Old Earth Creationism


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Hi @genez

The Hebrew speaks of the Spirit using a word used for mother hen hovering over her eggs as to warm them. Why?

That really is a stretch.

The water was frozen.

How can we know?

There had been NO LIGHT of day yet on the earth. No First Day had yet taken place. The ice pack around the earth needed to be melted.

There had been a universal flood of the prehistoric creation and God withdrew all light - causing a deep freeze all around the planet IN DARKNESS. Causing all angelic activity on the planet to cease....

All of that is just the wild machinations of a very active imagination.

There had been a universal flood of the prehistoric creation and God withdrew all light - causing a deep freeze all around the planet IN DARKNESS. Causing all angelic activity on the planet to cease...

Really? You have some proof of that found in the Scriptures. Ok.

God bless,
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There's a reason that we find fossilized animals that normally would be found in Africa (different climate) even here in the US. There was an age before this one. And the climate was perfect. It was paradise as God states in Jeremiah 4 -a fruitul place. Not every place on earth now is a fruitful place. He beheld the mountains and they moved. Everything shifted at that time. That's why the continents look like puzzle pieces that used to fit together. They were together. That's why African animals are found here in the US and so on. This has nothing to do with Noah's flood. No one survived in the Jeremiah scriptures.

And the earth itself mourns to return to it's once glorious creation and it will.
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Dec 11, 2018
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Scripture indicates that there was another created world before this one.

Apart from the fact that would be absolutely pointless to Gods plan to make some kind of pre-world world- About as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle;
It doesn't say that anywhere. You keep inferring that 'made' somehow means remade, which is does not.

Create (bara) & Make (asah) do not mean intrinsically different things as you keep implying.
You want bara to mean creation ex nihilo and you want asah to mean pre-existing material because that sits in with your pre-world world theory, but they simply don't.

If these words meant what you say they mean then we would see a clear divide over when and where they were used. There would be sentences and or passages detailing God's creating ex nihilo activities where bara was used and other passages about his recreating activities where only asah was used. That doesn't happen.

What does happen is you will find bara and asah used together in the same paragraph. They are used interchangeably.
(bara) Gen. 1:1 created the heavens and earth
(asah) Gen. 1:7 made the expanse between the waters above and below

There are other words that are used as well, all within the same passage such as formed (yatsar) Adam from the dust of the earth Genesis 2:7 and fashioned (banah) Eve from the rib of Adam.

All these words are used together in the same passages detailing the same creation and they are also used together in passages referencing things God made from previously created material. The verbs alone tell us nothing.

The new Testament also uses create and made interchangeably.
Colossians 1:16 all things were created (ektisthay) by and for Christ.
Hebrews 1:2 He made (epoiaysen) the original creation by His Word

We have been over this before and I am not up to arguing with you, my vaccination has made me very tired with a ongoing headache. If you want to continue believing there is some divide between these verbs and a pointless first world is up to you.
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That really is a stretch.

That only reveals that you have yet to be taught what it means yet.

The Spirit hovering over waters as a mother hen warms to incubate her eggs?

Try here..

In the story of creation, the divine revelation document that, "The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters" (Genesis 1:2). The word hovering is translated in the original Hebrew text into rachaf which means a bird sitting on eggs to incubate them until they hatch.

The Spirit of God Was Hovering Over the Face of the Water – Literature – Resources

grace and peace ........
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Apart from the fact that would be absolutely pointless to Gods plan to make some kind of pre-world world- About as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle...

Where there is smoke. There is fire.

Some people are ashes for the Lord. Some are on fire.

You are telling God that He could not possibly have any purpose in having previous creations. Instead of asking what the purpose can be? You shut your mind quickly.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places." Eph 6:12​

What are you afraid of? Those pressures from the invisible realm who want to pressure you to conform to keep you in the dark? Not willing to be a part of the "good fight of faith?"

Truth must be fought for. Pressures will be around us that are invisible, that want to shut us down if we begin to find an opening to finding more truth.

Some think that truth is to be handed to them as if God were a butler, and they are the young master of the house. There must be a battle for the truth. A fight to gain more knowledge.

Only those who are willing to suffer (when need be) for righteousness sake, will find and secure the truth that they need for their given generation's errors. Others will shirk away and settle for some lukewarm conventional teaching that does not supply real answers, but will fill them like junk food does.

I wish you well...
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What does happen is you will find bara and asah used together in the same paragraph. They are used interchangeably.
(bara) Gen. 1:1 created the heavens and earth
(asah) Gen. 1:7 made the expanse between the waters above and below

One can not make something unless what its to be made from has already been existing. 'Bara'(to create something from nothing) for that reason, must precede 'asah.' To make.

You can not 'make' anything unless the raw materials are already there to be worked with. Those raw materials were created out from nothing (bara). It says God rested from Bara after He finished creating all that was mentioned in Genesis One.

Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because
on it he rested from all the work of creating [bara] that
he had done."
(Gen 2:3)​

It says that God "made" the expanse. Right?

Made from what? Made from what had been created out from nothing [bara] in the beginning.

grace and peace .........
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Mar 1, 2004
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Hi @genez
Really? You have some proof of that found in the Scriptures. Ok.

God bless,

"The earth was without form and an empty waste, and darkness
was upon the face of the very great deep. The Spirit of God was
moving (hovering, brooding) over the face of the waters."
Gen 1:2 Amp Bible​

The Bible does reveal a reference to better explain what took place in Genesis 1:2. "Empty and waste" in very mild in the English compared to the Hebrew.

Jeremiah (who's native tongue was Hebrew) used Gen 1:2 to be as a terrifying prophesy to scorn the arrogant rebellious Jews who were holding sex orgies and putting their children into fire as a sacrifice.

Because of that? The nation of Israel was about to be judged severely by the Lord. Jeremiah quotes to them Gen 1:2 as an indicator of how severe their punishment was to be.

He quotes Gen 1:2.. about being empty and void. But.. Jeremiah had to also add something to modify the original intent after quoting Gen 1:2. To say that the judgement Israel will face will not be a total and utter destruction as the Hebrew reader saw the earth being in Gen 1:2 (in the Hebrew).

Jeremiah had to add something... So they could know that they would not be utterly destroyed! For Gen 1:2 in the Hebrew was speaking about an utter destruction of the earth.

Jeremiah 4:23 Jeremiah pointed to Gen 1:2. Jeremiah was using the same exact Hebrew words to describe the nations destruction with what is found in Genesis 1:2!

The Amplified Bible scholars even went as far to make this factor known to the reader.

[In a vision Jeremiah sees Judah laid waste by conquest and captivity.]
I looked at the land, and behold, it was [as at the time
of creation] waste and vacant (void); and at the heavens, and they had no light." Jer 4:23​

Jeremiah tells them how they will be crushed and destroyed in judgement. In doing so? Describes what took place in Genesis 1:2! But, Jeremiah needed to add that this judgment will not be an utter destroying of all life as found in Genesis 1:2!

I looked at the mountains, and behold, they trembled,
and all the hills moved lightly to and fro.

I looked, and behold, there was no man, and all
the birds of the air had fled.

I looked, and behold, the fruitful land was a desert,
and all its cities were laid waste before the Lord’s
presence, before His fierce anger.

The Lord proclaims:
The whole earth will become a desolation,
but I will not destroy it completely.
Jer 4:24-27
I remember when I heard this being taught by a professor of ancient languages at a Bible college I attended. I was floored and astounded to learn what is contained in the Hebrew text.

Jeremiah had to tell the Jews that Israel will not be left as badly destroyed as what the earth had been in Genesis 1:2!

The whole earth will become a desolation,
but I will not destroy it completely.

Those Jews understood the Hebrew! They knew that Genesis 1:2 meant utterly ruined and destroyed! Its not meaning simply, "without form and void." That is so mild.

Many don't learn this today. Because we are not being told. For only a few are competent to teach. James 3:1 tells us, if God had His way with us all only a few would find themselves being teachers...

Paul also tells us in 2 Timothy 4:3 that that there will be a great number of bad teachers who will not be teaching sound doctrine. These many weak teachers will be desired by many believers, to be told what they prefer to hear...

So be it. Its found in the Hebrew. How God had it put down in writing.

grace and peace .........
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Dec 11, 2018
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Where there is smoke. There is fire.

Some people are ashes for the Lord. Some are on fire.

You are telling God that He could not possibly have any purpose in having previous creations. Instead of asking what the purpose can be? You shut your mind quickly.

My purpose is to go by what God actually said:

Exodus 20

1 And God spoke all these words:
11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

What are you afraid of? Those pressures from the invisible realm who want to pressure you to conform to keep you in the dark? Not willing to be a part of the "good fight of faith?"

What exactly am I suppose to be showing fear of here?
I am here saying God created this world over 6 days because he says so in Exodus. I am the one going against pretty much the entire world who would rather believe in evolution.
Truth must be fought for. Pressures will be around us that are invisible, that want to shut us down if we begin to find an opening to finding more truth.

I told you the truth, its right there in Exodus. If the scripture saying "God spoke these words" isn't good enough for you than I don't know what that would be. That is enough to convince me, but it isn't my job to convince you.

Some think that truth is to be handed to them as if God were a butler, and they are the young master of the house. There must be a battle for the truth. A fight to gain more knowledge.

It's faith. God said 6 days and I have faith that he would not lead us astray. I find the rest of the Bible confirms and backs this up.

Only those who are willing to suffer (when need be) for righteousness sake, will find and secure the truth that they need for their given generation's errors. Others will shirk away and settle for some lukewarm conventional teaching that does not supply real answers, but will fill them like junk food does.

I hope you are not calling Exodus 20 'junk food'. It could be called milk but there is nothing wrong with starting on the milk.
1 Peter 2:2
Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.

I don't follow conventional teaching I follow scripture. I was an agnostic before I became a Christian- from reading scripture. I became a 6 day creationist based purely on scripture because I certainly wasn't one before that. Not everyone comes from a church background.

I wish you well...

You too but realize you wont change my mind...

Made me laugh anyway. ^_^
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I am here saying God created this world over 6 days because he says so in Exodus.​

Please show me where it says "created." It does not say the world was "created" in six days.

You need to be more careful. We all must learn this.

I hope you are not calling Exodus 20 'junk food'. It could be called milk but there is nothing wrong with starting on the milk.
1 Peter 2:2
Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.

Sorry.... I did not know you are still a baby Christian. And, I was not calling Exodus 20 junk food. Again you need to be more careful...


So.. what you are telling me is this.

Women, because of their design, can not reach maturity in Christ. For they will always play games with a man as to end up confusing the issue, and remain unchanged, believing what they want to believe anyway in spite of the facts.

Now that sounds to me like God is unfair to have you be a woman. For you can never grow up in Christ that way. I hope that is not the case...

Yet, even Sarah laughed and thought the Lord was joking at first. But, she learned.

grace and peace ...........
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Oct 4, 2010
Seneca SC
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Hi @genez

Thanks for your input. I fully realize that YEC isn't well accepted by many even in the fellowship of believers. I've made my point and I rest my case. What I know is that there will come a day when we will know the truth about these things, and I am patient to wait.

God bless,
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Hi @genez

Thanks for your input. I fully realize that YEC isn't well accepted by many even in the fellowship of believers. I've made my point and I rest my case. What I know is that there will come a day when we will know the truth about these things, and I am patient to wait.

God bless,

Some already know the truth....

Our choice is a matter sometimes self having to choose who you will bond with at the exclusion of the other.
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Dec 11, 2018
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Please show me where it says "created." It does not say the world was "created" in six days.

You need to be more careful. We all must learn this.

Sorry.... I did not know you are still a baby Christian. And, I was not calling Exodus 20 junk food. Again you need to be more careful...


So.. what you are telling me is this.

Women, because of their design, can not reach maturity in Christ. For they will always play games with a man as to end up confusing the issue, and remain unchanged, believing what they want to believe anyway in spite of the facts.

Now that sounds to me like God is unfair to have you be a woman. For you can never grow up in Christ that way. I hope that is not the case...

Yet, even Sarah laughed and thought the Lord was joking at first. But, she learned.

grace and peace ...........

I already showed you that the words create and make are used interchangeably across scripture so your point about the word create vs make is null and void. It's a straw man.

Secondly I am not a baby christian. You used the word junk food and I asked you if that is how you refer to scripture.
Then I said I would class this section as milk. No where did I mention my level of maturity. If I was a baby Christian I would have said so because there is nothing wrong with being a baby Christian. That is where we all started, and no I do not consider myself to be a baby Christian.

You keep telling me to be careful when you are the one who needs to be careful. I'm not the one slinging words like 'junk food' around in connection to scripture.

I have at least twice now said that you are welcome to whatever you think and that an exchange is waste of time. You are not going to change and I am not going to change. I do not wish to argue with you, yet I keep finding new posts from you quoting what I have said. Why is this?

That picture was a joke, you know those things that make you laugh? Yeah that...
Obviously you have no sense of humour *noted.

So once more I will say you are welcome to whatever you want to believe. I believe Exodus 20 where God says he created over 6 days. That is me wrapping up and ending this conversation for about the third time. Now can you possibly go on your way and quit arguing with me or do I have to put you on ignore?
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I already showed you that the words create and make are used interchangeably across scripture so your point about the word create vs make is null and void. It's a straw man.

You only offered opinion. Not what the Hebrew says. The Hebrew word "bara" in relating to creating is only used when speaking in reference to God. For only God can create something out from nothing. No one else can do that.

You just don't care?.... You fail to see the importance and it seems you do not want to be bothered? That's the impression you are giving me.

You are not serious about the Word of God. But you want to be taken seriously?
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Dec 11, 2018
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You only offered opinion. Not what the Hebrew says. The Hebrew word "bara" in relating to creating is only used when speaking in reference to God. For only God can create something out from nothing. No one else can do that.

You just don't care?.... You fail to see the importance and it seems you do not want to be bothered? That's the impression you are giving me.

You are not serious about the Word of God. But you want to be taken seriously?

So in your mind if I am not interested in an ongoing pointless argument with you that means 'I don't care'. No, I am simply wise enough to spot someone whose mind is set in concrete and I was trying to not to have the same argument.
Romans 12:18
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

I looked at what you had to say the first time we had this discussion some months ago, I even read an article that you suggested. It was completely non convincing as is the entire gap theory.

At this point I have to assume you are motivated by how far you can annoy people.
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So in your mind if I am not interested in an ongoing pointless argument with you that means 'I don't care'. No, I am simply wise enough to spot someone whose mind is set in concrete and I was trying to not to have the same argument.
Romans 12:18
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

I looked at what you had to say the first time we had this discussion some months ago, I even read an article that you suggested. It was completely non convincing as is the entire gap theory.

At this point I have to assume you are motivated by how far you can annoy people.

Its annoying for a reason. I am annoying. Maybe, even deluded? ;)

Convince who? Not you... someone else reading may get it... Seen it happen.

I had no plans to win you over. That can't come from me.

I will use opposition as a springboard to express what someone else will connect with. Some of my best posts were in response to opposition that I had no hope in winning over.

God does not waste anything. I am just commanded to redeem the time.

Young Earth creationism gives intelligent scientists who reject God vindication for rejecting the Bible. They do have data that they know points to a very old earth. They just do not know what to do with the data otherwise. But, when young earth creationism knocks on their door? I makes them feel justified for their unbelief. Its a terrible witness for God's Word.

And, Jeremiah when he quoted Genesis 1:2?

Jeremiah 4:23 I beheld the earth, and indeed it was without form, and void; And the heavens, they had no light.

The Hebrew indicates chaos and destruction... with en eerie sense of emptiness associated with the setting. " Tohu wa bohu." English translation sometimes fall far from the mark and mislead. Yet, believers appreciate the good feel sense of the translations. Yet, the Jews Jeremiah was warning were being threatened severely. So be it...

Jeremiah 4:23 showed that to the Hebrew speaking Jews they knew the earth was utterly destroyed from judgment by God. Jeremiah was ripping into those rebellious Jews in his day and told them that what they read in Genesis 1:2 is going to happen to them by God's judgment on their land....

But... That only makes sense. Sorry to annoy you.

In the mean time. Certain scientist, or a person who follows the theory of evolution, may see the same posts that bored you. And, with God's help. See that the Bible will make sense and not be contradictory to the few things they have confirmed properly with the scientific data. Otherwise, much of their hypothesis are fairy tales for intellectuals. Just as young earth creationism satisfies a certain type of believer.... Irony flows both ways in this matter.

Its impossible to convince anyone of anything that is divine truth unless God grants them repentance to see it. For God must give them grace to do so.

Myself included. Yes... I am merely a human saved by grace as we all are.

Cheers! In search of those who can and will understand. Only ten righteous was needed to be found in Sodom for God to turn it around. God does not seek to win a popularity contest.

Grace and peace....
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Hi @genez

I've been following your discussion with @coffee4u. It's a rather common problem that we all have to deal with from time to time. That our arguments are not convincing in making their point.

For me, I know that the words that are being discussed here are found in the very oldest of the Hebrew Scriptures. The Pentateuch is the very first establishment of the Scriptural writings. They are, depending on who one believes to have cobbled them together, about 3500 years old. Somehow, of all the translations where people have sat down and pored over the words in Hebrew to translate into another language, over 3500 years, no one has seen fit to write the words translated as you do.

Often, with translating work, one is dealing with words that may have a couple or three different thoughts to convey. Let me use your example: You are saying that the only way that the word for the Hebrew word translated as 'hover', is as a mother hen warming her eggs to hatch. While that may be true, it is not the only understanding that the word 'hover' is meant to convey. People say that a helicopter parent 'hovers' over their children. (I'm using English words here because I'm not that familiar with daily Hebrew word usage). Is that to convey that they are sitting on them waiting for them to hatch? A drone 'hovers' over the ground. Does that mean that it is sitting on it's eggs waiting on them to hatch? So, hopefully you can see, that while 'hover' can mean like a hen nesting on her eggs, it doesn't paint that picture in all of its usage. As I say, as yet, there is not one single translator who has written that passage of Scripture -- the Holy Spirit lay over the earth warming it as a hen nests on her eggs.

As has been pointed out, you have obviously convinced yourself that this type of 'hover' is what is meant by the writer 3500 years ago who wrote down the Hebrew words. And by that definition, you are able to make the claim that the earth must have been cold for the Holy Spirit to have been doing that. Well, that's just not the only, nor the generally accepted understanding that the word 'hover' was ever meant to convey. Hopefully this makes some sense to you, even if you don't agree that the word 'hover' could intend some other meaning in the context of the creation account.

They you make a very big deal that 'make' and 'create' intend two completely different meanings. I don't agree, when you read the context in which they are used. But, you have convinced yourself of that and I suppose that's where you're going to stay in your understanding of the Scriptures. Fine. But this issue of one being the stubborn one in their understanding goes both ways.

I believe that what is really missing here is a clear understanding of the power of God. There is also no understanding of the purpose of God in creating this realm of life. For me, the Scriptures lay out a complete and relatively detailed plan of all that God has done in creating the life that humankind has. They then explain the purpose for which God created that life in humankind. That He desires to be in relationship with man, just as He desires to be in relationship with the angels that He also created. He is a God of love and He creates living creatures to share and enjoy life with for as long as He exists. He is like that hen that hovers and loves on and protects and provides for her chicks. God wants to do the same thing with the angels and with mankind, and possibly one day He will create some other living creature to build upon His kingdom. But there is a purpose for which God created this realm!

As we continue reading the Scriptures that He has given to us through His people Israel, we find that the ultimate purpose is that He will separate the wheat from the chaff and He will live eternally with all those who likewise desire to love and honor and have a relationship with Him. That's His ultimate purpose for creating this realm of existence and He will achieve it at the culmination of this realm as we know it. The last chapters of the Revelation reveal to us God's achieving this ultimate purpose for which He first said, "Let there be light!"

I believe, that once we understand this purpose, then we see the emptiness of some argument that wants to prove that the earth and heavens have existed for millions and billions of years before the creation of man...why? Why, would God, who is more powerful and able to do that which is impossible, create an empty universe to spin for billions and billions of years void of the creature with life that God wants to be in relationship with? When He can simply create it to exist in mere moments, in total perfection as a realm of existence for that creature of life that He desires to be in relationship with. Which, even more importantly to me, is exactly how God describes, in His words that were written by His very finger, in the law. God wrote these words, according to the account of Moses:

For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea and everything that is in them,

This says that in six days God made the heavens. It also says that in six days God made the earth. It also says that in six days God made the sea. It also says that in that same six days God made everything that is in them. That's everything that is in the heavens and the earth and the sea. God's word says that He did it in six days.

You apparently don't want to believe that God did do all that in six days. Let me ask you, if I may, what existed before the start of that six day period? I mean, obviously your argument is striving to make the point that the earth existed before the six days. What about the stars? What about the sun and the moon? What about any plants or animals?

God bless,
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I believe that what is really missing here is a clear understanding of the power of God. There is also no understanding of the purpose of God in creating this realm of life.
Hello, :) actually the real question would be why did God start over?-

Because he loved all of his children/souls that he created in that age. He specifically tells Jeremiah he knew him before he formed in the womb. He knew Jacob and Esau, he chose the elect before the foundation of this age, etc. He asks Job a simple question, where was he when he first laid the foundation and all the morning stars sang toether and the sons of God shouted for joy. He's asking Job because Job was there during that time as he later states.

It was a wonderful place, a fruitful place. We know he later tells Job he made Behemoth the same time he made Job telling us that this was a time prior to Adam and Eve. After Satan over threw a third this is where Jeremiah 4 comes in. He destroyed that age and everything in it in his anger. But he says he made not a full end. People talk about predestination but it's much more than that as the scriptures states God knows all the souls prior to when they were even in the womb. He "knows" them.

Peter says specifically the heavens are of "old" and the earth was standing in and out of the water and this world perished. Jeremiah tells us nothing survived, so we know this wasn't Noah's flood.

Christ even says we have to be born from "above" and also tells us no man can ascend up to Heaven but those who came down from there first -even the Son of Man. He didn't say only the Son of man. Reitterating the fact that he said all must be born from "above"/again. That's because some angels chose to leave in another manner as we know from Genesis and Jude. Of course that's another topic altogether....

And since we know God said he knew various people and chose them, etc as well as telling Job he made him the same the time he also made the behemoth, whose description would only fit a dinosaur - I think it's safe to assume all souls were created this time especially going by Christ's words as well.

And going back to the behemoth, no creature would have the tail of a cedar tree and a nose that can't even be snared, it's that huge. Also why some have found human like footprints near dinosaur tracks but no human bones.

But people just gloss over the scriptures where God specifically states he knew people/souls. They just put it down to predestination and God choosing people for no apparent reason instead of taking those scriptures to heart -that he knows them. I think the entire Bible paints the complete picture we need.

That He desires to be in relationship with man, just as He desires to be in relationship with the angels that He also created.
Yes, that's true.

I'm not really wanting to debate this as many of you don't either, (been there done that) we all have our beliefs I think set for the most part but just wanted to say some of us don't believe that God didn't have a purpose. He created this world to be inhabited and it was during that time and everyone was happy (God specifically states they were in Job) until the overthrow attempt by Satan. It was paradise, fruitful. No would would call for example -Antartica a fruitful place today. And again, we even have certain african animals fossilized here in some places.

Anyway not trying to really change anyone's mind (God sets our paths on that) but stating my beliefs.
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Hi @JulieB67

Uh, no. But yes, I do agree that many have their own understanding of the creation. Yours is another one.

I'm guessing that your understanding of the words in the law is that God didn't really 'made', but 'remade' everything that is in the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. That before the six days spoken of in the law, the earth, the heavens, plants and animals had all existed for likely millions, billion, quintillions of years as we define time, but at some point God said, "Ok, I think I'll remake it all."

God bless,
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Hi @JulieB67

Uh, no. But yes, I do agree that many have their own understanding of the creation. Yours is another one.

How many understandings does God have?

In the end... some will find that they had a sound understanding. (gold, silver, and precious stones)...

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter
is the glory of kings."
Pro 25:2​

And .. He is King of kings. He wants us to search out the matter.
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