Ever been healed??

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I love to hear testimonies, they can be so inspirational.

I was wondering if anyone has ever received a physical healing, one in which you were prayed over or prayed for and actually recieved.

When I was a kid I had terrible allergies, so much so that my face would swell up and I couldn't stand to be around animals. Because of me our family dog had to sleep outside. When I was 13 my older brother, who had just recently been saved, took my mother and I to a "fellowship house." Anyone ever hear of Ray Mossholder (sp?)? Well he was there and he just started laying hands and healing people so my brother came and got me because of my allergies, Mom because of her back.
I hadn't been saved, and really didn't know what was going on, I was going along with my big brother. I don't remember much about the night and what I felt, etc., but despite my ignorance to the miracle that had just taken place, I just somehow knew my allergies were gone. I got up the next morning and played with the dog and not even a sniffle. A few months later I got a cat who slept with me, something I had always wanted (we're talking a 13 year old here now, remember that :) ).
Some time later we went back to my allergist and got me retested and told him why we wanted me retested (allergy tests). Of course being a doctor he was skeptical, but he did it and came back shaking his head saying he couldn't explain it, but I tested negative to everything!! Wow.

That's my story. I would love to hear other stories.

Shelley :D


Hand Crafted
Feb 13, 2002
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Yeah, I have a healing testimony. My eyesight had been pretty bad, and I was tested. The results showed that I was (what the optometrist called) borderline-legal to drive, particularly at night. I got glasses and needed to use them whenever I watched TV and drove. Since I was very nearsighted, I didn't need them for computer work, reading, etc. I wore them for over two years. When I gave my life to Jesus Christ, my eyesight was immediately restored. It took me about three days to even realize He had healed me.

You see, I was always forgetting to grab my glasses when I went to get in the car. The majority of the time, I would get in my car, close the door, put my hands on the wheel and realize that I forgot them. After my eyesight had been restored, I drove about four or five times without them, not realizing that I had forgotten them. My eyesight was fine, so I didn't have that "something's missing" feeling for about a week. Then one day I got in the car and just felt like something was amiss. I sat there for about five minutes trying to figure out what it could be, and it was then that I realized I had not worn my glasses at all! I went to the optometrist, and he confirmed what I already knew. He said he had never seen anything like that before, and I shared with him this testimony. All praise be to God! :)

Nobody had prayed for me or over me about this; this was simply a healing from the Lord. When my eyes were opened, they were really opened! ;)

Love in Him, HITR
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Worshiper and Seeker
Feb 19, 2002
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When I was almost six years old I was put in the hospital. I had a huge knot on my neck that the doctors thought "knew" was cancerous. I had been very sick for a couple of months and they wanted to do a biopsy. I was in the hospital for a week. I had people coming in a praying for me, my church family, sunday school teachers, Elders and Deacons of our church and our pastor. I really didn't understand what all was going on. They took me in to do the surgery. And when they opened up the knot disentigrated and there wasn't even enough to do a biopsy. Praise the Lord I am alive to day because he has a purpose for my life and I am not going to waste it.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2002
Praise the Lord!

I once went for my annual medical check up sponsored by my company. Everything was fine except that the tumour marker for colon cancer gave an abnormally high reading.

The doctor recommended a colonscopy but I said i'll do another blood test in 3 mths time (actually i wanted to give God a chance, also I didnt want anything sticking up my u know what)

I got worried and started fearing the worst. I took things to the Lord and cast it all on him and had my cell grp leader pray for me too. Finally, after about a couple of months, i finally had enough faith to go for another blood test.

When the results came back, the reading was the lowest I ever had, compared to my previous medical checkups!!
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Feb 5, 2002
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I have two stories of healing, one happened to my mother, the other to my wife.

My mother has an irregular heart beat, and has been on medication for some time to regulate it. The doctor gave her several months to see if her heart beat would correct itself, and if it did not then he would have to "shock" her to stop her heart then shock her again to start it back up. This is supposed to be a simple procedure, but there is a risk of her heart not starting back up. I was driving down to be with her the day of the procedure, when I got a phone call from my mother that said just before she was to be prepared the doctor listened to her heart and it was right on track. After a couple of years of irregularity it all of sudden jumped right on track.

Praise God!

The second I have posted on the prayer board. My wife was diagnosed with Cervix Dysphasia and was needing a biopsy and other invasive procedures done. She was very nervous and upset about the event. After lots of praying and going to a second doctor. She was told that it was worse than originally thought, but they were going to do another test. More prayer, more prayer, more prayer. The second test results came back, and everything was clear, no sign of any irregular cells.

Praise God!
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退屈させた1 つ (bored one)
Feb 16, 2002
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I have several healing testimonies (right now I'm praying for yet another)
Once I had the symptoms of a cancer. I prayed that God would heal me. He did, as the symptoms stopped. :bow:
Many times He has healed me of minor illnesses.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
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I really don't having a healing story like the others but I do have stories. When I was pregnant with my first daughter, I had an ultrasound done at 34 wks. The results came back that I had IUGR. A condition where the baby stops growing. My daughter weighed 3 lbs when they did the test. My husband *ex-husband now* and I were told that if I were to wait and deliever till my due date, the baby would be born dead. I started praying like never before. My parents didn as well. The doctors decided to do another test at 36 wks to determine if her lungs would be mature enough to survive. The doctors also told us not to get our hopes up. My father gave me and my unborn daughter a blessing the night before we went for the test. The doctor did an ameo *I have no clue how to spell it...they insert a needle into the belly and draw fluid from around the baby to determine the lung stats*. As the doctor was drawing the fluid, she looked at me and said "Looks like we're going to have a baby tomorrow". My daughter was born weighing 5lbs 10ozs.

I have had other children *3 more* and they have all had blessing on them. My last daughter *#4* had sleep apeana and was put onto a machine. After a blessing and many prayers, we didn't have another sign.
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Well, I have never been healed but I have a cool story.

My girlfriends 11 year old daughter had a terrible headache that lasted the weekend. They took her to the hospital, and they found something wrong. They sent her to Joe DiMaggio's Children's Hospital in Miami, where a top neurologist ran tests, and then sat the family down and told them that their daughter has a brain tumor.
That was on a Friday.

My girlfriend got on the phone, and a prayer chain was started, of which I was a part of. On Tuesday, the doctor told them that they can't explain it, but the tumor is gone. Just...gone. The little girl is completely fine.

I believe God uses situations like this to draw us closer to Him, that our faith may be stronger. God used a little girl to forever change the life of those in the prayer chain. It was really neat.

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