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To which I posted -

The evidence in the forum is you don't believe the above.

It's a real crying shame you can't recognize your own words. I've no need to respond to you repeated c&p words and deleted them. Yes I read them.

The scriptures and posts are re-posted because you do not respond to them but simply repeat yourself without addressing the scriptures and posts that disagree with you. Ignoring God's WORD does not make it disappear even on judgment day *JOHN 12:47-48.
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I sincerely hope my above words prove beyond any shadow of a doubt I read your post. I also have Bible study tools which include Hebrew, Chaldee and Greek in several sources. I use them. You really need to read your presentation. I bolded and enlarged a key word in it for you.

Your only part quoting me. This is another good example of not reading all the post provided to you as your taking what is said to you out of context to the rest of the post.

As posted earlier your response here for the 9 scriptures provided above showing that God's LAW is ETERNAL is to argue a single scripture provided in the 9 scriptures in PSALMS 119:160 which is translated in the NIV as All your words are true; ALL YOUR RIGHTEOUS LAWS ARE ETERNAL, the WORD used for laws does not mean law.

If you read what was provided in all the post you would see you were provided the complete rendering of the HEBREW WORD used here which is משׁפּט; mishpâṭ From H8199. The first rendering was included from the HEBREW dictionary which was justice or judgement based on DIVINE or human LAW. This is not the 4th or 5th rendering but the first as a complete thought.

Depending on the different bible version משׁפּט; mishpâṭ has been translated in english as; Justice; Judgement; LAW; Ordinances; Judgments, Word, Teachings, Rules, Regulations;

Essentially the correct meaning is all of GOD'S teachings are righteous and ETERNAL. The CONTEXT and subject matter of PSALMS 119 is God's WORD (teachings) and God's LAW being ETERNAL and the very definition of RIGHTEOSNESS *PSALMS 119:172.

Which ever bible translation is used for PSALMS 119:160 it does not really matter because GOD'S LAW (10 commandments) are the SPOKEN and WRITTEN WORD of God alone which the scriptures define both God's WORD and what God makes as being ETERNAL *EXODUS 20:1-17; EXODUS 32:16; ECCLESIASTES 3:14; ISAIAH 40:8; 1 PETER 1:25; LUKE 21:33. God both Spoke the 10 commandments and wrote them personally and it was the work of GOD alone.

The NIV translates משׁפּט; mishpâṭ in PSALMS 119:160 as LAW. Judgement or Justice is based on LAW. You cannot have one without the other. If one is eternal so is the other. The other 8 scriptures also support the same view that God's LAW (10 commandments are eternal). So the fact is God's LAW (10 commandments) are eternal because that is what God's WORD teaches. To deny this is to deny God's WORD.

Your trying to argue that RIGHTOUESNESS is not eternal when God's WORD defines the very standard of RIGHTEOUSNESS as God's LAW (10 commandments) *PSALMS 119:172 which gives us the very KNOWLEDGE of SIN if broken *ROMANS 3:20; ROMANS 7:7; 1 JOHN 3:4; JAMES 2:10-11.

As shown above this is God's WORD not mine and it shows that God's LAW (10 commandments) are ETERNAL. Your argument and claim is that God's WORD is not eternal when God's WORD says that it is. Your argument is with God not me.

Hope this helps.
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So what!Say anything you like, God's word disagrees with you from both testaments. Jer 31, Lk 16, Jn 1, etc.You're right of course and that's why you use versions that say what you want. One of my previous pastors said they always got him into trouble with false doctrine.It doesn't matter how much you repeat yourself, the results are the same.This is your projection on me. Besides that it's not the law which you're trying to say applies to the Christian in a different covenant.What you've shown above is mistranslations providing quotes to support your idea. Over my time limit this morning.

The rest of your post here is only your words arguing against God's WORD so best to leave that between you and God to work out.

Hope this helps.
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ace of hearts

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If the Most High God reneged on His commandments, how can we trust Him when He tells us to do something... like any parent?
The Most High God didn't renege on anything. He carried out His plan from the beginning. What you're calling His commands are given only to a few people (Israel). Israel reneged on their agreement to keep those commands, canceling the agreement (covenant law). So it wasn't God. God gave and continues to give a second chance through a better covenant. Heb 8:6. If you don't like the better covenant you can still try to keep the impossible covenant that no one keeps. That's in the Bible BTW.
If my dad told me that I have to wash myself before I go to bed, and then he says, "Don't worry about what I said before," then why would I think anything else He told me would be a applicable? My dad would be one who changes His mind about something as serious as his rules for me in his house.

So, I am actually, and honestly, wondering 1) why, and 2) how Christians have the idea that the Most High God has reneged on His commandments to the people that want to be His people?
If you're truly serious consider Jer 31:31-33; Lk 22:20 and 24:44.
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ace of hearts

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The trouble is that your asking questions or making statements that have clearly been answered in the rest of the post and scriptures that you leave out and ignore from the same post and you are not addressing the scriptures and posts that have been provided to you that disagree with you. The result comes across as if you have not read the post as you do not respond to it. It is like taking the post you are responding to out of context to the rest of the post that you are not considering in your response. This is only provided as a help in kindness brother.
I addressed every one of your Scriptures in that response. They're totally off topic and being twisted to fit your paradigm. Personally I see no reason to address passages that far off topic. Now it would help if you quote a passage and make a comment about it. Otherwise you're making statements with Scripture making no real sense. I had a one way exchange with you about Rom 7:6 in which your response to what I posted was a c&p of your post I responded to. Essentially you tried very hard to dismiss the verse.
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ace of hearts

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The trouble is that your asking questions or making statements that have clearly been answered in the rest of the post and scriptures that you leave out and ignore from the same post and you are not addressing the scriptures and posts that have been provided to you that disagree with you. The result comes across as if you have not read the post as you do not respond to it. It is like taking the post you are responding to out of context to the rest of the post that you are not considering in your response. This is only provided as a help in kindness brother.
The way I see life is you're requiring agreement with your ill conceived and deceived ideas only. You're trying to treat a discussion forum like a blog or more like a web site all by itself. You repeat stuff so often you basically try to start the thread all over. When you've been responded to address that, not re-post what you already posted. Your threads are more like spam than anything else.

In this post I quote above you say I don't use Scripture or respond to yours. I'm known to actually say "no because..." enough you should take my responses as reasons why there's disagreement. Like all cults you have a different meaning to/insert words that aren't there. I know this and it's why I say things like you're gloating when you post Rev 22:14. It also is an effort to spread fear of not having salvation trying to force the ignorant into your amended law keeping. I'm sorry if you see this as a personal attack.

I also have a strong distaste for rabbit trails.
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The Most High God didn't renege on anything. He carried out His plan from the beginning. What you're calling His commands are given only to a few people (Israel). Israel reneged on their agreement to keep those commands, canceling the agreement (covenant law). So it wasn't God. God gave and continues to give a second chance through a better covenant. Heb 8:6. If you don't like the better covenant you can still try to keep the impossible covenant that no one keeps. That's in the Bible BTW.If you're truly serious consider Jer 31:31-33; Lk 22:20 and 24:44.


However, the Son of Man said that He didn't come to change or abolish the Law of His Father; rather, He came to fulfill it. He fulfilled it by verifying every prophecy of Him since Genesis 3:15.

But, where did the Most High God ever differentiate between people who follow His Law, and Israel (the people). Where does the Word of God differentiate between the two? He said His mother, and brother is whoever follows the will of the Father.

What is the will of the Father if not 1) love, and 2) obedience (because of love for Him)? You can't expect to be a
holy, son of God by ignoring His Laws.

"Holy" means "set apart"; He doesn't have a set apart, and another set apart people. He has one group of set apart people that follow one set of Law.
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ace of hearts

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There is no need to be unkind in your posts brother. You have always been responded to with kindness and with God's WORD sent in love only as a help to you.
Sorry you feel that way. I'm only trying to honest with you. You say kindness and I read hostile attacking. Yes you're polite and try to disarm with it. Like I said I used to live in the city and had cult members at my door on a regular basis. I know how they act and why. I've been involved in sales and have taken social and physiology in college. I've been thru the PMA crap as well.
The scripture provided to you in sequence was;

PSALMS 119:142-143 which says Your RIGHTOUESNESS is an EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS, and Your law is truth. Trouble and anguish have overtaken me, yet Your commandments are my delights.

If you look at the next scripture in your post response you should understand why this post was written (as well as the other 8 supporting scriptures) showing why God's LAW is ETERNAL. The very next scripture you left out DEFINES God's RIGHTEOUSNESS while the first scripture shows that God's RIGHTOUESNESS is EVERLASTING.

PSALMS 119:172 My tongue shall speak of your word for ALL YOUR COMMANDMENTS ARE RIGHTEOUSNESS

These are God's WORD brother not mine and only 2 of the 9 scriptures provided showing that God's LAW (10 commandments) are ETERNAL. This is also scripture defining the meaning of the scriptures. It is not my definition or interpretation of the scriptures. God's RIGHTEOUSNESS is EVERLASTING = GOD'S COMMANDMENTS ARE EVERLASTING (ETERNAL).

Hope this helps
I responded to what was presented to me. I pointed out what your verses said. I don't remember responding specifically to PS 119:142-143. You didn't comment on them if I remember correctly. You merely referenced them. I commented on what you provided commentary drawing my attention. What Ps 119:142-143 say is found in 119:160. So I think my comments on 119:160 are adequate. Neither say the law (famous 10) is everlasting.
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ace of hearts

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Of course it doesn't no one ever said it does. Only you have made the claims about rightousness coming from the law. As posted earlier through God's WORD, RIGHTESOUSNESS comes from LOVE because LOVE is the fulfilling of God's LAW and the very expression of what LOVE is *ROMANS 13:8-10. He that does not LOVE does not KNOW GOD for GOD IS LOVE * 1 JOHN 4:8. All those who are BORN AGAIN have a NEW HEART TO LOVE and FOLLOW GOD *1 JOHN 4:7. This is the NEW COVENANT promise *HEBREWS 8:10-12. Those who are BORN AGAIN do not practice SIN (breaking God's Commandments) *1 JOHN 3:4-9. This is why JOHN finishes on this subject by saying; For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous *1 JOHN 5:3 and is why JESUS says IF you LOVE me KEEP my commandments *JOHN 14:15. UNLESS we are BORN AGAIN under the NEW COVENANT to LOVE we will not enter the KINGDOM of HEAVEN *JOHN 3:3-7. We need to be changed from the INSIDE OUT.

Hope this helps
The righteousness that come from the law is obedience to it. IOW that righteous is the result of one's behavior and is called self righteousness. The righteousness God requires only comes by His declaration. See Rom 4 about Abraham and King David. One was without the law (famous 10) and one was with under the law. Both sinned and were declared righteous. IOW their righteousness didn't come by obedience to the law.

Yes Jn 3 is what being born again is all about. Your problem is you think were born to the same thing. You hang your hat on the physical body's performance. You don't fully accept the substitutionary of Jesus. I do. That is my only hope and why the law leads one to Jesus.

Your rendition of Jn 14:15 is if you love me keep the covenant given in the desert. Jn 15:10 won't allow for this idea. What you do is twist the Scripture into something it clearly doesn't say. You found a similar statement made by the Father claiming it's made by Jesus in the OT. Just can't be considering Jn 1:17 and Gal 3:19.

So your job is to prove what I said including Scripture is wrong. To do so you'll have to prove you believe all the Scripture, including mine. Remember I've presented to you by quote and reference even from the Book of the Law passages you obviously don't believe.
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ace of hearts

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You did not ignore this passage I believe you simply did not understand it as you left out the supporting scripture that explains it in the very next scripture passage provided as shown in the previous section. This is what I was being highlighted earlier that you do not read the post as a whole that already addressed your objection. This is actually a good example of your objection clearly being answered in the rest of the post and scriptures that you leave out and ignore from the same post. This is only provided as a help in kindness brother.

Hope this helps
You didn't include what Scripture I ignored. You provide no context. Basically you just make an unsupported claim. You can provide the necessary details if you want another response to something. I'm not going back guessing what you're talking about.
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ace of hearts

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Well that one is not true. PSALMS 119:142-143 says that God's RIGHTOUESNESS is EVERLASTING and the very next verse posted DEFINES GOD'S RIGHTOUESNESS as the 10 COMMANDMENTS *PSALMS 119:172 which is EVERLASTING.
If you care to notice my comment was after 119:172. My comment was not after 119:142-143.
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ace of hearts

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Sorry brother you have been provided with God's WORD. You simply provide your own words with out addressing the post and the scriptures provided to you. It is God's WORD that defines what God's WORD says. These are God's WORD'S not my words so your argument is with God not me.
You seriously need to think about your approach. I personally don't want to get in a mod war.
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ace of hearts

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Actually it is the NIV translation of the HEBREW text which says;
PSALMS 119:160 All your words are true; ALL YOUR RIGHTEOUS LAWS ARE ETERNAL (NIV).
I could care less what your chosen NIV says. I already explained why.
As shown in the earlier posts this agrees with the other 8 scriptures on topical application showing that God's LAW (10 Commandments) are ETERNAL *PSALMS 119:142-143; PSALMS 119:172; ECCLESIASTES 3:14; EXODUS 32:16; ISAIAH 40:8; EXODUS 20:1-17; 1 PETER 1:25; LUKE 21:33.
No. Please read my response to those passages.
Your response here for the 9 scriptures provided above showing that God's LAW is ETERNAL is to argue a single scripture provided in the 9 scriptures in PSALMS 119:160 which is translated in the NIV as All your words are true; ALL YOUR RIGHTEOUS LAWS ARE ETERNAL, the WORD used for laws does not mean law.
No you're arguing NIV text which is wrong. I already covered the why with you.
If you read what was provided in all the post you would see you were provided the complete rendering of the HEBREW WORD used here which is משׁפּט; mishpâṭ From H8199. The first rendering was included from the HEBREW dictionary which was justice or judgement based on DIVINE or human LAW. This is not the 4th or 5th rendering but the first as a complete thought.
No. And you can't push error down my throat calling it truth. Your presentation failed.
Depending on the different bible version משׁפּט; mishpâṭ has been translated in english as; Justice; Judgement; LAW; Ordinances; Judgments, Word, Teachings, Rules, Regulations;
Look I'm getting tired of your religious misinformation. I can't believe you haven't attracted the attention of the Mods.
Essentially the correct meaning is all of GOD'S teachings are righteous and ETERNAL. The CONTEXT and subject matter of PSALMS 119 is God's WORD (teachings) and God's LAW being ETERNAL and the very definition of RIGHTEOSNESS *PSALMS 119:172.

Which ever bible translation is used for PSALMS 119:160 it does not really matter because GOD'S LAW (10 commandments) are the SPOKEN and WRITTEN WORD of God alone which the scriptures define both God's WORD and what God makes as being ETERNAL *EXODUS 20:1-17; EXODUS 32:16; ECCLESIASTES 3:14; ISAIAH 40:8; 1 PETER 1:25; LUKE 21:33. God both Spoke the 10 commandments and wrote them personally and it was the work of GOD alone.
You're right the translation doesn't matter as long as it agrees with you. Hope you understand this tongue-in-cheek statement.
The NIV translates משׁפּט; mishpâṭ in PSALMS 119:160 as LAW. Judgement or Justice is based on LAW. You cannot have one without the other. If one is eternal so is the other. The other 8 scriptures also support the same view that God's LAW (10 commandments are eternal). So the fact is God's LAW (10 commandments) are eternal because that is what God's WORD teaches. To deny this is to deny God's WORD.
Repeating something doesn't establish it as truth. I understand Hitler believed and employed this tactic. He didn't win either.
Your trying to argue that RIGHTOUESNESS is not eternal when God's WORD defines the very standard of RIGHTEOUSNESS as God's LAW (10 commandments) *PSALMS 119:172 which gives us the very KNOWLEDGE of SIN if broken *ROMANS 3:20; ROMANS 7:7; 1 JOHN 3:4; JAMES 2:10-11.
No again to this repeated false witness statement.
As shown above this is God's WORD not mine and it shows that God's LAW (10 commandments) are ETERNAL. Your argument and claim is that God's WORD is not eternal when God's WORD says that it is. Your argument is with God not me.
Real slick. You're hoping I didn't notice your change of words.
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ace of hearts

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You do know your arguing against scripture alone here right? These are not my words and no commentary in what you are quoting from which says.
If you want to respond about my presentation of Jer 31:31-33 being error discuss that passage.
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ace of hearts

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The Gospel was preached to our fathers in the SHADOW LAWS from the MOSAIC BOOK of the OLD COVENANT *EXODUS 24:7; HEBREWS 4:3. The difference is that the SHADOW laws pointed FORWARD to the coming MESSIAH and CHRIST while we in turn look BACK to the JESUS who is the true lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world *JOHN 1:29 that the SHADOW laws pointed to *HEBREWS 7; HEBREWS 8; HEBREWS 9; HEBREWS 10; HEBREWS 11.

Hope this helps.
The law isn't the Gospel.
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ace of hearts

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They are indeed the Word of JESUS which say; LUKE 21:33, Heaven and earth shall pass away: BUT MY WORDS SHALL NOT PASS AWAY [EVERLASTING WORD OF GOD].

God's 10 Commandments are also the WORD of JESUS who is our creator of HEAVEN and EARTH and LORD of the SABBATH *JOHN 1:1-4; 14 that he made for man *MARK 2:27-28 and has commanded us to REMEMBER and KEEP HOLY *EXODUS 20:8-11. God's 10 Commandments are CHRISTS WORDS they shall NOT PASS AWAY because they are EVERLASTING. So God's LAW is EVERLASTING. This scripture connect directly to ISAIAH 40:8 [8], The grass wither, the flower fades: but THE WORD OF THE LORD OF OUR GOD SHALL ENDURE FOREVER. God's 10 commandments were the WORD of GOD *EXODUS 20:1-17 therefore they ENDURE FOREVER.

Hope this helps.
No the famous 10 aren't the words of Jesus.
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ace of hearts

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I was consistant. Your trying to teach God's LAW (10 commandments) is abolished.

Your arguing against scripture again which is was...

JEREMIAH 31:31 [31], Behold, the days come, said the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah

If God's LAW (10 commandments) was abolsihed we would have no KNOWLEDGE of what sin is *ROMANS 3:20.
No I'm not. You convey annihilation to me through your post. The passages I referenced all say abolished. 2 Tim 1:10 is very clear. This isn't annihilation.

I don't argue against Jer 31:31. Your idea is God renews the covenant made with Israel. That isn't what Jer 31:31 says.

You still refuse to deal with 31:32.
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ace of hearts

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Well none of that addressed anything in the posts and the scirpture in them that disagrees with you. You simply ignored the post and all the scriptures in them. Have another go.


Nope. No he didn't. What was to be abolished was the condemnation from the letter of the law in the NEW COVENANT promise in those who through FAITH in CHRIST'S death on the cross for our sins. These are all those who have been BORN AGAIN to to LOVE through FAITH in God's WORD to have a NEW HEART by the OPERATION of GOD *ROMANS 8:1-4; 1 JOHN 3:6-9; HEBREWS 8:10-12. This is the operation of God and the ministation of God's Spirit *2 CORINTHIANS 3:1-18; GALATIANS 5:16; PHILIPIANS 2:13.

With your interpretation above your making PAUL contradict himself when he says;

ROMANS 3:31 Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yes, we establish the law.

ROMANS 13:8-10
[8], Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loves another has fulfilled the law.[9], For this, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not kill, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness, You shall not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
[10], Love works no ill to his neighbor: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.


HEBREWS 8:10, For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, said the Lord; I WILL PUT MY LAWS IN THEIR MINDS, AND WRITE THEM IN THEIR HEARTS: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people

etc; etc...

Can you see your error hear brother. God's Word does not contradict itself. When you find yourself in a position where your interpretation of the scriptures is contradicting other scriptures it should be a WARNING to you that your interpretation of the scriptures is not correct.

Hope this helps.
You're so empty you can't respond to what I said. All you can do is c&p. I don't think you even understand your c&p.
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