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A difficult time - Please Pray

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Nov 11, 2013
Marital Status
I suppose I am praying for a few things.

Recently my dreams of a Christian marriage were shattered and my Christian boyfriend went off with someone else, but not before hurting me quite badly. It has been 7 months and I am still finding it hard to get over the hurt. I ask that you pray for me to find the strength and for God to help me to forgive.

I also lost my job and now am living day to day trying to find a job, with no success and the worry of being evicted from my home because I cannot pay the rent. I ask that you pray for me to find a job and that the Lord will guide me into what he wants me to do.

At the same time, my mother has been told she is to be evicted from her home due to many historic reasons. She is elderly and I ask you pray for her.

I recently have managed to come through around 4 months of depression through the Lord's strength, however all of this has left me with no self-esteem and I am socially anxious. I am afraid to go outside and cannot talk to people. I feel worthless. I ask that you pray for the Lord to show me my value and worth in his church and to guide me into his light.

I know many people are worse of than me and I pray for all those are suffering. But sometimes this has been more than I can bare and I need your prayers.

Where 2 or more gather in his name, the Lord shall be there.

God Bless you all and thank you in advance.


I trust You, Lord
Feb 4, 2012
Marital Status
Many people consider a broken heart as a sort of futile and childish pain. It is not true. It is a deep pain which prevent us to function correctly. This is why the Bible say "Guard your heart." This is what you have to do, now and in the future. Guard your heart: it is precious.
Besides there is such a social pressure about being engaged......

You need time.
You need good friends, and therapy. Yes.
You need to trust the Lord. If He let it happen, it's for a good purpose. Did you want to marry someone who cheated on you all the time?
You need to guard your heart.
You need to do what it needs to be done, every day, not because you feel to but because it is right. Wake up, wash yourself, get dressed, clean your home, go to the public library and borrow a good book, cook a good meal, go for a walk and get some fresh air, buy a pack of vitamins.
Look for the best job you can, you deserve it. Go to thousands of interviews: keep yourself busy. Consider sharing the rent with someone. Consider travelling somewhere else.

You will wake up stronger and better. The Lord will do this for you.

Yes, I will pray for you.
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Saint Nicholas

Jan 7, 2014
Royal Palm Beach, Florida.
Marital Status
I suppose I am praying for a few things.

Recently my dreams of a Christian marriage were shattered and my Christian boyfriend went off with someone else, but not before hurting me quite badly. It has been 7 months and I am still finding it hard to get over the hurt. I ask that you pray for me to find the strength and for God to help me to forgive.

I also lost my job and now am living day to day trying to find a job, with no success and the worry of being evicted from my home because I cannot pay the rent. I ask that you pray for me to find a job and that the Lord will guide me into what he wants me to do.

At the same time, my mother has been told she is to be evicted from her home due to many historic reasons. She is elderly and I ask you pray for her.

I recently have managed to come through around 4 months of depression through the Lord's strength, however all of this has left me with no self-esteem and I am socially anxious. I am afraid to go outside and cannot talk to people. I feel worthless. I ask that you pray for the Lord to show me my value and worth in his church and to guide me into his light.

I know many people are worse of than me and I pray for all those are suffering. But sometimes this has been more than I can bare and I need your prayers.

Where 2 or more gather in his name, the Lord shall be there.

God Bless you all and thank you in advance.

I will pray for you and your families. God bless you all. Much Love. :)
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Senior Veteran
Aug 22, 2011
Marital Status
I agree with KayScarpettaFan. Also, reward yourself for small accomplishments. take time to have some ice cream or watch a movie you like. eat chocolate. treat yourself gently for a while, as you heal. you don't want to miss what God has for you in the future. God has a plan, and I guarantee you, one day you will see it and it will be amazing. praying for His Spirit to be very close, comforting and to lead you through this time of suffering...because He loves you, dearheart.
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Junior Member
Jan 23, 2014
Marital Status
Hello Searching <3
First of all, God loves you so much, and I pray that he would reveal himself to you on a whole new level today, that you would feel his arms around you, hugging you and assuring you that you are not alone no matter how much it feels like you are. This kind of stuff is difficult to walk thru, but you are reaching out and that&#8217;s a huge start.

When our heart is sincere, God will answer.
- And we must be sure to listen for his voice..
- He speaks thru his Word, so be sure to be reading your Bible, just a little every day, even if it doesn&#8217;t seem to apply to things for that moment.. read a little every day, and the Holy Spirit will bring what you have read back to mind at the most perfect and reassuring moments.
- Do exactly what you just did, reach out to solid voices, for prayer and counsel, Godly voices, be sure to be gathering with other believers.. weekly service AND a Bible study.
- Pray and ask others to agree with you, just as you have done.
- Fill your life with a daily dose of worship, three times a day. Listen to a good Christian radio station or songs that minister to you and bring you closer to God.
- Find ways to serve others just a couple hours a week.. to totally step away from the struggles in your life and to give your time or talents to help someone else.. in whatever way you feel God leading you.. Homeless shelter or childcare at church or gathering food or clothing for Salvation Army or a Christian outreach. Even if your church doesn&#8217;t have an outreach, find a good one in your community that represents Christ.
- Lastly, begin to work on the hobbies and talents and fun things that God fashioned in you when he created you. If you are not sure what those are, then consider the things that seem small but make you happy inside.. whether crocheting or reading or bowling or whatever.. maybe even pick up a new hobby that God stirs in your heart that you have never done before.

These are just things that come to mind that helped me when I was in a similar place.. God will lead you thru the healing process.. you put forth an effort and he will show you the way step by step.. don&#8217;t feel like this is a formula.. just let it help you find a starting place and then trust God to help you set up some weekly disciplines that will lead you to good things and wholeness. I know it&#8217;s hard, hugs to you, but you are stronger than you think.. go slow.. just keep moving forward a little each day sweet girl <3

"I ask that you pray for me to find the strength and for God to help me to forgive..."

Father, give Searching the strength to keep moving forward in this. Help her to rest when she needs to rest, but help her to get back up and move forward each time at the right time. Help her to forgive this guy and anyone else involved who has hurt her. Help her to let them go their way with you, and help her to let go of any affection she still feels for this guy in her heart. Heal her brokenness Father.. it hurts so much. But you can wash the pain away, and bring healing bit by bit. Gather every single piece of her heart that has been so shattered and knit them back together so that she can walk in wholeness again. With man this is not possible, but with God.. it is yes and Amen.

"I ask that you pray for me to find a job and that the Lord will guide me into what he wants me to do...
She (my mom) is elderly and I ask you pray for her...
I ask that you pray for the Lord to show me my value and worth in his church and to guide me into his light..."

Father help her (and her mom) to find a job.. and not just any job, but one that thrills her heart, one that allows her to accomplish all that you created her to do and to be. Place her in a positive setting that will make her excited each day to get up and succeed in all things for your glory, Lord. Move upon her heart and her mind and her body, and empower her to make up her mind to accomplish the good things that you have planned for her. Supply her every need, even financially, not just by blessing her thru others, but by allowing her to be on the team, to play a part in working with you for ways to prosper and to bless others. Guide her and give her confidence in herself and in you&#8230; help her to trust you.. to step when you say step and the be still when you tell her to be still..

"I know many people are worse of than me and I pray for all those are suffering.."

Father, I see how she has compassion for others and humility in not putting herself above the needs of others.. bless her and reward her precious heart. Increase her faith to believe all that you have promised. Increase her courage to fight a Godly fight when the enemy tries to discourage her or to make her doubt you. Surround her with your presence, so that her confidence is in you and not in ppl, so that she will not be shaken when they fail her.. because ppl will always fail us at some point. Help her to put you first in every area of her life, especially her relationships, help her to love God and to love ppl as you do.. and let your perfect will be done as you work all things for her good. Help her to focus on the promises of your word, despite the appearance of anything and everything around her. Most of all, love on her Lord, heal her and comfort her and make her a mighty woman of God. In the name of Jesus. We give you thanks and praise that you have answered all of these things before we even asked. You are such a good and awesome God, and we love you with our whole heart. Amen <3
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I suppose I am praying for a few things.

Recently my dreams of a Christian marriage were shattered and my Christian boyfriend went off with someone else, but not before hurting me quite badly. It has been 7 months and I am still finding it hard to get over the hurt. I ask that you pray for me to find the strength and for God to help me to forgive.

I also lost my job and now am living day to day trying to find a job, with no success and the worry of being evicted from my home because I cannot pay the rent. I ask that you pray for me to find a job and that the Lord will guide me into what he wants me to do.

At the same time, my mother has been told she is to be evicted from her home due to many historic reasons. She is elderly and I ask you pray for her.

I recently have managed to come through around 4 months of depression through the Lord's strength, however all of this has left me with no self-esteem and I am socially anxious. I am afraid to go outside and cannot talk to people. I feel worthless. I ask that you pray for the Lord to show me my value and worth in his church and to guide me into his light.

I know many people are worse of than me and I pray for all those are suffering. But sometimes this has been more than I can bare and I need your prayers.

Where 2 or more gather in his name, the Lord shall be there.

God Bless you all and thank you in advance.

Lots and lots of prayers to you
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Nov 26, 2013
Marital Status
Dear friend

I am sorry you are going through such trials, but you are not alone. Let's dedicate your life to Christ in a deeper way - Jesus I have failed you in so many ways, please forgive me and restore me. Father show me ways in which I have broken your commandments, set me free from all idols (including boyfriend) and help me to live for you. Please start reading your bible everyday instead of any entertainment as you need to transform your mind and only the word of God can do it. Since your mom can be evicted and you, would you consider moving in with her and help each other out and grow in your relationship as mother and daughter? God is the god of peace and reconciliation. Father put your loving arms around her and let her feel your love, in this darkness shine your light as You are the only one we can trust - PUT YOUR TRUST IN GOD, FOR VAIN IS THE HELP OF MAN. God bless
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