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xiamen week 2


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2022
Nanjing, China
Marital Status
This Week's Prayer Guide

December 8 - This week, pray for churches in Xiamen and the work of the gospel there. Pray that believers there will know the love of Christ in their lives and will increasingly fall more in love with him.
December 9 - One pastor in Xiamen exhorts the church in China not to waste this season of persecution, but let God use it to refine the church. Nevertheless, he asks that we pray that this season of persecution would end.
December 10 - A pastor in Xiamen shares, “Because Xiamen is a tourist city, it is also a relatively comfortable and unambitious city. This also affects the culture of the church. Christians in Xiamen are more comfortable and satisfied with the status quo, and less enthusiastic about evangelism and church planting.” Pray for the Holy Spirit to inspire Christians in Xiamen to greater fervency.
December 11 - A pastor in Xiamen asks, “Pray for the church to maintain a fervent passion for evangelism. Because we spend more energy on things like Christian education, family education, internal discipleship, but in terms of proactively reaching out to non-believers the church's motivation is quite low.”
December 12 - A pastor asks us to pray that Christians in Xiamen will be “more rooted in the building of godly lives.” He says that the economic downturn in recent years, coupled with the various persecutions faced by the church, have made many brothers and sisters realize that they are not bearing good fruit and do not have good testimonies to share with people.
December 13 - A pastor in Xiamen says, “We are preparing for church planting. We are still exploring how we should lead a healthy church. But we're very grateful that in this process, we've started having elders’ joint learning, helping us in areas related to church structure and planting, and we especially emphasize our spiritual growth.” Pray that this process of church planting would help this church grow and mature.
December 14 - A pastor in Xiamen asks for prayer: “I hope that our church, through my learning and leadership, and that of the elders in training, can help the brothers and sisters in the church to go further in the seriousness of their faith.”

12月10日——厦门的一位牧师分享道:“因为厦门是一个旅游城市,所以它也是一个相对舒适且缺乏进取心的城市。这也影响了教会的文化。厦门的基督徒对现状感到更加舒适和满意,对传福音和建立教会的热情较低。” 祈求圣灵更加激励厦门基督徒的热情。
12月13日——厦门的一位牧师说:“我们正在为植堂做准备。我们仍在探索如何带领一个健康的教会。但我们非常感谢在这个过程中,我们开始跟长老们共同学习,帮助我们更深了解教会结构和植堂相关的领域,我们特别强调我们的属灵成长。” 祈求植堂这过程能够帮助该教会成长和成熟。