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  1. itsJoseph

    Breaking a promise to God

    Hey guys, I tend to babble on, so I will try to make this quick and concise. For a couple years I have used Vicodin. I did not necessarily abuse it like you see on TV. I took 1 Vicodin per night. At times I would even go a week without having any because I either could care less to, or felt I...
  2. itsJoseph

    What does it mean when bad things happen?

    Since reaching out to christianity, my life has gotten better. The problem is i cant help by link every good and bad thing that happens to me, to God. For example things are finally going great with school, grades and relationships. However, on my way to school my exhaust broke off, dragged it...
  3. itsJoseph

    I'm not sure if I even have a problem

    Hello guys! First, I'm going to break this post up because I feel like some context is required. Context: I have been taking Vicodin for roughly 1 & 1/2 years. Though, I have only been taking 1 pill a night. No pills before 9pm. No more than 1. People warn me of "It always starts off with just...
  4. itsJoseph


    Hello, my name is Joseph. I have been going through some spiritual changes lately. I more recently held Atheist beliefs, but after going through some struggles I decided to pick up a Bible with the idea, "Eh, what can I lose" Since I started reading the Bible, I have been finding myself more...