
  1. SummerMadness

    Republicans Seek to Muddy Impeachment Evidence as Their Defense of Trump

    Republicans Seek to Muddy Impeachment Evidence as Their Defense of Trump The conflict logically because they are either lies or false arguments.
  2. Not David

    Ukrainian Schismatics Ask To Serve New Calendar Nativity To Separate From “Aggressor Russia”

    *You are in the Orthodox Forum* *Not intended for aggressive debate, if your argument is "Russia bad", I will just ignore you* “Metropolitan” Mikhail Zinkevich of Lutsk and Volyn of the schismatic “Orthodox Church of Ukraine” has expressed his support for a group of Lutsk activists who asked a...
  3. A_Thinker

    Ukraine Was Still Checking Its Bank Account For US Aid For A Month After The Trump Call
  4. The IbanezerScrooge

    Lawyers: Rudy Giuliani Tweet on Ukraine Amounts to the ‘Smokingest of Guns,’ a ‘Confession’

    Lawyers: Rudy Giuliani Tweet on Ukraine Amounts to the ‘Smokingest of Guns,’ a ‘Confession’ Rudy Giuliani, just before announcing the hiring of criminal defense attorneys on Wednesday, once again admitted on Twitter that the “investigation” he conducted with regard to Ukraine was done in the...
  5. A_Thinker

    Army Officer Who Heard Trump’s Ukraine Call Reported Concerns

    Army Officer Who Heard Trump’s Ukraine Call Reported Concerns
  6. A_Thinker

    63% of voters say Trump asking Ukraine to probe Biden is a "serious" problem

    63% of voters say Trump asking Ukraine to probe Biden is a "serious" problem ... Poll: 63% of voters say Trump asking Ukraine to probe Biden is a "serious" problem
  7. Varangian Christian

    What should a new convert know about the potential schism?

    I have been trying to make myself familiar with all things Orthodox, not just theological but modern issues as well, and in doing so I came across the problem brewing in the Church over Ukraine and the Patriarch of Constantinople which seems to paint certain branches of the Church as...
  8. Svitlana

    How to help Ecumenical Patriarch unite Orthodox Ukrainians?

    According to Ukrainian media, the Ecumenical Patriarchate is going to appoint an Exarch for Ukraine but still wavering on this due to the lack of cooperation from the Government. There are even speculations on which buildings will apt for the Patriarch Bartholomew's representative better, and...
  9. Daniel Bodnar

    Why did an attempt of reconciliation between Kyiv and Moscow failed?

    On November 16, 2017 unrecognized Patriarch Filaret (Denisenko) of Kyiv and all Rus-Ukraine wrote a letter of reconciliation and communion to the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). But two weeks later he denied any apologies or formal unity with the ROC. The OCP Media Network's contributor tries to...
  10. M

    Orthodox situation in Ukraine?

    I'm a Ukrainian Canadian. I'll be spending some time in Lviv, Ukraine and I would like some information about the Church situation there. I was raised Ukrainian Catholic (UGCC) which is a Uniate church which came about when the Orthodox Ukrainian population of Galicia came under the rule of...
  11. W

    Vicar of the Lord on the earth or the devil's advocate?

    At present even dedicated optimists can`t contradict the fact that modern civilization faces the most serious challenge of present century – threat of the downfall of the world security system inherent in confrontation among nuclear states. This was facilitated by Russian aggression in Ukraine...