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  1. Michelangelo Goeloe

    What if the resurrection was a hoax?

    What if the resurrection was a hoax?
  2. Michelangelo Goeloe

    What if the Gospel was a hoax?

    What if the Gospel was a Hoax?
  3. Michelangelo Goeloe

    What happened to the FALLEN ANGELS?

    What happened to the fallen angels?
  4. Michelangelo Goeloe

    SUPERPOWERS of Angels that humans don't have!

    14 superpowers of angels that humans don't have! Very interesting!
  5. Michelangelo Goeloe


    Looks AWESOME!
  6. Michelangelo Goeloe


    How many questions did you get right?
  7. Michelangelo Goeloe

    Are you waiting on God?

    Are we REALLY waiting on God? Be honest!
  8. Michelangelo Goeloe

    FLAT or ROUND Earth?

    I hear a lot of Christians saying that we live on a flat earth and nobody can go in or out the earth. Is the Bible clear on this subject?
  9. Michelangelo Goeloe

    My weekly Testimony!

  10. Michelangelo Goeloe

    Do you trust GOd?

    After this video I began to reconsider my trust in God. Do I really trust HIm?
  11. Michelangelo Goeloe

    The Big Bang?

    This video says it all!
  12. Michelangelo Goeloe


    Should we Quote other Preachers? Preachers as A.W. Tozer, C.H. Spurgeon and Ravenhill have a lot of those radical quotes. Should we quote them or only the Bible? Do their quotes have any authority? I love to quote Ravenhill
  13. Michelangelo Goeloe


    Does memorizing scripture help? How does it work? I heard somebody who said: 'Why should we memorize scripture, you can find everything in the Bible! Don't waste your time memorizing scripture!' Do you agree with this statement? If you ask me I don't agree, we should be always ONLINE even if...
  14. Michelangelo Goeloe

    Christians VS Other Religions?

    I noticed that only a hand full of Christians understand something about Islam. Because of that reason you will hear Christians say: We have the same God as muslims. Do we need to know something about other religions or do we only concentrate on the Bible?
  15. Michelangelo Goeloe


    Ok, before you all going to think that I want to divorce my wife.... NO WAY! We are very happy together and married for life (I PRAY)! But listen, I know a lot of Christians that made the decision to divorce, the reasons are widespread. And research doesn't lie either: What the Research Shows...
  16. Michelangelo Goeloe

    STOP using the name JESUS??!

    OPEN YOUR EYES AND DON'T GET DECEIVED!!! This looks off topic BUT I think its not. I even think this is VERY IMPORTANT for The Body of Christ!! I heard a lot of Christians talking about that our Lord Jesus is also in the Quran. Some Christians parents even name there children Isa. Even...
  17. Michelangelo Goeloe

    Does Christlike means Perfect Christian?

    God Bless you all! I was searching on the internet and I found a lot of negative videos about Christians. So I made a positive one! We all fail and sin but we have to be at the same time Christlike..... What does that mean to be Christlike since we are far from being as Jesus Christ. Or do we...