1 Year Assessment of New Church!


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Mar 7, 2022
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In all honesty, I miss my previous church. That church appealed primarily to casuals, with first class (free) hospitality, good worship music, polished A/V presentations, and a talented if highly narcissistic lead pastor. The service was almost always entertaining and engaging and since services barely clocked in at an hour, you were never in a position where you were bored and anxious to leave.

I rarely if ever got the impression that the staff and assistant pastors were "true christians" in any spiritual sense. They were hard workers, and capable of performing church duties with a high level of efficiency and energy. I did not get the impression that their spiritual life was especially important: they were basically bureaucrats and mid-level managers in a large-ish organization. They were all able to afford various luxury possessions, although they loved to cry poverty.

Eventually, the corruption, narcissism, and unbearable wringing of vulnerable, elderly church members just became completely ridiculous and impossible to ignore.

This corrupt church however, is the envy of most all other churches in our county. It is far and away the largest, and probably has revenue streams several times that of any other church locally.

My new church is nowhere near as entertaining. There is no free hospitality. The worship "band" consists of one or two singers. Services are half an hour longer. This church RARELY emphasizes the importance of "tithing," whereas the former church discussed it very, very frequently, and unabashedly pushed members to donate as much as they could bear, promising all sorts of rewards in a most vague manner.

My new church focuses on specific scriptures and uses that as a foundation for every sermon, whereas the previous church focused on general life topics with a few passages thrown in (the fewer the better it seemed like).

My new church is largely free of the perverse mindset infesting the minds of the volunteers at the previous church, many of whom were openly lecherous, attempting to entice teen girls, married women, elderly women, etc, with utter futility. It was both shameful and sadly hilarious.

As you may be able to tell, I am quite torn. There is no turning back given the corruption of the local mega-church. Having said that, I miss the entertainment factor, and the chaos and energy of the previous church. This new church asks for and offers leadership in moral integrity and that is a challenge and not necessarily "fun."

This pastor is not quite as intellectually sharp, focusing strictly on the fundamentals. That's what appealed to me in the past, and still does, but I do miss the intellectual acumen (relatively speaking of course) of the previous lead pastor.

Despite my criticisms of both churches, I can't even begin to imagine the pressure of serving as a lead pastor at a large or medium sized church. So many eyes are on you, and the slightest slip up could make you an immediate laughing stock. I don't envy them, that's for sure!

Tolworth John

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Mar 10, 2017
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my criticisms of both churches,

Actually you have discribed and critised a non christian mega church and critised yourself at a Christian church.
Take a note book to church and write notes on the sermons, afterwards ask questions of the preacher, yes Christianity isn't presented as Fun, but it is teaching you the truth, so get involved.
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Dec 20, 2020
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The church I attend to has terrible songs (just stuff the lead guitarist writes & just repeats the same line over & over) but the message is powerful & Scriptually-based. If you're looking to be entertained at church, listen to what you want to in your free-time. Stay at the church you're at.
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Mar 7, 2022
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I disagree. I think church can and should be fun as well as spiritually beneficial.

I know this because even 2 to 4 years ago, I was an occasional attendee at my current church and the mood was far more relaxed and easy going. They always felt some competitive pressure with the local mega church but by and large the mood was one of calm and long term striving.

I've also been told by several that a few decades ago, church attendance and participation could be a day long affair, full of activities for all generations.

I suppose I'm still in disbelief that technology has stolen so much of our community, in many cases to a vanishing point and that we all allowed it to happen. I still believe that at least some of these communities can return, whether that's a reflex optimism, or simply denial of the enormous intrusion technology I don't know.
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Mar 7, 2022
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One issue I neglected to bring up but which I think is important, is the "courage" and "honesty" test. Integrity for short. Can you tell the truth and stand by it?

Sadly, my current church like the previous one, failed miserably in this regard. I wrote up the details in another post so I won't repeat them here.

My concern is that when the next crisis hits or more likely when the ongoing fake problems are recycled yet again, I am quite certain that the churches are going to buckle and fold without the slightest resistance.

Despite my serious reservations of literally every church in our region and probably at least 95% of churches in our union, I am inclined to forgive and accept and inject positive energy.

I do know with almost zero doubt that if I raise any issue which is even slightly controversial this church and most any other in our blue state will crawl away in fear.

I fear that our entire country is lost with so few of integrity and courage, and our leadership quaking in their pants (or skirts).

I am frustrated that I have almost no confidence in my church but I have to acknowledge and adapt to this reality asap.
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