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How do you cope with other Christians who think differently


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Jun 20, 2022
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Yep. Happens all the time. I'm a leader in the largest Christian server on Discord. I also used to upload Christian content on TikTok. It all has to do with attitude. I can get along with everyone of every doctrine as long as it is not a salvation effecting doctrine. For instance, predestination vs. free will...not a salvation issue, doesn't matter really. Cessation vs. Continuation...not a salvation issue, doesn't matter. Believing for prosperity vs. being satisfied with what the Lord has given you...not a salvation issue, doesn't matter.

I don't know about that. It seems like they are a salvation issue the way some of these debates or issues sound. Prosperity for example is loaded, and people opposed don't just make a case of being satisfied with what the Lord has given you, they actually say it's a false gospel that's leading people to hell because they are too light on sin and repentance and focusing on making the best life here and that people who believe those views are really dangerous wolves in sheep clothing threatening the flock. I had one thread in another section locked because of a heated debate on that topic. When someone says "false gospel" it becomes a salvation issue by default.

Free will vs predestination are also a salvation issue because it's talking about the mechanism or issue on how people are saved and/or if they can lose their salvation. If you are predestined to be saved, then you can't lose your salvation if you are "genuinely" saved as you were elected to have been saved before you responded with saving faith to the gospel message. If it's free will and it's "whosoever will", but then that could sound like a revolving door as you have to ensure to the end to be saved. (ie but one can then argue that if one endures to the end then they are predestined after all, etc... and it goes on and on...)

Cessation vs Continuation is a salvation issue if one side accused the other side of having a demon spirit and making fake miracles, and the other side accuses the other of Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (and unforgivable sin) for making such a statement.

I've illustrated how both of these debates can get very ugly and result in locked threads. At the end of the day, when people make judgments of the validity of someone's experience as either being from God, or insinuating it's demonic and they don't know God but have a religious demon, then it's these judgments and accusations that just wreck everything.

spiritfilleddjm said:
If it's not a belief that can affect one's salvation, it should not cause division in the church.

But they are when these types of accusations or judgments are hurled along with those discussions. There are people and youtube videos that portray a Christian can lose their salvation over NOTHING (ie paying the wrong amount of tithes and therefore STEALING from God and thieves go to hell, and white lie you might have said but forgot to confess it with sackcloth and ashes and fasting right?). Almost everything can become a salvation issue.
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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I don't know about that. It seems like they are a salvation issue the way some of these debates or issues sound.

The key phrase there is "...the way some of these debates or issues sound."

I keep in mind this question: How much did 1st century Christians have to know (correctly) to be saved?

How much theology did, for instance, the Philippian jailor know? He heard a few psalms and got at most an hour of gospel teaching. How much theology did Cornelius know?

The saving gospel is a lot slimmer than we make it out to be, and I suspect there is a lot of "debatable matters" we've piled upon the gospel that are unnecessary.

Most people are better off ignoring these draining debates and clinging to "Christ and Him crucified."
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Jun 20, 2022
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I keep in mind this question: How much did 1st century Christians have to know (correctly) to be saved?

1st century Christians didn't have the internet so their opportunity to partake in sin was more limited.
(I am being facetious, please don't take that seriously)

RDKirk said:
The saving gospel is a lot slimmer than we make it out to be, and I suspect there is a lot of "debatable matters" we've piled upon the gospel that are unnecessary.

Most people are better off ignoring these draining debates and clinging to "Christ and Him crucified."

Agreed. Both Paul and Jesus can be quoted to be supported by both sides of these draining debates. However, you need a solid foundation (Christ and Him Crucified), and at least that can't be debated. If it is, then something is really wrong.
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I don't know about that. It seems like they are a salvation issue the way some of these debates or issues sound. Prosperity for example is loaded, and people opposed don't just make a case of being satisfied with what the Lord has given you, they actually say it's a false gospel that's leading people to hell because they are too light on sin and repentance and focusing on making the best life here and that people who believe those views are really dangerous wolves in sheep clothing threatening the flock. I had one thread in another section locked because of a heated debate on that topic. When someone says "false gospel" it becomes a salvation issue by default.

Free will vs predestination are also a salvation issue because it's talking about the mechanism or issue on how people are saved and/or if they can lose their salvation. If you are predestined to be saved, then you can't lose your salvation if you are "genuinely" saved as you were elected to have been saved before you responded with saving faith to the gospel message. If it's free will and it's "whosoever will", but then that could sound like a revolving door as you have to ensure to the end to be saved. (ie but one can then argue that if one endures to the end then they are predestined after all, etc... and it goes on and on...)

Cessation vs Continuation is a salvation issue if one side accused the other side of having a demon spirit and making fake miracles, and the other side accuses the other of Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (and unforgivable sin) for making such a statement.

I've illustrated how both of these debates can get very ugly and result in locked threads. At the end of the day, when people make judgments of the validity of someone's experience as either being from God, or insinuating it's demonic and they don't know God but have a religious demon, then it's these judgments and accusations that just wreck everything.

But they are when these types of accusations or judgments are hurled along with those discussions. There are people and youtube videos that portray a Christian can lose their salvation over NOTHING (ie paying the wrong amount of tithes and therefore STEALING from God and thieves go to hell, and white lie you might have said but forgot to confess it with sackcloth and ashes and fasting right?). Almost everything can become a salvation issue.

What people say about an issue and how they treat one another when disagreeing about an issue does not make it a salvation issue.
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now faith

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Jul 31, 2011
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Isn't the word of faith movement, the people who started the "name it and claim it" thing? The bible does not say that God will supply all that you want, but God will supply all that you need. If you don't need it God is not bound to have to give it to you! I am not a member of a penticostal church, but I do believe in the gift of tongues, some churches believe in tongues and some don't. I see little point in attacking other people about it.

However I definitely do not agree with the prosperiy gospel.

There is no such thing as the prosperity Gospel, it is a label that caught on from critics.
Most of the critics are financially well off themselves.
If a person Is part of the Body of Christ, they have prosperity .
Gods Grace toward His Children abounds, in love, beyond our understanding.
Name it and claim it was another catch phrase given to a group of people, who abused the goodness of God, along with a scandal.
The actual teaching is to have faith in Gods promises for your life.
Kenneth Hagin was very clear on this teaching, but Inmature Christians act like school children when it comes to calling others names.
The Bible states God will supply all of your needs, and the desires of your heart.
There is no condition on what God will supply as far as Your Spiritual, physical, and Fianical needs wants and desires.

Psalm 37:4 Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. 5 Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
Our hearts should be set on doing the things that please God.
Our faith rests in God for all things in this life.
People who are millionaires, and condemn others of what God has given are hyprotical, prideful and arrogant.
Keeping our mind on the Kingdom of God, walking after the Spirit we do not fall into pride.
Give all you have to the poor, if you do not have a need for prosperity.
You cannot judge others based on their possessions.
You cannot Judge others when you have no idea how much they give to those in need.
You can have good intentions to help people, but its useless when you suffer lack yourself.
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Jesus is Lord of ALL! (Not asking permission)
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After 50+ years of discussion a myriad of doctrines and practices with believers of all sorts, I have come to the place where I will not press certain issues that might be termed "non-essential." No scripture or Biblical Doctrine is unimportant, but you have to use both love and wisdom in discussing not only the teachings but those you are discussing with. The important issue is can the individual deal with the truth and it not harm their faith.
First, you have to discern who it is you are talking to and what the topic means to them. How important is it to their faith and relationship to the Lord?
Take, for instance, the pre-trib rapture and many who believe in it. For some, this is a "make it or break it" topic. It would damage their faith and soul if you pressed too hard. So I do not push on this. Paul speaks to the danger of believing in a pre-trib rapture in 2 Thess 2. And Heb 6 lists "resurrection of the dead" as one of the foundation truths of the doctrine of Christ. So it is not like the topic is totally non-important. If they are alive when the antichrist arrives on the scene, they may suffer damage to their faith, but at this point, it is not a make-it-or-break-it topic. We can deal with it with correct teaching and comfort them then. (Not a place to discuss this here) What does trouble me is that many famous and otherwise reliable preachers teach the PTR.
Also, things like prosperity. All true WoF believers know it is not "rich" we are talking about. It is about needs met. I am not rich by the world's standards, nor do I want to be saddled with that burden, but thank the Lord all our needs are met and more. Why bother fussing over it? Why risk the division over something that will likely not harm anyone's faith? And faith in the Lord is what we are talking about. I want people to see His goodness and mercy. We can only pray they do.
Theistic Evolution is something I am leaning toward. I can see it both in Gen 1 and the world around us. It could be something God put in motion. Not Adam and Eve, mind you, but life in general. But many people hinge their faith on the 6-day creative week and young earth creation. They have to believe this, and their faith would be harmed if you pressed it. So I discuss it with TE believers in the appropriate forum, but not in places where it might harm someone.
Security of the Believer, sometimes referred to as "eternal security," is an interesting topic. I see believers as "more secure in their salvation" than unbelievers are "secure in their lost state." Discussion, in this case, is good, I think.
Healing is another matter. We have to go to the mat over this. Jesus endured great suffering for our health and healing. We cannot back up on that. We cannot deny His passion. I cannot read about His taking stripes and being hung on the tree and then deny that healing is in the atonement. Healing, in my mind, is not only a matter of receiving health; it is making good and glorifying what He has done for us in his passion. He considered it important enough to endure on our behalf, we ought to hold on to it with like passion.

In the end I would not risk someone's faith just to be right. And I am always right.:eek: (kidding)
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What would you define, strictly, as a salvation issue?

Questioning the divinity of Christ, the inerrancy of the Word of God, teachings that sin is ok because we are under grace and not law, teachings that one can live a life of unrepentant sin and still go to heaven, that there are multiple roads to heaven. These are just the most popular ones being propagated by the wolves in sheep's clothing that God warned us about throughout the Bible.

Whether one believes in cessationism or continuism is irrelevant to salvation. Whether one believes that God will make somebody rich if they have the faith or will just merely give them enough to survive is irrelevant to salvation. Whether one believes that everything is predetermined by God or that we have freewill is irrelevant to salvation since both camps believe that one must make the decision to follow Christ or not...those who subscribe to predestination just believe that one is predestined to make that decision.
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now faith

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Jul 31, 2011
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After 50+ years of discussion a myriad of doctrines and practices with believers of all sorts, I have come to the place where I will not press certain issues that might be termed "non-essential." No scripture or Biblical Doctrine is unimportant, but you have to use both love and wisdom in discussing not only the teachings but those you are discussing with. The important issue is can the individual deal with the truth and it not harm their faith.

First, you have to discern who it is you are talking to and what the topic means to them. How important is it to their faith and relationship to the Lord?
Take, for instance, the pre-trib rapture and many who believe in it. For some, this is a "make it or break it" topic. It would damage their faith and soul if you pressed too hard. So I do not push on this. Paul speaks to the danger of believing in a pre-trib rapture in 2 Thess 2. And Heb 6 lists "resurrection of the dead" as one of the foundation truths of the doctrine of Christ. So it is not like the topic is totally non-important. If they are alive when the antichrist arrives on the scene, they may suffer damage to their faith, but at this point, it is not a make-it-or-break-it topic. We can deal with it with correct teaching and comfort them then. (Not a place to discuss this here) What does trouble me is that many famous and otherwise reliable preachers teach the PTR.
Also, things like prosperity. All true WoF believers know it is not "rich" we are talking about. It is about needs met. I am not rich by the world's standards, nor do I want to be saddled with that burden, but thank the Lord all our needs are met and more. Why bother fussing over it? Why risk the division over something that will likely not harm anyone's faith? And faith in the Lord is what we are talking about. I want people to see His goodness and mercy. We can only pray they do.
Theistic Evolution is something I am leaning toward. I can see it both in Gen 1 and the world around us. It could be something God put in motion. Not Adam and Eve, mind you, but life in general. But many people hinge their faith on the 6-day creative week and young earth creation. They have to believe this, and their faith would be harmed if you pressed it. So I discuss it with TE believers in the appropriate forum, but not in places where it might harm someone.
Security of the Believer, sometimes referred to as "eternal security," is an interesting topic. I see believers as "more secure in their salvation" than unbelievers are "secure in their lost state." Discussion, in this case, is good, I think.
Healing is another matter. We have to go to the mat over this. Jesus endured great suffering for our health and healing. We cannot back up on that. We cannot deny His passion. I cannot read about His taking stripes and being hung on the tree and then deny that healing is in the atonement. Healing, in my mind, is not only a matter of receiving health; it is making good and glorifying what He has done for us in his passion. He considered it important enough to endure on our behalf, we ought to hold on to it with like passion.

In the end I would not risk someone's faith just to be right. And I am always right.:eek: (kidding)

Amen, I have had concerns in debating , not doctrine but the fundamentals of Salvation.
Comments from those new to the Body saying things like, now I don't know what to believe,and similar statements.
We have to be careful not to confuse, and create strife.
A few years ago I would just throw down, and it would look like a argument.
I am working on being kinder, along with asking questions to bring the truth to light.
God forbid something I write would cause a young one to walk away.
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Jesus is Lord of ALL! (Not asking permission)
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Amen, I have had concerns in debating , not doctrine but the fundamentals of Salvation.
Comments from those new to the Body saying things like, now I don't know what to believe,and similar statements.
We have to be careful not to confuse, and create strife.
A few years ago I would just throw down, and it would look like a argument.
I am working on being kinder, along with asking questions to bring the truth to light.
God forbid something I write would cause a young one to walk away.
I see such confrontations as an opportunity to lay out the word.
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Jesus is Lord of ALL! (Not asking permission)
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Amen, I have had concerns in debating , not doctrine but the fundamentals of Salvation.
Comments from those new to the Body saying things like, now I don't know what to believe,and similar statements.
We have to be careful not to confuse, and create strife.
A few years ago I would just throw down, and it would look like a argument.
I am working on being kinder, along with asking questions to bring the truth to light.
God forbid something I write would cause a young one to walk away.
Yeah... kinder. That is a tough one. But just let Him shine!
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now faith

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Jul 31, 2011
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Yeah... kinder. That is a tough one. But just let Him shine!

Amen, you cannot. turn away from God, when there is a all out attack being waged against Christians.
it has to be done with a spirit of Love.
How many do we lose if we say nothing?
Yet as you know Brother some debates would end up in Brawl if it was not for the internet.
I can imagine meeting in a barn way back in the woods to talk theology.
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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Amen, I have had concerns in debating , not doctrine but the fundamentals of Salvation.
Comments from those new to the Body saying things like, now I don't know what to believe,and similar statements.
We have to be careful not to confuse, and create strife.
A few years ago I would just throw down, and it would look like a argument.
I am working on being kinder, along with asking questions to bring the truth to light.
God forbid something I write would cause a young one to walk away.

Romans 14, Romans 14, Romans 14.

There are disputable matters. These should not bring us to division.
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Dec 29, 2002
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"How do you cope with other Christians who think differently"

Hey.. How do you cope. Hmm lets just touch some things said in this thread. Tongues, name it claim it, prosperity gospel. Now I try to leave out how I personally believe and stick to only what is written and what I know. What I mean by what know is if its about so and so and I know what they have said this out there for all to hear and see then I will touch that. Tongues.. just share whats written and maybe even a personal experience. Name it claim it.. I know all about that and who never used those words like that. Some WOF believers got it wrong. Those that are really known that never used those words gladly said "we got it wrong". Yet they they didn't but took the blame. Prosperity Gospel.. again something that is not written and knowing those that preach on Prosperity have shared over many years now "there is no such thing as prosperity gospel in the word". Then share the scriptures they believe.

We tend to say things that are worldly known? Not sure if thats a good way to say it that what is originally said. Yet in all this we can find some one that did say this or that. In ALL this you cope by trying to keep CHRIST in focus, love mercy grace and never to boast to make it about you and how you are right. No one likes to be called wrong lol. Yet when something is clearly written.. I will not bow....I will share only what He said. You never play with speculation also.

From what I have seen one can know the word of God in side and out and still be a baby in Christ. Spiritually we all grow differently. So I would share whats written and what some group said or didn't say I touch on what again is written. I never take what someone said and then apply it to all very unwise. Them most the time its what someone said they heard someone share.. and that you don't touch. And knowing I am not right only He is. So in the end it will come down to what is written.
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John Mullally

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Isn't the word of faith movement, the people who started the "name it and claim it" thing? The bible does not say that God will supply all that you want, but God will supply all that you need. If you don't need it God is not bound to have to give it to you! I am not a member of a penticostal church, but I do believe in the gift of tongues, some churches believe in tongues and some don't. I see little point in attacking other people about it.

However I definitely do not agree with the prosperiy gospel.
Kenneth Hagin is attributed as starting WOF - although I doubt he was interested in starting a movement. He was born sick and was bedden-ridden for 16 months straight as a teenager with severe diseases that medical science did not give him any chance to recover from. One day he started to recover by acting as if Mark 11:23-24 was true (proclaimming himself well, he used all his strength to get out of bed, get dressed, walk to school, and act as if he was well even with symptoms raging in his body) and all the while experience God coming through in line with Mark 11:23-24 - although it was not an instantaneous healing. Basically, WOF's contribution is standing on the promise of Mark 11:23-24. Of course, we don't believe we should claim Mark 11:23-24 unless we are convinced that what we are asking or claiming is in line with God's will. And we ascertain God's will from His word and the leading of God's Spirit (he also taught on how to be led by the Spirit of God).

Mark 11:23 For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. 24Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.​

Most of the other topics Hagin taught are ones that are basically in line with what Pentecostals and Charismatics teach.

Kenneth Hagin addressed the possible abuse of what is termed the Prosperity Gospel at the end of his life in his book "The Midas Touch".
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we don't believe we should claim Mark 11:23-24 unless we are convinced that what we are asking or claiming is in line with God's will. And we ascertain God's will from His word and the leading of God's Spirit (he also taught on how to be led by the Spirit of God).
Good point..
- I agree.
Kenneth Hagin
- I have..a few of his books.
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Daniel Marsh

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We are in a very unique denominations where very well meaning Christians could be speaking words of death either directly, or in their prayers or believe that their God actually wants people sick and poor and think that glorifies Him?

I had a discussion with a Christian (think he was Baptist) on another thread, I won't name names, and I can't understand, for the life of me, how we could get into such a contrary argument about tongues. It had me thinking, do you also find yourself at odds with other Christians who don't believe this and instead attack you for subscribing to a "prosperity theology" that they think is anti-thetical to Christianity?

My question is how do you cope with this? It looks like other Christians who don't understand our point of view has a tendency for things to get ugly very fast with "fake Christian" labels being thrown around.
Hug them and wish them well
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My wife and I have attended a WOF church since the beginning of the year. Our Pastor is a Rhema grad. Every year they have a missions conference where our congregation gives money to hundreds of different missionaries from all over the world- it was quite overwhelming to witness for the first time, as our not-so-mega-church raised nearly $300k

The whole experience made me think about the 'prosperity gospel' label: When The Lord prospers you, rejoice, and look for ways to prosper others. Live the abundant life. Just remember to not hold on to those things too tightly, because one day you may be told "The Lord hath need of it" Luke 19:34

I'm looking forward to our 2023 missions conference!
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RocK Guy

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We are in a very unique denominations where very well meaning Christians could be speaking words of death either directly, or in their prayers or believe that their God actually wants people sick and poor and think that glorifies Him?

Share some scripture with them that shows we are justified or condemned by the words of our mouth and share with them promises from God's Word that shows He desires good for His people.

You can't go wrong with sharing scriptures.

If they reject the scriptures then sometimes all one can do it limit time fellow shipping with them.

OR, you could grow in strength and cast down their un-biblical words when you are around them (so they do not adversely effect you) so you can speak scriptures to them to offset their un-biblical beliefs.

Ya gotta be careful with that one though and do it sparingly because a lot of folks get up set really fast, like at the drop of a hat so it depends on the person you are dealing with whether they have a heart to learn and grow in the things of God or not.

Some folks are set in their ways and refuse to hear anything that does not agree with what they already believe, so folks like that you';d probably want to keep on moving and limit time spent around them.

Others though have a heart to learn and grow in the Lord and are willing to change if someone shows them what the Word of God says so they can see they were taught wrongly about the Lord in times past.

It's always good to get the Lord's wisdom on how to proceed with each person and when to not fellowship much with the ones that are not open to leaning more from God's Word.

James 1:5
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
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