
  1. mindlight

    Islam Islam on plague

    “If you hear of an outbreak of plague in a land, do not enter it; but if the plague breaks out in a place while you are in it, do not leave that place.” (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim.) Is plague a sign of judgment in Islam? How do Muslims interpret good devout Muslims dying from plague? If...
  2. mindlight

    Did fallen angels break our code?

    Shortly before the flood Genesis and books like Enoch, that did not make it into the Protestant canon but are accepted by other Christian churches, mention an event that may have exacerbated the breakage in creation and in the human condition. Angels found ways to breed with humans and played...
  3. israelphoenix

    In response to why does GOD want me to suffer to be poor to not have a job or a mate

    I was pondering a post on here from 2011 in which the writer wanted to know why GOD had allowed him to suffer, not have a job, a mate, or a decent life. He did say that he had a place to stay and provisions but that was about it. He also stated he looked at things he should not. He had...
  4. SaintCody777

    WWE Wrestler Hulk Hogan sees the COVID-19 pandemic as sign from God, says a vaccine is not neccesary

    I am not into wrestling, but within WWE, there Hulk Hogan, who may very well be a Christian has pointed out to the idolatry of this nation. Hulk Hogan says coronavirus is sign form God and we 'don't need a vaccine' Hulk Hogan compares pandemic with biblical plagues: We need ‘personal revival’...
  5. mindlight

    Faith and the Black Death

    Given the current Pandemic fears I read up on the Black death to study Christian responses to that Plague. To see what could be learnt from them. Europe was a mainly Christian continent by the fourteeth century but characterised by massive inequality, a movement to the towns, low standards of...
  6. mindlight

    Theology of Plague

    Throughout history there have been plagues. Black death wiped out whole towns in Christian Europe and posed a major theological problem for Christians at the time. Why had God struck whole towns dead? The Spanish Flu following a world devastated by World War 1 may have killed 50-199 million...