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American Kids In Crisis: Daily Caller’s ‘Do No Harm’ To Expose Fallout Of The Transgender Movement


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Dec 21, 2005
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Biological men are still men. They’ll never be women. Period.
Again, yes. That is the exact issue they are facing. Their bodies are a different sex from what they feel to be correct. Are you claiming they do not feel what they say they feel?
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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Again, yes. That is the exact issue they are facing. Their bodies are a different sex from what they feel to be correct. Are you claiming they do not feel what they say they feel?
How do they know they're feeling like the other sex? All they can really know is that they don't like their own sex.
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How do they know they're feeling like the other sex? All they can really know is that they don't like their own sex.
I'll let you explain to them what they are feeling. Let us know how it goes.
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CoPacEtiC SkEpTic
Sep 13, 2008
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If it truly is a fluid, non-binary sort of thing, you'd think you'd hear of more people wanting to pursue that path. I've had my own theories about the "non-binary" aspect (which some people agree with, and others don't...which is fine) which makes me separate it from the LGB&T, in that I think (given that non-binary identifying people almost never opt for hormones or surgery) that people who fall into that category are either extremely rare outliers (rare enough that the exception doesn't negate the rule), or that they're people like my cousin, who I'm 99.999% sure is doing it because they want to be able to sit at the "cool table" (given that my cousin is a male, sleeps exclusively with females, and seems to put it on and take it off like a costume depending on which social circle they're hanging around with)
But this is where we are now…
For some people their gender is “fluid”; no longer shackled to “either or” they can float, some months they “feel” more feminine, sometimes more masculine (what does this mean? Who cares? beyond the person so affected?) At present this only affects 0.6% of the general population, maybe the’ll go to a full 1% (who knows?)
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Apr 18, 2007
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Except that they ARE teaching this stuff to kids. Obviously not all because many states have put a stop to it. But others it's full steam ahead. And before you start asking for evidence again, I ask you why? If you've already seen it in other threads why do you want it again? Have you forgotten and just need a reminder?
Interesting assertions, attempts to blame the messenger and random personal attacks. It does seem weird to put more effort into a post trying to explain why it is dodging presenting this supposedly abundant evidence rather than just presenting it.
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Apr 18, 2007
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I get that, but what I'm getting at is that being that gender (as it's been said by some) is basically just a series of stereotypes that a majority of a society has agreed upon, then are kids really figuring out something about themselves?
Yes, where they self-identify among those stereotypes.
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Mar 25, 2023
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How do they know they're feeling like the other sex? All they can really know is that they don't like their own sex.
Explain this to me

the far-left, typically atheist advocates of transgenderism, are also materialists.

In other words, they don't believe in things like God, the soul, the afterlife, or even transcendental principles.

OK, so when a child (or anyone else) claims that their biological sex does not match up with their "true identity" or "who they really are", what does that even mean? Do they have a soul which is a different gender? Some kind of spirit?

Is the materialist going to now claim that you are your body, unless you are transgender --and in that case you are something else, but we don't know what that something really is, because there is no "soul" or "spirit", but that doesn't matter because the transgender person "thinks" this, and that isn't to be questioned ...

this is complete and utter rubbish and makes zero sense

Transgenderism is right up there with flat-earth theory, and its proponents speak in similar ways, through tautologies like ("a woman is someone who identifies as a women"), empirically wrong claims dressed up with rhetoric ("biological sex is non-binary because not everyone conforms to set genders"), ad hominem ("anyone who says kids can't get puberty blockers is victimizing kids"), appeals to false authority and bad actors ("this doctor who works with clinic X says kids need puberty blockers and surgery" [and the doctor and clinic profit from such treatments, and have manifest conflicts-of-interest]" and euphemism ("it isn't chemical castration, it is 'gender-affirming care'!")

it is time we stop indulging in this nonsense
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Apr 18, 2007
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Gee, if only there were people available to young folk who could counsel them about how they feel about the bodies that they inhabit! Some sorts of “experts” who do this all of the time, to sort through those who are “just confused” and those who may need a more “affirming” approach?
Are those the same treatments big-government GOP legislatures are trying to make illegal?
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May 22, 2015
It may be for some, but it isn't for everyone.
No it's definitely a problem for the multiple gender folks to deal with.
As regards gender, that's for each individual to decide for themselves, really. How you view what being a man is like may differ from how I view it, or how someone else may view it.
How do you know you are a man?
The sex they feel matches their gender.
This creates a few problems. One it's an affirmation that sex is gender ander is sex. Secondly it affirms that there are indeed only to sexes and two genders. Also it's biologically impossible to change sex. So if you were born as the male sex you really cannot change to th female sex.
Of course there is. There is also room in between those two definitions that some feel describes them better.
No there isn't. Because trans people are changing genders from one sex to the other. You just admitted that. you don't see trans people changing to a-gender or bi-gender. That's why the claim is that trans women are women. That's why want to be in all the women's spaces. Even the ones that belong to biological women which is obviously sex.
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Apr 18, 2007
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Look in the other threads I have presented the evidence for the claims. I'm not going to keep doing it over and over again. Only to have the same people keep asking for it even after it's been presented. But I'll satisfy you on one of them.

New Systematic Reviews of Puberty Blockers and Cross-Sex Hormones Published by NICE

Why Europe and America are going in opposite directions on youth transgender medicine

Okay I gave you two. The issue is this. The studies are not reliable. Systematic reviews of the studies have said so for a lot of reasons. That's why Europe has moved away from the affirmative care model. When they did systematic reviews they found the research to be faulty and unreliable.

Here's information on the 1% regret study. Again an unreliable faulty study that misses much.
Transition Regret: Numbers and Reasons | Our Duty

The Transgender Misinformation Machine - Ethics & Public Policy Center

So I'm done.
Hmm, pubmed articles supporting one view, and opinion articles from thehill and conservative lobbying groups on the other. I wonder which more accurately represents the current state of medical research.
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Apr 18, 2007
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OK, so when a child (or anyone else) claims that their biological sex does not match up with their "true identity" or "who they really are", what does that even mean? Do they have a soul which is a different gender? Some kind of spirit?
It means the brain part of their physical body is telling them they feel like a different gender than the other parts of their physical body might indicate. If you want to use poetry and call that a soul, spirit, magic pixies, whatever, go for it, but I don't see how that poetry creates an issue for anyone else.
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May 22, 2015
Depends on the individual.

Most of us usually know when we've found what we're looking for, in any area of our lives. It may not always be exactly as we imagined it, but if we find ourselves happier at the end of the journey than we were at the start, that's usually a pretty good indicator.
First you have to define it. And a man or woman cannot be defined by the individual. You have to define what a man or woman is first before you know you are one. A man is not some amorphous thing that exists out there beyond the bounds of reality that no one can know what it is. That it must be defined by each of us individually. That ridiculous and totally illogical. You said yourself they were changing into the opposite sex. How does one determine they have arrived if there is no definition of it to arrive to?

The claim is they KNOW they are the opposite sex. So they are not searching for anything. They just know. How can they know if they are something if that something doesn't really exist or have a definition?
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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It means the brain part of their physical body is telling them they feel like a different gender than the other parts of their physical body might indicate. If you want to use poetry and call that a soul, spirit, magic pixies, whatever, go for it, but I don't see how that poetry creates an issue for anyone else.
But they can't actually know what the other gender feels like, so how do they know that's what they feel like?
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Of course you don't. But hand waving it away doesn't make it any less true. It just puts you in denial of truth.
I'm sorry, but your opinion is no more "the truth" then any other human. If you deny empirical evidence it is likely to be less true.
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But they can't actually know what the other gender feels like, so how do they know that's what they feel like?
I'll answer this just as soon as you can convince me you really feel like it was the question you wanted me to answer. I'd feel bad wasting time if it wasn't.

Just keep in mind you're questioning that is it possible to verify that our feelings are actually what we feel without also feeling the alternative, though, so you'll have to find some other way to prove it to me.
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Well-Known Member
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May 22, 2015
Hmm, pubmed articles supporting one view, and opinion articles from thehill and conservative lobbying groups on the other. I wonder which more accurately represents the current state of medical research.
You didn't read them did you. They point and link to the places that conducted systematic reviews of the research. The places that conducted the systematic reviews are the ones that found the research faulty and unreliable. All those articles did was point out what was found. Are you trying state that the systematic reviews were not accurate? Those systematic reviews are what caused the European countries to drop the affirmative care model. I used those articles because they describe very well what the systematic reviews found.

Current Concerns About Gender-Affirming Therapy in Adolescents - Current Sexual Health Reports

Heres another that links and references to the problems of the research found in the systematic reviews. Now your real argument is not with me. It's with the gender organizations with Finland, Norway, Sweden, England and others who conducted those reviews and discovered the problems and quit using the affirmative care model. I'm just the one who brought you the information. You may dismiss the reviews if you desire, but your dismissal is based upon ideology and not the basis of scientific research which was conducted by these countries. Systematic reviews are critical in determining if research is truly to be found as reliable and valid. Unfortunately for those that are ideologues the reviews are not in their favor.
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Feb 27, 2020
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How do they know they're feeling like the other sex? All they can really know is that they don't like their own sex.
I agree. Being a woman is not a matter of liking pink or wearing skirts. It's a biological reality that shapes us over the course of a lifetime. Unless you inhabit that reality you don't really know what it feels like.
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Apr 18, 2007
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You didn't read them did you.

Starting with an attempt to poison the well doesn't bode well.

This is a paper with 4 whole citations, compared to the hundred plus in for the article I checked in the other post I mentioned. Perhaps it is right and no other researcher (save those 4) have figured it out, but I'm not sure it deserves the confidence you seem to be wishing it had.

But hey, at least it is actually an attempt at providing evidence.
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Apr 18, 2007
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I agree. Being a woman is not a matter of liking pink or wearing skirts. It's a biological reality that shapes us over the course of a lifetime. Unless you inhabit that reality you don't really know what it feels like.
And likewise, if one doesn't inhabit the reality of all other women, it calls into question anyone being able to identify as one at all since one wouldn't know what it really feels like.

Or maybe that's not how any of this actually works.
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