
  1. G

    The beginning, was a love story (selah)

    Hi there, So yes, it is typically not read as such, but the story of Adam and Eve in the garden was a love story - Adam and Eve were in love with each other! To them, God was a joy, to be pursued and beheld. Any attempt to describe the beginning in terms of science, falls short of the one...
  2. Freth

    The Beginning And The End

    In the book of Revelation (the Revelation of Jesus Christ), Jesus refers to Himself as the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Revelation 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the...
  3. G

    What's the right way to say "whatever the beginning *was*, it wasn't a pretext for isolated change"?

    Hi there, So I am standing out on my own, at this point - I'm not saying "look at the Bible", I'm not saying "look at anything" - I just want to understand this fundamental point: whatever the beginning was, it was not a pretext for isolated change? The point is that once people typically have...
  4. M

    Genesis: Beginning of Dry Land, not Planet Earth

    I believe the bible in its entirety to be inspired by Yahweh Elohim (whom most people call God.) Because of that, I believe that Genesis 1 is not about the creation of Planet Earth but about the creation of one small part of it - the raising of the land that was underwater between the Nile and...
  5. Prophesying

    Brief Study On Genesis 1:1-2

    Definitions Darkness, Deep (Tehom: sea, abyss) and Formless. These are the 3 elements of Chaos (tohu wa bohu). This oddly is in opposition of the Trinity of God (this is just an observation). Chaos: Tohu va vohu. Formless: Confusion, unreality, emptiness Void: Waste, destruction, ruin The...
  6. Josheb

    In the beginning....

    Scripture begins at Genesis 1:1 with the statement, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." This is very powerful and informative single sentence. It asserts there is a beginning, necessarily implying there is an end. The statement asserts a single God created both the...
  7. G

    New concept: the Beginning is a state

    Hi there, So if you look at the beginning in Genesis, what it says is "light was hovering over the waters" (from memory). This is a "state of affairs", not an action. The action comes later when God says "let there be light" (from memory). So the beginning that is there in the beginning, is...
  8. ashleyn90

    Genesis 1

    Hi everyone, I am embarrassed to ask this but I am having problems understanding Genesis 1. Would someone please clarify it for me? On the first day, God created light. However, on the fourth day, God created the sun, the moon, and the stars. Would light not be the sun? I am really...
  9. G

    Originally Creation was torn between flourishing in God and hunting in the Devil

    Hi there, So not to break paradigm too much, but I actually believe that the Creation of God was started as a contest between God and the Devil about whose approach to Creation was the better approach. The Devil contended greater flesh was the right approach and got dinosaurs and venomous...
  10. G

    A big bang, is not four-dimensional: the beginning of time is!

    Hi there, So yes, I wonder if you see the simplicity of the distinction I am making here: "the beginning of time is four-dimensional". If time were not four dimensional, there would be no room for space, in principle. A big bang on the other hand, is a little of the beginning and a little of...