How do I know if I'm evil , how do I know is not me thinking bad things about God


Overcomer of Divorce
Jul 26, 2013
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I keep having bad thoughts towards God , how do I know is not me , Do God knows that I don't want to think this way? Do I have to feel scare ? Is bad if I ignored my bad thoughts..
There is a form of OCD called Pure O, meaning purely obsessions, no compulsions. These are obsessional thoughts which are scary, and intrusive. In 2002 I used to suffer from this. Look into a book called The Imp of the Mind by Lee Baer. This was INCREDIBLE in helping me deal with this extreme form of anxiety.
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Yes sounds like OCD.
Rebuke those bad thoughts and tell them to get lost in the name of Jesus. They are lies. Think on things that are lovely, things that are TRUE. GOd isnt going to kill his own daughter. What kind of heavenly Father would do that?

Tell satan and his ocd demons to get out of your mind and leave forever in the name of Jesus, cos only satan thinks hes god and comes to steal kill and destroy but Jesus comes to give life and life more abundantly. If you believe in Jesus you are saved. Bless you.
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Aug 1, 2012
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Jesus loves you dkarla! He came to bring you life and life to the fullest, the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy. (John 10.10) It's not God's wish for you to go through this torture.

I wish I could personally meet and pray with you. I would encourage you to go to a local church or a Christian friend and tell them what you are experiencing. Ask them to pray with you.

If you have not yet given your life to Jesus, then I would encourage you to do so. Jesus promises to take this heavy burden (as well as this burden of anxiety and feeling like you need to provide and constantly stress about the future protection of your family) (Matt 11:28). Let Jesus take every burden you've been carrying and rely on Him to protect you!

If you have given your life to Jesus, then (congrats!) you are not evil. Jesus has redeemed you! :) The enemy might still try and pull some sneaky moves on you to make you doubt that, or make you fearful, but as others have said, a close relationship with God is what will keep you grounded to withstand these attacks.

Again, please find some awesome supportive Christian community who can support you and guide you. You really won't find the help you're looking for in an online forum.

Bless you my sister! :) <3
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Jacob Deng

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Dec 21, 2016
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You have already died on the cross with Jesus, and you were raised with him (he died for all sinners, he took on all the sins man committed in the past present and future), the life that you live now is an eternal life for Jesus, You represent him here on earth as he represents you up in heaven before god and the angles, the spirit that you have is not the same spirit that fell as of the first (Adam and Eve) but a new spirit, a life giving spirit that does not contain fear, but rather the spirit of Love, Power and sound mind, so don't be afraid, i'll provide you a scripture as to why you may be later :).
2 Timothy 1:7 "For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power, love, and self-control"

1 John 5:13 "I have written these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God,so that you may know that you have eternal life."

2 Corinthians 5:19
"that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting men’s trespasses against them. And He has committed to us the message of reconciliation.", he didn't come to count your sins, he came to die for you so that you may have a good life, not a life of struggle and confusion, you already know what's on gods mind, John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" that means he loves us... he didn't come here to die for you to still struggle, if you are born again
John 3:5 "Jesus answered “Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit." and to be born again is as simply as confessing that Jesus is lord of your life while believe in your heart that he died and rose again, Romans 10:9 "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.", There is so much that people don't seem to know... When you do the above or are (born again), remember what Jesus said in John 16:7 "But I tell you the truth, it is for your benefit that I am going away. Unless I go away,the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.", if you are born again, he will come and dwell in you (the spirit of god), god lives in you, John 14:16-17 "And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to be with you forever — 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot receive Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you do know Him, for He abides with you and He will be in you.…", and guess what? he is greater then all that is in the world and all that you will ever face, he is who you turn to for guidance in place of Jesus since Jesus is in heaven representing you before god and the angels. 1 John 4:4 "You, little children, are from God and have overcome them, because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world."
Check out pastor Chris and some of his teachings on YouTube, God loves you Dkarla, neither will he forsaken you or want you to suffer in anyway, as you are his child Romans 8:16- "For you did not receive a spirit of slavery that returns you to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship (doughtership in your case), by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” 16 The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. 17 And if we are children, then we are heirs: heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ—if indeed we suffer with Him, so that we may also be glorified with Him.…"
when you are born again, it is your spirit that is born again, and of the will of god.
John 1:13 "children born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but born of God.", the physical body gains life from the blood, when Jesus died, his blood had drained out, "Instead, one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water flowed out." and so when he was resurrected, he didn't have blood, 1 Corinthians 15:45 "So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being;” the last Adam a life-giving spirit." a life-giving spirit, that's the same spirit you have when you're born again. like the physical body your spirit will need to grow, the bible or the word of god is food for your spirit, walk from glory to glory, The holy spirit is very gentle and a guest and will not speak to you as much unless you ask; John 14:26 "But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you." we are suppose to commune with the holy spirit, he looks after us and shows us what we have as we partake in the divine nature. (this is a bit too much info so i'll cut it short to avoid confusion if there isn't any already :),
Now as i'v said earlier the reason you may be afraid may be because of this, Romans 12:2 "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.", i can't 100% remember the information but in one of pastor Chris's videos he uses an example of a DVD player, your mind is the CD, and your Eternal life is the new DVD player, if you were to place in the same CD (mind) that you played on the old DVD player, it will play the same thing, even though you have a new DVD player, so what you need to do is get a new CD (renew your mind), and to do this is simply to learn god's word through listening, watching videos, and read the bible as it is written for your learning with the guidance of the holy spirit, without him, you will read it just like any other book.

This should be enough for now :), also just made this account on this website right before writing this cause i felt like chatting with some Christians hehehe, so Hi to you all on the Christian forum!
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Steven Wood

Not my will but Thy will be done
Jul 17, 2015
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Jesus told some of the Pharisees they were of their father the devil: how does that fit into your philosophy?
You know that's the major revolving question isn't it. I've heard a lot of people ask " if everything is already finished and the names in the book of life are set then how do people truly know if they are one of God's elect or if they are going to hell?" honestly in my opinion I've come to believe it like this. The Pharisees were blind to knowing that Jesus is the son of God not because God didn't allow them to see or that they were ignorant (because they knew the Bible very well) but because their pride, the thing that caused Satan to fall, got in the way. They couldn't accept Jesus' teaching because it put their lifestyle and actions in the wrong. Jesus said they were of their father the devil because they were commiting the same sin that he did. If the choice we make and our beliefs are hindered by our stubborn pride then we will never allow ourselves to be taught anything or worse to admit to ourselves that we are wrong. If any man can take an honest look at himself, his actions because of his thoughts and compare them to God's commands and teachings he'll know his flaws and shortcomings. When Jesus told them they were like their father he didn't mean that Satan created them (because there is only one creator) but was more or less saying they Pharisees adopted Satan's ways. He also said that you can't serve 2 masters, one becomes more important than the other. He was talking about money becoming a God and money cannot be a physical father but greed is selfishness as is pride.
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paul becke

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Jul 12, 2003
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What happens when I think God is going to kill me and in my own head I say no he is not going to kill me no Metter what I do , and make scare because I feel I think with arrogance and I'm having those thoughts on a evil way ,this why I think maybe I'm evil and he is going to kill me because of that and if I don't feel miserable because I think that way I feel I'm evil.

First of all, Karla, forget my suggestion that it's better to err on the side of being a little too scrupulous than being presumptuous. Your 'wide-screen background', so to speak, is precisely of a scrupulous wish to be pleasing to God, so you are the last person who would need that kind of advice. It's the 'Love God and do what you like thing you should keep in mind ; you are not going to suddenly become dissolute and malevolent. However scared and stressed you are, God's in charge and he knows your heart is grieving for fear of offending him. All our sufferings, our crosses are for a purpose, and God's Providence is never derailed - however incomprehensively hideous and hurtful to us they might be, bearing in mind God's infinite love for each one of us, as an individual ; which seems so out of kilter with what we are undergoing.

Recognise, instead, that, though you might think and feel they are your thoughts, they are not. I'm sure you've got a million and one better things (and a whole lot more comforting thoughts) to think of than arrogant, God-hating thoughts. Sometimes, it's hard to tug oursleves away - it is demonic forces that are loath to set our mind free to follow our heart and think our own thoughts. The tug, the resistance can feel physical. That sounds over-dramatic, perhaps scary in an unhinged way, but that is only because our culture does not recognise the spiritual war, very much including battles against principalities and powers, that we are all engaged in, throughout our lives. Have you ever read The Screwtape Letters by C S Lewis ?

Some posters have recommended you look into the possiblity that it is OCD or OD, so try an get hold of that book that was recommended. It is worth looking into. My own obtrusive thoughts are due to a kind of guilt complex, whereby I feel guilty by subconscious association of thoughts. I once recoiled hearing the word, 'love' in a song on a juke-box. And here am I advising you ! Anyway, I'm in more or less bad odour with the intelligence services, so they try to keep those feelings of irrational guilt as raw as possible ! Which, however brings me to a most important point. Fear, itself, is one of THE biggest enemies. Perhaps you know, one of the Devil's better known titles is, The Accuser. Keep your chin up. Trials don't last for ever. Much love. Paul.
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May 15, 2016
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I keep having bad thoughts towards God , how do I know is not me , Do God knows that I don't want to think this way? Do I have to feel scare ? Is bad if I ignored my bad thoughts..
are your thoughts rational? -
it would be better if you explained what your thoughts are and possibly why you are having them
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Dec 1, 2016
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are your thoughts rational? -
it would be better if you explained what your thoughts are and possibly why you are having them
Feel like no matter what I do God is going to kill me, and in if my head I think and say, : no he's is not going to kill me, I feel like I'm making fun in my head of him , because of that even if I don't want to think that way,and I feel is really me making fun is hard because sometimes I don't know if is really me and because that, he is really going to kill me .. and when I say kill me I feel is any second..
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paul becke

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Jul 12, 2003
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It seems, karla, that you are favouring heeding your emotions, your emotional responses to these thoughts, over a rational overview of them. Your reason should tell you that quelling your fears that God is going to take your life there and then, is neither ridiculing God on your part, nor intending to do so.

Are you worried about the effects of addictive pharmaceutical or recreational drugs ? I ask this, hoping you don't consider it needlessly intrusive, as the texts of some of your posts seem sort of broken up and less coherent than others. Ignore my question, of course, if that you do find the question offensive.

It sounds to me, though I am not medically qualified, as if you need advice and attention from a medical professional. It may be that that is a more pressing need than avoiding having your children temporarily placed in care.
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May 15, 2016
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Feel like no matter what I do God is going to kill me, ..
you should talk to a priest or minister -
let them know it is an emergency -
they will be able to determine the best course of action for you -
you have to ask for help
you have already started the process
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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Feel like no matter what I do God is going to kill me, and in if my head I think and say, : no he's is not going to kill me, I feel like I'm making fun in my head of him , because of that even if I don't want to think that way,and I feel is really me making fun is hard because sometimes I don't know if is really me and because that, he is really going to kill me .. and when I say kill me I feel is any second..
I had a voice tell me I was going to die, basically that God was going to bring upon me or allow me to go through a premature death... That voice was the voice of the enemy, so, I said: Yes, I am going to die, "eventually", and because I do not know, I am not going to allow you to plague me with thoughts and worry about when, could be tomorrow, or many, many years from now, but, I'm not going to worry about it... And, I said Yes, God is going to bring upon me or allow me, to do like Paul, said "Die daily, (to self) until I get good at being dead to self... But, I also said, that he is going to pick me back up and help me get up and walk the path of my life afterward...

So, I agreed with that voice, thought, like the Bible says, but disarmed it with the truth of that line of thought, and that presence fled from me, till another convienient time with another matter...

We die to self daily, a spiritual death, till we get good at making that stick, that's the truth of that voice saying "God is going to kill you" It's deceptive, try to remember that every bad thought or voice from him, is very deceptive, and try, armed with knowledge of scripture and the gospel to "see through" to the truth about the deception, then speak it in prayer or talking to God about it...

This is the battlefield, scripture and truth is your weapon, now, fight the good fight and win...

God Bless!
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I had a voice tell me I was going to die, basically that God was going to bring upon me or allow me to go through a premature death... That voice was the voice of the enemy, so, I said: Yes, I am going to die, "eventually", and because I do not know, I am not going to allow you to plague me with thoughts and worry about when, could be tomorrow, or many, many years from now, but, I'm not going to worry about it... And, I said Yes, God is going to bring upon me or allow me, to do like Paul, said "Die daily, (to self) until I get good at being dead to self... But, I also said, that he is going to pick me back up and help me get up and walk the path of my life afterward...

So, I agreed with that voice, thought, like the Bible says, but disarmed it with the truth of that line of thought, and that presence fled from me, till another convienient time with another matter...

We die to self daily, a spiritual death, till we get good at making that stick, that's the truth of that voice saying "God is going to kill you" It's deceptive, try to remember that every bad thought or voice from him, is very deceptive, and try, armed with knowledge of scripture and the gospel to "see through" to the truth about the deception, then speak it in prayer or talking to God about it...

This is the battlefield, scripture and truth is your weapon, now, fight the good fight and win...

God Bless!
Thank you I'm feeling really bad because of my thoughts I hope and God to be free of this horrible thoughts . GOD BLESS YOU
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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Thank you I'm feeling really bad because of my thoughts I hope and God to be free of this horrible thoughts . GOD BLESS YOU
Try to come against them with truth... This was how I started to get out of the trenches...

You can PM me, and I'll do my best to help you, if you wish,

God Bless!
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paul becke

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Jul 12, 2003
Edinburgh, Scotland.
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You know that's the major revolving question isn't it. I've heard a lot of people ask " if everything is already finished and the names in the book of life are set then how do people truly know if they are one of God's elect or if they are going to hell?" honestly in my opinion I've come to believe it like this. The Pharisees were blind to knowing that Jesus is the son of God not because God didn't allow them to see or that they were ignorant (because they knew the Bible very well) but because their pride, the thing that caused Satan to fall, got in the way. They couldn't accept Jesus' teaching because it put their lifestyle and actions in the wrong. Jesus said they were of their father the devil because they were commiting the same sin that he did. If the choice we make and our beliefs are hindered by our stubborn pride then we will never allow ourselves to be taught anything or worse to admit to ourselves that we are wrong. If any man can take an honest look at himself, his actions because of his thoughts and compare them to God's commands and teachings he'll know his flaws and shortcomings. When Jesus told them they were like their father he didn't mean that Satan created them (because there is only one creator) but was more or less saying they Pharisees adopted Satan's ways. He also said that you can't serve 2 masters, one becomes more important than the other. He was talking about money becoming a God and money cannot be a physical father but greed is selfishness as is pride.

Yes, 'father' in the metaphorical sense, as for instance, the Fathers of the church, and as Paul spoke of being the father of one of his congregations ; only, in the case of the Pharisees, not in the positive sense of fatherhood, but quite the opposite.
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Jacob Deng

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Dec 21, 2016
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If you didn't read my previous response,

The short answer is no, while it is good to have the fear of the lord, god is not going to kill you, and if you think that thinking god is not going to kill you is wrong, then it is not your own thought, the enemy sometimes does place thoughts in our heads, but you need to learn more because you have been freed to think free, with more knowledge your thought pattern will change, god never said it is by your thoughts that he will condemned you or kill you anyway!

Matthew 12:37 "For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."
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Overcomer of Divorce
Jul 26, 2013
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Yes sounds like OCD.
Rebuke those bad thoughts and tell them to get lost in the name of Jesus. They are lies. Think on things that are lovely, things that are TRUE. GOd isnt going to kill his own daughter. What kind of heavenly Father would do that?

Tell satan and his ocd demons to get out of your mind and leave forever in the name of Jesus, cos only satan thinks hes god and comes to steal kill and destroy but Jesus comes to give life and life more abundantly. If you believe in Jesus you are saved. Bless you.

Loved your reply (especially the OCD demons.) and your picture! :oldthumbsup::amen: I used to have a tuxedo cat too.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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Thank you so much I just don't know how to feel
Feelings are more complicated than the most complex equation in mathematics, sometimes I don't know how or what to feel either... Your not alone, know that... What your going through is pretty much what everyone goes through, if I can help...?

PM me if you ever want or need to talk, whenever you wish...

God Bless You!
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Dec 29, 2002
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I keep having bad thoughts towards God , how do I know is not me , Do God knows that I don't want to think this way? Do I have to feel scare ? Is bad if I ignored my bad thoughts..

Dkarla dkarla dkarla :)...lets see.. ALL not some but ALL good things come from God. Satan comes to steal kill and destroy. So you know Jesus as lord? Dkarla.. JESUS IS REAL! And GOD would never does not EVER speak bad evil things..ever. Yeah.. its just the enemy. The FEAR of GOD is not the same kind of fear like mans. Jesus said.. I dont judge you nor condemn you. <----what do those words mean to you? Its written there is NOW no condemntion to them in Christ Jesus..

See with there is NO FEAR with God. He said.. I have NOT given you the spirit of fear. So if you are in fear..its NOT FROM GOD! YEAH.. so SPEAK His word in times like this.. find what the WORD says about what your thinking.. like fear 2 Tim 1:7 I would tell fear to go in Jesus name for its written "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.".. YEAH.. read that? THAT is what GOD gives you.. POWER LOVE SOUND MIND! Praise GOD!

So.. sad? The joy of the lord is your strength. Neh 8:10. And for you.. from GOD Isa 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand"

I dont care what you said did think.. just repent if you think you did wrong and then TAKE HIM AT HIS WORD..that is He LOVES YOU.. is NOT against you. That SIN does not define you. You are in right standing with GOD.. YES! God is VERY HAPPY proud of HIS!..YOU! Why? Because when you believe in His son that came died rose.. YOU ARE now righteous! Jesus did it ALL so you can BOLDLY walk into the throne of GOD and .. talk pray laugh.. cry.. but dont think for ONE SECOND..your are alone.. HE IS HOLDING many dont understand..

Take a good look around.. ALL was made for? A YOU HELLO! A GOD is your DAD!.. Jesus? Some man..some friend..some brother some savior some GOD! ALL YOURS! And IS IN YOU! Dont go by feelings..feelings are up and down all over the place. Go by what HE said. He speaks with Fruits of the sprit is is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. How to think? Phil 4:8 whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things"

Satan can only lie.. GOD IS FOR YOU!.. this GOD is no man.. this LOVE.. dont matter what you said did think do will do.. this GODs LOVE never changes.. never stops. I love how in the bible He talks about Israel as if it was a woman that sold her self to many men. Did you know what YOUR Father did? He stood in line with the other men and paid to get her back. You have no clue how LOVED YOU REALLY TRULY ARE! can feel it now.. just keep thinking about how much this GOD loved you.. HE saw if He didnt do something He would lose Dkarla He left heaven came took your place.. so you can be with Him forever. Yeah.. you didnt do say anything.. He died for you and rose so this world and all that SIN? Yeah.. YOU ARE FREE! You are set free! FOREVER! Nothing but nothing gets past the blood of this GOD! Again if you think you sinned then just tell Him your sorry and KNOW that you KNOW He forgives you and cleans you from ALL unrighteousness.

Haha like the song playing now.. By Hollyn "Love with your life"..dont look to the left or right or behind you.. just keep your eyes on HIM..JESUS.. JESUS IS REAL! And put all those fears worries pains family.. and TRUST HIM..for it is written "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house."... your Daddy is GOD! No matter what always RUN TO HIM! And fall in HIS arms.. and man HE will NEVER LET GO! Hes waiting to do this for ever to you.. You.. your the reason Jesus came.. made everything for you.. didnt you know this? Keep thinking He cant see you..hear you...HE MADE all for YOU as if YOU were the only one that would ever I went on way farther then haha I wanted..

This love is not like mans/womans..this world. Its REAL! You will be just standing.. I dont know where but.. it HE will hit you.. a love like no other.. EXPECT
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Dkarla dkarla dkarla :)...lets see.. ALL not some but ALL good things come from God. Satan comes to steal kill and destroy. So you know Jesus as lord? Dkarla.. JESUS IS REAL! And GOD would never does not EVER speak bad evil things..ever. Yeah.. its just the enemy. The FEAR of GOD is not the same kind of fear like mans. Jesus said.. I dont judge you nor condemn you. <----what do those words mean to you? Its written there is NOW no condemntion to them in Christ Jesus..

See with there is NO FEAR with God. He said.. I have NOT given you the spirit of fear. So if you are in fear..its NOT FROM GOD! YEAH.. so SPEAK His word in times like this.. find what the WORD says about what your thinking.. like fear 2 Tim 1:7 I would tell fear to go in Jesus name for its written "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.".. YEAH.. read that? THAT is what GOD gives you.. POWER LOVE SOUND MIND! Praise GOD!

So.. sad? The joy of the lord is your strength. Neh 8:10. And for you.. from GOD Isa 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand"

I dont care what you said did think.. just repent if you think you did wrong and then TAKE HIM AT HIS WORD..that is He LOVES YOU.. is NOT against you. That SIN does not define you. You are in right standing with GOD.. YES! God is VERY HAPPY proud of HIS!..YOU! Why? Because when you believe in His son that came died rose.. YOU ARE now righteous! Jesus did it ALL so you can BOLDLY walk into the throne of GOD and .. talk pray laugh.. cry.. but dont think for ONE SECOND..your are alone.. HE IS HOLDING many dont understand..

Take a good look around.. ALL was made for? A YOU HELLO! A GOD is your DAD!.. Jesus? Some man..some friend..some brother some savior some GOD! ALL YOURS! And IS IN YOU! Dont go by feelings..feelings are up and down all over the place. Go by what HE said. He speaks with Fruits of the sprit is is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. How to think? Phil 4:8 whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things"

Satan can only lie.. GOD IS FOR YOU!.. this GOD is no man.. this LOVE.. dont matter what you said did think do will do.. this GODs LOVE never changes.. never stops. I love how in the bible He talks about Israel as if it was a woman that sold her self to many men. Did you know what YOUR Father did? He stood in line with the other men and paid to get her back. You have no clue how LOVED YOU REALLY TRULY ARE! can feel it now.. just keep thinking about how much this GOD loved you.. HE saw if He didnt do something He would lose Dkarla He left heaven came took your place.. so you can be with Him forever. Yeah.. you didnt do say anything.. He died for you and rose so this world and all that SIN? Yeah.. YOU ARE FREE! You are set free! FOREVER! Nothing but nothing gets past the blood of this GOD! Again if you think you sinned then just tell Him your sorry and KNOW that you KNOW He forgives you and cleans you from ALL unrighteousness.

Haha like the song playing now.. By Hollyn "Love with your life"..dont look to the left or right or behind you.. just keep your eyes on HIM..JESUS.. JESUS IS REAL! And put all those fears worries pains family.. and TRUST HIM..for it is written "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house."... your Daddy is GOD! No matter what always RUN TO HIM! And fall in HIS arms.. and man HE will NEVER LET GO! Hes waiting to do this for ever to you.. You.. your the reason Jesus came.. made everything for you.. didnt you know this? Keep thinking He cant see you..hear you...HE MADE all for YOU as if YOU were the only one that would ever I went on way farther then haha I wanted..

This love is not like mans/womans..this world. Its REAL! You will be just standing.. I dont know where but.. it HE will hit you.. a love like no other.. EXPECT
Thank you for your time , my thoughts they just keep pop in up ,I hate it,I belive in Jesus and I belive Jesus came to paid for my sin , but I just keep having bad thoughts about God Jehova when I'm thinking the bad stuff ,I'm thinking God Jehova I don't know why , maybe because they just to tell me if we say something about him he will kill us ,that no one make fun of him ,and since I was little I got scare I was ¿what if I think something bad? And know that I'm thinking something bad I'm worry , I don't want to think this way ,but is like saying don't think in a yellow elephant and you do it , so now I can't stop thinking , that I'm arrogance , pride ,and that that I feel like I'm evil that is me ,is so hard to stop thinking like this ,is feel I don't deserve his mercy, and more because I think that I have to feel fear of what I think and if I don't feel fear I thinking I really accept these thoughts...
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