Struggling.....Looking for guidance


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Oct 9, 2010
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I am new here so please bear with me if I am not in the correct thread.

I am struggling with my faith. I am literally terrified of what is happening in our world today. I tend to go through these ebbs and tides with my faith, usually when there is something going on in the world that scares me or something happening in my life is when I turn to the bible and prayer. Then after things "calm down" I tend to falter off. Do I turn to the bible and prayer because I want to "get right with God before it's too late???"

I have doubts, I have questions, I have feelings of do I really believe or do I believe because it's what I know I need to believe to get into heaven and because I've been taught and told since childhood that's what you need to do to be saved. I'm scared to death that I won't go to heaven............

I don't want to falter off again, I want to know that I'm walking with Christ, I want to feel his presence, know he's with me, I want my mind and heart to be open to hearing and understanding him. I don't want to live in fear for myself or my children or my grandchildren any longer :-(

Thanks for reading.....

The simple answer to your troubled question, friend, is make the Lord Jesus the Savior of your life and 'best Friend' --walking and talking with Him daily. He is the Son of God (note John 3:16; John 14; John 17; Romans 8; etc). Have you read the four Gospels and the Epistles in our Holy Bible? The Lord Jesus is God manifest in the flesh! Have you asked Him to come into your life and lead you and keep you? He will if you are sincerely receiving Him in prayer. Our Bible says: "He that hath the Son has life; and he that has not the Son, has not that life" (note 1 Jn. 5:12).
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I am new here so please bear with me if I am not in the correct thread.

I am struggling with my faith. I am literally terrified of what is happening in our world today. I tend to go through these ebbs and tides with my faith, usually when there is something going on in the world that scares me or something happening in my life is when I turn to the bible and prayer. Then after things "calm down" I tend to falter off. Do I turn to the bible and prayer because I want to "get right with God before it's too late???"

I have doubts, I have questions, I have feelings of do I really believe or do I believe because it's what I know I need to believe to get into heaven and because I've been taught and told since childhood that's what you need to do to be saved. I'm scared to death that I won't go to heaven............

I don't want to falter off again, I want to know that I'm walking with Christ, I want to feel his presence, know he's with me, I want my mind and heart to be open to hearing and understanding him. I don't want to live in fear for myself or my children or my grandchildren any longer :-(

Thanks for reading.....

Fear, the Bible says, is not of God; fear doesn't come out of the love-relationship God wishes to have with us. No, fear comes from selfish desire, actually; from a desire to protect and preserve oneself. Walking with God, though, requires that we give up all rights to ourselves. He's God, yes? He's our Maker and King and will deal with us only as such. And so, He offers us adoption into His family and kingdom only as His children, as His sheep, as His vessels, as His bondservants, as those who are under His authority and direction, who are under His control. We always deal with God as inferior to Superior; God allows no other dynamic for relationship with Himself.

So long as a person refuses this dynamic in their relationship with God, they remain a rebel toward Him, a defiant enemy rejecting His rightful rule. Fear is one result of this circumstance. The rebel knows s/he is in opposition to God, that He opposes them, and that fighting against God is a losing proposition. And so, gnawing fear develops that anticipates the day when an account must be given to God for one's rebellion toward Him, their Maker and Sustainer.

But, when a person is settled into the relationship with God for which He made them, when they are at peace with God, reconciled to Him through Jesus, and living each day under His authority and control, He moves in them to transform them so that they become bright, shining mirrors of Himself, of His love, light, truth and power. In such a life, there is peace and rest, regardless of the state of the World in general.

Many, though, just want the fear to go away; they want to feel easy within themselves, comfortable and safe, but they don't want God bossing them around, changing them, and altering the way they want to live. But God is the peace and rest He gives; He is Himself all the good things He wants to give to us. There is no separation between God's peace, love and joy and Himself; to want these things from God is to want God. As I said, though, people just want "the good stuff" from God, His peace and power, His protection, while they remain rebels toward Him in the general character of their living. This is never going to happen.

Part of the problem is that folks don't know - or believe - that God made them for Himself, not for themselves. We are all of us created to know and walk with God and when we do, we meet the fundamental purpose for which we were made. Doing so is incredibly satisfying and fulfilling in a way nothing else can be, causing us to glorify God naturally and enthusiastically, further fulfilling our created purpose.

God's way is the best way. He is greater, more amazing, more beautiful, more thrilling than anything else, as the Creator and Sustainer of the universe would be. How strange it is that so many doubt this, that they would rather play with "mud pies" of sin in a dark alley of rebellion toward God, than journey with Him to the sunshine, golden sand, blue skies and rushing surf of the seaside of life In Christ.

God uses fear of hell to bring us to Himself, knowing we won't, as the rebellious, selfish creatures we are, generally be brought by His goodness and grace. He intends, though, that when we come to Him for rescue from hell, we see His love, and mercy, and kindness in saving us, through Jesus, from ourselves. We may be moved to Him by fear, but He wants us to be motivated to continue with Him because we have come to know and believe the astonishing, perfect love that He has for us. When love is the ground for our walk with God, living His way is a joy, not an onerous burden, a life of peace and rest, not fear and endless striving to earn His favor.

Matthew 11:28-30
28 "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.
29 "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS.
30 "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

1 John 4:16-19
16 We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.
17 By this, love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment; because as He is, so also are we in this world.
18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love.
19 We love, because He first loved us.

Colossians 1:12-22
12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light.
13 For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son,
14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.
16 For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him.
17 He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.
18 He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything.
19 For it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him,
20 and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven.
21 And although you were formerly alienated and hostile in mind, engaged in evil deeds,
22 yet He has now reconciled you in His fleshly body through death, in order to present you before Him holy and blameless and beyond reproach—

John 3:16-17
16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
17 "For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.
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Sir Joseph

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Nov 18, 2018
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Mammie5, you've got enough encouragement reading from others to make the point, so I'll offer another avenue.

Besides reading the Bible, praying, and going to church regularly, I'd suggest feeding your soul with other encouraging nourishment every day.

In my case, I quit watching the negative news every morning and eve and replaced that time with interesting Christian apologetic or positive faith related YouTube videos. There's a wide variety of topics to keep me engaged every day, but on Sundays I make it a point to watch a Christian living sermon that specifically enhances my own spiritual walk and condition. After watching hundreds, I have a few favorites that are worth watching time and time again.

I think if you would watch an excellent sermon every morning, your interest, faith, and confident joy would grow significantly, putting to rest some of your current doubts and fears. Consider whether it's worth your time and effort by watching this video - starting at the 22:20 mark. If you like it and want more of my recos, send me a PM.

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Oct 22, 2021
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I am new here so please bear with me if I am not in the correct thread.

I am struggling with my faith. I am literally terrified of what is happening in our world today. I tend to go through these ebbs and tides with my faith, usually when there is something going on in the world that scares me or something happening in my life is when I turn to the bible and prayer. Then after things "calm down" I tend to falter off. Do I turn to the bible and prayer because I want to "get right with God before it's too late???"

I have doubts, I have questions, I have feelings of do I really believe or do I believe because it's what I know I need to believe to get into heaven and because I've been taught and told since childhood that's what you need to do to be saved. I'm scared to death that I won't go to heaven............

I don't want to falter off again, I want to know that I'm walking with Christ, I want to feel his presence, know he's with me, I want my mind and heart to be open to hearing and understanding him. I don't want to live in fear for myself or my children or my grandchildren any longer :-(

Thanks for reading.....

It’s perfectly normal to question and to doubt. It means you are alive and do utilize the gift of mind God gave you.

God will answer every question if you come to the Creator with open and sincere heart.

Remember, God is Love! ❤️
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Victor E.

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I am new here so please bear with me if I am not in the correct thread.

I am struggling with my faith. I am literally terrified of what is happening in our world today. I tend to go through these ebbs and tides with my faith, usually when there is something going on in the world that scares me or something happening in my life is when I turn to the bible and prayer. Then after things "calm down" I tend to falter off. Do I turn to the bible and prayer because I want to "get right with God before it's too late???"

I have doubts, I have questions, I have feelings of do I really believe or do I believe because it's what I know I need to believe to get into heaven and because I've been taught and told since childhood that's what you need to do to be saved. I'm scared to death that I won't go to heaven............

I don't want to falter off again, I want to know that I'm walking with Christ, I want to feel his presence, know he's with me, I want my mind and heart to be open to hearing and understanding him. I don't want to live in fear for myself or my children or my grandchildren any longer :-(

Thanks for reading.....

You may find Philippians 4:4-9 an encouraging read.

In 1 John 4:7-19 it speaks of being perfected in love (a Christians relationship with God in Christ.. and toward others).

This 'perfecting in love' casts out fear.. I encourage you to read God's Word and pray.

As a Christian grows spiritually, they really do become bold and fearless in the Lord as the Word says.

'For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.'

(2 Timothy 1:7)

Praying for you.

Grace and peace..
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Half-truths are lies wearing makeup
Dec 2, 2010
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I am new here so please bear with me if I am not in the correct thread.

I am struggling with my faith. I am literally terrified of what is happening in our world today. I tend to go through these ebbs and tides with my faith, usually when there is something going on in the world that scares me or something happening in my life is when I turn to the bible and prayer. Then after things "calm down" I tend to falter off. Do I turn to the bible and prayer because I want to "get right with God before it's too late???"

I have doubts, I have questions, I have feelings of do I really believe or do I believe because it's what I know I need to believe to get into heaven and because I've been taught and told since childhood that's what you need to do to be saved. I'm scared to death that I won't go to heaven............

I don't want to falter off again, I want to know that I'm walking with Christ, I want to feel his presence, know he's with me, I want my mind and heart to be open to hearing and understanding him. I don't want to live in fear for myself or my children or my grandchildren any longer :-(

Thanks for reading.....
You should not live in fear. Ever. Struggles are simply the nature of this world. They have been since the fall and they will be until the earth is redeemed. The thing to remember is that all the evil... all that is wrong... all that is corrupt... it will all end. Focus on that. Christ will end it when it is time. And we can live happily even while we face the struggles.

It's not possible to do good without feeling God's influence and presence. So if you are doing good but don't know that you're feeling His influence and presence, it is likely that you're distracted. Sometimes we get distracted from God's influence and presence by the bad things we see or are subjected to. Sometimes we get distracted because we don't feel supported by others in our doing of good. Sometimes we get distracted simply because we're human, and therefore weak, and struggle to be 100% good all the time, or express faith 100% of the time.

Christ is merciful to those who acknowledge their weakness and keep believing in him. So don't be too hard on yourself. Do the best you can and ask others for support when you need a recharge. Trust that God knows what is going on and has accounted for it, because He does, and He has. We, and our loved ones, will surely face trials in this life. But this life will end, and the trials with it. If we've done our best to respond to God's light, we shouldn't ever fear. Living with the end in mind is crucial to keeping our chins up here in mortality. The world may knock you down, but it cannot keep you down. God will raise you up if you keep your focus on him, and on doing good.
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Saint Steven

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I am new here so please bear with me if I am not in the correct thread.
Been almost a year. How are you?
I don't want to falter off again, I want to know that I'm walking with Christ, I want to feel his presence, know he's with me, I want my mind and heart to be open to hearing and understanding him. I don't want to live in fear for myself or my children or my grandchildren any longer :-(
I was taken by this prayerful paragraph. The Father says:

Do not worry my child. I am sovereign over world events. I will care for you and your little ones. Trust in me despite what you see happening. There is safety under my wings. Abide in me and I will abide in you.
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Jesse Dornfeld

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A few things I would recommend if you want to not just turn to God out of fear...

1) Commit yourself to reading the Bible every day. I use the "Navigators Bible Reading Plan" Pick a plan that works for you. It's only the 3rd day of the New Year, so a great time to start! Top 14 Best Bible Reading Plans - 2023 - Bible Study Together
2) Put on praise and worship music of your liking whenever you can. There are many options available. Maybe go to THIS thread for ideas.
3) Pray every day. Confess your sins to God before you go to sleep as you reflect on the day. Pour out your concerns to God and maybe keep a prayer journal to see how God answers your prayers over time. Your prayers should come with thanksgiving to God for all He has given you. This helps with doubt quite a bit (praise and thanksgiving to God).

Basically, you should be loving God even when you don't "feel" like it because God will reward you for doing this if you do it with a sincere heart. You just want to be more regular with your faith and doing the above things may help with your doubt.

Otherwise, there are several people who help people with their doubts. Dr. Gary Habermas deals a lot with doubts and there is also this website:

Praying the best for you!
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Wyatt A.

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Apr 23, 2022
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I am new here so please bear with me if I am not in the correct thread.

I am struggling with my faith. I am literally terrified of what is happening in our world today. I tend to go through these ebbs and tides with my faith, usually when there is something going on in the world that scares me or something happening in my life is when I turn to the bible and prayer. Then after things "calm down" I tend to falter off. Do I turn to the bible and prayer because I want to "get right with God before it's too late???"

I have doubts, I have questions, I have feelings of do I really believe or do I believe because it's what I know I need to believe to get into heaven and because I've been taught and told since childhood that's what you need to do to be saved. I'm scared to death that I won't go to heaven............

I don't want to falter off again, I want to know that I'm walking with Christ, I want to feel his presence, know he's with me, I want my mind and heart to be open to hearing and understanding him. I don't want to live in fear for myself or my children or my grandchildren any longer :-(

Thanks for reading.....
"and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:20
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