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  1. F

    Big Bang 'All from Nothing' Nonsense - Why Many Scientists Can Be Wrong

    The laws of physics tell us: Matter cannot be created (nor can it create itself). Question: Has anyone ever seen something come from nothing? If you have, your eyes are lying to you. Question: Do you believe something can come from nothing? If you do, you are lying to yourself. This hasn't...
  2. F

    99% human/chimp genome similarity? NOT!

    The article statement in post #3 above PROVES beyond all doubt that they DID NOT USE COMPLETE GENOMES of either chimp or human for the comparison. It says: "All scaffolds that were completely overlapped by another scaffold based on the human position were then removed. Also removed were the...
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    99% human/chimp genome similarity? NOT!

    The aspect of Alternative Splicing (AS) of our DNA is the area of our genetics most likely to show the big differences with chimps but has been barely studied, much less compared to chimps. Why is this important? Because this process can cause a similar gene to make a completely different...
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    99% human/chimp genome similarity? NOT!

    The differences between humans and chimps is slowly being acknowledged by scientists: (ref: Mapping Human Genetic Ancestry, Oxford Journals, 2007): "For about 23% of our genome, we share no immediate genetic ancestry with our closest living relative, the chimpanzee. This encompasses genes and...
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    99% human/chimp genome similarity? NOT!

    Then we have the problem of CONTAMINATION: (ref: Abundant Human DNA Contamination Identified in Non-Primate Genome Databases, PLOS-ONE, 2011): "Using a primate specific SINE, AluY, we screened 2,749 non-primate public databases from NCBI, Ensembl, JGI, and UCSC and have found 492 to be...
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    99% human/chimp genome similarity? NOT!

    Below is PROOF that the entire genomes of chimps and humans were NOT compared as previously and falsely claimed. Only 88% of the chimp genome and 75% of the human genome was compared - and the rest of the two genomes did not align properly and were NOT comparable a.k.a 'dissimilar'...
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    Genetic Code is INFORMATION: Proof of Intelligent Design

    Here is another article by Genome News Networking which confirms our genetic code is classified as a language. So we must ask ourselves, in our real-world experiences, are languages generated by anything other than non-intellectual sources? "Genome sequencing is often compared to...
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    ERVs: Supposed 'Proof' of Common Descent Bites the Dust

    The theory that identical ERVs aka HERVs (human endogenous retroviruses) found at a similar location in the genome is proof of an evolutionary connection has been found to be questionable at best. Newer studies now show numerous cases of multiple identical ERV sites found in COMPLETELY...
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    46 vs 48 chromosomes (human vs chimp) - another lie by evolutionists

    The theory that chromosome #2 on humans is due to a fusion of chimp chromosomes #2A and #2A, leaving endpoint telomere sequences in the middle of the chromosome, thus accounting for the 46 human vs 48 chimp chromosome difference has been proven to be in error. 1) New studies of the entire...
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    99% human/chimp genome similarity? NOT!

    Here is a popular evolutionary myth I looked into a while back: Since 2003, false claims by evolutionary biologists started cropping up in the popular media stating that the human genome and chimp genome are 99% identical, thus proving evolution. This falsely implied that a COMPLETE genome of...
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    Genetic Code is INFORMATION: Proof of Intelligent Design

    The genetic sciences in our 21st Century has left no reasonable doubt as to the question of God's existence. God does indeed exist, and the evidence is overwhelming for those with an open mind. INFORMATION is different from other things in that although it is stored by a physical entity...
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    hello from ftacky

    just came to this forum. topics look good but already got a "you do not have sufficent priviledges to reply" . what does this mean? how does one get sufficient priviledges? thanks