How did an Electron Evolve to Know When Man is Looking at It, and Thus Change It's Course?

How did an electron evolve to know when man is looking at it?

  • An electron cannot evolve like this, it is God who controls electrons, and thus what man sees

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • We should put the study of evolution on hold till we figure this out.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It does not matter if evolution does not hold up at the quantum level.

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • I have my answer below.

    Votes: 1 16.7%

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Mar 17, 2015
catholic -- embracing all Christians
United States
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If it is God Who is controlling every subatomic particle in the universe
We see in scripture that God can control whatever portion of the Universe He likes. Looking at the wonder of creation, we see that this Universe operates steadily by consistent laws of nature, as we see -- gravity, light, electricity, chemistry. Consistent. Regular. Dependable. Light continues to travel at its fantastic speed. All the Universe operates consistently, so we say the Universe is simply 'physics in action', operating perfectly according to the perfect design of this particular physics we are discovering. A perfect design, that works, and doesn't need constant control to operate it would seem. So, I take the verses like Colossians 1:17 He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. to mean what they mean in context (of all of scripture really) that God can intervene at will to alter nature (as we read of Him doing many specific times in the Old Testament! Interventions). So, while the Universe/physics operates at His pleasure so to speak, and he can adjust it at any moment as He chooses, it also appears to run very perfect, like a perfect machine. Elegant and amazing. So, we'd have no basis to think that nature doesn't work on it's own, as it's God own creation He made, and would seem then it ought to be 'good' also in the sense of being perfectly functional, that apparently being how He designed it to be, evidently operating according to consistently constant laws of physics we find. Thus when I read about God intervening such as stopping the progress of a day -- Joshua 10:13 So the sun stood still and the moon stopped until the nation took vengeance upon its enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Jashar? "So the sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day." -- that's not what usually happens, but instead an actual intervention of God, an 'act of God'. Therefore, God doesn't need to 'control every particle', because He already did that work making Nature to being with!
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chad kincham

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Mar 4, 2009
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A cow cannot evolve to become a cow, until atoms evolve to become the building blocks of what makes up a cow. Everything in the universe is built out of subatomic particles at the quantum level.

In the 'double-slit' experiment, it is proven that, at the quantum level, electrons, protons and neutrons, are in a state of chaos, and only organize into near perfect order, to form immense objects, when, of all things, conscious man is looking at them. So, how did electrons 'evolve', to know when man is looking at them, and thus change their course? Electrons even know when man is going to look at them in the future, and thus change their course ahead of time? Wow! How did an electron evolve to have the capability to see into the future?

The double slit experiment just showed that light photons behave like both a wave, and a particle.
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chad kincham

Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2009
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For one thing, they’ve only tested photons in entanglement research, not any parts of an atom - thus they are assuming, without any actual evidence, that entanglement applies to atoms.

Photons are not even fully understood, since they behave as both a wave as well as a particle, so entanglement could just be another peculiar trait they have, not applicable to any other particles.

And in their entanglement tests they are testing photons not in their natural state, but ones they’ve tampered with, so there is no guarantee that tampering with them doesn’t affect test results.
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