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  1. mukk_in


    Luke 22:19 (NIV) This is my body given for you, do this in remembrance of Me. As Easter approaches, the Holy Spirit reminds us to remember the One who gave all He had. Different denominations observe communion differently, but the underlying premise is the same. We remember the Lord by...
  2. mukk_in


    Amen! Glad someone understands it. Praise the Lord.
  3. mukk_in


    Mark 12:27 (NASB) He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. The theology of "soul sleep" is both wrong and dangerous. Our God is both living and the God of the living. Upon our death, we give up our spirit, which does not sleep until the resurrection but ascends to God right away...
  4. mukk_in


    I have made you (Isaiah 46:4). Both theistic evolutionists and atheists believe that man was not made but evolved from a lower form of life. Atheists say no God exists and man evolved through random chemical processes from lower life forms. Theistic evolutionists say God can create man and life...
  5. mukk_in


    1 John 5:16 (NIV) There is a sin that leads to death. I am not saying that you should pray about that. Christians are often confused when they are commanded to pray for their enemies (Matthew 5:4). We need to understand that Christ isn't commanding us to pray for the well-being and prosperity...
  6. mukk_in


    1 Corinthians 1:17 (NASB) For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel. The great commission (Mark 16:15) is focused on preaching the good news. The Lord's intent was for us to preach the gospel worldwide. The modern church is obsessed with rituals, observing special...
  7. mukk_in


    Matthew 19:21 (NIV) If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions. As a young Christian, I remember living in rags, giving away most of my income just to be perfect. Only later did I realize that my quest was to be perfect like Jesus, but without Jesus. In other words, I sought...
  8. mukk_in


    Jeremiah 30:11 (NASB) But I will discipline you fairly. These days we tend to frown upon the word "discipline" in the church. It's too harsh and rigid. We prefer terms such as grace, love, forgiveness, and such. Many saints fail to understand that God's discipline and judgment result from...
  9. mukk_in


    Galatians 1:16 (NIV) Reveal His Son in me. The marvel of the second coming of Christ is not just that He is revealed to us but that He is revealed in us. This is probably the most extraordinary revelation to believers when the Lord reappears. The life of Christ that was sown in us by the...
  10. mukk_in


    Acts 9:5 (NIV) Who are you? Tragically, humanity has been asking God that question since creation. It wasn't supposed to be that way. Adam and Eve were in perfect communion with God and knew exactly who He is (Genesis 3:8-9). But since Adam's sin and alienation from God, humanity has lost all...
  11. mukk_in


    Matthew 13:57 (NIV) Only in his hometown and in his own household is a prophet without honor One of the first signs of true discipleship is rejection by family and friends and lack of honor in one's community. Growing up the Lord Jesus probably had a lot of friends. He must have been highly...
  12. mukk_in


    Sorry, misread your post. You said, "hey, come back." My apologies. Besides, I wouldn't use " hey" informally either. Why not? So, is that explanation relevant to this post? I don't think so. I said not worried. Looks like you misread too. So it's obedient. If you worry, then that's...
  13. mukk_in


    Still not sure. Complete obedience to Christ requires self-denial, which is sacrificing self-interest. So a properly trained disciple is Christ-seeking and not self-seeking. Your argument doesn't make sense as self-denial (Matthew 16:24-26) is a prerequisite for discipleship. There can be no...
  14. mukk_in


    Yes. That's what I said. And I'm not particularly worried about your authenticity check. Nor would I use frivolous words such as "heck" on a Christian forum. I worry more about what the Holy Spirit says. Thanks anyway.
  15. mukk_in


    Yes. Not sure how what you just said relates to the post, but yes, that's what discipleship is about. Discipleship is a one-on-one training session with Christ. So, yes, there is an individual focus on that. The post is about complete obedience to Christ without reservations or holding back...
  16. mukk_in


    John 6:60 (NIV) This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it? It's always hard for a man to overcome mental barriers to enter the kingdom of God. In the initial stages, he may have to overcome his prejudice that there is no divine creator or a sovereign God. Should he come to Christ by the...
  17. mukk_in


    Sorry, I meant to post in the "Spiritual formation and disciplines" forum.
  18. mukk_in


    2 Timothy 3:5 (NIV) Having a semblance of godliness but denying its power. There's a strange version of Christianity that accepts Christ as Lord but denies His omnipotence. Such sub-religions or cults don't take the Bible literally. Instead, they interpret it in various ways. For example...
  19. mukk_in


    Leviticus 20:8 (NIV) I am the Lord who makes you holy. Holiness is not innocence. Innocence is ignorance of evil, but that doesn't make a man holy. On the contrary, holiness is the ability to test the spirits (1 John 4:1), discern between good and evil (Hebrews 5:14), and the ability to...
  20. mukk_in


    The post was in the missions and evangelism section and for missionaries. Other modes of witnessing (preaching, teaching, etc.) will be discussed in other forums.