A flat earth


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Feb 20, 2010
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I still submit circumnavigation as evidence. It was pointed out to Asycthian multiple times that his dismissals were not adequate.
As for the mast head and pole star arguments, I was not registered on the forum while those were going down and didn't bother to read the thread before I started posting in it. But I have a suspicion they whatever arguments Asycthian gave wouldn't satisfy me. Maybe I'll look at them later...

Anyway... the last flat-earther never answered me when I posted this. Maybe you will (if you're not just a duplicate account... I'm beginning to suspect that you are)

The arctic circle is 66°33' N. It is 10,975 miles in circumference. Measure the circumference yourself if you don't believe this.
I convert 66°33' to a decimal, which rounded would be 66.5

The latitude of the equator is 0°.

So the difference in latitude between the arctic circle and the equator is 66.5

One degree of latitude is 69 miles.
The distance between the arctic circle and the equator is approximately 4588.5 miles.

The circumference of the equator is 24901.5 miles. Once again, if you do not believe this you can measure it yourself. (haha)

The antarctic circle is at 66°33' S. Also approx. 4588.5 miles from the equator. This is found using the exact same reasoning as before.

This should be accepted by people on both sides of this argument. This data is consistent with the earth being flat with the north pole at the center, and with the earth being round. It's this next part that would prove one or the other correct.

Here's the fun part.
If the earth is FLAT, you would expect the antarctic circle to have a larger circumference that the equator. Quite a bit larger. Right?

If the earth is NOT FLAT, but is in fact a 3d spherical shape as is the accepted theory, you would expect the antarctic circle to have the same circumference as the arctic circle.

Now, since the round earth theory has been tested and reviewed by many members of the scientific community over several hundred years, the burden of proof lies with the challenging theory. The “flat earth”. Measure the circumference of the antarctic circle.
If you get anything close to 39,300 miles, than you have an argument. That is what you would expect for a circle with a radius 4588.5 miles longer than a circle with a circumference of 24901.5 miles.
If you get anything close to 10,975 miles; congratulations. You have just rediscovered that the earth is a sphere.

NOTE: I only chose the arctic and antarctic circles because they are convenient. Not too close from the poles, not too close to the equator.
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Feb 20, 2010
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For the sake of me not having to paste in diagrams to explain how circumnavigation is possible on a flat earth model, they are hosted and explained with easy set up scientific experiments in the work below (all you need is a circular table top, a pin, a pencil and a piece of string):

Zetetic Astronomy, Earth Not A Globe: Chapter XIV. Examination of the So-Called ''Proofs'' of the Earth's Rotundity: How The Earth Is Circumnavigated

John Quinlan (The Earth a Plane, 1906) also wrote of some other very simple scientific experiments on this topic. A small PDF of his work:

The circumnavigation I propose, however, is not east-west. I understand completely how that can be accomplished on a disk world.
No, I say that circumnavigation is possible from all directions. East-west, north-south, northeast-southwest, southeast-northwest. This is not possible on the hypothetical disk, but is possible and has been done on the globe that is Earth.
Picture number 1:

(note how north-south circumnavigation is not possible)

No i don't own his account, however i do know him from another forum.
I'll believe you then.

On a flat earth model the circumference(s) appears very different. It's not obviously the same, so different laws and principles apply. There is no Antarctic circle on a flat earth model. You are starting at the assumption the Antarctic Circle exists. This is the problem.
You're right. The antarctic circle is just a line on a map, just like the USA-Canada border. There is not a physical line in the real world.

Round earth is based on nothing but faith. There is no evidence for the earth's curvature.
I haven't said anything about observing curvature yet. I will address this later.

Yes Antarctica exists. The Antarctic Circle doesn't. The Antarctic Circle was purely invented for the 'globe' model.
Actually, the arctic circle and the antarctic circle weren't just conjured up out of thin air. They have to do with the visibility of the sun and length of days on the summer solstice and winter solstice. But I'll get to that later, as it is irrelevant to this specific argument I am trying to make.

Your evidence for 'round' earth is based on a round earth invention of the Antarctic Circle. This is same circular logic, evolutionists use.

You are aware none of these things exist? They are imaginary constructions. There is no real identifable equatorial line that runs across the earth. If you think otherwise, can you show some evidence for this line? Where can the equatorial line actually be observed?
Maybe another picture will help you?

According to this flat earth model, the circumference of the outer red circle (the one on Antarctica) is obviously and considerably greater than the circumference of the inner red circle (the one around the "north pole" in the center). Note these red circles were drawn myself, so if they're off center a little it's due to human error.

These things are 100% measurable. We should be able to trace out both red lines to see how long they are.
If the earth is flat, the northernmost line will be a great bit shorter than the southernmost line.
If the earth is a globe, they should be very similar in length.

There. Your turn!
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cognitive dissident
Oct 21, 2009
2 flat-Earthers joining the forum in such a short time?

Ascythian last activity: 24th February 2010

YoungEarthAstronomer join date: 27th February 2010

Coincidence? Did Ascythian shift identities 'cause we all figured out he was a poe? Because YoungEarthAstronomer the YEC "biologist" really says "I'm not a parody"?
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Brian Blessed can take a hike
Nov 19, 2009
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Have a video phone conversation from New York with someone in Bangkok (or any two places which are alleged to be separated by about 180 degrees longitude). As you watch the sunset, you'll be able to see the sun rise at their location.

P.S. Grow up
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Feb 25, 2010
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Guys, it's OBVIOUSLY a fake site.

It is a bunch of Athiests trying to prove a (silly) point. It is a reflection on how they see Christian sites to be. Denying scientific evidence etc / deleting opposing statements etc. Its just a (clever??) joke showing how they perceive the Fundamentalist Christian community to be.

Common guys, its not that hard to work it out...
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