Biblical Evidence For 31 AD Crucifixion

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Jun 17, 2022
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In the same post you quoted, I refuted your hypothesis. Feel free to answer to the blatant scriptural evidence, or just bow out. Anyone who chooses to watch your video will see the same thing I saw.

Don’t call me a liar. I listed the things you didn’t substantiate.

1) Christ born in 6 BCE. Not proven.
2) 34 years old at his baptism. Not proven.
3) The relationship of the Lysanias inscription to Livia and Tiberius. Not proven.
4) Anno Alexandria 304 being the Seleucid year. Not proven.

Also, I have a very firm grasp of the material.

Your hypothesis is incorrect. Your methodology is both assumptive and presumptive. You display arrogance, condescending to centuries of scholars whose education far exceeds yours. You state things as fact without a shred of evidence. And then you lie about it and denigrate the reputation of others who dare speak against your precious miracle of self discovery.

We don’t have to talk anymore. You and your video can go have a conversation with each other. It’s the only agreement you’re going to find.
I stand against your false statements. You are purposely stating things which are absolutely incorrect. Every single point I make in all my presentations are connected to and reference source material. That you state otherwise is a complete and utter falsehood.

As I stated previously, many people have viewed and agree with my conclusions and the research I present. That you don't, again, is your own problem. You can remain in your own ignorance.
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Apr 9, 2021
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I've always heard that Jesus was 30 years old when He began His ministry, He preached and granted miracles for 3 1/2 years, and was then crucified and resurrected in April 33 AD. I trusted that scholars had investigated all of this. I knew there were other theories but since they aren't popular, then there was nothing to them.

Recently I decided to really look into the matter. I was shocked at what I discovered. Really shocked. The date markers in the Gospels do not corroborate any of the common understanding - what most pastors and Sunday School teachers continually state.

Messiah Jesus actually began His ministry in early spring 29 AD. He ministered for just over 2 years. He was crucified and resurrected on April 25, 31 AD.

1. John the Baptizer
-started his ministry Luke 3:1-2
-it was in the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar

"and in 14 CE, on August 19, Augustus died. Tiberius, now supreme, played politics with the Senate and did not allow it to name him emperor for almost a month, but on September 17 he succeeded to the principate. He was 54 years old."

-15th year of Tiberius started in September, 28 AD

2. The Timeline in John's Gospel
Late winter/early spring 29 AD
-John the baptizer (John 1)
-in Bethany, across the Jordan (John 1:28)
-Jesus comes to the Jordan
-John tells of a previous visit when Jesus was baptized (John 1:32)
-Jesus immediately starts calling disciples

April 29 AD
-Jesus goes to Jerusalem for the Passover (John 2:13)
-it's 46 years since the temple was being built (John 2:20) Another time marker pointing to 29 AD

September/October 29 AD
-Jesus goes to Jerusalem for a feast (John 5:1)

April 30 AD
-Jesus feeds 5000 at Sea of Galilee when Passover approaching (John 6:1)

September/October 30 AD
-Jesus does not go to Jerusalem for Feast of Booths (John 7:1); but later shows up at the temple in Jerusalem (John 7:14)

December 30 AD
-Jesus goes to Jerusalem for Feast of Dedication in winter (John 10:22)

April 31 AD
-Passover (john 11:55)
-Triumphal entry (John 12:12)

--Update-- I've released a video that goes through all the evidence.

Yes and No. He was crucified in 31 AD but not in April. But in March. The 8th day before the Kalends of April just as many of the earliest Church Historians stated.

Additionally, Jesus was 32 years old and therefore Crucified in His 33rd year. He was born during the Feast of Lights in 3 BC.
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Jun 17, 2022
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Yes and No. He was crucified in 31 AD but not in April. But in March. The 8th day before the Kalends of April just as many of the earliest Church Historians stated.

Additionally, Jesus was 32 years old and therefore Crucified in His 33rd year. He was born during the Feast of Lights in 3 BC.
This is simply not true. The early church quickly forgot when the crucifixion happened because they lost the connection to the Jewish culture after 70 AD and the dispersion.

The crucifixion happened on the Passover (obviously). The Passover had to happen when the winter barley was ripe so that the Feast of First Fruits could happen. The barley ripened always AFTER the spring equinox and well into April. Passover could never happen before late March and almost always was in April.
Also, the fig trees ripened after mid-April. So the parable of the fig tree does not make sense if there were no ripe figs expected before mid-April.
In addition, the lunar eclipse that happened in 31 AD to mark the EVENING AFTER the crucifixion was on April 25 of 31 AD. There was no lunar eclipse in March. And to be clear, the darkness around the crucifixion was NOT a solar eclipse because lunar and solar eclipses can not happen on the same day.
There are several other evidences. But just those show that the crucifixion was impossible to be in March.
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Apr 9, 2021
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This is simply is not true. The early church quickly forgot when the crucifixion happened because they lost the connection to the Jewish culture after 70 AD and the dispersion.

The crucifixion happened on the Passover (obviously). The Passover had to happen when the winter barley was ripe so that the Feast of First Fruits could happen. The barley ripened always AFTER the spring equinox and well into April. Passover could never happen before late March and almost always was in April.
Also, the fig trees ripened after mid-April. So the parable of the fig tree does not make sense if there were no ripe figs expected before mid-April.
In addition, the lunar eclipse that happened in 31 AD to mark the EVENING AFTER the crucifixion was on April 25 of 31 AD. There was no lunar eclipse in March. And to be clear, the darkness around the crucifixion was NOT a solar eclipse because lunar and solar eclipses can not happen on the same day.
There are several other evidences. But just those show that the crucifixion was impossible to be in March.
Also, you're saying the church lost connection to the early church but you have no proof that those that testified of the date did so.

Additionally the year Jesus was crucified was the Sabbatical year. He was crucified on the 14th of the LUNAR month. All of the Jewish weeks at that time were based on the Lunar week such that the Sabbaths fell on the 8th,15th, 22nd, and 29th of the Lunar month. This means that the Feast of Unleavened Bread was ALWAYS a high day since it was on the 15th.

The Passover was indeed in March. The early Church Historians attest to this. Also, the Passover was about LIGHT and in opposition to Darkness. Go study Philo of Alexandria on this. The time was period when no portion of the night could be without light such that the Light of the night had to commence with the going down of the sun and shine throughout the night until the rising of the sun.

I agree that the darkness of the crucifixion was not an eclipse. So don't believe that the blood moon sign of Joel had to be an eclipse that Peter told the assembly about on Pentecost. The darkness was one of the nights in the 3 days and 3 nights sign of Jonah.

The crucifixion was indeed in March so much so that the Acts of Pilate were dated in March and the Letter of Pilate to Tiberius as well as the early testaments of the Church Fathers. Now you can consider those writings as fake, but it would be absurd to think that someone who is trying to deceive us would go through such extent and put a date on there deception that would have been obvious to those reading it as a fake if such date was before the actual event.

Here is a good read:

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Jun 17, 2022
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Also, you're saying the church lost connection to the early church but you have no proof that those that testified of the date did so.

Additionally the year Jesus was crucified was the Sabbatical year. He was crucified on the 14th of the LUNAR month. All of the Jewish weeks at that time were based on the Lunar week such that the Sabbaths fell on the 8th,15th, 22nd, and 29th of the Lunar month. This means that the Feast of Unleavened Bread was ALWAYS a high day since it was on the 15th.

The Passover was indeed in March. The early Church Historians attest to this. Also, the Passover was about LIGHT and in opposition to Darkness. Go study Philo of Alexandria on this. The time was period when no portion of the night could be without light such that the Light of the night had to commence with the going down of the sun and shine throughout the night until the rising of the sun.

I agree that the darkness of the crucifixion was not an eclipse. So don't believe that the blood moon sign of Joel had to be an eclipse that Peter told the assembly about on Pentecost. The darkness was one of the nights in the 3 days and 3 nights sign of Jonah.

The crucifixion was indeed in March so much so that the Acts of Pilate were dated in March and the Letter of Pilate to Tiberius as well as the early testaments of the Church Fathers. Now you can consider those writings as fake, but it would be absurd to think that someone who is trying to deceive us would go through such extent and put a date on there deception that would have been obvious to those reading it as a fake if such date was before the actual event.

Here is a good read:

"The crucifixion was indeed in March so much so that the Acts of Pilate were dated in March and the Letter of Pilate to Tiberius as well as the early testaments of the Church Fathers." These are false statements. No such dates have been confirmed. The only thing that can be said is that the execution of Sejanus was in October of 31 AD so the crucifixion must have happened earlier that year.

"All of the Jewish weeks at that time were based on the Lunar week such that the Sabbaths fell on the 8th,15th, 22nd, and 29th of the Lunar month" This again is simply false. You don't seem to understand how the luni-solar calendar works.

No, it was not in March. And I have sources that disprove every single one of your claims.
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Christ our Passover
Feb 18, 2017
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I really could not care less what kind of worldly education system someone has earned. The important thing is what he/she says true? Is it factual? What you quote of his writing is not factual. So he can be thrown out as someone who does not fully understand the topic.
The mathematical calculations that measure the location of the moon and its movement within the plane of the sky is not theology, it is the science of positional astronomy called "Astrometry." Dismissively, call it "worldly education" if you wish, but to be expert in these calculations requires education in the laws that govern the natural world and the moon's movement within it, laws which God himself put in place.

Are you suggesting you do not need an education in the science of mathematical calculations of lunar cycles? Are you perhaps claiming divine revelation? Don't get me wrong, I have been mercifully graced with knowing God, and therefore I know He is capable of suspending and even reversing the laws of nature. But I'm afraid the demeaning spirit in which you engage fellow believers and disrespect men of accomplishment do not bear witness that you are the instrument of divine revelation.

Unless you can offer some historical evidence to support your claim about how New Testament Jews reckoned the beginning of months, and offer some "worldly" evidence that you are expert in the "worldly" field of lunar Astrometry, or can evince some evidence that you have received divine revelation about these matters, I really don't see that you have anything to contribute to this subject. There are a whole parade of people who make all kinds of claims about the life and times of Jesus. Unfortunately, too many are more intent on driving traffic to monetized channels or selling books than they are furthering the cause of Christ, let alone gracious and brotherly fellowship.

It has been ... an experience. Thank you for your time, and perhaps we will engage again on other threads on other topics.

In Christ,
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Apr 9, 2021
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"The crucifixion was indeed in March so much so that the Acts of Pilate were dated in March and the Letter of Pilate to Tiberius as well as the early testaments of the Church Fathers." These are false statements. No such dates have been confirmed. The only thing that can be said is that the execution of Sejanus was in October of 31 AD so the crucifixion must have happened earlier that year.

"All of the Jewish weeks at that time were based on the Lunar week such that the Sabbaths fell on the 8th,15th, 22nd, and 29th of the Lunar month" This again is simply false. You don't seem to understand how the luni-solar calendar works.

No, it was not in March. And I have sources that disprove every single one of your claims.
I would love to see your sources. I would consider that I have researched this topic more than most so hopefully you have something I haven't heard/seen before.

Also, I don't see how you can dispute the dates on the letter from Pilate to Tiberius. If the author wrote the date then why would it be disputed? Again, if someone forged it - it would be against their interest to validate the document by moving the date forward verses moving it backward to include both months. The date is not about when the Passover took place but in dating the date the letter was sent to Tiberius. That date was in March.
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Apr 1, 2016
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Okay, so @cfposter and @EclipseEventSigns, since you're both now on the same thread and I can address you together . . .

As per posts #1 and #82, you are both of the opinion that Jesus died in 31 CE. Based on the lunar sighting of April 11th, 31 CE, which was at 11° altitude and 12° angular separation, we have a passover date of April 25th in the case of @EclipseEventSigns. Based on the lunar sighting of March 13th, 31 CE, which was at 18° altitude and 19° angular separation. we have a passover date of March 27th in the case of @cfposter. April 25th was a Wednesday. March 27th was a Tuesday.

In the case of @cfposter, my understanding of his belief is that the days of the week were fixed, meaning that specific dates always fell on specific days of the week. Ergo, he concludes an actual date for the passover of eight days before the kalends of April, which is March 25th, and in that particular year a Sunday.

@cfposter is in error. The holidays shift and rotate with the year. The Talmud makes plenty of arguments about what to do when this holiday or that falls on a Sabbath. We have different timetables for the sacrifices depending on whether it was a normal day, the day of preparation, the Sabbath, the eve of the passover on the preparation, the eve of the passover on the sabbath, the passover on the day of preparation, the passover on the Sabbath, whether the Sabbath supersedes certain observances, leap days for Elul if the 1st of Tishri is going to fall on a Wednesday or Friday, causing the Day of Atonement to run sequentially to the Sabbath, either one day before or one day after. So you are just wrong in this. If you want to be taken as a serious academic, lick your wounds, move on, and change your perspective. That's what objectivity is. If you insist on maintaining an erroneous point of logic that is not merely unsupported, but that is directly contradicted by known fact, then you're just another hack.

@EclipseEventSigns, whether or not you think you've supported your statements (which I have firmly observed to not be the case), and whether or not you think that I just don't understand, and blah, blah, blah, ad nauseum . . . The fact remains that you have not proven your point. Maybe you think you provided facts. Perhaps in your mind they are facts. But you haven't proven that Jesus was 34 when he was baptized. You haven't proven that Jesus was born in 6 BCE. And although you make a laudable argument for a 31 CE crucifixion, you still haven't conclusively proven it to be accurate.

To both of you . . . I have given both of you the same set of scriptures. I have given you both the exact same argument. I have demonstrated with plain, blatant, unambiguous scripture that Jesus ate the Passover at the last supper. @EclipseEventSigns, you ignored it. You haven't answered to it yet. You carry on as though I never said anything about it at all. You're so convinced of your own hypothesis that you refuse to even acknowledge the elephant in the room. @cfposter, you've taken the time to ask questions. I'll give you credit for that. But your approach from the get go has been to contradict them. They say what they say, but because what they say doesn't mesh with what you want to believe, you, too, essentially ignore them. The both of you can ironically notice the tiniest things. You pride yourselves on finding mathematical patterns, date comparisons, overlooked things in the narratives, the discovery of methods lost to every scholar of reputation besides yourselves, and so on. But when you are confronted with three blatant, unambiguous passages that state unequivocally that Jesus ate the Passover at the last supper, the both of you clam up and look for any excuse to deny it, contradict it, or ignore it.

JESUS ATE THE PASSOVER AT THE LAST SUPPER. Get it through your heads. Both of you.

Now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passover? And he said, Go into the city to such a man, and say unto him, The Master saith, My time is at hand; I will keep the passover at thy house with my disciples. And the disciples did as Jesus had appointed them; and they made ready the passover. Now when the even was come, he sat down with the twelve. And as they did eat […] (Matt. 26:17-21).

And the first day of unleavened bread, when they killed the passover, his disciples said unto him, Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the passover? And he sendeth forth two of his disciples, and saith unto them, Go ye into the city, and there shall meet you a man bearing a pitcher of water: follow him. And wheresoever he shall go in, say ye to the goodman of the house, The Master saith, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples? And he will show you a large upper room furnished and prepared: there make ready for us. And his disciples went forth, and came into the city, and found as he had said unto them: and they made ready the passover. And in the evening he cometh with the twelve. And as they sat and did eat […] (Mark 14:12-18).

Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the passover must be killed. And he sent Peter and John, saying, Go and prepare us the passover, that we may eat. And they said unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare? And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in. And ye shall say unto the goodman of the house, The Master saith unto thee, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples? And he shall show you a large upper room furnished: there make ready. And they went, and found as he had said unto them: and they made ready the passover. And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him. And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer (Luke 22:7-15).

There this passage about not casting your pearls before swine, etc., which I take to mean not wasting something valuable on someone who isn't going to appreciate it. That being said, I refuse to cast my pearls before swine. This will be the last time I say this. I'm done after that.

The Passover occurred on Friday, not Wednesday. Jesus was crucified on the 15th, not the 14th. This is not because I said so. This is not my opinion. This is scriptural fact, testified by three witnesses. The afternoon preceding the last supper was the first day of unleavened bread, which is the 14th of the month. The afternoon preceding the last supper was also the day when the Passover was slain, which is the 14th of the month. Jesus had two disciples procure a room at the goodman's house so he and the disciples could keep the Passover. Jesus also had those two disciples go and prepare the Passover. The two disciples did as they were instructed and both procured the room, and made ready the Passover.

Jesus therefore ate the last supper on the evening of the 14th day of the month. He was arrested that night after dinner when he and the disciples went to walk in the garden of Gethsemane. He was tried that night, condemned the next morning by the Sanhedrin, and then taken to Pontius Pilate who had him crucified. The day that follows the 14th, for you math geniuses who can ferret out hidden patterns and intercalary cycles, is the 15th.

For a Wednesday crucifixion to be possible, Jesus would have had to die on the 14th, which he did not. The gospels are clear that the day following the crucifixion was a Sabbath. For a Sabbath to follow a Wednesday, it would have to be of the holiday variety; i.e. it would have had to be the Sabbath of the 15th associated with the Feast of Unleavened Bread. If Jesus was crucified on any other date, the Sabbath following the crucifixion could only be that of the weekly variety. And since Jesus, according to the testimony of three gospels, was crucified on the 15th, that leaves only Saturday for the Sabbath requirement of the day following the crucifixion.

This is not opinion. This is not a point of view. This is scriptural fact. Embrace it or not as you choose.

@EclipseEventSigns, if a Wednesday crucifixion is impossible, which it is, then 31 CE is impossible. If 31 CE is impossible, then a good deal of your hypothesis is incorrect, regardless of any sources you think you've cited. Your length for his ministry is wrong. Your year is wrong. Your day of the week is wrong. Your date is wrong. As asked of @cfposter, do you want to be taken as a serious academic at some point? Or do you want to be a hack? You have to be objective. Don't be a dog with a bone, unwilling to let go. The scriptures say you're wrong. Accept it.

I'm out guys. Pearls and swine and all that. If you have something constructive to say, I'll join back in. But I won't continue to rehash stuff when people are too stubborn to listen to blatant scripture.
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Apr 9, 2021
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Hopeless. Just hopeless. It’s a good thing some of you know everything. Otherwise the rest of us who study and research would be lost. :bow:

I guess your trying to say that anyone that disagrees with you (or just us that disagree with you in this thread, or maybe just me) must not study or research. Well, out of the righteous comes blessing so I'm encouraged by your studies and I hope you persist. I don't believe it is for naught and encourage you to do even more.
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Apr 9, 2021
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Okay, so @cfposter and @EclipseEventSigns, since you're both now on the same thread and I can address you together . . .

As per posts #1 and #82, you are both of the opinion that Jesus died in 31 CE. Based on the lunar sighting of April 11th, 31 CE, which was at 11° altitude and 12° angular separation, we have a passover date of April 25th in the case of @EclipseEventSigns. Based on the lunar sighting of March 13th, 31 CE, which was at 18° altitude and 19° angular separation. we have a passover date of March 27th in the case of @cfposter. April 25th was a Wednesday. March 27th was a Tuesday.

In the case of @cfposter, my understanding of his belief is that the days of the week were fixed, meaning that specific dates always fell on specific days of the week. Ergo, he concludes an actual date for the passover of eight days before the kalends of April, which is March 25th, and in that particular year a Sunday.

@cfposter is in error. The holidays shift and rotate with the year. The Talmud makes plenty of arguments about what to do when this holiday or that falls on a Sabbath. We have different timetables for the sacrifices depending on whether it was a normal day, the day of preparation, the Sabbath, the eve of the passover on the preparation, the eve of the passover on the sabbath, the passover on the day of preparation, the passover on the Sabbath, whether the Sabbath supersedes certain observances, leap days for Elul if the 1st of Tishri is going to fall on a Wednesday or Friday, causing the Day of Atonement to run sequentially to the Sabbath, either one day before or one day after. So you are just wrong in this. If you want to be taken as a serious academic, lick your wounds, move on, and change your perspective. That's what objectivity is. If you insist on maintaining an erroneous point of logic that is not merely unsupported, but that is directly contradicted by known fact, then you're just another hack.

@EclipseEventSigns, whether or not you think you've supported your statements (which I have firmly observed to not be the case), and whether or not you think that I just don't understand, and blah, blah, blah, ad nauseum . . . The fact remains that you have not proven your point. Maybe you think you provided facts. Perhaps in your mind they are facts. But you haven't proven that Jesus was 34 when he was baptized. You haven't proven that Jesus was born in 6 BCE. And although you make a laudable argument for a 31 CE crucifixion, you still haven't conclusively proven it to be accurate.

To both of you . . . I have given both of you the same set of scriptures. I have given you both the exact same argument. I have demonstrated with plain, blatant, unambiguous scripture that Jesus ate the Passover at the last supper. @EclipseEventSigns, you ignored it. You haven't answered to it yet. You carry on as though I never said anything about it at all. You're so convinced of your own hypothesis that you refuse to even acknowledge the elephant in the room. @cfposter, you've taken the time to ask questions. I'll give you credit for that. But your approach from the get go has been to contradict them. They say what they say, but because what they say doesn't mesh with what you want to believe, you, too, essentially ignore them. The both of you can ironically notice the tiniest things. You pride yourselves on finding mathematical patterns, date comparisons, overlooked things in the narratives, the discovery of methods lost to every scholar of reputation besides yourselves, and so on. But when you are confronted with three blatant, unambiguous passages that state unequivocally that Jesus ate the Passover at the last supper, the both of you clam up and look for any excuse to deny it, contradict it, or ignore it.

JESUS ATE THE PASSOVER AT THE LAST SUPPER. Get it through your heads. Both of you.

There this passage about not casting your pearls before swine, etc., which I take to mean not wasting something valuable on someone who isn't going to appreciate it. That being said, I refuse to cast my pearls before swine. This will be the last time I say this. I'm done after that.

The Passover occurred on Friday, not Wednesday. Jesus was crucified on the 15th, not the 14th. This is not because I said so. This is not my opinion. This is scriptural fact, testified by three witnesses. The afternoon preceding the last supper was the first day of unleavened bread, which is the 14th of the month. The afternoon preceding the last supper was also the day when the Passover was slain, which is the 14th of the month. Jesus had two disciples procure a room at the goodman's house so he and the disciples could keep the Passover. Jesus also had those two disciples go and prepare the Passover. The two disciples did as they were instructed and both procured the room, and made ready the Passover.

Jesus therefore ate the last supper on the evening of the 14th day of the month. He was arrested that night after dinner when he and the disciples went to walk in the garden of Gethsemane. He was tried that night, condemned the next morning by the Sanhedrin, and then taken to Pontius Pilate who had him crucified. The day that follows the 14th, for you math geniuses who can ferret out hidden patterns and intercalary cycles, is the 15th.

For a Wednesday crucifixion to be possible, Jesus would have had to die on the 14th, which he did not. The gospels are clear that the day following the crucifixion was a Sabbath. For a Sabbath to follow a Wednesday, it would have to be of the holiday variety; i.e. it would have had to be the Sabbath of the 15th associated with the Feast of Unleavened Bread. If Jesus was crucified on any other date, the Sabbath following the crucifixion could only be that of the weekly variety. And since Jesus, according to the testimony of three gospels, was crucified on the 15th, that leaves only Saturday for the Sabbath requirement of the day following the crucifixion.

This is not opinion. This is not a point of view. This is scriptural fact. Embrace it or not as you choose.

@EclipseEventSigns, if a Wednesday crucifixion is impossible, which it is, then 31 CE is impossible. If 31 CE is impossible, then a good deal of your hypothesis is incorrect, regardless of any sources you think you've cited. Your length for his ministry is wrong. Your year is wrong. Your day of the week is wrong. Your date is wrong. As asked of @cfposter, do you want to be taken as a serious academic at some point? Or do you want to be a hack? You have to be objective. Don't be a dog with a bone, unwilling to let go. The scriptures say you're wrong. Accept it.

I'm out guys. Pearls and swine and all that. If you have something constructive to say, I'll join back in. But I won't continue to rehash stuff when people are too stubborn to listen to blatant scripture.
The thing you are referring to which regards to when a holiday falls on a specific day are called "postponements" and those were a direct result of changes that Hillel II made to the calendar much later than the Crucifixion. You are trying to apply a later Hebrew Calendar to the time of Christ. That is part of what I see in your error.

Jesus did NOT eat the last supper on the 14th. He was crucified on the 14th. He could NOT be crucified on the Feast because those that crucified Him and had the control over that date specific said not on the Feast. So He could NOT have been crucified on the 15th. Additionally, the 15th was a HIGH day and the Priests wanted to eat the Passover mean that was to be served that 15th. So they did not enter the Judgement hall. Additionally, I have shown from the law that the 16th is the wave sheaf of Barley firstfruits and that the Law shows this is the 1st day of the week which AFTER the Sabbath and from here upon which 7 Sabbaths are counted leading to the Pentecost. So the 16th is the FIRST day of the week. Jesus went into the tomb the night of the 15th and was crucified prior to that on the 14th. The Passover meal was eaten as the Apostles said in the Teaching of the Twelve back on the 11th and Jesus apprehended on the 12th. Nothing in the scriptures refutes what I stated but yet you have Jesus being held and crucified longer than the LAMB was to be in possession leading to its killing therefore disqualifying Jesus as the Passover Lamb.
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Jun 17, 2022
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The mathematical calculations that measure the location of the moon and its movement within the plane of the sky is not theology, it is the science of positional astronomy called "Astrometry." Dismissively, call it "worldly education" if you wish, but to be expert in these calculations requires education in the laws that govern the natural world and the moon's movement within it, laws which God himself put in place.

Are you suggesting you do not need an education in the science of mathematical calculations of lunar cycles? Are you perhaps claiming divine revelation? Don't get me wrong, I have been mercifully graced with knowing God, and therefore I know He is capable of suspending and even reversing the laws of nature. But I'm afraid the demeaning spirit in which you engage fellow believers and disrespect men of accomplishment do not bear witness that you are the instrument of divine revelation.

Unless you can offer some historical evidence to support your claim about how New Testament Jews reckoned the beginning of months, and offer some "worldly" evidence that you are expert in the "worldly" field of lunar Astrometry, or can evince some evidence that you have received divine revelation about these matters, I really don't see that you have anything to contribute to this subject. There are a whole parade of people who make all kinds of claims about the life and times of Jesus. Unfortunately, too many are more intent on driving traffic to monetized channels or selling books than they are furthering the cause of Christ, let alone gracious and brotherly fellowship.

It has been ... an experience. Thank you for your time, and perhaps we will engage again on other threads on other topics.

In Christ,
Seriously. Read the information that I graceously provided you. I have given you secrets that people through the centuries have longed to know. You dismiss it without a care. You spout off your mouth without even a proper understanding of what you write about.

I know the math. I've studied the math. I've studied the historical sources. For thirty years already. Can you say that? Can your supposed "experts" say that? Have a bit of respect and put your ego aside. There are people who actually understand this more than you.

I've shown the errors of your assumptions and yet you don't even acknowledge them. You don't check out the sources or watch the video or read my book for yourself. And yet you still think you know better. The is the height of arrogance and a closed mind. Yes, please go away and let the experts have a further discussion. Those that actually want to learn something.
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The thing you are referring to which regards to when a holiday falls on a specific day are called "postponements" and those were a direct result of changes that Hillel II made to the calendar much later than the Crucifixion. You are trying to apply a later Hebrew Calendar to the time of Christ. That is part of what I see in your error.

Jesus did NOT eat the last supper on the 14th. He was crucified on the 14th. He could NOT be crucified on the Feast because those that crucified Him and had the control over that date specific said not on the Feast. So He could NOT have been crucified on the 15th. Additionally, the 15th was a HIGH day and the Priests wanted to eat the Passover mean that was to be served that 15th. So they did not enter the Judgement hall. Additionally, I have shown from the law that the 16th is the wave sheaf of Barley firstfruits and that the Law shows this is the 1st day of the week which AFTER the Sabbath and from here upon which 7 Sabbaths are counted leading to the Pentecost. So the 16th is the FIRST day of the week. Jesus went into the tomb the night of the 15th and was crucified prior to that on the 14th. The Passover meal was eaten as the Apostles said in the Teaching of the Twelve back on the 11th and Jesus apprehended on the 12th. Nothing in the scriptures refutes what I stated but yet you have Jesus being held and crucified longer than the LAMB was to be in possession leading to its killing therefore disqualifying Jesus as the Passover Lamb.
So, what you’re saying is that you deny the plain scripture. Got it. You don’t believe the Bible. No point carrying on the conversation.
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Jun 17, 2022
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To both of you . . . I have given both of you the same set of scriptures. I have given you both the exact same argument. I have demonstrated with plain, blatant, unambiguous scripture that Jesus ate the Passover at the last supper. @EclipseEventSigns, you ignored it. You haven't answered to it yet. You carry on as though I never said anything about it at all. You're so convinced of your own hypothesis that you refuse to even acknowledge the elephant in the room. @cfposter, you've taken the time to ask questions. I'll give you credit for that. But your approach from the get go has been to contradict them. They say what they say, but because what they say doesn't mesh with what you want to believe, you, too, essentially ignore them. The both of you can ironically notice the tiniest things. You pride yourselves on finding mathematical patterns, date comparisons, overlooked things in the narratives, the discovery of methods lost to every scholar of reputation besides yourselves, and so on. But when you are confronted with three blatant, unambiguous passages that state unequivocally that Jesus ate the Passover at the last supper, the both of you clam up and look for any excuse to deny it, contradict it, or ignore it.

JESUS ATE THE PASSOVER AT THE LAST SUPPER. Get it through your heads. Both of you.
I didn't even think the eating of the Passover was a big deal. It really isn't. The Passover is always the 14th of the first month. Always. God set it up that way in Exodus. It never changed. The Feast of Unleavened Bread was always the next day. Always the 15th.

Jesus died on the Passover. He died on the 14th of Nisan.

Yes, he ate the Passover on the 14th. Just as it is set out when God instituted it. He ate it on the Passover - between the evenings.
[Lev 23:5 YLT] 5 in the first month, on the fourteenth of the month, between the evenings, [is] the passover to Jehovah;

Some ate it during the evening just as the 13th changed to the 14th - during the evening. And some ate it when the 14th changed to the 15th - during the evening. Either way, it meets God's specific commands
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@EclipseEventSigns, if a Wednesday crucifixion is impossible, which it is, then 31 CE is impossible. If 31 CE is impossible, then a good deal of your hypothesis is incorrect, regardless of any sources you think you've cited. Your length for his ministry is wrong. Your year is wrong. Your day of the week is wrong. Your date is wrong. As asked of @cfposter, do you want to be taken as a serious academic at some point? Or do you want to be a hack? You have to be objective. Don't be a dog with a bone, unwilling to let go. The scriptures say you're wrong. Accept it.

I'm out guys. Pearls and swine and all that. If you have something constructive to say, I'll join back in. But I won't continue to rehash stuff when people are too stubborn to listen to blatant scripture.
Fine, take your marbles and play elsewhere. You are wrong. You've been proven incorrect. You can't accept that. That is your problem. Not mine.

Wednesday, April 25, 31 AD as the date of the crucifixion of Messiah Jesus is not wrong. There are many evidences that point to this date. I've made a 2 part video series outlining just 10 of the most understandable ones. There are many more I could have included. You should review those if your ego allows and review the sources.
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Jun 17, 2022
Western Canada
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The thing you are referring to which regards to when a holiday falls on a specific day are called "postponements" and those were a direct result of changes that Hillel II made to the calendar much later than the Crucifixion. You are trying to apply a later Hebrew Calendar to the time of Christ. That is part of what I see in your error.

Jesus did NOT eat the last supper on the 14th. He was crucified on the 14th. He could NOT be crucified on the Feast because those that crucified Him and had the control over that date specific said not on the Feast. So He could NOT have been crucified on the 15th. Additionally, the 15th was a HIGH day and the Priests wanted to eat the Passover mean that was to be served that 15th. So they did not enter the Judgement hall. Additionally, I have shown from the law that the 16th is the wave sheaf of Barley firstfruits and that the Law shows this is the 1st day of the week which AFTER the Sabbath and from here upon which 7 Sabbaths are counted leading to the Pentecost. So the 16th is the FIRST day of the week. Jesus went into the tomb the night of the 15th and was crucified prior to that on the 14th. The Passover meal was eaten as the Apostles said in the Teaching of the Twelve back on the 11th and Jesus apprehended on the 12th. Nothing in the scriptures refutes what I stated but yet you have Jesus being held and crucified longer than the LAMB was to be in possession leading to its killing therefore disqualifying Jesus as the Passover Lamb.
Actually, yes. Jesus Himself refutes your claims. Many times He stated that He would rise after 3 days. The sign of jonah - 3 days and 3 nights. Refutes all your claims.
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Apr 9, 2021
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So, what you’re saying is that you deny the plain scripture. Got it. You don’t believe the Bible. No point carrying on the conversation.
That is such a mean spirited thing to say. I'm trying to give you edification. I'm trying to TEACH you the truth. I'm not blasting you with these crazy accusations.
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Apr 9, 2021
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Actually, yes. Jesus Himself refutes your claims. Many times He stated that He would rise after 3 days. The sign of jonah - 3 days and 3 nights. Refutes all your claims.
No, not AFTER 3 days but on the 3rd day. Go read it again. The sin of Jonah is 3 days and 3 nights in the HEART OF THE EARTH. Nowhere does it say in the tomb or in the literal earth. The 3 days and 3 nights were the AMAZING signage that happened that day. There was the day in which He was put in the cross (day 1) then it went dark (night 1) and then light again (day 2) and then he was placed in the grave (night 2), and then the next day (morrow- 15th) He was in the tomb - day 3 and that night of the 16th - night 3. This is undisputable. In the Book of Genesis, Day and Night were declared before the Sun and Moon and Stars ever existed.
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Jun 17, 2022
Western Canada
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No, not AFTER 3 days but on the 3rd day. Go read it again. The sin of Jonah is 3 days and 3 nights in the HEART OF THE EARTH. Nowhere does it say in the tomb or in the literal earth. The 3 days and 3 nights were the AMAZING signage that happened that day. There was the day in which He was put in the cross (day 1) then it went dark (night 1) and then light again (day 2) and then he was placed in the grave (night 2), and then the next day (morrow- 15th) He was in the tomb - day 3 and that night of the 16th - night 3. This is undisputable. In the Book of Genesis, Day and Night were declared before the Sun and Moon and Stars ever existed.
Nope. Not what it means. Your assumption of same day number for the day of the week has messed up your whole worldview. Not until you let go of that nonsense, will anybody take you seriously.
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Nope. Not what it means. Your assumption of same day number for the day of the week has messed up your whole worldview. Not until you let go of that nonsense, will anybody take you seriously.
Go read the Teachings of the Twelve. I really mean this. I wish you to know the Truth. Don't sit in error. I assure you I will continue to challenge you if you decide not to do as I recommended. So I hope you come back after your review of that information and find present your findings.. Hopefully, I will be edified by you knowledge but if no maybe you shall by mine.
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