I admit it. So sue me.


I try as hard as I can.
Nov 9, 2003
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Alright, I have a confession to make, board. It's a few things I have on my mind, that I want to say, and that I would like input/comments on.

Out of all the bad things I'm about to say about myself, this may be the only good thing you hear: I'm probably one of the only guys you'll hear about be this honest.

I'm really sick and tired of being fat, so I just bought Xenadrine the other day. I intend on using that, and when I get energy from it, I'll exercize. One of the main reasons I'm doing it is for the very reason people tell me not to: to look attractive for my future wife, whoever that may be. Sure, I want to be in shape and be healthy, but I want to be attractive for that woman, and if anyone has a problem with that, I'm sorry. I don't see anything wrong with that. But there is a problem that lies behind that: my lust issues. Dealing with porn/etc for years, I have crammed into my brain a higher standard of a girl that I want. She has to be beautiful (or at least to me). Not necessarily a model, but a very attractive woman. Yes, I admit it...and I know women are gonna hate me for it---so be it. It is my fault, but I'm stuck with it. So therefore, I figure I should at least lose weight (go from 275 to 190 or so) so I can at least please her back with a good looking body, so I don't come off as being selfish. I could never see a girl being sexually attracted to me. I look disgusting with my shirt off alone. My friend makes fun of me for it, and girls aren't interested. It's so obvious. Being fat screws you out of a lot of things:

  • Looking "intense" as my friend put it (in shape)
  • Defined face
  • Flat stomach/normal sized buttocks
  • Being able to do normal excersize like running
  • Doing things "gracefully"
  • Fitting into clothes right
  • Move without looking like a slob
  • Get the full respect I deserve
  • Getting a g/f (yes it's true, you know it)
  • The oversized, puffy nasty looking hand effect (I HATE IT!)
  • and other random stuff you pick up on
One thing on that list that I really tell in the difference between people in shape and "fat" people is DOING THINGS GRACEFULLY. I mean, can you see a fat guy dance, ice-skate, run a marathon, do karate, play baseball, gracefully? Sharply and quickly and professionally? NO way! If I were to do that, my FAT would get all in the way. My arms would be wiggling and I'd be slow and I'd look like a fool when I moved around, trying to be agile.

I remember when I went at the beach, a girl from my church, being genuinely honest, asked, "Why don't you take off your shirt". I was like, "Because, I'm overweight, it won't look good." And she was like, "NO you'll look fine." And I just kept refusing. I know that if I did take it off, I would be embarrassed. I just can't picture myself walking around with this huge gut sticking out, especially around all the girls and the guys who are in shape. This is just not right, I feel.

You see, I picture myself in shape inside. I sometimes walk around and act like I am, but I know deep down I'm not, and I'll never a "normal human" until I am at a reasonable weight. I don't care what anyone says. It's the truth, and you won't realize it until you've been fat most of your life.

Please pray that I can stick to an exercise routine when I start one, thanks!


lucky wife
Dec 27, 2003
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I' not sure why you expect such a negative reaction to your resolve Petrafan2000. Deciding to lose weight when you are unhappy with yourself is much more healthy then staying unhappy about it.
As to your reasons for wishing to loose weight: yes, health is the most important reason. But when you don't feel happy about yourself, you are not healthy. So.. wishing to look good is not a bad thing. We are created in Gods image and it's a good thing to honour that image without obsessing over it. Loosing weight seems hardly obsessing.
Wishing to be atractive in the eyes of a future wife is not something you can determine in advance. Perhaps whoever you will end up marrying loves washboard abs. Perhaps she likes more round and cuddly. But if you will feel more comfortable looking for the one God intends for you when you are thinner, then why not go for it?

I do not know Xenadrine, but foodsuplements aren't a bad thing. Just be careful you are not taking anything illegal or unhealthy. Because the cliche is through that if you loose weight unwisely, you WILL gain it back quickly and feel worst about it.

Tips to help you loose weight:

- pray for strength. And I will be adding my prayers to yours.
- Eat. Yes, don't starve yourself. Eat good healthy meals. Preferably 4 to 5 smaller meals a day. (learning how to cook is a good option if you use a lot of junk food).
- Drink: abstaining from alcohol completely will have a good effect, as will drinking a load of water and enough juice.
- Exercise: try whatever program fits you. Don't get sucked up in what the newest trend is or do something because everyone says you should love it, or it will help. You won't stick with it. Most people have the best result by combining joining a club (basket, track, soccer, fitness... whatever) and a personal program of your own. Don't choose impossible regimes in which you have to exercise two hours every day. Rather keep to shorter programs that you will keep to.

The best of luck!
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It's a Boy! Jace David- Due 1/20/07
Jan 20, 2003
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I would be very careful, the "engery" you get from diet pills usually comes from caffeine or a type of amphetamine. If you then decide to exercise you could end up making yourself have a heart attack. I'd do some serious research into it before you start using it.
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Mar 8, 2003
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Xenedrine will only be a quick fix if that, never mind the major health problems associated. In other threads you have alluded to not wanting to give up things like fast food or rehaul your fridge. Even in another thread you blamed me on looking down on you when I suggested making life changes to your diet. Its my belief that you will struggle with your weight until you make major changes. I offered advice on how to do that in another thread and no one took me up on it!

I probably fit into the category of the type of girl you are looking for (before I was married). I dated a guy once who lost a lot of weight unhealthfully. He drove me crazy with his wierd starve/diet pills/binge habits. I eventually couldn't handle it anymore. He was even self-conscious of how thin I was.

Also when you do lose weight and you're looking for a girlfriend, keep in mind that beautiful women don't like feeling like the only reason someone is with them is because of their looks. They actually resent that.

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Sep 3, 2003
It's good to be honest with yourself. So you want to lose weight in order to be more attractive to women? Great! Roll with that. Even if that's the only real reason you want to get healthy, at least you're getting healthy.

Xenedrine may help at first, but it's not a cure-all, and it's dangerous to use it over a long period of time. In other words, once you lose the weight, you gotta keep it off, and you can't keep using Xenedrine to do that.

It seems that, more than anything, you need a bit of a lifestyle change. What's your diet like right now? Like it or not you will have to change it. How about your exercise routine (if any)? Have to change that too. There are plenty of resources on the internet and good books at the library on safe effective ways to lose weight and look good.

Most importantly, you have to actually make these changes. You have to go out and do it. Throw away all your junk food. Clear a space in the basement to lift weights. Remember, feeling sorry for yourself screws you out of a lot of things too.
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Jan 15, 2004
Personally, I never liked Xenadrine or any of those other similar products on the market.

The best place to start, IMO, would be to just clean up your diet and begin taking 20-30 minute brisk walks in the morning and early evening.

You'll be surprised how quickly your energy level will begin to rise, then you can eventually begin other forms of exercise, I'm partial to weight training ;)
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Just wanna dance with you
Nov 16, 2003
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I've dated heavy guys and I liked them because they were cute, bigger than me, and sweethearts. I was attracted to them, and had they been skinny, I don't know that I would have been! Funny as that sounds! I'm not saying getting healthy is not good, most of us could use better eating and working out, but don't be so hard on yourself or women you are interested in. I honestly don't care if a guy has a flat tummy or a perfect butt, or if he can ice skate, run a marathon, or dance well. Those aren't the important things in life! Get to a weight where you are healthy, you don't have to be studly. Don't you know that God will bring you a beautiful woman who is, YES, attracted to you even if you are overweight? No one has a perfect body and honestly some flaws are just cute and sexy. So don't go overboard and put unrealistic expectations on yourself or the women you date. A woman who will not date you just because you need to lose weight (for health or whatever reason) is just plain shallow. One day, and I know you may not believe me, God is going to bring a woman into your life who will love you and be attracted to you for you, whether you are heavy or thin. I'll keep you in my prayers! I know how it is to try and lose weight, it is really hard. Have you tried a low carb diet? It might also be helpful, if you can afford it, to go for a few sessions with a personal trainer to do some weight training..they'll tell you what work out will get the pounds off. Hope that helps! God bless!
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I try as hard as I can.
Nov 9, 2003
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Thanks for the advice and comments, I know you guys are right. But, convincing myself they are 100% is something that will take a lot of effort. I plan on taking Xenadrine for about---3 months or so, until I get health insurance, so I can get the main reason for my eating disorder-- stomach pain. I have to eat food, even when I'm not that hungry, just to make the pain go away. I think I have h. pylori. I know for a fact that if I didn't have this pain, I'd eat a lot less. I think it even causes the frequent heartburn from it (it may be an ulcer). I know that if I lost weight, I'd have more energy and stamina and endurance. That'd be nice. I want to use Xenadrine to help me see that it IS actually possible for me to lose weight. I've never lost weight before, and I just need proof. I want to see how much better I look and feel at 20 pounds less, to give me that extra boost to want to get up and exercise to lose some real weight. Understand what I mean? I need incentive :-D. Alright, enough of my junk.
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God Made Me A Skeptic
Apr 9, 2002
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I hate to be a buzzkill, but...

If I were going to start taking medication, I would not do it "until I get health insurance". I would do it *after* I got the insurance.

One thing that works for some people with stomach pains is just tums or something similar.
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Nov 18, 2003
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Did you try the things I suggested to help with your stomach pain?? (Earlier post - topic stomach pain)? If not, here are the tips again...

Avoid caffeine...that means you Xenadrine is out of the question...sorry..
Avoid alcohol...
Stop smoking if you smoke
Eat small meals more frequently...actually this would help both stomach pain and weight loss...
Eat your largest meal earlier in the day...this too will help with weight loss...
Put 6-8 inch blocks under the head of the bed
Try TUMS....2 after every meal and at bedtime...if that doesn't help...
Try Over the counter Pepcid or Tagamet as recommended on the box on a regular basis...if that doesn't help...
Try over the counter Prilosec.
Call your local social services department and ask them for the name and location of a physician's office where they have sliding scale fees so that you can get a H. Pylori titer drawn...
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Apr 17, 2003
gargamel's castle
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i've been addictedto diet pills, and t the age of 23 havealready gone thru thehorrors of what a heart attack feels like.

trust me, a few lbs lost is not worth the medical complications u could later on have.

as for ur outlook on what u expect in a chick. suffice it to say, i suspect ur gonna be one lonely bachelor all ur life, until u change ur expectations on what u want in a girl. theres more to a woman then outward appearances.

theres also more to urself then outward appearances.

its good to excercise, but don't go so far as to use diet pills. the idea of losing weight, and excercising for better health. all ur gonna do by taking those pills, is having ur own health deteriorate.

a girl can love you for you are, its not about what u look like. don't put so much emphasize on size.. concentrate on God, first and foremost, the rest will fall in place.
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I try as hard as I can.
Nov 9, 2003
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aww screw it, I'm a wuss. I'm chickening out because I get SPASMS a lot, and it says not to take it if you get that.

I'm gonna be fat for at least another 3 months.

$20 down the drain...
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Active Member
Jan 15, 2004
PetraFan007 said:
aww screw it, I'm a wuss. I'm chickening out because I get SPASMS a lot, and it says not to take it if you get that.

I'm gonna be fat for at least another 3 months.

$20 down the drain...
Trust me... Xenadrine is not some magic pill that will help you lose weight, you need to eat right and begin exercising.

How bad do you want a hard body?

I challenge you!

Start a nutritional/exercise journal, post everything you eat, meal 1, meal 2, etc., and I will be there to help you clean up your diet and slowly work your way into exercising, before you know it, you'll be a fat burning machine ;)
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