Do you believe a massive Holy Spirit tsunami is coming?

Is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit coming soon?

  • We already got it on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2.

  • Yes, a MUCH greater outpouring is coming soon!

  • ! think that things will continue pretty much as they are now!

  • No, I think that the dark side of the force is taking over until 2nd coming!

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May 15, 2013
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Good points JonathanBChristian but what about the idea of a latter harvest, fall harvest, being greater than the spring harvest?

I believe the outpouring of the First Century was in some ways comparable to the spring Holy Days that centred around the harvest of barley and winter wheat?! The Autumn harvest was of a much wider variety of fruit!

Hosea-The coming of the Lord is as the rain, the two comings of rain.

The first coming is the spring, the second coming is the fall.

Whereas the Torah was given on Shavuot and the spirit likewise, The Torah begins and ends on Simchat Torah.

Whereas the Shavuot closes the Pesach, so does Simchat Torah close the Sukkot.

It should also be considered that the ones who received the spirit did so by continuing in prayer counting the omer right up to its fulfillment.
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May 15, 2013
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The problem with this view you hold is Peter said in Acts 2 that the Joel prophecy had been fulfilled when the Holy Spirit fell upon the church in Acts 2:1-4 and unless the "last days" Joel spoke of has ended already then this prophecy is still being fulfilled currently and can't refer to a time in the future of a GREATER outpouring, understand?

Those verses from Isaiah refer to the coming kingdom of the Lord, not a greater outpouring of the Spirit.

The prophecy of Joel 2 was only fulfilled in part that the first rain fell on Pentecost, but this is with the understanding of the rain and the context of the two rains in Joel 2 where this scripture comes from.

The second rain is still to come during the fall rains for the second coming.

If you keep reading Joel 2, it shows that the gentiles will be judged in how they judge Israel after Judah has been brought back.

Continuing Joel 2 And it shall come to pass That whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. For in mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance, as the Lord has said, Among the remnant whom the Lord calls, '' FOR BEHOLD, in those days and at THAT TIME, When I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations.......{to judge them}

So the scripture was fulfilled in only that the first Pentecost brought the first rain and we still look for another rain when Judah has been gathered and God gathers all nations and judges them according how that they have judged Judah.

Joel 2 23 And he will cause the rain to come down for you- The former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.

This is speaking of the rain of the fall in the month of Nissan, and it implicates a double rain when that rain comes.
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May 15, 2013
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Most importantly the prophecy of Joel is already fulfilled because Peter said it was at Pentecost. We are still in the last days and people can be filled with the Spirit but to say Joel's prophecy means something is coming is not biblically accurate. :amen:
No, It has not been fulfilled, read the whole text of Joel.

It speaks of two rains and the last rain has not come because when it does, it is about the gathering of Judah and Judah wasn't scattered to decades after Jesus died.

It also speaks of many things that are yet to happen.
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No, It has not been fulfilled, read the whole text of Joel.

It speaks of two rains and the last rain has not come because when it does, it is about the gathering of Judah and Judah wasn't scattered to decades after Jesus died.

It also speaks of many things that are yet to happen.

HannibalFlabius........I personally totally agree with your idea that there are two rains and that the pouring out of the latter rain has much to do with the regathering of Judah and the lost tribes of Israel.
Mary A Burris:
"February 6, 2009

While spending time with the Lord He reminded me of Ali's funeral (Ali was my first husband who was murdered in 94/95) and how the Holy Spirit had me praying in tongues and in travail for the muslim people's salvation in Christ Jesus.

He assured me that He heard my prayer that day. Suddenly I became very excited in my spirit and asked the Holy Spirit

"What's going on?"

This is what He said:

You'll see... It'll be explosive when it happens. They will flock towards salvation as the hardness is lifted off of their hearts and the scales are removed from their eyes. They are a passionate people but their purpose has not yet been served. Upon the fulfillment of their role in the history of mankind there will be a flood of souls pouring into the kingdom of God for His glory. They have been scorned, they have been accused, but the ones who are pure in heart shall see God. When He reveals Himself to them in all His glory they will prostrate themselves before Him in a way they have never done before. When He opens the eyes of their understanding and unstops their ears to hear what His Holy Spirit is revealing the waves of tears of repentance will flood the ground they occupy and they will be purged once and for all time of the stains of their unbelief. The Lord is calling out for a pure and holy nation before God and He will do as He chooses and choose as He pleases and mankind will truly stand in awe of His mighty Majesty and Splendor as the precious souls are ushered into His kingdom.


I am convinced that huge numbers from the lost tribes of Israel are now considered Arabs/Moslems and I am certain that the regathering of the lost tribes will be so huge that it will utterly boggle our minds.......much as Mrs. Mary Burris was shown would occur!!!!
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Hosea-The coming of the Lord is as the rain, the two comings of rain.

The first coming is the spring, the second coming is the fall.

Whereas the Torah was given on Shavuot and the spirit likewise, The Torah begins and ends on Simchat Torah.

Whereas the Shavuot closes the Pesach, so does Simchat Torah close the Sukkot.

It should also be considered that the ones who received the spirit did so by continuing in prayer counting the omer right up to its fulfillment.

HannibalFlavius.....I absolutely love how you force me to search for the meaning of Hebrew words on Wikipedia!!!! I am certain that you could do a great job of elaborating on tying Simchat Torah together with this verse:

John 7:38 'He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water."


Speaking of rivers of water.......I would love to get your reaction to the general idea expressed in this thread:

Canadian support for rebuilding of Jerusalem Third Temple Complex can alter Middle East political formula.
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On the contrary, no gentile believer can be gathered without them{IMO}. They and, ''We'' represent 2 parts of a body.

But the Lord will come to Judah first so that nobody will boast against Judah, and then all those people and nations of the world will see it.

Zech 12: 7 The Lord will save the tents of Judah first.

Zech 10: 6 '' I will strengthen the house of Judah, and I will save the house of Joseph. I will bring them{Joseph} back, Because I have mercy on them. They{Joseph} shall be as though I had not cast them aside; For I am the Lord their{Joseph} God, and I will hear them, Those of Ephraim{Joseph} shall be like a mighty man, and their heart shall rejoice as if with wine. Yes, their children shall see it and be glad: their heart shall rejoice in the Lord. I will whistle for them{Joseph} and gather them, for I will redeem them{ redeeming Joseph because}; and they shall increase as they once increased}. I will sow them {Joseph} among the people, and they shall remember me in far countries............

God comes to Judah first and he opens his eyes within them and strengthens them in a way that the whole world will know and fear.

He doesn't yet strengthen Joseph.

Only after this is Joseph found, and that concerns the reunification of the brotherhood of Joseph and Judah, after the Lord comes to Judah first.

The children of Joseph gathered to the strengthened Judah to become one, They will no longer be two nations.

It says that when the two of them are united, they will swoop down on all the nations.

Wow....HannibalFlavius......I got a serious power surge as I was reading your words!!!!!!!!!!!!

This does not happen to me all the time..............I understand this to mean that you have a major calling on your life.................!!!!!

My apologies for sending you another link into this video.....because I am pretty sure that I sent you a link into this in another discussion that we are both in.........but this is also for the benefit of everybody who is participating in this discussion.............

At 19 minutes in this film Pastor David Herzog makes an extremely controversial prediction.......................I have the feeling that YOU are going to receive chills up and down your spine........and YOU will experience significant power surge as you listen to this video..................

Friends of mine are very good at this...........I am a rank amateur................but i have a powerful feeling that you Sir......................have been sent by God to this earth to play a role that when you are finished...............some of the most courageous people who have ever lived..............will feel honoured to call you one of their friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

David Herzog 2013 - Sid Roth - It's Supernatural
Guest: David Herzog
July 30 - August 5, 2012

When David Herzog shares how to enter God's Glory Zone miracles, signs and wonders are plentiful--instant weight loss, bald heads grow hair, the sick are healed, people are transported into the heavenly realm! David wants to help you enter into the Glory Zone where anything is possible! -
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The prophecy of Joel 2 was only fulfilled in part that the first rain fell on Pentecost, but this is with the understanding of the rain and the context of the two rains in Joel 2 where this scripture comes from.

The second rain is still to come during the fall rains for the second coming.

If you keep reading Joel 2, it shows that the gentiles will be judged in how they judge Israel after Judah has been brought back.

Continuing Joel 2 And it shall come to pass That whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. For in mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance, as the Lord has said, Among the remnant whom the Lord calls, '' FOR BEHOLD, in those days and at THAT TIME, When I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations.......{to judge them}

So the scripture was fulfilled in only that the first Pentecost brought the first rain and we still look for another rain when Judah has been gathered and God gathers all nations and judges them according how that they have judged Judah.

Joel 2 23 And he will cause the rain to come down for you- The former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.

This is speaking of the rain of the fall in the month of Nissan, and it implicates a double rain when that rain comes.


Your entire message fits perfectly with an episode of Sid Roth from the summer of 2012 where he interviewed Pastor Shane Warren!!!!!!!!!!!!

I began a topic about this right after seeing the telecast:

Prophecy for America, money devalued, earthquake then revival for church?!

Yesterday evening I caught the last half of one of the most powerful episodes of Sid Roth that I have ever seen. His guest was Shane Warren.

In a visionary dream Mr. Warren was shown a hurricane all over the USA...but it was raining money! He was shown that this meant the devaluation of the USA dollar. He was shown foreign leaders conspiring to devalue the dollar through manipulation.

Later he was shown a massive earthquake in the USA. He heard the words that because we participated in the dividing of His land....our land would also be divided!

After this he was shown a massive revival of the church as congregations became one of the only places where people could actually receive assistance with their massive problems?!

Shane Warren - America - Sid Roth - It's Supernatural
Guest: Shane Warren
July 9-15, 2012

We are seeing Bible prophecy fulfilled everyday on TV newscasts and in our newspapers! Wars & rumors of wars. The shaking of the global economy. The threat of Muslim extremism. Find the outpouring of God's blessing in your life as America comes under judgment. Don't be SURPRISED this comes before the Rapture. Learn how to thrive even in trying times!

Do you agree that the way that America treats Israel can truly come back to haunt us in A BIG WAY?????
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Your entire message fits perfectly with an episode of Sid Roth from the summer of 2012 where he interviewed Pastor Shane Warren!!!!!!!!!!!!

I began a topic about this right after seeing the telecast:

Prophecy for America, money devalued, earthquake then revival for church?!

Yesterday evening I caught the last half of one of the most powerful episodes of Sid Roth that I have ever seen. His guest was Shane Warren.

In a visionary dream Mr. Warren was shown a hurricane all over the USA...but it was raining money! He was shown that this meant the devaluation of the USA dollar. He was shown foreign leaders conspiring to devalue the dollar through manipulation.

Later he was shown a massive earthquake in the USA. He heard the words that because we participated in the dividing of His land....our land would also be divided!

After this he was shown a massive revival of the church as congregations became one of the only places where people could actually receive assistance with their massive problems?!

Shane Warren - America - Sid Roth - It's Supernatural

Do you agree that the way that America treats Israel can truly come back to haunt us in A BIG WAY?????
I don´t believe this will happen before the rapture, that He´s going to judge the nations and divide America, that´s with the Day of revenge.
He will first send the prophet Elijah, hearts of the fathers to the children, so He doesn´t strike the earth.
I will send you the prophet Elijah before the day of the Lord.
Elijah wasn´t raptured before the rain. First the latter rain and the fulfilling of what was prophecied by leaders of the Azusastreet, a worldwide revival (James 5)
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I have the feeling that YOU are going to receive chills up and down your spine........and YOU will experience significant power surge as you listen to this video..................

Oswald Chambers
Never allow anything to come between you and your Lord Jesus Christ— not emotion nor experience— nothing must keep you from the one great sovereign Source.

Many are called, few are chosen ... Jesus will come back in the same way He left, so said the angel to His disciples.

If there is a rapture of the church before tribulations then Israel may very well have revival of believing in Jesus as the promised king of Israel ...

One thing we know for sure Jesus will come as a thief in the middle of the night ...

Don't let your experience's or emotions rule over you is all Mr Chambers was trying to tell us.
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Oswald Chambers
Never allow anything to come between you and your Lord Jesus Christ— not emotion nor experience— nothing must keep you from the one great sovereign Source.

Many are called, few are chosen ... Jesus will come back in the same way He left, so said the angel to His disciples.

If there is a rapture of the church before tribulations then Israel may very well have revival of believing in Jesus as the promised king of Israel ...

One thing we know for sure Jesus will come as a thief in the middle of the night ...

Don't let your experience's or emotions rule over you is all Mr Chambers was trying to tell us.

On the other hand we can also make the mistake of being too logical and too devoid of emotion. My wife is Pentecostal and she has had experiences that astonish me.

My old church made fun of Pentecostals as using praise as a mantra.....getting hypnotized and opening themselves up to fallen angels......I suppose that is possible in some cases but what my wife has told me about is real and sure fits with Acts chapter 2.

It is probably three years ago that she told me about a Pentecostal/Charismatic church in Florida where they really got into the worship and many were still there worshipping several hours after the service was over. That was when miracles began to happen all over that church.

It makes sense that God would reward that type of enthusiasm and I think it is reasonable to compare it to King David dancing before the Lord for joy?!
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I don´t believe this will happen before the rapture, that He´s going to judge the nations and divide America, that´s with the Day of revenge.
He will first send the prophet Elijah, hearts of the fathers to the children, so He doesn´t strike the earth.
I will send you the prophet Elijah before the day of the Lord.
Elijah wasn´t raptured before the rain. First the latter rain and the fulfilling of what was prophecied by leaders of the Azusastreet, a worldwide revival (James 5)

I got the impression from the Pastor Shane Warren telecast that he was shown revival breaking out all over America soon after the USA dollar was devalued??!!

In a sense even we Christians are putting our trust in our Visa cards so the breaking of the idol of money....would logically force us to turn more fully toward God????!!!
Guest: Shane Warren
July 9-15, 2012

We are seeing Bible prophecy fulfilled everyday on TV newscasts and in our newspapers! Wars & rumors of wars. The shaking of the global economy. The threat of Muslim extremism. Find the outpouring of God's blessing in your life as America comes under judgment. Don't be SURPRISED this comes before the Rapture. Learn how to thrive even in trying times! -
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I was apart of the Jesus People and the Charismatic Movement in the 70's. A time I cherish in my heart. There is something special that happens when God's Spirit is moving in that dynamic of a way. I would that everyone could be apart of one of those moves of God's Spirit. They are that precious in my mind.

I have no clue when God will move again like that, but God has moved numerous times in the past and I'm sure He will again. I pretty much see these moves of God's Spirit as sovereign acts of God. Some try to say some people were praying and then the Welsh revival happened, trying to tell us that if we pray then God can do His next revival. But I've known people who prayed an it didn't happen. So I see them as sovereign moves of God. He moves when He wants to and when I see God move I jump on for the ride.
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I was apart of the Jesus People and the Charismatic Movement in the 70's. A time I cherish in my heart. There is something special that happens when God's Spirit is moving in that dynamic of a way. I would that everyone could be apart of one of those moves of God's Spirit. They are that precious in my mind.

I have no clue when God will move again like that, but God has moved numerous times in the past and I'm sure He will again. I pretty much see these moves of God's Spirit as sovereign acts of God. Some try to say some people were praying and then the Welsh revival happened, trying to tell us that if we pray then God can do His next revival. But I've known people who prayed an it didn't happen. So I see them as sovereign moves of God. He moves when He wants to and when I see God move I jump on for the ride.
I believe the time is now for a worldwide revival starting with ourselves. In the seventies you had the sexual revolution and a move of God, now we got the homosexual revolution. People are looking for real Love. The leaders of the Azusastreet prophecied in 1909 that in about 100 years the same would happen, but worldwide. I see it starting to happen now in Holland. The church is getting on the streets, people get healed and saved. It's just starting.
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I believe the time is now for a worldwide revival starting with ourselves. In the seventies you had the sexual revolution and a move of God, now we got the homosexual revolution. People are looking for real Love. The leaders of the Azusastreet prophecied in 1909 that in about 100 years the same would happen, but worldwide. I see it starting to happen now in Holland. The church is getting on the streets, people get healed and saved. It's just starting.

Yes.......the son of the pastor who baptized me back in 1979 is on the streets and the miracles that are happening as he prays are astonishing!!!!!
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I believe in a greater harvest, but perhaps not that of a larger outpouring of the Holy Ghost, but more on the lines of a Great last great revival, one last fire before his coming. At least this is what I saw in a Dream.

What do you personally think of what happened at Azuza Street a century ago?

AboutAzusa Street Revival
The Azusa Street Revival was a historic Pentecostal revival meeting that took place in Los Angeles, California and is the origin of the Pentecostal movement. It was led by William J. Seymour, an African American preacher. It began with a meeting on April 9, 1906, and continued until roughly 1915. The revival was characterized by ecstatic spiritual experiences accompanied by miracles, dramatic worship services, speaking in tongues, and inter-racial mingling. The participants were criticized by the secular media and Christian theologians for behaviors considered to be outrageous and unorthodox, especially at the time. Today, the revival is considered by historians to be the primary catalyst for the spread of Pentecostalism in the 20th century.
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Quantum Paradise

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Personally I love the idea put forward by a pastor in Uganda that when we Christians support and respect the Jewish people more as they play their role in bringing back Messiah, the Holy Spirit will be poured out unlike ever before in history!

That makes a lot of sense to me!

I do think so, but for certain additional reasons. The time is quickly approaching when we, as the Church, will need to trust and depend on God more than ever before. Western hegemony does not have much time left, and when it goes...that would mean a paradigm shift for every person living on this planet. I believe that the difficulties we will be facing will have the effect of catapulting people into churches as they seek for any semblance of peace and guidance.
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Jul 17, 2013
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I was going to type up this long thing that came to my mind, but I decided to say this.

I live in Texas and we have these things called "grass fires". When a spark lands on the dry grass it starts a fire and the fire consumes everything in its path, until someone either puts it out or it runs our of fuel. Do not be afraid to be the "Spark on Dry Grass". Then fan the flames for the fire. If you are sitting in your pew and God tells you to go to the front of the church and worship, then do it. That maybe the "Spark on Dry Grass".
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I was going to type up this long thing that came to my mind, but I decided to say this.

I live in Texas and we have these things called "grass fires". When a spark lands on the dry grass it starts a fire and the fire consumes everything in its path, until someone either puts it out or it runs our of fuel. Do not be afraid to be the "Spark on Dry Grass". Then fan the flames for the fire. If you are sitting in your pew and God tells you to go to the front of the church and worship, then do it. That maybe the "Spark on Dry Grass".
Wow, this is really terrific!
It makes me think of the barbeque we once had on a holiday. You can have a BBQ in Holland when you go fishing, but we found out you can't in Spain, especially not when there has been no rain for months. We couldn't stop the fire, impossible, there was only very dry reed, and we had to quickly leave, seeing all the reed go up in flames and hearing the helicopters and firemen already. Oops.
Makes me think of this text:
A bruised reed He will not break,
And smoking flax He will not quench,
Till He sends forth justice to victory;
21 And in His name Gentiles will trust
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I was going to type up this long thing that came to my mind, but I decided to say this.

I live in Texas and we have these things called "grass fires". When a spark lands on the dry grass it starts a fire and the fire consumes everything in its path, until someone either puts it out or it runs our of fuel. Do not be afraid to be the "Spark on Dry Grass". Then fan the flames for the fire. If you are sitting in your pew and God tells you to go to the front of the church and worship, then do it. That maybe the "Spark on Dry Grass".

Awesome comments on grassfires!!!!!!!

I already copied this off and sent it to a pastor friend of mine and I am thinking about who else I should send this to!!!!
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