I want to quit piracy


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Nov 14, 2004
But I can not make up for all the times I pirated. Not too many times but enough to be worth alot. I can only do as jesus said sin no more but is more required. I pirated some sega saturn games because the prices now are too expensive on ebay. Anyway I did not find too much fun anyway as I expected. I want encouragement if i am doing all that is necessary or do I have to make alot of money to pay it all back. I dont think so which is why jesus gave parable teaching people to forgive others debt if they repent just as christ forgives and christ forgives us when we owe a debt we can not pay back. Also what if one was on the streets and could not get himself off the streets to find a job unless he sells illegal games but he got off and is now making money. Does he need to sell all money he made and be back on streets?
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Richard T

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I always thought that in some way everyone was a hypocrite. It is impossible to drive for instance perfectly. Many speed and do wrong things willfully. Some do not even pull over for an ambulance. So, we are all sinners. Your piracy is wrong and it was willful. Praise God that you have repented. Your conscience seems better than most and I personally do not think that you need to repay the gaming software companies or Sega. Just accept God's mercy and move on. The Old Testament way was proverbs 6 (below). When Jesus was with the adulteress who was almost stoned, he wrote something on the rock, I wish we knew what that was but the woman was sent home and not stoned. Jesus sometimes would say go and sin no more as well.

There are some that might talk about fruits. John the Baptist said to repent and bear fruits worthy of repentance. What are those fruits? It seems to me that they are a change of heart to do things right for the future.
Here is what one source writes. "The fruits of repentance are simply good works or fruits of righteousness that one produces when one truly repents of their sins and becomes saved. And these fruits are only possible through genuine conversion of the heart in Christ which results in a new heart that produces these fruits." https://www.patriotledger.com/story/lifestyle/faith/2012/03/31/luke-3-fruits-repentance/

Praise God, go and sin no more, the matter is settled, your sins are forgiven.

I had a revelation once when an employer messed up my benefits. I was pretty mad too. Then God reminded me where I was not perfectly honest on my attendance record. At that moment I just dropped the complaint. In a way God showed me my sin and provided for an equalization of what was really owed.

Just like the ethical dilemma you posted, you too can work on your faith to trust God for finances. Let him show you ways to earn. To take this situation a step further, the time you waste on games might also be a place to work on. Yes, you can have fun, but you do not need the best and greatest games. Live within your means and give some of that time toward God.

I think that a believer on the streets needs to trust God for a way out too. God bless!

Proverbs 6:30-31
People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his hunger when he is starving.
31 Yet if he is caught, he must pay sevenfold, though it costs him all the wealth of his house.
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Nov 14, 2004
I have to confess I did start to download illegally some movies as they are from the 1990s and I felt I should not have to pay for all movies I want to watch but I never watched the movies I downloaded that I didn't pay for and I feel guilty and will stop. I realise I can live without though it is uncomfortable as I want to see more things which I can not afford I should learn to be content with just what I can afford. It is going to be hard as some things could help a person if he gets free such as software not to afford but I must stay on the narrow path.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe is important to repent by ceasing sin as sins such as illegal downloads which is theft which bible actually condemns and to seek to try to make a notable contribution of restitution for sins you are aware of when you can though can not make up whole amount for they are also commanded by the Master to be merciful that they should not ask whole amount to be repaid just as christ forgave them of debts they could not pay and work so you can give some and hopefully more later but is not possible to be perfect to repent of all sin in this life.

Actually only is required to cease from sin as just as christ freely forgave full amount must also forgive others but you can not judge to hold it against person and still seek some compensation but is not required to be saved just as the righteous thief was saved for making resitution takes time one may not be able to do and is not required for one is saved only by repentance to be sorry to turn from sin in a moment but such is required to be saved on death to seek to do what is possible only.
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