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  1. Zorah654


    I was thinking today about the useless things we do as human beings. We go to school to get educated so we can get a good job with good pay. But I think that this is useless in some aspects with regard to our motive. I think that there is nothing wrong with wanting a good-paying job, but when we...
  2. Zorah654

    I'm Tired

    I have not had coffee in the morning for the past two days. I am extremely tired, and I can't focus. I have a test today in pre-calculus and I need to pass. Well, I am about to fall asleep, so good bye. Sorry I have nothing big to say today. :(
  3. Zorah654

    I'm Sorry...

    Hey, sorry I haven't been blogging, the internet was down at my house over the weekend, and I had a lot to do yesterday. But now that I'm back, I am going to do a short and sweet blog today. The blog is called "I'm Sorry" because I was thinking about the many times people say, "I'm sorry" and...
  4. Zorah654

    Escape The Fate: The Day I Left The Womb

    Well, I just got really sad over a very good sounding song. The song is called The Day I Left The Womb. Basically in this song, the man singing talks about the day he was born his mom left him and his dad raised him and his brother(s). It also talks about how his brother is on hard drugs. This...
  5. Zorah654

    YouTube Channel

    Today, my blog is about my YouTube channel and my new website. My channel has three other guys in it; my best friend Cody, my little brother Gavin, and our cameraman Garrett; Gavin's friend. We basically talk about embarrassing/ awkward experiences, do challenges, and be stupid teenagers. We...
  6. Zorah654

    Friendship through Hardship Continued

    Yesterday, I blogged about my best friend, and after I was done, I felt like I needed to include God as my best friend too. He has been there for me since the day I was born; much longer than my other best friend. I love God simply put. He loves me too, and I never have to doubt His love for me...
  7. Zorah654

    Friendship through Hardship

    Recently, I have been having trouble with my family. Ever since my dad was removed from the home, my family has been having trouble with finances, our interactions, and our stress levels. My dad is bipolar and so am I, so we would have really big fights and things were terrible before he left...
  8. Zorah654


    As a teenager, I believe that everybody my age is in a constant state of tiredness. We sleep, go to school (which makes us tired), come home for homework (which makes us tired), eat (which can make us tired depending on what and how much we eat), and go to sleep just to do it all over again the...
  9. Zorah654

    Under Pressure

    Today at church, there was a guest speaker; Dr. Mark Rutland, and in the beginning of his message, he talked about the depression that success has the potential to bring. This was very relevant to me. This is because pressure and stress over the need to have success or continue success has...
  10. Zorah654


    I'm at the mall today with my little sister and watching her play is great. This morning (we've been here for 8 hours now waiting for my mom to get off work) she wanted to play tag with a couple of other kids she didn't know. But she was soooooo scared of rejection. She wanted to play, but...
  11. Zorah654

    zorah654's Blog

  12. Zorah654

    Living Love and Living Truth

    Sooooo... at school in this day in age, anything can be offensive. I know because I'm in school right now, and I'm constantly hearing at least one person angry about something somebody else said. Like three weeks ago, I was having a friendly debate with a couple of friends about God, His nature...