Recent content by Subordinationist

  1. S

    Why is capitalism considered a good thing?

    Dear Vylo, And you totally missed the point. The "freedom" to harm another's private property is not a freedom, i.e. the freedom to burn trash is only a freedom as long as no one else's private property is being harmed. The difference between the rural and the urban in this regard is merely a...
  2. S

    Athiesm is a religion?[MOVED TO PHILOSOPHY]

    Dear quatona, That morality is relative, since for atheists morality does not find its origin in an absolute God, since for them He cannot exist. Indeed, how can an atheist show that homicide is absolutely wrong? Is this an example of the association fallacy? "There are no tomatoes"...
  3. S

    Athiesm is a religion?[MOVED TO PHILOSOPHY]

    Dear nolongerhome, As I edited my post above, the simple Atheist Creed: "There is no God, and the supernatural does not exist," or, in your words, "The lack of belief in a deity/ies", may be a simple belief, but a very large belief it remains, one with imposing repercussions and...
  4. S

    Athiesm is a religion?[MOVED TO PHILOSOPHY]

    Dear nolongerhome, Interesting. So religion is: "a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing...
  5. S

    Why is capitalism considered a good thing?

    Dear TheNewWorldMan, The working-class, are, indeed, just that: a class of people who spend most of their time working, whether in Canada, France, Japan or Hong Kong their case is quite similar. Yet the overall composition of Hong Kong is that of a rather middle-class society, not one that is...
  6. S

    Why is capitalism considered a good thing?

    Dear Vylo, Your statement that freedoms must be curtailed in densely populated areas is incorrect. As is your general assessment that densely populated areas favor liberals and rural areas favor conservatives. First, consider your example of trash-burning. The reason trash-burning is allowed...
  7. S

    Why is capitalism considered a good thing?

    Dear Freemind, You are missing one essential ingredient in your critique of capitalism and your example of early Christian "socialism" as found in the Book of Acts. That is: the voluntary nature of both. Capitalism is simply what people voluntarily do when you leave them alone (hence the...
  8. S

    Everywhere I go, hostility toward Christianity.

    International Christian Concern Persecution of Christians Growing in the US International Persecution of Christians The Voice of the Martyrs Christian Monitor Christian Persecution Info And you think that the West will remain Fundamentalist Christian? Think again. Wanna...
  9. S

    Everywhere I go, hostility toward Christianity.

    I rest my case. Just wait a decade or two; we'll see about this "Christian" America. .
  10. S

    Is the vegetarian more moral?

    I'm a Christian libertarian market anarachist. I don't eat eggs, rarely eat pork, rarely use butter or drink milk, rarely eat beef, and I'm trying to cut down on chicken, so I'm a verging vegan...sort of. But I'm veganish because I believe there is significant health risks associated with eating...
  11. S

    Everywhere I go, hostility toward Christianity.

    Could anyone tell I was venting? Lol. Anyway, for the most part I was talking about in forums, not in the real world. In regards to someone who talked about being "more-persecuted-than-thou". This was neither my intent nor goal, I simply wanted to vent, and see what others think and feel about...
  12. S

    The Bird in Hand Wager

    You can be whatever you want to be. "And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life." Matthew 19:29 .
  13. S

    Everywhere I go, hostility toward Christianity.

    I have yet to go to a forum where there isn't at least one anti-Christian ranting and raving about the "myths" of the Bible, the religion of Creationism, the "hatreds and bigotry" of Biblical doctrines, or the over-blowing of past historical "Christian" evils. Just look at this forum, its seems...
  14. S

    Why Christians are poor (political) leaders

    So, your saying that all political leaders should be either athiests or agnostics? What is the track record for athiest and agnostic leaders? I would like to know. Leaders of states, 90% of the time, are murderers, thieves, and liars. Whether they are "Christian" or athiest makes no...
  15. S

    The Bird in Hand Wager

    I look forward to death, and to Heaven. For me, death isn't some scary thing, or a failure, or "The End". It is the beginning. I hope to live to be at least 60 years young, with good health, and then be brutally murdered as a martyr in some anti-Christian country (who knows, by the time I'm old...