"Apocalypticism": Polling expert reveals the root of "panic among conservative White Christians"


Feb 5, 2002
By the shores of Gitchee-Goomee
United States
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Here, my fellow believers, is how the Woke Progressive Left sees you.

No matter how much they may bleat about "diversity" and "inclusion" and "multiculturalism" and "tolerance", it's eminently clear that all that stuff applies to everybody but us. Christians (shuddershuddershuddershudder) must be silenced, suppressed, and preferably, if possible, exterminated, for the greater good of humankind.

Notice how the Christian Faith is constantly equated to racism. How we are viewed as extremist, backwards, violent bigots. Granted, Salon.com, despite their claim to be impartial and non-partisan, is anything but; and Chauncey DeVega, their senior screedist, is a lot more foaming-at-the-mouth than many others; but it's still illustrative to read through trash like this, if for no other reason than to see what the Left is thinking.

What struck me is the constant name-calling, the constant hammering on race, the constant innuendo of depicting Christians as wild-eyed, dangerous threats. A few examples:

the article said:
anti-democratic; White Christian Nationalists; White supremacists; Supporters of political violence; Christian fascists; Members of the White Right; Political extremists

"Most white evangelicals sincerely believe that God designated America to be a promised land for white European Christians. White Christians believe that they have an entitlement to the country."

"When they use the word "Christian", it is racially coded. When they say "Bible-believing Christians" they are not talking about Black folks or Latino Catholics. They are specifically talking about white evangelical Protestants."

"White Christian people....historically supported all manner of anti-democratic practices, including white racial terrorism, slavery, segregation, severe voter suppression, and gerrymandering."

"With the continuing decline of white Christians as a demographic group, these attempts to undermine democracy are just more obvious and unrestrained, as seen on Jan. 6 for example."

"The truth of what these Christofascists are doing right now and intend to do in the future is so utterly terrifying that most Americans cannot accept it."

There you go, kids. This is a prime example of how they see us. They view Mike Johnson and Tony Perkins in the same lens that they view Adolf Hitler. It's why they see us as a threat to all that they hold dear, and they are sounding alarm bells to their sycophants that we need to be eliminated.

The fact that 98% of what they accuse us of is complete nonsense, is irrelevant. We'll be like the rabbit who tried to escape the USSR because he heard that all camels were to be castrated. The KGB said, "Why should that worry you? You're a rabbit," and the rabbit replied, "Sure---try proving that after you've been castrated for being a camel!"

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Jun 6, 2002
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Here, my fellow believers, is how the Woke Progressive Left sees you.

No matter how much they may bleat about "diversity" and "inclusion" and "multiculturalism" and "tolerance", it's eminently clear that all that stuff applies to everybody but us. Christians (shuddershuddershuddershudder) must be silenced, suppressed, and preferably, if possible, exterminated, for the greater good of humankind.

Notice how the Christian Faith is constantly equated to racism. How we are viewed as extremist, backwards, violent bigots. Granted, Salon.com, despite their claim to be impartial and non-partisan, is anything but; and Chauncey DeVega, their senior screedist, is a lot more foaming-at-the-mouth than many others; but it's still illustrative to read through trash like this, if for no other reason than to see what the Left is thinking.

What struck me is the constant name-calling, the constant hammering on race, the constant innuendo of depicting Christians as wild-eyed, dangerous threats. A few examples:

There you go, kids. This is a prime example of how they see us. They view Mike Johnson and Tony Perkins in the same lens that they view Adolf Hitler. It's why they see us as a threat to all that they hold dear, and they are sounding alarm bells to their sycophants that we need to be eliminated.

The fact that 98% of what they accuse us of is complete nonsense, is irrelevant. We'll be like the rabbit who tried to escape the USSR because he heard that all camels were to be castrated. The KGB said, "Why should that worry you? You're a rabbit," and the rabbit replied, "Sure---try proving that after you've been castrated for being a camel!"

Exactly right. Just garbage.
Trouble is, for those who want to believe it, and there are many, this will spell significant problems for millions of innocent Christians who will have no idea what these delusional people are talking about.
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