Search results

  1. Diakonos

    What the World Eats

    Check this out. Hungry Planet: What the World Eats Be sure to scroll down and view the portraits of each family. Each family is photographed alongside a week's worth of groceries. There's also a detailed list of all the food and the total cost.
  2. Diakonos

    Should Stanley "Tookie" Williams be granted clemency?

    For those of you who may not know this man, Stanley "Tookie" Williams was convicted and sent to San Quentin Prison on four counts of murder in 1979 (though he has always maintained that he is innocent). Since then, Williams has turned his life around. He has written nine children's books and...
  3. Diakonos

    Get Rich or Die Trying

    I saw this movie over the weekend (very entertaining). Since this flick is suppose to be 75% biographical, I tried to figure out who the characters in this film were supposed to represent in real life as I was watching it. Of course some characters were easy to figure out. 50 Cent was...
  4. Diakonos

    Has anyone been on the Daniel Fast

    What did you eat or not eat? I would like to compare the guidlines you used with the guidelines I was given.
  5. Diakonos

    Child Soldiers
  6. Diakonos

    I need help with my baked potatoes!!

    I can’t for the life of me make my baked potatoes come out soft the way that they come out in restaurants. I have poked holes in each end to allow more heat. I have wrapped them in foil. I have left them unwrapped. I have coated the skin with butter. I have tried I without butter. It...
  7. Diakonos

    The Real Hero of Hotel Rwanda

    Here are a couple of links for anyone who is interested in the real story of Paul Rusesabagina (character that Don Cheadle played in themovie 'Hotel Rwanda'). If you don't see the movie, you should check out this man's story. For those of you who would like to see his picture, check out the...
  8. Diakonos

    white supremacist exhibit at Mississippi State Fair

    That's right folks(if you haven’t read it yet, click on the link and read it). One of the key suspects in the killing of the three civil rights workers in 1964 will have a booth at the Mississippi State fair this month. The booth will feature Edgar Ray Killen, who will be signing autographs, and...
  9. Diakonos

    Who is the best Emcee of all time

    This question is for all of the hip-hop fans out there. Who is the greatest emcee of all time? I only ask two things from everyone who answers this question. Support your answer. Be open to criticism if your answer is wack. Don’t get bent out shape of somebody clowns your answer. We are...
  10. Diakonos

    Byzantine Cross Symbols/What do thet mean?

    I would like to know the meaning of the symbols on a Byzantine Cross that I saw. Each end of the cross had a letter symbol on it. a "P" on the left a "A" on the top a "X" on the Bottom It also had a dove in the middle with a vine-like design hanging underneath it. I couldn’t...
  11. Diakonos

    Low Carb/Low Fat Same results

    I saw a report this morning on the early morning show that comes on ABC (I’m not sure if it was Good Morning America or The Early Show). At any rate, the guy that was on the show spoke of a independent study of two groups of dieters; the low carb group and the low fat group. After six months...
  12. Diakonos

    Male Eating Disoders on the Rise

    If you don't associate eating disorders such as binge eating, bulimia or anorexia with men, this article will be an eye opener for you.
  13. Diakonos

    Tattoo Care & Maintenance 101

    I recently got a tattoo, on my upper right arm. For everyone that has a tattoo (or tattoos), I have questions about how to take care of it over the next few days. How often should I rinse it off (with or without mild soap)? How many times a day should I apply the bacitracin ointment on...
  14. Diakonos

    2 tough questions

    2 TOUGH QUESTIONS Question 1: If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis,would you recommend that she have an abortion? Read the next question before looking at the response for this...
  15. Diakonos

    If this plan doesn't work...

    If this doesn’t work, I’m going to seriously start evaluating other alternatives (hydroxicut, surgery, whatever). For about the past 3 years I have faithfully exercised (both cardio and weight training) and ate right. It seems like no matter how much I tweak my diet or exercise routine, I...
  16. Diakonos

    Why Do We Still Blame Eve

    Here is the question I’m asking. Why do we (and by we I mean the church) still blame Eve for “The fall”? It amazes me that in this day and age it is still being taught in churches that Eve was responsible for the fall of humanity, thus deserving of the curse placed on her and all women which...
  17. Diakonos

    What does your User Name mean?

    How and why did you choose your user name? My user name is Diakonos. Diakonos (dee-ah’-koh-noss) is Greek for “servant”, and is used in the Bible to describe helping others in a selfless manner. The English language derives the word “deacon” from this term found in the New Testament...
  18. Diakonos

    Don't mess with Richard Simmons

    A word to the wise, don’t mess with Richard Simmons. He’ll put the smack down on ya. ^_^ Apparently, someone in Phoenix had to learn that the hard way.
  19. Diakonos

    Is there another alternative to LASIK eye surgery?

    I was totally ready to have this procedure done to correct my nearsightedness and astigmatism. However, after my examination, I was told that my corneas are too thin to have this procedure done. You see, in LASIK surgery, they peel your cornea back, use a laser to reshape your eye and then...