Biblical, Enclosed Flat Earth and Firmament

Do you think enclosed flat earth is possible from scripture, or think it's IMPOSSIBLE?

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The Times

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Feb 9, 2017
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And, I mean, sure, the image was taken from someone's travel blog from when they visited Antarctica which you can find here, but obviously THEY stole the image--I mean, they even went through all the trouble to remove the Facebook link and Impact font caption scribbled over it. Those deviants.


Plagiarism the Flat Earther's forte. Why would one even need to discover things themselves, why not just rip out content and context from NASA, astronauts, scientists and researchers and then use it against them, whilst not bothering to credit their work.

It is a credulace spirited game, bent on smeering the authors, whilst using their content and not bothering to credit their work.
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Bible Highlighter

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Jul 22, 2014
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Edit after this post was posted : You can always start your own thread to prove flat earth wrong to everybody.

I tweaked the OP in the other thread but I never said only flat earthers. Instead I said if you don't believe Conspiracies are possible the ignore this thread. And that I'd like to hear MORE from people who are serious and interested. That still stands. Here's the words : I ask that scoffers and folks that don't believe this or that any conspiracies are possible, then simply ignore this thread. I'd like to hear more from serious and interested people.

Fair enough.
I may consider creating one.

May God's love shine upon you.
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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A Dog On A Mission
Feb 23, 2018
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Pat, i have looked at lots of the videos 'evidence' since you started this thread, plus, i have looked into it in the past too.

The so called evidence is balony. Scripture has been skewed to fit your puzzle. You have been mislead like the many others out there that believe in a pancake earth. It is pure fantasy. There is so much evidence for a round earth, from thousands of scientists etc. I presume you think they are all liars? All the nations who research and sent rockets into space are liars. The probes that have been sent out fake?

All the evidence is stacked against you and the other flat earth brigade.

You are making yourself look foolish. Of course, you can believe what you want. Some people believe in Santa Claus, tooth fairies and Goblins!

God has given us science. He has given us knowledge. I believe in God and in what He has given us.

Does the Bible Teach that the Earth is Flat?
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Searching for Truth
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Jul 5, 2014
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You can call people (or video conference them) who are experiencing the opposite of either daylight or night time. This does not work with a flat disk. All people on the Earth should be experiencing daylight and or night time together if the Earth was a flat disk. Cut out a circle on a piece of paper and shut the lights off and get out a flashlight. The whole one side of that piece of paper will be lit up. For the flat earth theory to work, the sun would have to be so close to the Earth that it would literally almost have to be right on top of the Earth (very close) in order for a light beam to focus on one point so as to create a circle of light while the rest of the planet was in darkness. In other words, the Earth would burn up if the sun was that close. To put it to you another way, you have to take your flashlight and move it really close to the piece of paper in order for it to focus a lighted area upon it while the rest of it remains in darkness. does.....

Please research this a bit more..
Time zones,
Length of days,

All of these work on a globe model and the FE model.
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Searching for Truth
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Jul 5, 2014
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So how long is this Antarctic Wall that circles the Whole Earth?
There are records from the 1700's and 1800's that show the logs of ships to have traversed over 60,000 miles of coast, or shore, of the Antarctic.
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patrick jane

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The Shape of the Earth (Audiobook)

From Video Description : In the interest of preserving for posterity the wealth of flat Earth knowledge and research done during the late 19th and early 20th century, I am presenting a series of audiobook and PDF downloads to make them more easily and widely available. Today's selection is Arthur White's 1909 booklet, "The Shape of the Earth." You can download the PDF here:

17 Minutes - Fascinating
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Feb 29, 2016
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I've also said in both threads that there are no accurate depictions of flat earth or real measurements. We believe that there is an ice wall surrounding what we call earth. I will show three images and explain what you see and should picture in your mind. I'm taking the time because you deserve answers and seem mildly interested. We don't trust FE Society because they say embarrassing things about flat earth that make us look like nut cases and idiots. The images you posted are close enough to imagine with.

In two images you will see a flat earth rendering (which is all the globe really is), showing earth in the middle surrounded by water in blue. You will see bases and where they're actually located on a flat earth. Those are the white areas. All the white parts in the first two images are land and ice. The white represent ice and land extending unknown distances BEYOND the ice wall. Imagine the land and ice goes further than the image itself. There could be thousands of miles of unreachable land.

In the third image you will see what's called a circle squared. Imagine the blue earth circle in the middle is earth as we know it in blue AND that it's a smaller circle. Forget the other balls too because we're focusing on the square and the outer circle which are both ice and land, the inner circle is the ice wall. You know what I'm saying I hope. Here goes. Oh wait, the CIRCLE SQUARED is possible for making sense of the Four Corners of the Earth and the four quarters mentioned in scripture 2 or 3 times, I think. I haven't gotten that far yet here. sorry I post so slow, I type with only my right index finger. I was an Auto Parts Counter person for 33 years and always used one finger, mostly numbers. I'm quick on the ten-key. Please bear with me. I also have a bit of evidence about Antarctica what they've done down there over 50 years ago.




I also meant to include the word you used describing the photo's used " rendering " In other words not even pretending to be an actual photo which you claimed photos showing a round earth from space are doctored .

There could be
There could be ...Imagine ..there could be .

Imagine the blue earth

All of this ...every single bit ...every photo ..every explanation is " we believe that " ...imagine ..there could be . Very exciting isn't it ? and very fleshly ...not in the Spirit ..this is a misguided rabbit trail and I am very sorry that in three weeks of research ONLINE , you have bought into it and have been lead away from the simplicity of the gospel .

Patrick careful that you do not start believing conspiracy theories which will lead you away from the simplicity of the gospel not suppose that those CHRISTIANS who place no stock in suppositions , photo renderings ..a giant ice wall and other CONJECTURES , are your enemies or the enemies of Christ . We preach Jesus and Him crucified for that demonstrates the love of God . It is the power of Salvation to all whom believe . You often say that this is not about salvation so what is it then ? Atheist will not believe the good news if you prove the earth is flat ... your whole debate on this forum is with BELIEVERS ...Why do you not go to an atheist site ( although I prefer that you stay away since you will not win any to the Love of God with "rendered " conspiracy theories .. ) If the earth IS flat ..exactly how does that demonstrate the LOVE of God ? I wish to know . Knowledge puffs up but love edifies . You are not a martyr for a false belief and do not let others encourage you for you will start thinking more highly of yourself than you should . ..If any man thinks he knows anything , he knows nothing as he aught .
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patrick jane

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I also meant to include the word you used describing the photo's used " rendering " In other words not even pretending to be an actual photo which you claimed photos showing a round earth from space are doctored .

There could be ...Imagine ..there could be .

All of this ...every single bit ...every photo ..every explanation is " we believe that " ...imagine ..there could be . Very exciting isn't it ? and very fleshly ...not in the Spirit ..this is a misguided rabbit trail and I am very sorry that in three weeks of research ONLINE , you have bought into it and have been lead away from the simplicity of the gospel .

Patrick careful that you do not start believing conspiracy theories which will lead you away from the simplicity of the gospel not suppose that those CHRISTIANS who place no stock in suppositions , photo renderings ..a giant ice wall and other CONJECTURES , are your enemies or the enemies of Christ . We preach Jesus and Him crucified for that demonstrates the love of God . It is the power of Salvation to all whom believe . You often say that this is not about salvation so what is it then ? Atheist will not believe the good news if you prove the earth is flat ... your whole debate on this forum is with BELIEVERS ...Why do you not go to an atheist site ( although I prefer that you stay away since you will not win any to the Love of God with "rendered " conspiracy theories .. ) If the earth IS flat ..exactly how does that demonstrate the LOVE of God ? I wish to know . Knowledge puffs up but love edifies . You are not a martyr for a false belief and do not let others encourage you for you will start thinking more highly of yourself than you should . ..If any man thinks he knows anything , he knows nothing as he aught .
You are judging me and acting extremely "fleshy" - Everyday I see more PROOF and the videos I've posted today are from this year and cannot be refuted. You can stay in love with your fleshy round ball flying through endless space and spinning 100 mph for 4.5 billion years while "apparently" God made the "universe" 14.5 BILLION years ago 10 billion years before the earth. God says He created the Heavens and the earth in the BEGINNING. God never says He created something before the earth, That's jus scripture. Watch two or three videos I post today in this and the Conspiracy thread if you want PROOF FOR A FLAT EARTH.

If you don't that's fine but please don't lecture me when you know nothing about my faith, doctrine or my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. I'm saying "could" and "imagine" because it's necessary. The same way you IMAGINE DEEP SPACE THAT YOU'VE NEVER SEEN. You have no doubt imagined the big bang, deep space that has not been photographed etc. You picture a globe in your mind even when you're not looking at a picture.

Artist Renderings, yes, and CGI and photo shop. NASA admits this openly and says "they have to". I watched the video footage of a NASA spokesman say that on camera. If you inspected every image you would find what I mentioned about the images. If you only imagine a ball spinning and flying, that's all you'll ever see. If asking you to imagine or picture something in your mind is "fleshy" then you have serious issues with Christianity. Don't project faults onto others, please. Watch the videos if you really want to know or don't. But don't give another lecture on what it means to be a Christian if you don't watch a few short videos. They answer many many questions in a short time instead of me typing the same information over and over for every person that has questions. I type slow and use only my right index finger and it's tedious for me.


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You are judging me and acting extremely "fleshy" - Everyday I see more PROOF and the videos I've posted today are from this year and cannot be refuted. You can stay in love with your fleshy round ball flying through endless space and spinning 100 mph for 4.5 billion years while "apparently" God made the "universe" 14.5 BILLION years ago 10 billion years before the earth. God says He created the Heavens and the earth in the BEGINNING. God never says He created something before the earth, That's jus scripture. Watch two or three videos I post today in this and the Conspiracy thread if you want PROOF FOR A FLAT EARTH.

If you don't that's fine but please don't lecture me when you know nothing about my faith, doctrine or my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. I'm saying "could" and "imagine" because it's necessary. The same way you IMAGINE DEEP SPACE THAT YOU'VE NEVER SEEN. You have no doubt imagined the big bang, deep space that has not been photographed etc. You picture a globe in your mind even when you're not looking at a picture.

Artist Renderings, yes, and CGI and photo shop. NASA admits this openly and says "they have to". I watched the video footage of a NASA spokesman say that on camera. If you inspected every image you would find what I mentioned about the images. If you only imagine a ball spinning and flying, that's all you'll ever see. If asking you to imagine or picture something in your mind is "fleshy" then you have serious issues with Christianity. Don't project you faults onto others, please. Watch the videos if you really want to know or don't. But don't give another lecture on what it means to be a Christian if you don't watch a few short videos. They answer many many questions in a short time instead of me tying the same information over and over for every person that has questions. I type slow and use only my right index finger and it's tedious for me.


Patrick ..I am saying that those who you are following are making their living posting conspiracy theories online , ( I used to be in online advertising ) and are leading you astray . They are about "page views" or they themselves may be deceived . I do not know.
They attract a certain demographic and try to attract more ...they attract both those who may agree and those who disagree ..a page view is a page view to an advertiser...
Am I judging you ? We will all be judged and a tree is known by it's fruit . Does the fruit of this tree from which you are eating deepen your love of the Savior ? And what effect is it having in your brothers and sisters ? Does it drive them to prayer and humility or entice them to debate ? Is it a distraction ? Why are you angry ? These are serious question for which you will give an account one day . Do not be deceived . We will reap what we sow.
What videos did the first century Christians watch to strengthen their faith . Patrick ..I do not lack faith in the love of God towards me for when I was lost, He found me . God has abundantly demonstrated His love for a sheep like me that got lead astray . Being lead stray is very easy . I am not sure how watching these videos can increase my faith ..We are saved by grace through faith ..not believing in God but believing God which I do .
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Searching for Truth
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Jul 5, 2014
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I also meant to include the word you used describing the photo's used " rendering " In other words not even pretending to be an actual photo which you claimed photos showing a round earth from space are doctored .

There could be ...Imagine ..there could be .

All of this ...every single bit ...every photo ..every explanation is " we believe that " ...imagine ..there could be . Very exciting isn't it ? and very fleshly ...not in the Spirit ..this is a misguided rabbit trail and I am very sorry that in three weeks of research ONLINE , you have bought into it and have been lead away from the simplicity of the gospel .

Patrick careful that you do not start believing conspiracy theories which will lead you away from the simplicity of the gospel not suppose that those CHRISTIANS who place no stock in suppositions , photo renderings ..a giant ice wall and other CONJECTURES , are your enemies or the enemies of Christ . We preach Jesus and Him crucified for that demonstrates the love of God . It is the power of Salvation to all whom believe . You often say that this is not about salvation so what is it then ? Atheist will not believe the good news if you prove the earth is flat ... your whole debate on this forum is with BELIEVERS ...Why do you not go to an atheist site ( although I prefer that you stay away since you will not win any to the Love of God with "rendered " conspiracy theories .. ) If the earth IS flat ..exactly how does that demonstrate the LOVE of God ? I wish to know . Knowledge puffs up but love edifies . You are not a martyr for a false belief and do not let others encourage you for you will start thinking more highly of yourself than you should . ..If any man thinks he knows anything , he knows nothing as he aught .
Our goal is to lead the lost to Christ.

Would it surprise you if I told you that there are those, that were FE deniers, who, in studying the state of the universe and coming to see that the earth, in their mind, is flat, with a dome and unmoving... that these same FE converts then went on to conclude that evolution must be false, that there must be a creator... and therefore.... God is real and then accept Christ as their savior?
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Searching for Truth
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Patrick ..I am saying that those who you are following are making their living posting conspiracy theories online , ( I used to be in online advertising ) and are leading you astray . They are about "page views" or they themselves may be deceived . I do not know.
They attract a certain demographic and try to attract more ...they attract both those who may agree and those who disagree ..a page view is a page view to an advertiser...
Am I judging you ? We will all be judged and a tree is known by it's fruit . Does the fruit of this tree from which you are eating deepen your love of the Savior ? And what effect is it having in your brothers and sisters ? Does it drive them to prayer and humility or entice them to debate ? Is it a distraction ? Why are you angry ? These are serious question for which you will give an account one day . Do not be deceived . We will reap what we sow.
What videos did the first century Christians watch to strengthen their faith . Patrick ..I do not lack faith in the love of God towards me for when I was lost, He found me . God has abundantly demonstrated His love for a sheep like me that got lead astray . Being lead stray is very easy . I am not sure how watching these videos can increase my faith ..We are saved by grace through faith ..not believing in God but believing God which I do .
Would you believe that the earth is flat if they took you up in a balloon to a height you could see that it was.
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Mr. Owl has had quite enough
Jun 2, 2014
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Would you believe that the earth is flat if they took you up in a balloon to a height you could see that it was.

Take me up high enough to see the entire disc, Totally Secret Ice Wall and all, and I'll believe you.
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patrick jane

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Patrick ..I am saying that those who you are following are making their living posting conspiracy theories online , ( I used to be in online advertising ) and are leading you astray . They are about "page views" or they themselves may be deceived . I do not know.
They attract a certain demographic and try to attract more ...they attract both those who may agree and those who disagree ..a page view is a page view to an advertiser...
Am I judging you ? We will all be judged and a tree is known by it's fruit . Does the fruit of this tree from which you are eating deepen your love of the Savior ? And what effect is it having in your brothers and sisters ? Does it drive them to prayer and humility or entice them to debate ? Is it a distraction ? Why are you angry ? These are serious question for which you will give an account one day . Do not be deceived . We will reap what we sow.
What videos did the first century Christians watch to strengthen their faith . Patrick ..I do not lack faith in the love of God towards me for when I was lost, He found me . God has abundantly demonstrated His love for a sheep like me that got lead astray . Being lead stray is very easy . I am not sure how watching these videos can increase my faith ..We are saved by grace through faith ..not believing in God but believing God which I do .
I'm sorry for saying you're judging me. I have thought deeply about the issues you've raised and in part, some may be true. I'm not being deceived because I have a discerning spirit and listen and watch intently. Eric Dubay who is the leading expert on flat earth is not a Christian and does not accept the free gift that God provided through Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We must all go before the Bema seat of Christ and be judged according to our works, yes. I'm am also saved and sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise after believing and trusting the gospel of our salvation. I'm a OSAS believer, the free gift cannot be revoked. We can be saved and sealed but we are still judged according to our works. There's a first death and a second death. Nobody wants the second death.

I had deep concerns about possibly leading Christians and unbelievers astray but the good outweighs the bad. I have seen many positive changes and it's been a month now of study and research. If you ever get that much time searching flat earth and tossing aside the fluff and click bait, you would maybe agree with the POSSIBILITY of an enclosed flat earth and firmament and that's WITHOUT the scriptures supporting this. IMO, thinking about and discussing the POSSIBILITY, leads to thoughts of God and creation and hence, Jesus Christ. God can use anything to draw people to Christ and His word. Debate and reasoning are all throughout the Bible, in Job for instance and Paul and Jesus Christ Himself debated and reasoned with the Pharisees and in the synagogues. It's very Christian and intellectual.

I only say it's possible although I post as if it's true because I believe in my heart that it is. This is part of the great awakening that's taking place and unfortunately, the powers and principalities in high places know this more than the masses of people on earth. Something big is coming because the "common folk" are asking too many questions and seeing and hearing too much truth because of all the information available at our fingertips. That's my belief. Maybe not today or next year but within a decade or so.

Acts 17:1-2 KJV -
Now when they had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where was a synagogue of the Jews:

2 And Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them, and three sabbath days reasoned with them out of the scriptures,

Luke 9:46-47 KJV -
Then there arose a reasoning among them, which of them should be greatest.

47 And Jesus, perceiving the thought of their heart, took a child, and set him by him,

Ephesians 6:10-18 KJV -
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
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Searching for Truth
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Jul 5, 2014
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Take me up high enough to see the entire disc, Totally Secret Ice Wall and all, and I'll believe you.
Here is a guy that did just that... but before NASA, before operation "High Jump" before the cloaking of a lot of truth began...

Read this: Auguste Piccard...

"The story of their adventure surpasses fiction. During the ascent, the aluminum ball began to leak. They plugged it desperately with vaseline and cotton waste, stopping the leak. In the first half hour, the balloon shot upward nine miles. Through portholes, the observers saw the earth through copper-colored, then bluish, haze. It seemed a flat disk with upturned edge. At the ten mile level the sky appeared a deep, dark blue. With observations complete, the observers tried to descend, but couldn't. While their oxygen tanks emptied, they floated aimlessly over Germany, Austria, and Italy. Cool evening air contracted the balloon's gas and brought them down on a glacier near Ober-Gurgl, Austria, with one hour's supply of oxygen to spare". Popular Science, August 1931 p.23.[1]
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Mr. Owl has had quite enough
Jun 2, 2014
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Here is a guy that did just that... but before NASA, before operation "High Jump" before the cloaking of a lot of truth began...

Read this: Auguste Piccard...

"The story of their adventure surpasses fiction. During the ascent, the aluminum ball began to leak. They plugged it desperately with vaseline and cotton waste, stopping the leak. In the first half hour, the balloon shot upward nine miles. Through portholes, the observers saw the earth through copper-colored, then bluish, haze. It seemed a flat disk with upturned edge. At the ten mile level the sky appeared a deep, dark blue. With observations complete, the observers tried to descend, but couldn't. While their oxygen tanks emptied, they floated aimlessly over Germany, Austria, and Italy. Cool evening air contracted the balloon's gas and brought them down on a glacier near Ober-Gurgl, Austria, with one hour's supply of oxygen to spare". Popular Science, August 1931 p.23.[1]

a) Did he see the entire disk, including the Totally Secret Ice Wall? No? Doesn't count then.
b) He thought it was flat because he was looking through warped portholes.
c) Will you take me up high enough to see the entire disk, including the Totally Secret Ice Wall?

Piccard's confusion is being used by Big Flat Earth in order to keep us from building the space-based defenses that are our only hope against the Reptoid masterminds behind the Illuminati. They want us ignorant and ground based.
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Mr. Owl has had quite enough
Jun 2, 2014
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I'm not being deceived because I have a discerning spirit and listen and watch intently. Eric Dubay who is the leading expert on flat earth

Were you able to discern that Eric Dubay is also:

a) A Hitler apologist?
b) A Holocaust denier?
c) A 9/11 Truther?
d) An Atlantis Believer?
e) Thinks Timothy McVeigh was innocent?
f) Believes the dollar sign ($) is a secret code that the US Government is totally in league with ISIS?
g) Believes in Sovereign Citizen teachings that the US is a corporation, not a nation?
h) Thinks that since we have Birth Certificates, under Admiralty Law (because of gold-fringed flags), we are legally boats? ("Berth" Certificate!!!!!)
i) Doesn't think nuclear weapons are real?
j) Thinks there are FEMA camps that are there to be used as re-education and execution camps?
k) Thinks that unknown and mysterious "super-tech" was used to build many of the world's pyramids?
l) Says dinosaurs never existed?
m) Thinks a sinister cabal of Jews is running the world?
*(This is all stuff on his personal website, by the way, not stuff randomly spouted at him by others. And there's more, of course.)

If that's the leading expert of your field, you really need to get a better leading expert.
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patrick jane

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Were you able to discern that Eric Dubay is also:

a) A Hitler apologist?
b) A Holocaust denier?
c) A 9/11 Truther?
d) An Atlantis Believer?
e) Thinks Timothy McVeigh was innocent?
f) Believes the dollar sign ($) is a secret code that the US Government is totally in league with ISIS?
g) Believes in Sovereign Citizen teachings that the US is a corporation, not a nation?
h) Thinks that since we have Birth Certificates, under Admiralty Law (because of gold-fringed flags), we are legally boats? ("Berth" Certificate!!!!!)
i) Doesn't think nuclear weapons are real?
j) Thinks there are FEMA camps that are there to be used as re-education and execution camps?
k) Thinks that unknown and mysterious "super-tech" was used to build many of the world's pyramids?
l) Says dinosaurs never existed?
m) Thinks a sinister cabal of Jews is running the world?
*(This is all stuff on his personal website, by the way, not stuff randomly spouted at him by others. And there's more, of course.)

If that's the leading expert of your field, you really need to get a better leading expert.
a) The holocaust did not kill 6 million Jews and OTHER people died as well, he is not a "denier", as nobody can deny what Hitler did and what his plans.
c) 9/11 was coordinated with many agencies and Israeli operatives. It was an inside job, not 16 young terrorists. I'm with him on that.
d) Atlantis could have existed. It was written about and not as fiction.
e) Timothy McVeigh did not cause the massive explosions, plural, with fertilizer and ammonia. He made a bomb but explosives were planted before McVeigh did his thing. Partial patsy.
f) The dollar and other bills do have symbols and meanings that are not widely known by the average person that uses cash, nobody pats attention.
g) I know nothing about that but he's probably correct.
h) Makes no sense to me, I'd need more context.
i) They are not as powerful and destructive as they'd have us believe. Research that, you'll see.
j)I believe he's correct.
k) The pyramids were not built by man alone.
l) Dinosaurs are FAKE. Any dinosaur type animals did exist 60,000,000 years ago. Research that.
m) They and the Jesuits, Freemasons, Skull and Bones, Illuminati and unknown groups and organizations DO control everything. Wake up !!

Looks to me like you DID NOT RESEARCH ANY OF YOUR POINTS. He is one of the most knowledgeable Flat Earthers I've seen and heard so far. Have you watched a video? A whole one? I think you think you've exposed me as a fraud or that Eric Dubay lies about everything but you actually haven't. If you research any or all of your finding about Dubay, you might change your mind. I pointed out that he's not a Christian, that's what I knew for sure about him.
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patrick jane

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Take me up high enough to see the entire disc, Totally Secret Ice Wall and all, and I'll believe you.
IT'S NOT A DISC !!! Here are some depictions, one is ancient Hebrew and the others will be possible shapes and forms. I repeat, NOT A DISC OR A FLAT DISC. The problem with the second one is that it doesn't show enough white around the edges. There would be thousands of miles icy land beyond the ice wall and maybe not enough of the foundations of the earth. You have to keep in mind these are not to scale because earth is so massive.


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