
  1. Questions about the Trinity

    Hello. While I don't deny the Trinity, I've struggled for a while to understand it. It's hard for me to see how to reconcile passages that say the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God while at the same time being faithful to the passages saying that God is one (e.g., Deut...
  2. Biblical affirmation of Jesus's divinity

    I was debating a JW the other day about Jesus's divinity, and was having trouble finding the words. Obviously, I firmly hold to the claim that Jesus is God, but couldn't defend that as well as I'd have liked to. Anyways, does anyone have a list (or a link to a list) of every time in the Bible...
  3. Psalm 139 - A fascinating look into Jesus's understanding of self.

    (The psalm I “stumbled” upon; the translation is my own. Bold text in parenthesis are words not present, but implied in the Hebrew. Non-bold text and italic text are interpretation / hypothesis based on textual context.) This is a Messianic psalm of the Messiah’s description of his personal...
  4. T

    Yes...Another Filioque Discussion!

    One of the points Roman Catholics bring out in support for the Filioque doctrine was that St Gregory of Nyssa apparently supported it: "...that while we confess the invariable character of the nature, we do not deny the difference in respect of cause, and that which is caused, by which alone we...
  5. Hypostasis of the Son

    God is 3 hypostases. Recently I was thinking of Chalcedon's formula: Christ has 2 physes in one hypostasis. This means that hypostasis of the Son became one with the human hypostasis. It follows that the hypostasis of the Son changed at the incarnation. This contradicts the dogma of immutability...
  6. The Trinity and Freedom

    While reading the below passage for a sermon and in various discussions I have been struck by how a Trinitarian world view underpins a truly free society. Islamic and Jewish understandings of God are about submission to a will that is defined in law and external compliance to that law is...
  7. Jesus is the LORD God

    The New Testament declares Jesus to be the Lord God of the Old Testament New Testament quotes about Jesus Acts 2:21 "'In the last days', God says, 'I will pour out my Spirit on all people ... And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.' Acts 2:25 David said about him...
  8. History Of The Trinity 6, Tertullian

    Tertullian is the guy who first used the term "Trinity" sometime in the early 200s. Tertullian's Trinity is unlike the one we have today. Rather than being "Three persons in one essence" his simply was a triad of three beings, two of which the Son and Holy Spirit were derived from the Father...
  9. History Of The Trinity 5, Memra (aramaic Jewish Term For Theophany)

    I'm looking to wrap up things and start talking about other topics (most likely my objections to some Protestants on Sola Scriptura). So unlike most of my post's with my own original content, I'm just going to quote this verbatim from a interesting Theological blog (You might want to hit the...
  10. History Of The Trinity 4 Philo

    Philo of Alexandria (Trinity series) Philo was a Jewish Theologian that is thought to live just prior to the Christian Era (may have lived to see the beginning of Christianity). He was greatly admired by the Church Fathers and often considered as a kind of an honorary Christian or a Christian...
  11. History Of The Trinity 3 (harmonization Of Scripture)

    History of the Trinity 3 (Harmonization of Scripture) For the most part, I tend to see the doctrine of the Trinity as a harmonization of scripture. Wikipedia defines that term for those not familiar with it as:"A Biblical harmony is a hermeneutic method of analyzing parallel and often...
  12. History Of The Trinity 2 (two Powers In Heaven)

    On the subject of the Trinity this is the new thing I learned thanks to Michael Heiser. I bought this book a few months ago but haven't got around to reading it yet (was out of print at the time and paid $40 for it used). This was a rabbinic theory and in reading Christian History it seems...
  13. History Of The Trinity 1 (elohim)

    I'm re-posting some Facebook Blogging I did on the Theological Development of the Trinity. Since then, I've learned some cool new stuff which I will add into the presentation so stay tuned. Elohim (another name for God in the OT) For Trinitarians like myself this name is the first hint of...
  14. JW Why do JWs reject the Bible teaching on the Trinity (Triune Godhead... one God in three persons)?

    Any ideas why they reject John 1:1? In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. 6 There came a man sent from...
  15. Please help me prove Jesus is God.

    I’m kind of embarrassed to say this but I’m actually having trouble finding actual conclusive Greek text that without a doubt proves that Jesus is God. I am a Trinitarian but recently in a debate with Jehovah’s Witnesses when I began searching for conclusive evidence that Jesus is God in the...
  16. Troubled Hearts?

    John 14:1-7 ESV “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that...
  17. G

    Help Find Holiness Pentecostal Trinity church in Orlando

    God bless everyone! My name is Gary and I live in Orlando, FL. I'm currently seeking a Holiness Pentecostal Trinity church in Orlando, FL. I realized I have to put those 3 keywords in to find what I'm looking for. I grew up in said doctrine since I was a kid, in hispanic churches, but...
  18. One God in Three Persons - and the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Godhead

    As we all know the Bible defines Deut 6:4 ONE GOD Matthew 28:19 - in THREE PERSONS This thread is about the Bible support for the personhood and Deity of the Holy Spirit. John 16 7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter...
  19. Just came out to my parents as Reformed/Trinitarian (they are Oneness Pentecostal)

    I was raised in a Oneness church for the better part of my life and have faithfully attended for the past 15 years. My parents are the pastors there and I have served as the Worship Pastor and Director. I also preach and teach about 3-4x a month there (services are Tuesday [Bible Study], Friday...
  20. The Athanasian Creed

    In celebration of Trinity Sunday instead of reciting the Nicene Creed some churches recite the Athanasian Creed. Given the confusion over the Trinity one wonders why it isn't recited more often (if it is recited at all)? Below is the text of the creed. WHOSOEVER will be saved, before all...