

Junior Member
Sep 22, 2009
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Sometime I wonder where we come from? What is the whole purpose of us being here? Are we falling angels who have to redeem ourselves over again. I sometimes don't get the point of all this suffering .Some of us have it better than other, I just feel for people that are going thru what the are going thru. I know we are not suppose to doubt, but I can't help but to wonder what is meaning to all of this.

There has been one thing that has been going around my mind. I was "saved" a long time ago. I've always told God to come into my life, but I got saved in church last year. I know lately I haven't been at church and I haven't been reading the bible like I should be. Last night I was talking to my cousin who is in church, to me I think he is a fanatic to the "religion"part. He told me last night that he has been praying for me and that God is trying to save me. He said, he had a dream with me being naked. He said, that when God is making you whole again (when you are born again) he gives you new clothes. He stated he didn't see me this way in the dram. Anyways, he said, "I wish I can cover you/shield you from evil and give you the same protection that God has given me." This is what I don't get If I was saved, why would God still try to "save me" why would my cousin tell me those things. i know im not married and are living in sin, but if i don't have it in my heart to get married why should I? Isn't that worse? I just feel confused by the stuff people tell me about God. I just feel like God is a mercyful God and loving God and personally he has always been there for me. Any takes on this.


Dec 17, 2009
Charlotte, NC
Marital Status
My brother in Christ. First a question from the end of the post. You're living in sin and mentioning not getting married. Are you living with a girlfriend? Besides that, yes as followers we still sin. But as Paul instructs us, we are to confess to the Lord, repent ad continue in our walk. Believeing in the Lords power. With respect, though I do not doubt your cousins faith. interpreting dreams and such the like can be dangerous and touchy. The reason being is because satan can enter our dreams. When we're saved, yes we are made new, born again. But it's contradictory to Scripture that our Lord, after already being saved, Him knowing that, would still try to save you. You yourself admitted to not being as devoted as you should be. It's possible you could be feeling convicted by the Spirit because there's a complacency, so to speak, about your walk. We're supposed to always constantly, diligently, seek the Lord. sometimes it's hard, especially during trials. Why do you think when reading Pauls teachings, He constantly talks about working and laboring? It's because many times it's not easy, it takes work and devotion. Sometimes we pray, ask for strength and have to push ourselves. Here's something from Rom.5:3-4:"...knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope." The Lord uses trials to make us stronger in this life, and to perfect us for His kingdom. I do suggest this brother. Even though you may feel exhausted, spiritually, and just want to sit down and wait, so to speak. Force yourself, labor, in getting to a sound church. Fellowship with others, worship the Lord in song, which He will lift your spirit up in doing so; and also find others to even do bible studies and study on your own. Sharpening your sword, your wits in the Lords word. I hope this helps even a little. If anything else. just reply. ;) May our loving and gracious God bless you and strengthen you.
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