
Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2023
United States
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Paul teaches that : "Christ always gives (us, him) the Victory".

What Victory? What is Paul's context?


"Victory", is deliverance from and over .... the world, your flesh, and the all times.

At all times....

So, Why dont most believers exist in that Victory that Christ gained on the Cross that Paul teaches is the real walk of faith??
Its because they are trying to achieve it by self effort. They are trying to get there by self effort instead of realizing they are already on Victory ground the moment they were born again.

The born again, are not looking for the higher ground. The born again EXIST IN IT ALREADY.
"Victory" is not a place the born again are trying to find.....its a place they were born again into, having become "One with God". "In Christ". "made righteous".
Reader, You cant have more "Victory", or be more Righteous than to be born again, as this is proof you now exist as "the Righteousness of God", 'in Christ".
Now, if you are only water baptized(sprinkled) and religious, then you wont have any victory.

Reader, you can't have more power for deliverance than to be joined to God and have Christ in you.
The POWER is already there in you, but your understanding of it, is not there yet, if you are sinning, confessing, repenting, repeat.
See, the problem is that most believers do not understand that they are already existing where God exists, and as Christ Exists = Spiritually, as this is what it means to be BORN AGAIN.

Look at this verse...

"as Jesus is, so ARE the born again, in this World"..

"IN THIS WORLD">.......not waiting to go to heaven to be like that.....but ALREADY HAVE BECOME, down here...

Born again Saint, you are not trying to find are already there, "having been translated from darkness TO LIGHT". "in Christ"
Yet, 99% of born again Christians, are trying to find their way into this deliverance, into this LIGHT.... when it is already provided as a GIFT to them.

Welcome to : SALVATION.

Its a GIFT.

Now, Here is the mystery you have to solve for yourself, if you want to exist in that place of Victory.
You have to start seeing yourself, right now....= only as GOD sees you,= as "the righteousness of God in Christ" a born again Son/Daughter of God.

See that REALITY?
That is how God sees the Born again forevermore, but 99% do not see themselves as God sees them, and that is a Faith DISCONNECT that keeps them from the VICTORY that Paul teaches about that we have already. = "Christ always gives me the Victory".

Jesus has defeated the devil, and overcome the world, and now has "all power in Heaven and on earth".... and ALL the born again EXIST "IN CHRIST"..
See that?

Welcome to : CHRISTanity.

Saint, reader.....Christianity is SPIRITUAL....that is also ETERNALLY Literal.
Its all about the revelation of the Spiritual "Christ in you the hope of Glory".... that you have become, when you were Joined to God's Spirit by God's Holy Spirit, if you are born again and not just water baptized (sprinkled) and religious.

Jesus said "you must be BORN.......again"... and water can't do that for you.

So...Getting the REVELATiON of who you have become "in Christ"....the day you get this, is the first day your real discipleship has begun.
That is the WALK OF FAITH, started, implemented, as the "renewed mind".
And once you get this LIGHT.....God will take you quickly into more and more revelation, and The bible will become a LIGHT to you, and not just words.
Everything will change regarding your walk with God, because of your new understanding of who you have become "in Christ", as a "New Creation".

Notice who God says you are... if you are born again, and not just water baptized (sprinkled) and religious.

God says you are..

1.) Born again as : THE Temple of the Holy Spirit.
2.) Joint heir with Jesus, and an Heir of God.
4.) A child of the LIGHT
5.) Seated in Heavenly Places
6.) Redeemed
7.) Made Righteous
8.) Brethren
9.) Blood bought ="bought with a Price"
10.) In Christ
11.) One with God
12.) Friend of God and Christ

And so much more...

See all that?

That's YOU if you are born again, and not just water baptized (sprinkled) and religious.
So because you are all need to SEE YOURSELF always as all that, = as God sees you exactly like that, at all times.
At all times.
At all times.
At all times.

Now, = you get that MIND and keep it...., and you have renewed it so that your mind and God's perspective of who you have become "in Christ" forever.... is exactly the same mind.
And when this renewed mind becomes your Mind of Faith that is the "renewed mind" then you have "worked out your Salvation."