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  1. ShadowInTheLight

    Need advice: I'm a possible future youth leader...

    {I have decided that I am not sure about youth ministry. I don't believe it is where God wants me at this point. Thank you for all the advice regarding this. It is still appreciated. ~Feb. 26, 2018} Hello, brothers and sisters, My church is in dire need of a youth ministry, and honestly has...
  2. ShadowInTheLight

    My Family is Planning on Going to my Church...

    ...and I'm not sure how that is going to go. First thing you should know, my family is non-religious. Pretty much all of them. Everyone in my immediate family (mom, dad, brothers, sisters). I used to have to get rides to go to church in the past; I drive myself, go all by myself, and consider...
  3. ShadowInTheLight

    When I'm Freaking Out About the Enemy. . .

    I find myself in a mess of mental thoughts when I do this. Sorry it's so long, I just can't be brief about things. When I was 11/12, I started exploring the concept of God. I wasn't open about it to my parents, seeing as they were not religious, and I often considered the idea of being...