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  1. Radrook

    If So Certain of Alien life Why Send Signals?

    Seems weird that they say they want to make contact when they know that contact can bring down on Earth an enemy that mankind could not deal with. Seems pretty stupid.
  2. Radrook

    Persecuted by Person Claiming to Be Christian

    I was persecuted for a year by a person who claimed to have been Catholic. His reason was that I was a JWs. He was the foreman there and as soon as he found out he said: "This is between you and me!" Cost me my job and almost lost a finger when he shouted and I pierced it with the kick press. He...
  3. Radrook

    Ten of the Top Scientific Facts in the Bible

  4. Radrook

    Limits to Genetic Experimentation or Anything goes?

    The question is rhetorical since obviously the sensible response would be that there should be limits placed on how far humans can go in genetic experimentation. To say that anything goes would be to say that some animals and humans don't have rights or at least that some have more rights than...
  5. Radrook

    What far-out science books would you write if you could?

    I know this is similar to the AV thread just closed but I was beginning to enjoy that thread so I post this one. Here are some I wrote over there. -------------------------------------------- Subject: Evolution Title: The Human Herring Author: Terrence Trout...
  6. Radrook

    Why Some Christians feel It is OK to be Mean

    There are certain persons who vociferously go about announcing their Christianity to others while being cruel. I have always found such behavior extremely baffling since Jesus clearly told Christians to love our neighbor as ourselves. Yet repeatedly we witness just the opposite from those who...
  7. Radrook

    God Destroys people because Satan Manages to Fool Them?

    It seems as if some Christians believe that being deceived by Satan automatically means that God hands out either a death sentence or a sentence to be roasted alive forever. Sorry but I find that to be a very irrational conclusion because justice demands more.
  8. Radrook

    Was Goliath Stricken with Acromegaly?

    Most people who read the Bible don't consider Goliath, the unusually tall man that David killed as a man who was suffering from any illness. However, some have conjectured that he was actually stricken by acromegaly, a condition involving a brain tumor on the pituitary gland which provokes an...
  9. Radrook

    Time Dilation and the Speed of Light

    Time Dilation The fascinating thing about traveling at close to the speed of light is time dilation-the experiencing of time at a slower rate for those on board than for those remaining back on Earth. For example let’s consider the ratio of Earth time to ship time if we travel at 99% light...
  10. Radrook

    Should all Humans get Unremovable Brain Implant Microchips at Birth?

    Not just irremovable but tamper-proof by making sure that any attempted removal would prove fatal. That would provide law enforcement agencies with the ability to easily locate any felon for apprehension purposes. In short, unfindable or difficult to locate culprits, such as Bin Laden, would be...
  11. Radrook

    Being called home via Murder?

    Is it right to tell a person who has lost a loved one to murder that God called him home?
  12. Radrook

    When were the Phrases "God the Son" "God the Father, and "God the Holy Spirit" first used?

    Deleted in order to abide by forum subject restriction rules: Apologies!
  13. Radrook

    Robotic Equines Vastly Improved

    Just a few years ago we were struggling just to have them keep their balance. Now they are trotting, galloping, climbing stairs and easily going up hills. In fact, when kicked they easily regain their balance. Absolute amazing!
  14. Radrook

    Irresponsible use of terms near and soon.

    Many years ago I was told that the world was about to come to an end. When asked exactly how long it would be, I was confidently told that it was very near and that we could expect it to be very soon and at any time so we should better be ready. The biblical texts used in support of that...
  15. Radrook

    Lunar Lava Tubes as Shelters on the Moon

    When we thought about lunar colonization back in the 1960s we imagined the construction of translucent domes or perhaps installations similar to the ones depicted in the TV series Space 1999 with rectangular buildings spread out on the lunar surface. But as the dangers of radiation were...
  16. Radrook

    Physical Movement Detected during Energy Burst Shroud Turin

    This is new data based on scientific examination of the Shroud of Turin indicates that the person moved during the energy burst which is said to have have produced the image. The science used is referred to as projective geometry.
  17. Radrook

    How long Before Autonomous Cars are accepted on our roads?

    There are still concerns which hinder the usage of such a vehicle. But it definitely would be neat to just get into the car, punch in the destination and sit back and relax as we are taken to our destination just as we do on a subway train or on a bus. Autonomous car - Wikipedia Well, here...
  18. Radrook

    Why the Reluctance to Employ Nuclear Propulsion for Interstellar Travel?

    Why the Reluctance to Employ Nuclear Propulsion? If ten percent of the speed of light, which is approx. 18,600 miles per second, can be reached via nuclear propulsion, a velocity that would take the ship to Alpha centaury system in approx 44 years, then why are they hesitating in implementing...
  19. Radrook

    Danger in Misunderstanding the Genesis Tree of Knowledge symbol.

    Misunderstanding what the Tree of Knowledge represented often leads some Bible readers to conclude that Adam and Eve practically incapable of rational thought. Of course that would entail an injustice involving a scheme were creatures are presented with a test they are known incapable of passing...
  20. Radrook

    Which has the intelligence closest to humans: Dolphins, Dogs, Elephants or Bonobos?

    All these animals are known to be intelligent creatures who can sometimes do mental tasks that humans are known for. The question is which one comes closest? Some might say the dolphin: Brain Power Others the dog: The Intelligence of Dogs - Wikipedia Then we have the elephant: Elephant...