Anyone Else Feel Like They're Being Toyed With?


Lagomorphic mind-meld
Apr 21, 2009
Marital Status
Hi brethren, suppose you had a child that blamed you for not helping him get high grades in his school exams? It seems you are doing the same thing to God here. Maybe it was something you said or did during your interview that caused you the job. Have you considered that your situation may not be God's fault. That said "When one door closes, a window opens" Have faith.God bless

I never had an interview except a phone conversation, which went well and then ended with them asking for more information. I don't know what more I could have done.
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Seed Planter
Jul 19, 2011
My room
Calvary Chapel
Marital Status
When no one is hiring or places are hiring and literally
hundreds are applying for the only opening... it could be the person
who got the job, was a relative who was suddenly out of a job --
I've seen that happen a lot when I lived in NC...nepotism still carries
weight in a lot of places...

When no one is hiring -- Get creative, invent your own
job(s). I've been: nursing assistant, house manager, maid, babysitter,
private agent, car detailer, worked as a fill-in etc.
In NC, I went about 3 years without
any company/or business hiring me and I put in applications
everywhere, including fast food.
I did a lot of work for neighbors, friends and associates...
those jobs kept me and my mom going until the economy got better and
I could find stable employment.

I did several jobs to make out a week, one day I was baby-sitting, two days
I would be cleaning houses and the other days I was being a nursing assistant.
I kept a regular weekly income and I continued looking for steady employment
in between those jobs.

I continued to walk humbly with the Lord and trusting Him through it all.
I got tired and I got discouraged but I didn't allow that to keep me down
for very long. I kept moving forward, and asking the Lord to strengthen
me and give me His joy and peace so I could persevere.

Yes, I had a LOT of doors closed in my face, one business man had hired me
over the phone and when I showed up for job training the next day, the
man who hired me said: "The position is no longer available."
I know what it's like to be that close to having a job... and yes, it hurt
to be done that way.

Trials and tribulations come with both a purpose and a reward.
"Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials,
knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.
And let endurance have its perfect result, that you may be perfect and
complete, lacking in nothing. . . . Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial;
for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord
has promised to those who love Him" (James 1:2-4,12).
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Bursting with fruit flavor!
Jan 31, 2008
Somewhere between Rivendell and Rohan
Marital Status
I'm glad everything worked out for you and your husband. My issue is that another door never seems to open. That's perhaps why I don't take these setbacks lightly. If God had something better in mind it would be a different story; unfortunately I often end up at a dead end with a lot of closed doors behind me. It's frustrating when you try to do the right thing and get punished for it.

You're refusing to see this a different way. What are your parameters for determining that other doors "never" seem to open? Six months? A year? Five years? Ten years? At what point do you decide that you know more than God does? God isn't "punishing you for trying to do the right thing", that's absurd and you know it. What might be happening is that you're continually trying to steer your own life and make your own path, and He's waiting for you to take your hands off the wheel, so to speak, and learn to surrender and accept "no" as well as "yes" from Him. If you're going to rebel and stop trusting every time you get a "no" answer, it's only going to drag out the lesson He's trying to teach you.
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Do you ever have moments when you wonder if you're living the Christian life completely wrong? Lately I feel more like I'm being teased by God or like He's completely disinterested in my life.

Last week I got a call about a job in another state. My wife and I have family in that state and have been looking to move there for a while, hoping to find a job first before we move. This job looked promising and had everything I had been hoping for, including being located in the same city as our family, which was a major bonus. They called me and I sent them all of the information they needed and let them know I was very interested in pursuing it and moving as soon as possible. Needless to say, my wife and I were excited about the possibilities and the answer to our prayers.

Yesterday I received an email saying the position had been offered to someone else. I was devastated and also frustrated that I had invested so much time in applying for this position and doing everything I could to stay in touch with them. People tell me that I'm a bit of a pessimist, and I certainly won't deny that, but it's because of situations like this that I'm afraid to get my hopes up about anything. I constantly feel like God teases me by showing me a door and making me think it will lead to something great, only to then slam it and start me back at square one again. At some point I have to wonder if He really cares and if so then why keep taunting me with something I really want only to pull it away at the last minute? It just doesn't make sense.

I read my Bible every day and do what I can to tithe, pray, serve, and keep growing in my faith. It's just frustrating when it seems like God doesn't notice any of that. I see a lot of family and friends who get anything they ask for and never seem to have any major setbacks or problems. Am I missing something? I feel like there must be a prayer or tithe check or something that I'm not doing right that everyone else knows about. I just want God to be happy with me and allow me and my family a chance to take that next step. We're not asking for a lot and it would be a positive thing for all of us, so why turn us down?

Are you that arrogant, that you think this is all about you.. It was never nor will it ever be about you, or anyone for that matter..
It has always been and will only ever be about God Almighty, and Him alone..
The very fact that you make this about yourself and how you feel God is toying with you. Is nothing more than you trying to take glory from the only One that deserves it.. God Himself..
so let me ask you this. When you leave a room do you think that everything just stops existing, until the next time you open the door..
I mean, that is how silly you sound..
you, along with all of us, God's elect, need to be a lot more appreciative that God showed us grace enough to save us from our sins..
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Lagomorphic mind-meld
Apr 21, 2009
Marital Status
You're refusing to see this a different way. What are your parameters for determining that other doors "never" seem to open? Six months? A year? Five years? Ten years? At what point do you decide that you know more than God does? God isn't "punishing you for trying to do the right thing", that's absurd and you know it. What might be happening is that you're continually trying to steer your own life and make your own path, and He's waiting for you to take your hands off the wheel, so to speak, and learn to surrender and accept "no" as well as "yes" from Him. If you're going to rebel and stop trusting every time you get a "no" answer, it's only going to drag out the lesson He's trying to teach you.

I'm not getting any younger. I don't expect something new to turn up overnight but at some point it would be nice to move up or at least see some progress. I can't imagine any human would be comfortable just riding out the rest of their life without any promotion or change. This job would have provided us with a great income in a nice community. As we look at the possibility of having kids in the next few years those are all things that as a husband and leader I feel are important for our family. Where we live now and what I do for work do not provide with those kind of resources. I would think any husband who loves his wife and wants stability for his family would be concerned about those issues. What hurts is that God doesn't seem to think they're important.

Are you that arrogant, that you think this is all about you.. It was never nor will it ever be about you, or anyone for that matter..
It has always been and will only ever be about God Almighty, and Him alone..
The very fact that you make this about yourself and how you feel God is toying with you. Is nothing more than you trying to take glory from the only One that deserves it.. God Himself..
so let me ask you this. When you leave a room do you think that everything just stops existing, until the next time you open the door..
I mean, that is how silly you sound..
you, along with all of us, God's elect, need to be a lot more appreciative that God showed us grace enough to save us from our sins..

So I'm trying to take glory for a failure? That doesn't even make any sense. I never stated this was all about me, yet it does involve me to a great extent simply because I was the one that applied and got led on into believing that this was a solid deal. Had I gotten the job you can bet that God would have received full credit. I'm not one to try and overshadow Him, nor could I even if I tried. You act as if you've never gotten hurt or wrestled with your faith from time to time. Kudos if that's true but not all of us have it that easy.

What I don't understand is this mentality that we shouldn't be disappointed or upset when bad things happen. Just put on a smile and rejoice without any emotion or reflection. Would you not be a tad disappointed and frustrated if you were in my shoes? Do I not have a right to feel discouraged? We see numerous passages in scripture where Jesus wept, got upset, or showed compassion and joy. Why should it be any different for us?
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Dec 21, 2012
Marital Status
Again as I have said before lean not on your own understanding, but on the grace of GOD through his son lord JESUS CHRIST. If you feel confused allow JESUS the son of GOD to show you the truth. Discernment is important as the enemy is roaring around us like a lion; seeking whom it can devour. The enemy is full of lies and deception and seeks to destroy us.

Pray for discernment through JESUS as he is the way, the life and the TRUTH!

Making decisions like the one you mentioned can be daunting, and this is why it is so imperative for you to operate with the truth. We don't always see the bigger picture so we must have JESUS the son of GOD; the truth in our lives.

Praise be to GOD the heavenly father and his son lord JESUS CHRIST forever>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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Bursting with fruit flavor!
Jan 31, 2008
Somewhere between Rivendell and Rohan
Marital Status
You seem to be fixated on taking your frustrations (which are completely normal and understandable), and instead of looking past them and trusting in God's sovereignty despite your current temporal conditions, you're using them as some sort of proof to yourself that God isn't there, or doesn't care, or most outlandish of all, is exacting vengeance on you for absolutely no reason at all, for His own fiendish delight or something.

If that's what you're determined to believe, then that's your choice. It does no good to try and reason with someone who's already resigned to not change their mind.
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Rock, paper, JESUS! I win!
Oct 22, 2009
Sitting on a cloud in England.
Marital Status
I'm not suggesting for one moment that God snatched this away from you- I don't believe that at all- but in saying he never seems toopen doors for you think it's possible that He's waiting for you to develop part of your personality or spirituality that you'll need before He leads you into something amazing? What if THE job you dream of requires you to be able to work with patience and without getting frustrated? Is he just going to hand that to you before those traits are fully developed? Maybe that'll take a year in one person- or fifteen years in someone else. It can depend on how stubborn we are to learn, sometimes. (Not always).

Obviously I don't know of your situation- but if your family are in a home which you're not about to lose unfairly, if they have food, warmth. clothing, if they have education....then God is making sure they're provided for pretty well. If you've yet to have a family (as I think you've said) then how do you know what God will take you to by the time you do?

Maybe you got your hopes up too high and find the 'fall' from them that much harder to take? You say you only had a phone call that went well enough for them to ask for more information.... well, to be honest that's a fairly preliminary enquiry on their behalf. Maybe you got a step ahead (which is perfectly understandable- it's human nature) and saw this as the answer that was so perfect that it had to be from God, that it feels like it was snatched out from under you- when it wasn't. It's easy to focus on the 'why can't I have?' when we're still in that place of disappointment.

Trust me- been there so many times I've lost count- but I've been in the 'thank goodness I didn't get what I thought I wanted' far, far more!

Tell God how you feel! He's a big guy, He can take it! pour out your hurt to Him. Just make sure it doesn't end up with nursing a petulant 'everyone else gets what they want (VERY untrue!) and I never get anything (also very untrue)' sulk. If God is using this to say 'Ok, you want to have a family, build a good life for them- let's make sure you're ready for the challenges I know are coming but you don't', then, believe me, loooking back and feeling resentful will make that preparation time SOOOOO much harder.

I feel for you, though. It hurts to feel you had something in your grasp only to 'lose' it. (hug).
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Apr 2, 2014
The Great Plains
Marital Status
We must not lose sight of the fact that though God is love (1 John 4:8), He is nevertheless still God. His will, to which we must submit absolutely, does not always work to our benefit. In fact, it can bring us great suffering. But if that is God's will, then it must be so.
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Lagomorphic mind-meld
Apr 21, 2009
Marital Status
Thanks for the input everyone. I guess there's nothing I can do about it but I was hoping maybe someone had had a similar experience and could relate. It's possible that I lost my salvation or maybe was never saved in the first place, which is something I've always struggled with. I will pursue this further and see if I can find the cause.

I know we're supposed to praise Him in all circumstances. I guess I'm just afraid He'll see my praising in the midst of turmoil and think "Wow, he doesn't seem to mind things going poorly, so I guess I'll keep sending that his way." I do want God to know my heart and understand what I'm feeling, even when it hurts. Hope that makes some sort of sense. I don't ever want Him to think I'm apathetic to my life or the world around me.:)
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Christian Soldier 777

Sinner, saved by Grace!!
Oct 24, 2012
United States
Marital Status
Maybe God is testing you and wants to see what you do? Wait on the Lord my Brother and trust that He hears your prayers!! Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Trust that the Lord know what is best for you and your family. He may not come when you want Him, but He is always on time.
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Lagomorphic mind-meld
Apr 21, 2009
Marital Status
Thanks again. It's still tough but there's nothing I can do about it. Maybe I need to stop asking God for help and just let the cards fall where they may. That would help me keep my expectations lower and I wouldn't be disappointed by hoping for something that was never meant to be. Sometimes I think I bother Him way to much.:)

I also noticed someone posted a tag in this thread. I would love for them to contact me and tell me what they've gone through. Seems we may be sharing the same experience.
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I trust You, Lord
Feb 4, 2012
Marital Status
So I do think there are times when God can protect us by closing doors.



God closed a lot of doors to me-the very wrong ones.
When I think about it now, I wonder why I desired them so much at the time.
One day you will look back and you will understand.
God knows everything. You don't. He loves you.
He closes doors for love. He will open for you doors of peace.

What if this job would have meant very big trouble for your family in the future?
Trust God. He is the only One worth to be trusted...
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Apr 3, 2011
Marital Status
Hi Hyperstation,
First of all God is NOT taunting you or teasing you - that's the devil whispering in your ear. Are taunting and teasing loving? Then how can they be from God?

This experience with your job might be a test of your faith. It's definitely not God playing tricks on you. To trust him even when things appear to have no rhyme or reason, a bit like what the biblical Job experienced.
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums


Oct 27, 2013
Marital Status
yes, I feel that way too. I want to know if I should move from my group home or not. And if I do, would I even like it there? Then there are thease beings that I see, I don't think I'm skiso. But I do think I have spiritual warfare and I can't figure out what it is. And if it's God, I want to know. because if Iam being an enemie to him, then I would like to know so I can stop and just learn to live the right way. Anyways, it's all confusing. And I'm always being called a leagalist, but not sure if it's God or not.
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