TSA church's high school Sunday school teacher. I still felt like everything was going fine.

Fall 2017 (20 YO)
My Junior year of my undergraduate degree in International Studies began and I had to take a course in World Religions. I was ready to defend my faith in debates and papers I thought to myself. I had to purchase a new Bible, the Buddhist Scriptures, one of the Hindu Scripture books, and a Quran. I had an opportunity to truly study other people's beliefs. Little did I know I'd need to study my own. My teacher announced himself as a Roman Catholic (it's a secular university) and he promised not to try and convert people. I scoffed in my mind. No one would ever do that. The RCC is a dead relic of the past full of nonsense is what I pictured. I was also learning Japanese and was the Treasurer of a brand new organization (new to my campus) called Bridges International. I was very excited but we didn't quite start giving them the Gospel at this point. By November my World Religions class made it to Christianity where I had heard about Eastern Orthodoxy for the first time. I noticed similar claims from them that I did the RCC but I got intrigued by the similarity and immediately started to read the book of Acts. I was living in an Apartment up by my University but would go home for church with my family so I could still follow my goals as an officer of the TSA. Studying Acts however, gave me doubts. So much talk of Baptism but TSA doesn't practice any sacraments. Not even communion let alone Baptism. That was the first time I ever saw an issue with what I was teaching. I started a new study in my Sunday school class on Church History to mirror what I was learning. I started with Christians in general and gave a choppy overview of Acts and then went on to explain John Wesley a bit and then William Booth (the Methodist pastor who started TSA). That WR class further challenged my long held beliefs by telling me the Apostles Creed. I didn't know what Creeds were let alone that they existed. I immediately did some quick research and picked up a book from the library on the Nicean Council. I was sold. I emailed the nearest EO church (an hour away and I can't drive) about my various questions. Then came the assignment that fully shattered my identity as a Protestant and future Officer in TSA. We were told in the end of November that if we attended a religious service other than our own and wrote a one page paper on it we could get extra credit. I tried to find a way to the EO Church but couldn't get one. So I gave in. I still hated the RCC, or what I thought it was, but I went to a Saturday Night Mass anyway and was in awestruck wonder. They read more scripture than I had ever heard. They recited the Nicean Creed. They (I think I remember right) recited the Our Father prayer. I did the paper and initially said I would never go again. I went to the Tuesday Morning Mass the very next week of course and that same day had my first of many two hour+ long meetings with the Priest. He was very liberal (I'm pretty conservative on most things asides from the Death Penalty) but his ability to teach was profound. I was hooked.

Winter 2017-2018
I continued being the Sunday School teacher at the TSA but I was also regularly attending Weekday Masses. Me and my girlfriend were still dating and we met up after Christmas for a week and sinned yet again. I wasn't fully convicted of said sin. January 2018 however I would tell the Priest (who had become a great friend) of my sins and while he said I couldn't get the sacrament of confession's grace since I wasn't baptized he would bless me and try to help me out. December through January I was attending Weekday Masses and being a sunday school teacher at a very protestant church and I dropped the title protestant from myself. Then came February. My priest revealed to me his belief that any person who follows their religion, no matter what it was, if they are good they are saved regardless of Jesus Christ being their personal savior. I was shaken to the core yet again. I stopped talking to him and stopped attending Mass. I thought the RCC held to Truth at this point.

Spring 2018
I could subtitle this past semester in two words "Why, God?" My position within Bridges International changed this semester to Vice President and we were finally going to have real Bible Studies with the students. We did just that and I started to feel better about my Protestant life. I was still very much an anti-Calvinist kinda Christian and thought Calvinists were pure wrong despite the majority of my protestant friends being reformed Baptist. Well I was still a Sunday School Teacher and started attending Cru prayer meetings as well as my Bridges meeting and regular Cru meetings. I had to iron out any bit of remaining Catholicism and I would regularly talk down on the beliefs throughout the semester. Despite THIS God brought a new friend into my life. We met in a Biology Lab and hung out every Thursday and were fast friends. She was Catholic. I pretended to my other friends that she didn't exist and would just shush away the rumors that grew that I was dating a new girl (we would walk up to town and buy a donut together and walk to the bookstore discussing so may different things. Plus we were both in relationships so there wasn't any worry of us slipping up and we both stayed completely platonic and clean around each other. I then went to Holy Thursday Mass and Good Friday Mass with her. The priest recognized me and was very kind to me but I still never went back. Not long afterwards my girlfriend and I broke up (April). My family had been kicked out of the local TSA church and me and her realized we had nothing in common other than TSA. When this happened I stopped going with my family to church almost completely. I'd still go to church but they'd be random churches. I almost grew complacent and just attended a nice congregation that didn't go deep into God's Word and let me feel good. That break up ruined me. Towards the end of the semester (May 20-something) I realized that my Catholic friend and I hadn't met up for a few weeks and since it was finals week I messaged her to see how she was one evening and she invited me to her dorm since her friend had left for home already. We found out that both of us had broken up with out SO's on the exact same day without even realizing it. We talked for a couple hours before realizing that a storm had started outside. She offered to let me sleep on her friends bed for the night. I thanked her profusely but we stayed up even longer and listened to Disney songs. (DON'T DO THIS WITH A PRETTY GIRL). I don't know why, but I kissed her She kissed me back and we admitted that we liked each other but we both knew/know that it can't work. She's a practicing Catholic and I'm sorta kinda a Protestant. We talked until we fell asleep, fully clothed, but woke up realizing that I was holding her in my arms. I woke her up and apologized and swore that I didn't mean to fall asleep with her but she just smiled and said she fell asleep after I did. That next day I felt horrible. We talked a bit before I went back to my apartment. I prayed for forgiveness and felt the need to talk to my closest friend, the worship leader for Cru. I told him that me and a catholic girl liked each other but I didn't go into detail. He explained to me the whole unequally yoked stuff and I agreed. At this point I thought I knew RCC was wrong. I started going to a PCA Presbyterian Church the next Sunday (I've grown to appreciate Calvinism a lot more) and have been going since then. I love the Church family there and have been asked to go through membership classes. This brings me to my Summer troubles.

I want to be Baptized. So I took the membership notebook study guide and began to pour over it. Of course now is the time when all my Catholic thoughts get pushed into my mind. I had to be honest to a new friend from my new church by telling him that had I gone to a conservative parish I would be a catechumen right now. I know God is calling me to further study His Word and Him. I delight now in reading everyday from the Bible and listening to sermons all the time for my free time

I just don't know what God wants me to do. I love the Lord my God with all my Heart Mind and Soul and want to devote every fiber of my being to me but does He intend for me to cross the Tiber or uphold the Westminster.

If I became Catholic I'd lose all of my friends and possibly my Family. I'd lose the ministry I have with Bridges. And that Catholic girl has not talked to me since that day and she never leaves my mind. I have another two months before I go back to University for my senior year. I want to go to Seminary afterwards to study Theology. But am I really a Protestant? Or am I a closet Catholic?

Thank you for reading my long post and may God bless you!
Soli Deo Gloria!


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Aug 8, 2014
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Eastern Orthodox
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I keep leaving and returning and leaving and returning to this Forum. This time however, I don't want to get advice from only one specific group at a time. I am very open to advice from any Christian who could help me here. I don't know what I am doing and have honestly been having an identity crisis as of late. Now allow me to explain, some of you already may know bits of my story so I'm gonna condense it some.
Spring 2017 (19 Years Old)
I was a solder in the Salvation Army and was on the path to go to Officer's Training (Seminary for TSA). I was happy and yet didn't realize how little of my faith I knew. I had been raised in a Southern Baptist (Free Will kind) and in the Salvation Army and my family had been attending TSA for the past two years despite having hopped back and forth in my youth.

Summer 2017 (19-20 YO)
I worked at a summer camp and started dating a girl I thought I'd marry. She also felt called into TSA officership (The salvation Army ordains women and men together as couples) and we, like the children we are, sinned out of our lusts of the flesh. Oh God forgive me! After the summer camp we continued our relationship as a long distance relationship but we still sinned throughout. The end of summer I became my TSA church's high school Sunday school teacher. I still felt like everything was going fine.

Fall 2017 (20 YO)
My Junior year of my undergraduate degree in International Studies began and I had to take a course in World Religions. I was ready to defend my faith in debates and papers I thought to myself. I had to purchase a new Bible, the Buddhist Scriptures, one of the Hindu Scripture books, and a Quran. I had an opportunity to truly study other people's beliefs. Little did I know I'd need to study my own. My teacher announced himself as a Roman Catholic (it's a secular university) and he promised not to try and convert people. I scoffed in my mind. No one would ever do that. The RCC is a dead relic of the past full of nonsense is what I pictured. I was also learning Japanese and was the Treasurer of a brand new organization (new to my campus) called Bridges International. I was very excited but we didn't quite start giving them the Gospel at this point. By November my World Religions class made it to Christianity where I had heard about Eastern Orthodoxy for the first time. I noticed similar claims from them that I did the RCC but I got intrigued by the similarity and immediately started to read the book of Acts. I was living in an Apartment up by my University but would go home for church with my family so I could still follow my goals as an officer of the TSA. Studying Acts however, gave me doubts. So much talk of Baptism but TSA doesn't practice any sacraments. Not even communion let alone Baptism. That was the first time I ever saw an issue with what I was teaching. I started a new study in my Sunday school class on Church History to mirror what I was learning. I started with Christians in general and gave a choppy overview of Acts and then went on to explain John Wesley a bit and then William Booth (the Methodist pastor who started TSA). That WR class further challenged my long held beliefs by telling me the Apostles Creed. I didn't know what Creeds were let alone that they existed. I immediately did some quick research and picked up a book from the library on the Nicean Council. I was sold. I emailed the nearest EO church (an hour away and I can't drive) about my various questions. Then came the assignment that fully shattered my identity as a Protestant and future Officer in TSA. We were told in the end of November that if we attended a religious service other than our own and wrote a one page paper on it we could get extra credit. I tried to find a way to the EO Church but couldn't get one. So I gave in. I still hated the RCC, or what I thought it was, but I went to a Saturday Night Mass anyway and was in awestruck wonder. They read more scripture than I had ever heard. They recited the Nicean Creed. They (I think I remember right) recited the Our Father prayer. I did the paper and initially said I would never go again. I went to the Tuesday Morning Mass the very next week of course and that same day had my first of many two hour+ long meetings with the Priest. He was very liberal (I'm pretty conservative on most things asides from the Death Penalty) but his ability to teach was profound. I was hooked.

Winter 2017-2018
I continued being the Sunday School teacher at the TSA but I was also regularly attending Weekday Masses. Me and my girlfriend were still dating and we met up after Christmas for a week and sinned yet again. I wasn't fully convicted of said sin. January 2018 however I would tell the Priest (who had become a great friend) of my sins and while he said I couldn't get the sacrament of confession's grace since I wasn't baptized he would bless me and try to help me out. December through January I was attending Weekday Masses and being a sunday school teacher at a very protestant church and I dropped the title protestant from myself. Then came February. My priest revealed to me his belief that any person who follows their religion, no matter what it was, if they are good they are saved regardless of Jesus Christ being their personal savior. I was shaken to the core yet again. I stopped talking to him and stopped attending Mass. I thought the RCC held to Truth at this point.

Spring 2018
I could subtitle this past semester in two words "Why, God?" My position within Bridges International changed this semester to Vice President and we were finally going to have real Bible Studies with the students. We did just that and I started to feel better about my Protestant life. I was still very much an anti-Calvinist kinda Christian and thought Calvinists were pure wrong despite the majority of my protestant friends being reformed Baptist. Well I was still a Sunday School Teacher and started attending Cru prayer meetings as well as my Bridges meeting and regular Cru meetings. I had to iron out any bit of remaining Catholicism and I would regularly talk down on the beliefs throughout the semester. Despite THIS God brought a new friend into my life. We met in a Biology Lab and hung out every Thursday and were fast friends. She was Catholic. I pretended to my other friends that she didn't exist and would just shush away the rumors that grew that I was dating a new girl (we would walk up to town and buy a donut together and walk to the bookstore discussing so may different things. Plus we were both in relationships so there wasn't any worry of us slipping up and we both stayed completely platonic and clean around each other. I then went to Holy Thursday Mass and Good Friday Mass with her. The priest recognized me and was very kind to me but I still never went back. Not long afterwards my girlfriend and I broke up (April). My family had been kicked out of the local TSA church and me and her realized we had nothing in common other than TSA. When this happened I stopped going with my family to church almost completely. I'd still go to church but they'd be random churches. I almost grew complacent and just attended a nice congregation that didn't go deep into God's Word and let me feel good. That break up ruined me. Towards the end of the semester (May 20-something) I realized that my Catholic friend and I hadn't met up for a few weeks and since it was finals week I messaged her to see how she was one evening and she invited me to her dorm since her friend had left for home already. We found out that both of us had broken up with out SO's on the exact same day without even realizing it. We talked for a couple hours before realizing that a storm had started outside. She offered to let me sleep on her friends bed for the night. I thanked her profusely but we stayed up even longer and listened to Disney songs. (DON'T DO THIS WITH A PRETTY GIRL). I don't know why, but I kissed her She kissed me back and we admitted that we liked each other but we both knew/know that it can't work. She's a practicing Catholic and I'm sorta kinda a Protestant. We talked until we fell asleep, fully clothed, but woke up realizing that I was holding her in my arms. I woke her up and apologized and swore that I didn't mean to fall asleep with her but she just smiled and said she fell asleep after I did. That next day I felt horrible. We talked a bit before I went back to my apartment. I prayed for forgiveness and felt the need to talk to my closest friend, the worship leader for Cru. I told him that me and a catholic girl liked each other but I didn't go into detail. He explained to me the whole unequally yoked stuff and I agreed. At this point I thought I knew RCC was wrong. I started going to a PCA Presbyterian Church the next Sunday (I've grown to appreciate Calvinism a lot more) and have been going since then. I love the Church family there and have been asked to go through membership classes. This brings me to my Summer troubles.

I want to be Baptized. So I took the membership notebook study guide and began to pour over it. Of course now is the time when all my Catholic thoughts get pushed into my mind. I had to be honest to a new friend from my new church by telling him that had I gone to a conservative parish I would be a catechumen right now. I know God is calling me to further study His Word and Him. I delight now in reading everyday from the Bible and listening to sermons all the time for my free time

I just don't know what God wants me to do. I love the Lord my God with all my Heart Mind and Soul and want to devote every fiber of my being to me but does He intend for me to cross the Tiber or uphold the Westminster.

If I became Catholic I'd lose all of my friends and possibly my Family. I'd lose the ministry I have with Bridges. And that Catholic girl has not talked to me since that day and she never leaves my mind. I have another two months before I go back to University for my senior year. I want to go to Seminary afterwards to study Theology. But am I really a Protestant? Or am I a closet Catholic?

Thank you for reading my long post and may God bless you!
Soli Deo Gloria!
I don’t have any advice right now for you, but am very happy to see you back, and wanted to let you know that I have been keeping you in my daily prayers since our last interactions. I will think about and pray about your issues and try to come up with some thoughts.
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Nov 11, 2017
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God hates graven images. Just take a look inside of a catholic building and what do you see? statues- all over the place
God hates graven images? He must've hated the arc of the covenant and His temple. Oh and the brass snake. It's a bit more complicated than what you are saying. We shouldn't worship any man made thing. that's the major issue. OR are you saying that all sculpters are evil? What about photographers?
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Jun 16, 2018
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Understand what baptism really is:
When you fully surrender your life to Christ and you pray to Jesus to forgive you of all your sins, that you lay your life down at his feet as a living sacrifice, and that you give him your past, present and future, and you ask him to write your name in the Lambs book of life, and to fill you with His Holy Spirit and to refine you with his fire, then you become born again. You are baptized in His Holy Spirit, you are sealed by the Blood of the Lamb. That is what it means to be baptized. You have become reconnected to God in the Spirit. You have been anointed. You are now a Saint. Every single disciple is a saint. You are cleansed of your all your sin. Then sanctification begins, the refining process. It will be the most brutal time in your life. Taking every thought captive, learning to kill the old man, the old way of life and to walk in newness of life as the new man. You will have massive spiritual warfare. It all starts in the mind, when you win there, you will win in your members, and your body can be used as an instrument of righteousness. You are a vessel of God to do His will and not your own. You will give testimony that Jesus is Lord and Saviour and not love your life to the very death. Thats what it means to surrender fully to God.

Water baptism is usually the next step a disciple takes to simply show to other people that they are now a follower of Jesus.

You need the Holy Spirit to Lead you,

John 14:26 25
All this I have spoken to you while I am still with you. 26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you.

2Peter 1:21 21For no prophecy was ever brought about through human initiative, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

You simply cannot understand any scripture without the Lords Anointing.
Job 32:8 But there is a spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty, that gives him understanding.

I would suggest, first and foremost, take everything to the Word of God, his word is unfailing, and absolute truth. Study to Shew yourself approved.
1) learn your identity in Christ Jesus.
2) What you have been saved from (read debt 28:which list every curse he has taken from you, when you understand what you have been saved from, you will see miracles healing). By the strips of Jesus you have been saved.
3)And Understand that you are made in Gods image and how you give glory to Jesus.

In the beginning Elohim (God) created the heaven and the earth. Get 1:1

Elohim is singular plural.
The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
3 Persons, but 1 God

Man is made in Gods image, we too have 3 parts but are one, we have a mind/soul, a body, and a spirit. When man fell in sin his spirit died, and we lost connection to God. But when we put our faith in Jesus Christ, and ask to be filled with his Spirit, we become born again.

I am in the Lord, and my Father is in me.
Jesus is the GREAT I AM, and I am (you and me) a servant of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

A man gives glory to Jesus by representing Jesus,
A woman gives glory to Jesus by representing Jerusalem, the Church, the body of Christ.

Jesus is the head of the man, and the man is the head of the woman.

Next, pray to the Lord to ask what his will is for you and the woman you have desired to have a relationship with. I would not do anything further without knowing Gods will. Pray, and wait for His Response.
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Nov 11, 2017
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What a long post. When you can simply this then you will be lot closer to understanding.
How about this:

I, a wretched sinner who did not know my own faith, relied on my upbringing to be all I needed and thus stayed in the kiddie pool. When shown that Christendom is bigger than I thought I got very excited and dove into the deep end and found some old relics of the past. I clung to those relics until I saw a blemish to which I responded by tossing them back into the water. Now I swim in the comfortable hot tub but stare longingly at the deep end and the relics just beneath the surface. Oh and there are sharks swimming between me and the deep end so it's kinda scary.

I'm sorry I made such a long post I was mostly trying to show the backstory to why I'm having troubles. I've written three major posts in the past year on this journey of mine and this one condenses those into one and asks for advice from anyone.
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I'm a little confused by your saying you will lose your ministry.... can you explain in detail just what that is? When a person is intimate with another without being married, attending various churches looking for faith... while teaching others---something-- is that really a ministry? Think about it. Pray about what God wants you to be before you get mixed up with your own family life. Paul became single for a reason and he wished all to be as he was (not divorced but single)... because then you focus upon GOD.

You need to be whom you are going to be before you attach yourself to someone. They aren't supposed to "complete" you but "complement" you (not compliment you, but they do that too) :)

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Nov 11, 2017
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I'm a little confused by your saying you will lose your ministry.... can you explain in detail just what that is? When a person is intimate with another without being married, attending various churches looking for faith... while teaching others---something-- is that really a ministry? Think about it. Pray about what God wants you to be before you get mixed up with your own family life. Paul became single for a reason and he wished all to be as he was (not divorced but single)... because then you focus upon GOD.

You need to be whom you are going to be before you attach yourself to someone. They aren't supposed to "complete" you but "complement" you (not compliment you, but they do that too) :)

I mean with Bridges. I'm a leader in that organization and I mean I'd lose the ability to be a part of it. In fact I'm pretty sure I'd be tossed out of Cru as well. I honestly don't want to be with the girl especially after the past month and a half of silence which just worries me. I don't want to lose the chance to help the diaspora of international students at my school. Whether I become Catholic or Presbyterian I will always let the Gospel be known to whoever will listen and this is a great opportunity with Bridges that I'd be giving up.
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joshua 1 9

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This more of a Mormon belief but they believe there are two priesthoods. Aaron and Melchizedek. You have to decide how committed you want to be and how much you are willing to sacrifice for holiness and sanctification to serve God. This has to do with the oath you are willing to take and the covenant you want to be a part of. From what you said you do not want to follow the commandments and the ordinances to be qualified to be a part of the Melchizedek Priesthood. The Melchizedek Priesthood goes back to Abraham and from there back to Adam.
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Nov 11, 2017
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This more of a Mormon belief but they believe there are two priesthoods. Aaron and Melchizedek. You have to decide how committed you want to be and how much you are willing to sacrifice for holiness and sanctification to serve God. This has to do with the oath you are willing to take and the covenant you want to be a part of. From what you said you do not want to follow the commandments and the ordinances to be qualified to be a part of the Melchizedek Priesthood. The Melchizedek Priesthood goes back to Abraham and from there back to Adam.
I hate to get so very off base but isn't Aaron's priesthood over now. The Melchizedek Priesthood is the one that Jesus is the High Priest of right now and forevermore. I'm honestly not sure what I want. I don't really care what I want anymore though. I want to do the will of God but I am afraid of losing my friends. If the RCC is right about celibacy of the priesthood (which according to the epistle to Titus it is not) then that is something to study as well.
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Nov 11, 2017
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Mormonism isn't Christian. Your post is Mormonism and really not something that belongs here.
I really hope you are talking to the commenter and not my post as a whole or I'm very very confused
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Rescued One

...yet not I, but the grace of God that is with me
Dec 12, 2002
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I hate to get so very off base but isn't Aaron's priesthood over now. The Melchizedek Priesthood is the one that Jesus is the High Priest of right now and forevermore. I'm honestly not sure what I want. I don't really care what I want anymore though. I want to do the will of God but I am afraid of losing my friends. If the RCC is right about celibacy of the priesthood (which according to the epistle to Titus it is not) then that is something to study as well.

I understand where you are coming from. I looked into Catholicism before I jumped into Mormonism. I took a tour of Italy and went to the Sistine chapel. Throngs of people were walking past the statue of St. Peter and kissing its feet. The toes were worn down from kisses. I had studied with a priest who told me that stealing something cheap from a store was a venial sin compared to a mortal sin of stealing food from a poor family. I later realized that God didn't say that. He said, "Don't steal." Pray about your decision and keep studying the Bible. I'll pray for you also.
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Nov 16, 2011
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I mean with Bridges. I'm a leader in that organization and I mean I'd lose the ability to be a part of it. In fact I'm pretty sure I'd be tossed out of Cru as well. I honestly don't want to be with the girl especially after the past month and a half of silence which just worries me. I don't want to lose the chance to help the diaspora of international students at my school. Whether I become Catholic or Presbyterian I will always let the Gospel be known to whoever will listen and this is a great opportunity with Bridges that I'd be giving up.

I'm not trying to decide for you, btw, I'm playing the devil's advocate. IMO you are too young to be giving international students advice on the purpose of life and such, when you aren't sure yourself. I understand that the young people coming here may identify with you and your age, and there is nothing wrong with helping them find resources while here, and of course you share the gospel with them...but you are not settled in what you believe yourself... how can you provide guidance?

You're pretty high up in that group? Ok. What of your struggles do they know? Are you secretive or are you open and are they accepting or are they helping you get your mind and spirit straight?

Why would the organization toss you out?
It's volunteer or paid?
I don't understand that someone high up in the organization leaves it for a bit cannot return, isn't still valuable to them???

You need to have some security in your life but not under such duress! Your home life is a wreck, your school life is--- what? where? , your spiritual life is waivering, your career path is uncertain...

If you are staying with Bridges, can you also find some place to land for a bit, and become more stable in your faith? That's key to your future. If you spend all your time in relationships with girls (hey, I know it's important to you) and much time in an organization to help other questioning youth, when will you have time to study and find out what it is that GOD wants you to do?

Praying for you. :prayer:
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joshua 1 9

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I hate to get so very off base but isn't Aaron's priesthood over now.
There is no temple, so we have to know how the Old Covenant applies to the New Covenant. Some call this shadow and types. 1Peter2:9 "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." The Holy Spirit is to be our Guide and Teacher to lead us in the way we are to go. Also the angels are able to read the book of our life so that can help us.
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joshua 1 9

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May 11, 2015
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Mormonism isn't Christian. Your post is Mormonism and really not something that belongs here.
The discussion has to do with our priesthood. WE read about this in Peter and Moses talks about the Priesthood.
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