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  1. F

    Sectarian Marches in Scotland

    There was a lot of stuff about this in the Herald recently. I agree - marches on both sides only bred hate and it would be better if they were banned, or at least banned from busy areas/beside churches, etc. They can go and find a wee quiet corner somewhere to bang their drums. ;)
  2. F

    The Glasgow Thread

    OoOooo a Glasgow thread! I have nothing worthwhile to contribute but I couldn't not post..
  3. F


    Haha - I don't follow football all that much but I admit I have a wee soft spot for Celtic! The green writing is pure coincidence though, I swear! ;) Does Paisley have a reputation for being a Celtic supporting area? I didn't know that...
  4. F


    I live near Paisley - lucky, lucky me. :| I go to a Catholic church.
  5. F


    I have degree exams starting on Saturday - 9 in total.
  6. F

    Three questions I've been dying to ask people who live in Britain

    Hmm, I'll keep an eye out for the Maggie! I remember having high tea at Nardini's in Largs. It was just like normal tea but a bit earlier and not so much food. I say dinner sometimes even though I'm a northerner. :blush:
  7. F


    I would probably vote against it. I'm all for closer ties with Europe but constitutions scare me. Look at America - I think they sometimes treat their constitution like the Bible. Pro-gun campaigners harp on about the 2nd (?) amendment giving the right to bear arms, as if anything that's in the...
  8. F

    NFP for "Spacing"

    Contraception prevents pregnancy by altering the fertility of the sex you have. NFP prevents pregnancy by the periodic absense of sex. Any time you do have sex while following NFP, you're not sterilising the act yourself. You're choosing a naturally sterile time. It's a subtle difference but...
  9. F

    NFP for "Spacing"

    Well, people seemed to be reponding to her points at tangents that didn't have a lot to do with what she meant. I think that was what caused the misunderstanding. :)
  10. F


    I'm a neo-traditionalist. I got 71.
  11. F

    NFP for "Spacing"

    I think people have been misinterpreting what Debi said. For what it's worth, I see your point, Debi. It's not about using contraception or children in large families not being loved... it's that it is prudent to plan for children, rather than having one after the other after the other without...
  12. F

    NFP for "Spacing"

    Contraception prevents conception by attempting to alter the fertility of the sex you engage in but NFP prevents conception by the periodic absence of sex. I never understood the difference for aaaages and that was what finally made it click in my mind. :)
  13. F

    Any Monty Python fans??

    Monty Python and the Holy Grail is one of my favourite films. It's sheer comedy genius. Life of Brian was also very funny - I didn't like The Meaning of Life too much though! I've never seen the TV programmes.
  14. F

    Ark. mom of 14, with one on the way, is honored.

    If this family wants 15 kids and can look after them properly, then good for them. I'm more worried about their taste in names - Jinger? - and the fact that the boys and girls (mum included) were dressed in identical outfits!
  15. F

    What's ur favorite band?

    My favourite band is the Manic Street Preachers, although I like their earlier stuff much better than their later albums. I also like Weezer, Muse, Placebo, RHCP...
  16. F

    Where is everyone from?

    Near Glasgow. Addaperle, did you used to post on Onerock? I remember you! (I'm Moneypenny on there).
  17. F

    Vasectomy and Catholicism

    Getting a vasectomy is considered to be immoral but there is no requirement to have it reversed after it has been performed, just to repent of the sin. I think he might benefit from discussing Catholic teaching on birth control with a priest.
  18. F

    Blessed are those who are barren....

    That interpretation occurred to me on Sunday as well.
  19. F

    Your current band/album obsession

    My current obsession is Generation Terrorists by the Manic Street Preachers. I looooooove it.
  20. F

    Women's Rights!!

    I go to Glasgow uni and I've heard from friends who study medicine that the medical faculty has a museum-y place with that kind of stuff. I have no desire to see it, thankyouverymuch. :sick: