Starting a writing/book...?


Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
United States
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I've decided to make an attempt at working on a book, and this is what I have so far...

In the beginning was the very most highest being/entity that we call God. This One started the universe and initially set it all in motion, knowing how it all would go/happen/play out from it's very most earliest beginnings, down to its very last and very final endings, and everything in-between. The one thing He was limited by however, was His ability to show Himself to others inside this universe without others, or at the very least at least, at least one other. This one would have to be slightly less than He was, or it would not be able to show us Him by or through him or itself, or that one other. This one would be the first and the last, and the beginning and the ending, and would only be second only to the One who has no beginning or ending. This one would also have a youth, (or period of immaturity), and would eventually become older, (or would grow into full maturity), and would experience everything in between, much like a man or person does. And this would be to fully show us the one and only true highest One who started it all, and who was the only One who ever truly existed before it all, etc. That One could not do it Himself directly because He would have to limit Himself to these confines to do so, and that cannot hold/behold/contain Him completely, so, another one was put in place to show us Him. This other one would need to be limited to time and space, and would not be able to know absolutely all of everything completely from beginning to end completely, at or from the very beginning completely. So, this one was put into place as being God of this Sol solar system and this earth (at least), and has been present since the time they came into existence and were made (at least). And He had many other spirit beings present with Him that He was/is in command of since that time or ever since they were made. At the start, they would spend that time inhabiting various life forms as they would come about and learning their ways, because none of them knew all, or absolutely everything, and so it was necessary for all of them to learn, and learn their ways, and learn what it was like to be one of them, or be one with them. In time, they would eventually decide to use their creative powers to create a special creation that would be made in their likeness or image, and create/make/put them in a special place called "Eden". These were made in their likeness and image and were just like them. It was perfect for a time, and had only one law or rule, but in time, that one law or rule was broken, and when that happened, the special place was changed with it, and necessitated a need for it to be closed off from those who were specially made or created, and/or needed to be done away with. This was a sad time for the others who made them, since all would have to change or be different after that, including their plans for the world and these specially created ones and them after that. So Eden was closed off or done away with and this specially created race would now have to live as the rest of the animals/beings on the rest of the earth. As a side note at this point, it is important to note that, at or during this time, there was a rebellion of some of the spirit beings who became jealous of this specially made creation at this time against the One who was supposed to be the chief One among them, and that were, in part, partially responsible for this specially made creation disobeying this/the one rule or command there in Eden, and we will get into that in more detail later. But, after the specially made creation or race was put out of Eden, there was a race that had evolved from the animals on the earth at that time that these specially created ones would be capable of breeding with, but that was not a part of these other beings original plans either, but that soon did, in time, happen, necessitating yet another change or need for modifications in their plans. The One who was in command of all the other spirit beings at that time, decided all together to use their powers to cause a large flood to happen where almost all of that specially made creation or race was dwelling at that time, in order to wipe them out, all of them except eight souls, which would be preserved for a new plan after that. This new plan would involve now allowing those eight souls to breed with the lesser race that they were capable of breeding with in the earth that would eventually diminish their bloodline, and the length of their life over time. His/Their original plan from the time that the special creation was made was to have a specific type of people, or a certain race of people, to rule over all others in the earth, and all other creatures in the earth, and was intended to be a rulership or kingdom that would last forever, so, while they were now having to modify those plans, they were still trying to stick to those plans in the earth. But the other spirit beings, who had originally rebelled against the other spirit beings, and the One who was leading them, and were in part responsible for the specially made race disobeying or rebelling in Eden, were still active in the earth, and had been encouraging even further rebellion or disobedience in all other creatures in the earth from that time, and were still trying to set up their own rulership or kingdom still since that time, and so were still continuing to try and still oppose the other ones who were still trying to set up their kingdom still, even after that time. The One who was leading the other spirit beings, the Leader of the ones who had not disobeyed or caused a rebellion, had now become actively aware of certain fall back plan that He was aware of from the beginning but had not been seriously considering yet at that time, but was now seriously considering it since the rebellion in Eden now, and after that time, and had even started laying the groundwork for if it would eventually need to be implemented sometime, since, or from, or after that time, and He would continue laying the groundwork for the possible fall back plan even since, or from, or after that time, but would also not be giving up on the original plan for a while after that time. So They continued trying to implement the original plan after that time, but it failed many, many, many times. This was in part due to those spirits who were still opposing Them, and mankind's tendency toward disobedience and lack of faith at the time, which made Them start to wonder greatly about a great many things at that time. A great deal of time passed in which They did not give up on trying to implement the original plan during that time, all the while continuing to lay the groundwork for the eventual fall back plan during that time, but, over time, it only became more and more apparent that the eventual fall back plan might need to be eventually implemented at some point during or after that time. The kingdom that these ones were setting up or were trying to set up during that time before implementing the fall back plan, was supposed to be an earthly representation of a much higher kingdom that they knew about that was in or was from a place called "Heaven". It was believed that by setting up this kingdom/system up like that one, and making their systems very similar to that one, or the same, that it would last for the whole period of this time, and then, after that, would be taken up from here to there after that, to last there forever after that, forever after that time. And the ones who had rebelled were trying to set up their own kingdom/system during that time to ruin theirs, and/or compete with it, all throughout, and during/throughout and after that time.

The fall back plan needed to be eventually implemented eventually, and it would involve the One who was in charge of the ones who didn't rebel impregnating a human woman with His own seed or the essence of Himself directly. So that the one born would be that One's own biological son directly. And it would also require that One inhabiting that one spiritually and/or in spirit while that one was here directly. Greatly limiting that One in almost every single way from where He was at or what He was able to do before that previously. Being limited to the confines of that one's physical body while he was here or would be here, or while they were here or would be here, or during the time that one would live here physically directly. He already knew that he would have to live inside this one in and from the womb, and from the time that he was born, and as that one grew up, and until he grew up into full maturity, and He also already knew that this one would be killed, or would have to die before He would want him to eventually, and that He would have to be with him through it all in time or eventually. And that his death would be 100% unjust, and would be a completely unheard of up to that point, absolutely heart wrenching, very, very much heartbreaking tragedy, and that He would have to let it happen as well, which would test Him to His extreme limits very, very, very much extremely muchly. He had been tested before that, but was very, very trepidatious about how this very unique experience might affect Him. And He also already knew also, that it wouldn't just be just only this one's death that would test Him greatly only, but also his life also, and He already knew this very, very much fully and 100% completely. He knew that He would at times get or become very, very frustrated, and that He would also have to receive instruction from this one, and He didn't know if He could handle that, or the combination of that directly. And then, finally, He also knew that He might even have to humble or submit Himself to this one for a while also, and He also didn't know if He could handle that also directly. But He also knew that, now, it was the one and only single way left now, that His plans could continue, and was the only one and only single way left now, that He could finally get or attain the very final and 100% sealed shut forever after that now, final lasting victory over His enemy, or enemies, or over those original spirit beings who had originally rebelled, and had caused a rebellion against Him, and that had been causing Him problems with both His future plans and with humankind ever since, and that they could now only be fulfilled through this one now, who would be His son, but who would also do things in Him and with Him and to Him that He was not looking forward to, or didn't know if He was fully prepared for directly. He knew that this one would try to teach or instruct humankind in what would be almost a completely different, whole new way, and that the previous ways would now only become known now, as only ways that would be said to have failed now, or that had ended only in failure now, and that were only meant for humankind's failure now, only leading them to now only him now, in an almost completely different or whole new way. A way that would be very difficult for He Himself to adopt or completely accept, but also knowing also, that that is exactly what He would have to do, after he was gone, or after him, and also that He Himself also, would have to also go by a whole new identity, or a whole new name, which He also didn't know if He was fully prepared for directly. Some of what he would say would border on blasphemy, and some of the teachings might seem to be heresy, and He didn't know if He was fully prepared to handle that directly. He also knew it would also be very difficult to tell the exact difference between him and his enemy sometimes, and He also didn't know if He was fully prepared to be able to handle that also. But, it happened, He/They impregnated a human woman with Himself, and the child was born, and eventually grew up into full maturity. When it became time for him or that child to start his work, signs started to be given, and certain signs would follow him, and he was given all the full command and authority (and power) over all the other spirits, same as the One who was now living in him and with him had, so that he was pretty much able to do, almost anything he wished, and he began teaching the people in this now "new way" that would now begin with him, and the One who was now living on the inside of him now began fully submitting Himself to him. That one's name was/is "Jesus", and so we are now going be starting to call him "Jesus" from here on out. And the One who was in command of all the rest of the spirit beings, that will now sometimes be referred to as "angels" now, and who was now living on the inside of Jesus now, will now be sometimes called or referred to as "God the Spirit" or "God the Holy Spirit" or "God in and of the Old Testament or Old Covenant" now. And there will also now be some references to "God the Father" or " God the Highest Father" or the "God the Heavenly Father" now in this writing/book now, who is or was the One who was referred to at the very beginning of this writing/book now.

Still working on it (obviously), and this might turn out to be a life's work by the time I am done, but this is how it is basically going to start out, or is the beginnings of it, although I might need to make some modifications to it later maybe...

Many, many details are left out at this point, so I will either need to modify it/this later, or add to this later.

God Bless!
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disciple Clint

Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2018
Pacific Northwest
United States
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I've decided to make an attempt at working on a book, and this is what I have so far...

In the beginning was the very most highest being/entity that we call God. This One started the universe and initially set it all in motion, knowing how it all would go/happen/play out from it's very most earliest beginnings, down to its very last and very final endings, and everything in-between. The one thing He was limited by however, was His ability to show Himself to others inside this universe without others, or at the very least at least, at least one other. This one would have to be slightly less than He was, or it would not be able to show us Him by or through him or itself, or that one other. This one would be the first and the last, and the beginning and the ending, and would only be second only to the One who has no beginning or ending. This one would also have a youth, and would eventually become old, and would experience everything in between, much like a man or person does. And this would be to fully show us the one and only true highest One who started it all, and who was the only One who ever truly existed before it all, etc. That One cannot do it Himself directly because He would have to limit Himself to these confines to do so, and that cannot hold/behold/contain Him completely, so, another one was put in place to show us Him. This other one would need to be limited to time and space, and would not be able to know absolutely all of everything completely from beginning to end completely, at or from the very beginning completely. So, this one was put into place as being God of this Sol solar system and this earth, and has been present since the time they came into existence and were made. And He had many other spirit beings present with Him that He was/is in command of since they were made. At the start, they would spend that time inhabiting various lifeforms as they would come about and learning their ways, because none of them knew all, or absolutely everything, and so it was necessary for all of them to learn, and learn their ways. In time, they would decide to use their creative powers to create a special creation that would be made in their likeness or image, and create/make/put them in a special place called "Eden". These were made in their likeness and image and were just like them. It was perfect for a time, and had only one law or rule, but in time, that law or rule was broken, and when that happened, the special place was changed with it, and necessitated a need for it to be closed off from those who were specially made or created, and/or needed to be done away with. This was a sad time for the others who made them, since all would have to change or be different after that, including their plans for the world and these specially created ones and them after that. So Eden was closed off or done away with and this specially created race would now have to live as the rest of the animals/beings on the rest of the earth. As a side note at this point, it is important to note that, at or during this time, there was a rebellion of some of the spirit beings who became jealous of this specially made creation at this time against the One who was supposed to be the chief One among them, and that were, in part, partially responsible for this specially made creation disobeying this/the one rule or command there in Eden, and we will get into that in more detail later. But, after the specially made creation or race was put out of Eden, there was a race that had evolved from the animals on the earth at that time that these specially created ones would be capable of breeding with, but that was not a part of these other beings original plans either, but that did, in time, happen, necessitating yet another change or need for modifications in their plans. The One who was in command of all the other spirit beings at that time, decided all together to use their powers to cause a large flood to happen where almost all of that specially made creation or race was dwelling at that time, in order to wipe them out, all of them except eight souls, which would be preserved for a new plan after that. This new plan would involve allowing those eight souls to breed with the lesser race that they were capable of breeding with in the earth that would eventually diminish their bloodline, and the length of their life over time. His/Their original plan was to have a specific type of people, or a certain race of people, to rule over all others in the earth, and all other creatures in the earth, and was intended to be a rulership or kingdom that would last forever, so, while they were now having to modify those plans, they were still trying to stick to those plans in the earth. But the other spirit beings, who had originally rebelled against the other spirit beings, and the One who was leading them, and were in part responsible for the specially made race disobeying or rebelling in Eden, were still active in the earth, and had been encouraging even further rebellion or disobedience in all other creatures in the earth from that time, and were still trying to set up their own rulership or kingdom still since that time, and so were still continuing to try and still oppose the other ones who were still trying to set up their kingdom still, even after that time. The One who was leading the other spirit beings, the Leader of the ones who had not disobeyed or caused a rebellion, had now become actively aware of certain fall back plan that He was aware of from the beginning but had not been seriously considering yet at that time, but was now seriously considering it since the rebellion in Eden now, and after that time, and had even started laying the groundwork for if it would eventually need to be implemented sometime, since, or from, or after that time. After that He would continue laying the groundwork for the possible fall back plan since or after that time, but would also not be giving up on the original plan for a while after that time. So They continued trying to implement the original plan after that time, but it failed many, many, many times. This was in part due to those spirits who were still opposing Them, and mankind's tendency toward disobedience and lack of faith at the time, which made Them start to wonder greatly about a great many things at that time. A great deal of time passed in which They did not give up on trying to implement the original plan during that time, all the while continuing to lay the groundwork for the eventual fall back plan during that time, but, over time, it only became more and more apparent that the eventual fall back plan might need to be eventually implemented at some point during and after that time. The kingdom that these ones were setting up or were trying to set up during that time before implementing the fall back plan, was supposed to be an earthly representation of a much higher kingdom that they knew about that was in or was from a place called "Heaven". It was believed that by setting up this kingdom/system up like that one, and making their systems very similar to that one, or the same, that it would last for the whole period of this time, and then, after that, would be taken up from here to there after that, to last there forever after that, forever. The ones who had rebelled were trying to set up their own kingdom/system during that time to ruin theirs, and/or compete with it.

The fall back plan needed to be eventually implemented eventually, and it would involve the One who was in charge of the ones who didn't rebel impregnating a human woman with His own seed or the essence of Himself directly. So that the one born would be that One's own biological son directly. And it would also require that One inhabiting that one spiritually and/or in spirit while that one was here directly. Greatly limiting that One in almost every single way from where He was at or what He was able to do before that previously. Being limited to the confines of that one's physical body while he was here or would be here, or while they were here or would be here, or during the time that one would live here physically directly. He already knew that he would have to live inside this one in and from the womb, and from the time that he was born, and as that one grew up, and until he grew up into full maturity, and He also already knew that this one would be killed, or would have to die before He would want him to eventually, and that He would have to be with him through it all in time or eventually. And that his death would be 100% unjust, and would be a completely unheard of up to that point, absolutely heart wrenching, very, very much heartbreaking tragedy, and that He would have to let it happen as well, which would test Him to His extreme limits very, very, very much extremely muchly. He had been tested before that, but was very, very trepidatious about how this very unique experience might affect Him. And He also already knew also, that it wouldn't just be just only this one's death that would test Him greatly only, but also his life also, and He already knew this very, very much fully and 100% completely. He knew that He would at times get or become very, very frustrated, and that He would also have to receive instruction from this one, and He didn't know if He could handle that, or the combination of that directly. And then, finally, He also knew that He might even have to humble or submit Himself to this one for a while also, and He also didn't know if He could handle that also directly. But He also knew that, now, it was the one and only single way left now, that His plans could continue, and was the only one and only single way left now, that He could finally get or attain the very final and 100% sealed shut forever after that now, final lasting victory over His enemy, or enemies, or over those original spirit beings who had originally rebelled, and had caused a rebellion against Him, and that had been causing Him problems with both His future plans and with humankind ever since, and that they could now only be fulfilled through this one now, who would be His son, but who would also do things in Him and with Him and to Him that He was not looking forward to, or didn't know if He was fully prepared for directly. He knew that this one would try to teach or instruct humankind in what would be almost a completely different, whole new way, and that the previous ways would now only become known now, as only ways that would be said to have failed now, or that had ended only in failure now, and that were only meant for humankind's failure now, only leading them to now only him now, in an almost completely different or whole new way. A way that would be very difficult for He Himself to adopt or completely accept, but also knowing also, that that is exactly what He would have to do, after he was gone, or after him, and also that He Himself also, would have to also go by a whole new identity, or a whole new name, which He also didn't know if He was fully prepared for directly. Some of what he would say would border on blasphemy, and some of the teachings might seem to be heresy, and He didn't know if He was fully prepared to handle that directly. He also knew it would also be very difficult to tell the exact difference between him and his enemy sometimes, and He also didn't know if He was fully prepared to be able to handle that also. But, it happened, He/They impregnated a human woman with Himself, and the child was born, and eventually grew up into full maturity. When it became time for him or that child to start his work, signs started to be given, and certain signs would follow him, and he was given all the full command and authority (and power) over all the other spirits, same as the One who was now living in him and with him had, so that he was pretty much able to do, almost anything he wished, and he began teaching the people in this now "new way" that would now begin with him, and who we are right now going to call "God the Spirit" began fully submitting Himself to him. That one's name was/is "Jesus", and so we are going be starting to call him Jesus from here on out. And the One who was in command of all the rest of the spirit beings that will now sometimes be referred to as "angels", will now sometimes be called or referred to as "God the Spirit" or "God the Holy Spirit" or "God in and of the Old Testament or Old Covenant" from here on out. And there will also now be some references to "God the Father" or "The Highest Father" or the "Heavenly Father" now in this writing/book, who is the One who was referred to at the very beginning of this writing/book.

Still working on it (obviously), and this might turn out to be a life's work by the time I am done, but this is how it is basically going to start out, or is the beginnings of it, although I might need to make some modifications to it later maybe...

Many, many details are left out at this point, so I will either need to modify it/this later, or add to this later.

God Bless!
interesting story, you may want someone who is well schooled in Theology to review it and help you with some areas.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
United States
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interesting story, you may want someone who is well schooled in Theology to review it and help you with some areas.
And what if I told you their theology was wrong, and is why I am now deciding to write this...?
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disciple Clint

Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2018
Pacific Northwest
United States
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And what if I told you their theology was wrong, and is why I am now deciding to write this...?
well I have learned in life that when I think everyone else is wrong in what they believe it is more than likely that every one else has it right and I am the one who is wrong. Theology has been around for thousands of years and benefited from a continuous review by highly intelligent and knowledgeable people, there is a real good chance that we are about as close to having it right as it is possible to be.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
United States
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well I have learned in life that when I think everyone else is wrong in what they believe it is more than likely that every one else has it right and I am the one who is wrong. Theology has been around for thousands of years and benefited from a continuous review by highly intelligent and knowledgeable people, there is a real good chance that we are about as close to having it right as it is possible to be.
Think whatever you want.

Take Care.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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Are you asking for feedback and suggestions, or telling us that this is how it is, full stop?
I am leaving that part up to you.

Any suggestions on edits or additions are welcome, and we can discuss them if you like?

But I'm not going to allow you to challenge the whole basic theological concept, or general idea.

Because in that case, I'm either going to respond to that very viciously, or else not all, etc.

Take Care.
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Jesus is YHWH

my Lord and my God !
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Dec 15, 2011
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I am leaving that part up to you.

Any suggestions on edits or additions are welcome, and we can discuss them if you like?

But I'm not going to allow you to challenge the whole basic theological concept, or general idea.

Because in that case, I'm either going to respond to that very viciously, or else not all, etc.

Take Care.
As long as you are calling it a fantasy book much like shack.
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This site stays free and accessible to all because of donations from people like you.
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Strong in Him

Great is thy faithfulness
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I am leaving that part up to you.

Any suggestions on edits or additions are welcome, and we can discuss them if you like?
I've only skimmed over it quickly but, for me, it's a little too confusing.
If you are writing this just for you/you and your family/friends/church, that's one thing. But if you were hoping that someone would publish it; it would pout readers off in its current form and you might find that a publisher/editor - IF they accepted it - would edit it heavily.
But I'm not going to allow you to challenge the whole basic theological concept, or general idea.

Because in that case, I'm either going to respond to that very viciously, or else not all, etc.
That's a shame, and not really that wise.
Because if it WAS published, someone somewhere would review it. And you wouldn't want people to dismiss, or contradict, your theology once the book was in print - far too embarrassing, folk wouldn't buy it and you'd end up, at best with a bad reputation, at worst being called a false preacher.

It's possible they might not - I'm talking about the general principal of accept constructive criticism from other Christians before the book is in print, or online, and it's too late to correct anything. Imagine how awful it would be to have a book in print and several Christians, theologians and clergy say that they theology is all wrong. Who would want to buy/read it then?
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This site stays free and accessible to all because of donations from people like you.
Consider making a one-time or monthly donation. We appreciate your support!
- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums


Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
United States
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I've only skimmed over it quickly but, for me, it's a little too confusing.
If you are writing this just for you/you and your family/friends/church, that's one thing. But if you were hoping that someone would publish it; it would pout readers off in its current form and you might find that a publisher/editor - IF they accepted it - would edit it heavily.

That's a shame, and not really that wise.
Because if it WAS published, someone somewhere would review it. And you wouldn't want people to dismiss, or contradict, your theology once the book was in print - far too embarrassing, folk wouldn't buy it and you'd end up, at best with a bad reputation, at worst being called a false preacher.

It's possible they might not - I'm talking about the general principal of accept constructive criticism from other Christians before the book is in print, or online, and it's too late to correct anything. Imagine how awful it would be to have a book in print and several Christians, theologians and clergy say that they theology is all wrong. Who would want to buy/read it then?
I would only be writing it for the few (probably) who already know the truth, but have never had it put in a way that lines up with what they already know is true, or in a way that they could so easily understand.

The only people that will have a lot of trouble with it, is only the people that have been too steeped in religious dogma over the years.

And if it winds up being for nobody, then I will just keep it for myself, and maybe somebody will do something with it after I am dead.

God Bless!
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