Family Prayer Thread


Starr SDA Living Word

Thanks all for coming here. Thanks for the encourgement you brought me. You are all so special and I can't wait to see you all in heaven, if I don't meet you here on earth. For you are all so precious, I don't want to see anyone left behind. I appreciate ever person here on CF, For we ALL Have gifts to share. God blesses us all with gifts, and he exspects us to share them. Or what good are the gifts, if you can't share them. The greatest gift ever was the Gift of Christ. Reach for Him, He is right here, with you wanting you, to know He will never forsake you. He Loves You. You were Choosen. Praise God.

I pray all this in the Precious Name Jesus Christ, My Lord and Saviour, I love you Dad, I love you Jesus, Your MY ALL IN ALL!!!

Thank you Father for all that came here, Bless them Father, Teach us all you ways. I surrender myself to you Father, And ask Father to make me what you want me to be. Give me a strength, that Satan can't penatrate. Give me a heart to love unconditionally Lord, Let me know when I am making a mistake Father, I pray to keep my Feet Planted firm in you, and your WORD Father, I put on YOUR FULL BODY OF ARMOR Father, I stand in the Gap for those who don't know you Yet Father. I ask for your mercy Father. I will surrender my life to save theirs Father. Help me, To Help them Father. I believe in YOU Father God, Help Me To Shine your Light, Show your kindness even though there is darkness in this world. You are the Way The Truth, And the ONLY WAY TO Eternal Life!!! I thank you Father for hearing my Prayer, I pray this according to your will. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Your willing Servant,
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