Christs image is it what you think?


Half-ready for Anything.....
Jul 29, 2015
Phoenix, AZ
United States
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Everything from that study was contaminated before they began.

A fire during the medieval period in the church where the shroud was stored. Massive smoke and burn damage to the cloth. There is no way to do a carbon study of anything with the amount of damage done before science got their hands on the cloth. Funny, The History Channel doesn't describe that in detail. The History Channel also ignores reality. If the Shroud is created during the medieval period, what did medieval artists believe at the time of it's creation? Interesting thought when considering one fatal flaw in the period. Interesting still that Mel Gibson fouled up when he laid his own hand on the crucifix in his film. The nail went through the palm of his hand, wrong . Scientific evidence and poof provides one clue that would be impossible on the shroud had it been created during the medieval period as claimed by this expert scientific team. The shroud shows the "Wrist" wounds and not the palm of the hand as claimed. Medieval artists believed what they read. Unfortunately for them, the Greek language does not have a word for wrists. Wrists were considered part of the hand. Every crucifix painted, sculptured and created at the time is historically wrong. However, archeology proves the point of the location where the nails were driven. Case after case of bones from crucifixions prove the nails went through the wrists and not the palms of the hands. One in particular is evidence of the nail striking a knot in the plank. The nail could not be removed, so the plank was cut with wrist and the nail intact. It was buried with the body.

The scientific team was not united on the final findings. Since that study, more modern Carbon testing has occurred that question the initial findings. Not one artist anywhere has come up with a method to copy the image. Every wound on the shroud, front and back, testify evidence that was not known at the supposed time of the claimed creation of the shroud. The scourging of this victim proves what a typical wounding of a person would look like according to history.

Given the presentations of several of the team disputing what was found and claimed, I would not consider the History Channel to be valid proof of anything. I've seen and read the testimonies and have listened to the video presentations of those in dispute. As well as, reading and listening to the new wave of scientists that call this study into question.
The History channel is secular in nature, no? I do not trust any scientists who for one trust science over God, for two, have not been infused with the Holy Spirit to know how to discern anything spiritual which leaves them only 2/3 man. They are mind and body but no spirit. 2/3= .666 so they think they are disproving something they know nothing about. They are of the world, and God could stand directly in front of their face as He has mine for so many years( I can see God in just about everything of substance) and they are blind to Him. Why does it matter what we have been conditioned to picture Him as? I do not see the importance considering when He comes back, there will be no mistaking Him. It has been 2025 years since He left, and I am pretty sure He will look differently than we envision. His face will be so bright we cannot look upon it and His hair will be long and white. If we don't make the rapture,( I have faith that we all will, do not get me wrong) those who see Him at Armaggedon will see a very angry Lord. As for Mel Gibson's trash movie that glorified the murder of Christ and left out the resurrection, they used a wonderful actor to portray Him, however the overkill was insulting and very satanic in my eyes. I was appalled at that movie and being sensitive to the demonic, I literally threw up towards the end and had to finish watching it in sections. I only stuck it out to see the resurrection and when it didn't happen I broke the Dvd and trashed it, heartbroken and angry. Where was the redemption? The victory over the grave? Where was the miracle? Mel missed the point big time, and God has let Him know it. Did you see his last movie? Me either. He's done. The shroud is real. The shrouds image depicting Christ's face is from radiation burning the image into the cloth, no? They didn't even have electricity back then! But there is only so much we can say. We are seeing 'The Great Falling Away", and it is staggering. We are the generation of people who can remember EVERYONE loving Jesus while we were growing up, ( when I was young and heard Jesus had said " The world will hate you because of me." I couldn't understand that or see it AT ALL. Now I can. People everywhere do not want to hear it. They nay-say the Bible, the prophesy, the faith and the love of Jesus Christ and I cannot even try with them. I get too upset.
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