
Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2022
Nanjing, China
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TBL China – The Bottom Line, Ministries

Coffee Break
"Thanks Among The Heathen"

"Therefore will I give thanks unto thee, O Lord, among the heathen, and sing praises unto thy name". Psalm 18:49
The enemy wants to stop our praise, our thanksgiving and our testimony. We doesn't want us to talk about the Lord, much less praise and worship Him. He knows that praise is powerful. It brings the very presence of God into our situation. It builds us up and gives us strength to walk in victory. It increases our faith.
In order to get us to stop he will try to use intimidation and fear. The word this morning is: don't be intimidated! Give Him thanks anyway. The verse above says to give the Lord thanks among the heathen. That means we should not withhold our praise and thanksgiving to God because of anyone. I know the scriptures tell us not to "cast our pearls before swine". But there is a difference in that and being intimidated to keep our mouths closed and not say anything about the Lord.
We should continue to give Him thanks even in the presence of the heathen, the ungodly, the rebellious, the unbeliever, the atheist, the agnostic, the prodigal, the blasphemer, etc. Don't be intimidated by them. The Lord is worthy to be praised. He is great and greatly to be praised. Don't let them steal your praise. Keep on praising the Lord. Keep talking about His goodness and His wonderful works that He has done in your life. Keep on praising Him not only in the congregation of the righteous, not only when you are with your Christian friends, but even when you are among the heathen. They need the power to touch their lives that comes through praise and thanksgiving.
Have a great day. Don't be intimidated to withhold your praise to the Lord, no matter who is around.

Submitting to Godly Authority 

Heb. 13:17 ¶ Obey your leaders and submit to them for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account—so that they will do this with joy and not with groaning, for this would be unprofitable for you.
希伯来书 13:17 你们要依从那些引导你们的,且要顺服;因他们为你们的灵魂时刻儆醒,好象那将来交账的人。你们要使他们交的时候有快乐,不至忧愁;若忧愁就与你们无益了

Throughout life we encounter various forms of authority. We have parents, teachers, bosses, and spiritual leaders who guide and direct us. It is essential to understand that God has placed these authorities in our lives for a purpose. Hebrews 13:17 reminds us of our responsibility to obey and submit to these leaders.

At times, submitting to authority may be challenging. We may question their decisions or find it difficult to align our own desires with their instructions. Yet, the writer of Hebrews encourages us to willingly yield to godly authority. When we do so, we are not only honoring the leaders whom God has placed over us, but we are also acknowledging God's sovereignty and wisdom in establishing such structures of authority.

The passage emphasizes that our leaders are tasked with keeping watch over our souls. They bear the weight of responsibility in guiding and protecting us spiritually. By submitting to their leadership, we allow them to fulfill their God-given role effectively. Our obedience brings harmony and order to our lives, fostering an environment where spiritual growth can flourish.

However, the writer also warns against causing our leaders unnecessary burden and discouragement. Instead, we should strive to support them with a joyful and cooperative spirit. Our attitudes and actions should contribute to their joy in serving and leading us, rather than adding to their burdens. In doing so, we create an atmosphere conducive to fruitful ministry and nurturing relationships.

Submitting to authority is not always easy, especially when we have differing opinions or personal desires. Yet, when we embrace a humble and obedient heart, we position ourselves to receive the benefits that come from following godly leadership. Our submission enables us to mature spiritually, gain wisdom, and experience the blessings that God intends for us. 

Let us approach the subject of authority with a prayerful attitude. May we seek God's guidance and discernment when faced with decisions involving our leaders. Let us trust that God has placed them in our lives for our spiritual well-being and growth. As we submit, let our actions and words reflect our gratitude and respect for those who tirelessly shepherd our souls.

Today, let's reflect on the relationships we have with our spiritual leaders, parents, teachers, or other authorities in our lives. Are we actively submitting to their guidance? Are we supporting them with joy and encouragement? Let us pray for the strength to surrender our wills to Godly authority, recognizing that in doing so, we align ourselves with God's divine plan for our lives.





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