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I have this feeling I should obey this


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Nov 14, 2004
I decided it is not right to put obstacles since it is not right to judge people according to what is not practical to need to keep selling all possesions but still to be safe I think if rich since need to be rich in good works should give more than tithe to be like zaccheous who not only restored those he cheated but gave half of possesions but I think should give more that is not for needs of family and yourself but must give to family as family would be considered poor if neglected them can consider them to provide their needs and I think including in clothing when Paul says food and clothing we shall be content is also an education to serve in some way and also to give them some time for leisue as Paul says he richly gives us all things to enjoy that we can enjoy some things to have leisure but not too much as must be rich in good works. But if others are worried they can sell most things.
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Nov 14, 2004
Actually I think is safe to trust God not to worry about tommorow to give away all your money to the poor which includes to your family and youself just for your needs such as food and clothing which includes all medical needs today that your job is to preach gospel but if you had an education you can serve God for free and is not wrong to get education after you do so for church to support to do so but if they dont to work and your possesions can be donated to family that you have no possesions now but you seek to live just to serve God in a career for free after you qualify and as Jesus says carry neither knapsack that a worker is worthy of his food you work by preaching the gospel and church should supply but if not you find a job to trust God to supply you. That is good to be safe but it may be it is ok just to give alot to be considered rich in good works though even that may not be possible that as bible says any can be saved you only need to seek to give money to a charity and maybe sufficient to provide evidence in your will and if not able to post a video to others where you record or someone records you saying your will if possible to post it somewhere all see you want it to be distributed to many otherwise if not able to call on the Lord is sufficient but you may die when not seeking to and if you didnt it will be done.

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Nov 14, 2004
I am not saying not to work especially if you are married for your children need as bible says he who provides not for his own is worse than an unbeliever but only must supply their needs now and give to others and can keep working as far as they have needs that you have not yet found church to provide.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe judgement should be left to christ not to take risk that everyone should receive Christ as Lord and saviour for the Law was our tutor to bring us to christ for if we keep whole law and stumble in one point we have broken all. For we need to trust in the finished work of christ to cover us at all times as we always have sin and we can not repay as though our works of change can make up for it except what christ has done which must be the meaning of billy graham saying we can not earn one minute of heaven to mean our trust must be in christ finished work for forgiveness of sins to make up for our sins and not as though we are also made worthy to be able to perfectly satisfy a law for we will always have sin and christ sees it if not His righteousness we trust and none of ourselves.

We are saved by christ in accepting Him we must now only do what is possible now as billy graham says here must surrender but we do not earn any salvation as though what we did before makes us worthy but as Paul says now that we are saved as billy graham must have meant before after we are saved without works if there is no chance to do we do works to show we are christian by our works that we seek to do what is possible and as Paul says in Romans 3:31 that we must now live as those who truly accepted christ. One can go to bed at night assured as long as there is no one who he knows that was placed in his path or sought his help that desperately needs help that you know for sure is real that you are able to help for the bible says God prepared beforehand the works we are to follow so it means He ensures the need is brought to one attention.

Hebrews 10:14
For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.

Romans 3:31
Do we then make void the law through faith? Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the law.

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Nov 14, 2004
It is my mistake to support divisions to give wrong view of christ to others I was only concerned because others preached to make me concerned but now I realise it is wrong to support what is unjust to others that does not help edify many people and should not distract people from what is most important to share christ in one own way may be sufficient but should preach to share christ by preaching incase and as will help more and to be loving and if others want they can follow church if they think it will help them.
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Nov 14, 2004
As much as I want to preach hope and I do believe it is right to hope for all who believed and followed christ according to how they thought is acceptable if it is it is right to leave judgement to christ to follow christ commandments to preach and the rich should be rich in good works to tithe atleast if not have much but otherwise do more to be rich in good works as the bible says and says also to make friends of unrighteous mammon that should give most money if you have alot enough stored for needs of children for education and medical needs and to provide them a house and if not rich can work to save for such needs but often also store some to give to poor and those not rich but have possesions should sell much of their possesions to owners of house for a price it is owners of house that must sell it to others and not lay up treasure to fulfill what christ said to sell what you have for all to be rich in good works. But anyone can be saved if he turns to christ as He said I will cast out none if person just calls on christ if that is all he is able to do but should seek to do what is possible now incase one dies not seeking and that may not be all necessary so should teach may be saved without works but to do incase it is required.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided I would follow the orthodox church to confess and have communion among priests to accept orthodox as fullness of truth among priests if there are that accept me as I am to accept all christians that follow what is essential in word of God and also go to other churches that if I marry an orthodox and they dont let me commune in orthodox church then just my wife can and children if have can too if they want for also if they refuse to marry me not following orthodox beliefs which is wrong as they did not with others I seek one to marry just in another church then she can follow orthodox church if she wants that it is wrong to break up a marriage according to jesus even if it was not in the church and the church I think agrees or then you know it is false not according to jesus but I know now it would since paul said if a believer has unbelieving spouse let not divorce them.
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Sep 20, 2018
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Some people want to exclude people as though it is ever too late for those who did not join a church to know things definitely. Perhaps it will be too late for us if we don’t just join a church to know so we are survivors of the plagues

but it seems God would not exclude people who don’t know and this word applies to us all unless it only applies for survivors of the plagues who will then know what is the truth

Revelations 22:17
And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.
Ex satanist John Ramirez saved from it saying he used to attack Christians especially and said he could get to everyone easily, except for those who had a relationship with jesus and were living holy lives. That it didn't matter what denominations they were. At all. This is what he said
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe the easiest path to go directly to heaven and to please God is to be single for the kingdom of heaven sake to serve it that that is what christ said that some have made themselves eunuch for the kingdom of heaven sake that you can still be saved if you marry but such a path is less fruitful and makes it harder to reach heaven directly if you die before getting married if you are distracted by earthly cares or to go to heaven at all incase seeking to preach when it is possible is required whether married or not though it may be sufficient to just acknowledge christ before some and there being evidence one was christian to preach to them afterwards by action and not deny when asked ever to die that way not repenting to do what one can or to die because of that which may be too late to repent so I think is better for me to be single to focus on christ and reaching others with gospel and going to heaven directly.
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Nov 14, 2004
Ex satanist John Ramirez saved from it saying he used to attack Christians especially and said he could get to everyone easily, except for those who had a relationship with jesus and were living holy lives. That it didn't matter what denominations they were. At all. This is what he said

I agree the devil attacks everyone no matter the denomination if we dont live holy but does not mean all denominations are acceptable that im not sure he is saying that that I dont take what everyone says as doctrine but the word of God for though I am happy John Ramirez left satanism and become christian sometimes people add their own words afterwards I dont know or maybe had an experience that satan can lie and not everything he says is true for some denominations teach false gospels.

For everyone that follow the essentials in the word of God is accepted because God judges based on heart and the truth of person state to judge with justice which is the reason Paul said whoever seeks to be justified by old testament law that is obsolete not needed as is not moral is under a curse because it means one thinks to add to christ righteousness with law that is not needed not moral not to do just what He said.

For in new covenant old laws are not needed and perhaps the old covenant required to observe all the laws not for salvation but to preserve from temporary punishment for all broke some but were only punished for some sins but never made them acceptable that they were promised salvation by trusting in messiah to come and though I dont believe baptism and communion is required for salvation because of justice it is not an old law.

For christ may have had purpose to command them to show His power and some think to also submit to church teachings perhaps believing christ wanted a certain church for some reason but I dont see why but they may believe their teachers to trust there is a reason they dont know why and I believe christ understands.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe since we know any can be saved it is not right to put burdens to teach that you need to do works such as sell most of money or to seek to give away possesions that is just for the sake of laying hold of eternal life to enter upon death for salvation is a free gift as Paul said not of works lest any boast though all repentant believers satisfy matthew 25 for faith would have come with some works to accept christ in another believer who was stranger who preached gospel and other people who were sick naked in prison believers were only placed before others to care for that they know about christ to accept Him so is done unto Him but we are His workmanship for works that we should do and do to many in need to be saved on death. But is necessary to repent of sin as Paul says dont you know you are that one slave which you obey whether sin leading to death or of obedience leading to righteousness meaning sin leads to death if you die while planning sin or in sin before you call on the Lord.

And I think we should preach often that it is required to be saved on death but to be saved we must only seek to confess christ before men that others did know that that is not considered a work as though doing good that you are worthy but is required to be worthy because christ wants that others know and so should atleast be willing and you never denied christ or if did you sought to confess to another after for God judges the heart but you could die before having chance to call on christ in repentance or it could lead to death that I dont know if it does that christ will accept so one is profitable servant but even if one cant one is accepted if one repents for we see the person who buried his talent was not condemned because he was not profitable but out of his mouth because he was not repentant. If others are worried they can seek to sell much possesions and do many good to be saved but I trust christ works are not needed that I should not put burden.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe to be safe should not take risk that should seek to be profitable servant to preach though can be accepted at any time if not at moment of death to do what can even if call on the Lord and one should seek to do good works to those in need to be safe if rich and also to be safe though may not be necessary even if not rich to seek to give alms even if you did not do much before just necessary to seek to do what you can at anytime
And what works you see you can do which God prepared beforehand
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided to use my time now to prove the truth that I will seek to accept the catholic church according to what they say now assuming you need to be catechumen to be saved and if not able whatever they say which I dont know for I know all can be saved just to explore to see if that is true and if not proven not support divisions but others can follow that is sufficient to seek last rites if they want to follow that.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided I will not seek to follow catholic church as I see it is unreasonable that you can never know if you are fully catholic as they require so much rules and preparation to be catholic that you could fail it many times in some aspect to make big delay and after you to have grace to know you are catholic they require too much above word of God than to be faithful catholic so I know it is not true but if anyone wants he can try to follow.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided to accept orthodox church as fullness but that others can be saved to confirm if can enlighten one to full path of how others are saved even without the church but to be perfected in the church.I am not going to follow catholic church but if one wants one can follow the below if worried about true teaching that is understandable if want to be strict to follow the whole process of rcia though heard if one baptised orthodox one does not need to but may not trust but could accept anyway to test and try to follow what they say just to join church incase shows truth if chrismated just incase to know you did what you could to prove it is not true and at same time accepting if it is according atleast to what they teach now to show truth anyway even if not follow church fully later but if others are worried they can be catechumens incase required though if cant can do something only some priest should know but may not be required that may be enough to just seek to have last rites even if not possible if you kept making effort to.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided to be able to prove truth to know the whole way to fully follow the orthodox church in its beliefs just to know if can prove the truth and to be safe but does not mean I know it is the only path but good to follow to be safe especially if following another church or catholic church it does not prove it is the way and I will seek christ if can show the full way for others to be saved. I will still visit other churches but follow orthodox church and seek to tell others I follow if they talk to me that I think is right that they can try but they dont have to leave their church completely.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided I would follow catholic church instead as I have already been baptised orthodox and if I want I can follow orthodox church but I will go to test catholic church to be catechumen to try to obey what they say remembering I can do all things through christ who strengthens me that I will accept to be catechumen incase that I will accept it as truth unless proven later false and then seek rebaptism from one who will hopefully understand and if not atleast seek to be chrismated unless they allow.

Jeremiah 29:13
And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.
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Nov 14, 2004
I change my mind that I decided to trust God not to follow catholic church to focus on preaching the gospel and teaching to obey christ as I understand it and seeking better understanding if my understanding is too much addition to what actually needs to be done but for now to teach to obey as I believe but if others are worried they can follow catholic church.
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