Conversion Stories


Monastic Creature
Dec 8, 2021
The Desert
United States
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I think I am still in the midst of my "conversion".

I grew up agnostic, non-religious. A few years ago I began inquiring into Christianity, very reluctantly.

I've spent the past 3-5 years taking these agonizing baby-steps towards God, learning a little, praying a little, writing down my sins, but not really wanting to commit.

At some point, though, I began praying with real intent and desperation, and studying the rudimentary basics of Christian theology. I also read through a graphic novel version of the bible.

In 2020, before the the world went full-on pandemic, I went to get baptized by a Lutheran minister. Afterwards, I seemed to fall into a downward spiral of depression, doubting salvation, feeling hopeless and separated from God, resentful towards God, and falling into sin a million times over.

Eventually, I came across a sedevacantist Youtube channel and was very curious. I learned a lot of traditional Catholic beliefs through them, and began learning the Rosary, and picked up a catechism. I was still unsure about Catholicism, because of what I'd heard about Vatican 2, the sexual abuse scandals, and even Christopher Hitchens had made some great arguments against them - but I still felt drawn towards the church.

I did consider Eastern Orthodoxy a lot, as I have an adoration for their spirituality as well, and I admire people like Father Seraphim Rose.

But as it stands, I find myself currently in RCIA, probably more out of convenience than anything else. I am able to attend class online via livestream. This is incredibly convenient for me at the moment, as I have extreme social anxiety and agoraphobia.

I've been trying to muster the courage to attend mass. God willingly, I will find it eventually.


I've also read through a few NDE's online, one of which occurred while the person was at the communion rail at a Latin mass. I've also had a few exchanges with a woman who told me she had a miraculous conversion from atheism to Traditional Catholic at a Latin mass, and that she feels positive that God wanted her to stop attending the new mass at all. This all seemed to affirm that there is a spiritual significance to traditional Catholicism.

My conversion is definitely not over. There is a lot of work to be done on me. A few nights ago, I picked up the bible for the first time in a long time and started meditating on a couple scriptures. I began praying the rosary a bit more. I definitely feel a Grace over me that I did not have even a few days ago. But I know I have to persevere in it and not succumb to the desires of the flesh.

I'm trying to learn how to love God, and to live a spiritual life out of love, not out of fear.
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Bob Crowley

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Dec 27, 2015
Logan City
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I've probably been through all this on other posts, at least in bits and pieces but here goes anyway.

I was baptised Presbyterian. My father was Catholic and my mother Anglican. When they got married way back in 1953, the rules were pretty strict about who could marry who in whose church, despite the fact that 8 years before WWII had ended with Catholics fighting alongside Protestants, with mainly Protestant USA, Anglican Britain, Atheist Russia and Confucian (soon to be atheist) China fighting Lutheran Germany, Catholic Italy and Shinto(or Buddhist?) Japan.

Anyway there was a Presbyterian Church behind where my mother worked, and I suspect she sweet talked the pastor into marrying them. The condition was most likely than any offspring were to be baptised Presbyterian.

My sister who arrived 6 years after me wasn't baptised, although I think she had herself baptised before she died in 2005.

So I was duly packed off to Sunday School, and even got as far as the PFA (Presbyterian Fellowship) in my early teens, but I didn't fit in. In any case I became atheist by the time I was 15. My parents were wedding and funeral church goers only, and my father had lost his Catholic faith.

But when I was 28 I was going through the tail end of what was to be the most disastrous time of my life (for which I blame myself). Something seemed to tell me to go back to the same church where I'd done my Sunday School years before. Fortunately the pastor by this time was an outstanding man with a family of gifted sons. I learnt a lot from him.

He was also prophetic. He predicted that I'd become Catholic and added a bit more. I argued back saying "It seems to me my father has taken me out of the Catholic Church." He replied, "I think God might want you to go back there..." and again he had a bit more to say.

To cut a long story short I became Catholic around 1996 or 97.

Some time after that, the above pastor turned up in a vision one night some years after he'd died and after I'd become Catholic (yes, I've had a few spiritual expriences, and I've got no doubt God and the devil are there), and said "The Catholic Church is closest to the truth", emphasising the word "closest".

This followed on from some discussions we had in his office from time to time. He warned me of the paedophile crisis for example way back in 1990 or 91 as he died himself in 1992, saying "I think there's going to be a pedophile / child abuse crisis in the Catholic Church, and I think there's going to be a lot of them!" That part was word for word. So it didn't surprise me when the stuff hit the media fan later.

That's where I stand at the moment. I think it's "closest" to the truth. I don't think it's got "all the truth".
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Akita Suggagaki

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
United States
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I am a cradle Catholic and even went to a Catholic elementary school but had my conversion or spiritual awakening in college. Did some exploration in other traditions and then came back stronger than ever.
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New Member
May 26, 2022
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I'm a cradle catholic, but I went through a long period in my young adulthood where I was not actively attending church and even flirted with converting to Islam at one point in time. I have since come back to the church (as of last Saturday) so I'm not sure if my story counts as a conversion story.
welcome home :)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2022
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My whole family was against my conversion for the most part in greater and lesser degrees, so it wasn't easy
No, that would not be easy. Us cradle-Catholics have no idea how difficult that could be. God bless you for having the strength and courage to convert. You made the right decision.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2022
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I'm a cradle catholic, but I went through a long period in my young adulthood where I was not actively attending church and even flirted with converting to Islam at one point in time. I have since come back to the church (as of last Saturday) so I'm not sure if my story counts as a conversion story.
My story is similar. After I left school I drifted away from the Catholic faith I was raised in. For a while there I was involved with the New Age movement and even believed in aliens - embarrassing! (Thankfully, that stage didn't last long.)

After about twenty years of wandering around in the "wilderness" I become interested in Christianity again, initially through non-Catholic forms, but I quickly became disillusioned with their various theologies. I decided to study theology and bingo! ... I realized I'd "found" the true Church. I'd gone full-circle, but I'm here to stay this time.
I thank God for his patience and the Holy Spirit for guiding me to the Light.
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