Prayers for Palestine, Gaza Strip, Israel

Oct 15, 2008
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I saw an Israeli major interviewed last night out in the field. He was talking about how the terrorists deliberately put the systems that launch the rockets inside people's apartments where hatches open and the windows are attached to the guidance system, etc. He was saying how they put these rocket systems also in mosques and around schools, etc., that way, when Israel does what it should do, defend herself, they can run out into the street tearing their robes in outrage and wailing and the world will see the horrors of evil ol' Israel, the big middle eastern thug.

While I agree that surgical strikes are preferable, not always are they logistically deemed realistic. Israel has to make a statement and show of force. The second Israel backs down and rolls into the fetal position, the enemy smells weakness and blood in the water.

I think it's easy for us, in the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and other Western lands that are comfy, quiet, and safe, to second-guess and criticize Israel because some of our own (Orthodox) are on the other side of that wall. We don't know what it's like to be Jewish, to live in constant fear that you're sitting in a Starbucks and a bomb lands on ya. We don't understand what's at stake or how thoroughly terrifying it is to be Israel surrounded by insane Muslim terror states. We also don't know what it's like to have been in the Roman diaspora, persecuted by Christians all through the Middle Ages, rounded up in places like Poland and taken off to death camps, or persecuted by Islamic lunatics. The Jewish people have in their DNA a fundamental understanding of the profound evil in the world, persecutions, and a knowledge of what can happen when you back down and stay too quiet. They've been through more than we can comprehend.

I'm not one of those folks who looks at Zionism as related to prophecies, and I'm not into Jewish apocolyptic stuff like a lot of these Protestants are into, but I'm sympathetic to their history and to their cause. I have more respect for the way they do business than the freaks hiding in populated apartment complexes who gladly make children into human shields and who strap bombs onto women and cowardly blow folks up at a diner. With Israel, you know what you're getting. Don't scratch the beast if you don't want to get a chunk of your tukus bitten out.
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I was under the impression WWII and the aftermath was a lot of the reason behind the rules adhered to in engagement today. Do I have that wrong?

you are correct. the two World Wars are the reasons for a lot of the philosophy behind just war theory of today.

and forgive me, you are right. this should not have been carried on.
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Knee V

It's phonetic.
Sep 17, 2003
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Most of the people living in Israel/Palestine had nothing to do with the events that took place in the 40s and the 60s, any more than you or I had anything to do with wiping out Native Americans or owning black slaves. They all find themselves in a horrible situation that they inherited from their parents and grandparents, and they're trying to figure out how to survive in the face of what they perceive to be their respective enemies. They both should be able to defend themselves, and they both have done many wrong things.

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One of God's handmaidens
Jul 10, 2007
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I apologize to have added to this, but felt compelled to answer and share. I do think it's important that people understand it's not just one-sided and that Israeli is all good and everybody else there are terrorists or bad.

Yes, we should and are praying for peace in the region.
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Gxg (G²)

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I do think it's important that people understand it's not just one-sided and that Israeli is all good and everybody else there are terrorists or bad.

Yes, we should and are praying for peace in the region.
Amen :) There are bad things happening on all sides and walking out true peace is a part of finding real solutions.

As Elias Chacour, author of "Blood Brothers" , said best on the matter:
“ You who live in the United States, if you are pro-Israel, on behalf of the Palestinian children I call unto you: give further friendship to Israel. They need your friendship. But stop interpreting that friendship as an automatic antipathy against me, the Palestinian who is paying the bill for what others have done against my beloved Jewish brothers and sisters in the Holocaust and Auschwitz and elsewhere.

And if you have been enlightened enough to take the side of the Palestinians -- oh, bless your hearts -- take our sides, because for once you will be on the right side, right? But if taking our side would mean to become one-sided against my Jewish brothers and sisters, back up. We do not need such friendship. We need one more common friend. We do not need one more enemy, for God's sake.

Brother Elias Chacour, the Melkite Archbishop of Galilee, has literally been amongst the key individuals that seemed to change the minds of MANY so that they'd be open to seeing the ways Jews/Arabs did have peace and were mistreated by Zionists. Internationally known for the school he set up in the Middle East for both Palestinians/Jews---alongside his work as a peacemaker---he has literally galvinized the Protestant movement into action. And for other resources:

I have appreciated the voice of Chacour as well as others who stood up on the same issues plauging things today - such as others like Joseph Raya, one extensively involved in the American civil rights movement, and later, while serving as Archbishop of Akko, Haifa, Nazareth and all Galilee while doing extensive work with Dr. Martin Luther King (as both a co-laborer and dear friend) and other rabbis working for desegration/fair treatment toward both Jews and Blacks. Being a very controversial/radical figure in the church....helping to organize marches/often suffering alongside other blacks, he was twice beaten badly by the Ku Klux Klan....but later sought to emulate Dr.King's example with the marches over in Palestine. For a Video clip of Archbishop Raya leading a peaceful protest, 1972-08-14.
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Gxg (G²)

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Here's some data:

Greek Orthodox Christians in Gaza - YouTube
Please note the last part in that video - because of Israeli laws, it's almost impossible for people 16-35 to leave. So they are stuck there, where they were born, so even if they want to leave (such as to get away from Hamas, or this war, which they have nothing to do with) they can't, because of Israel.
Many thanks for sharing that video since it does bring to mind imagery of others in what they're going through.

What's happening over there requires a lot of prayer on behalf of the believers in those areas. and prayer also needsto happen for the mistreatment of other Jews who were treated as being non-Jewish, as is the case with Ethiopian Jews or Indian Jews and others).

A NY Times Article here, outlines some recent events growing commonplace in some Israeli neighborhoods. Orthodox Jews in Israel have been growing in numbers due to high birth rates, and are growing bold in their efforts to enforce ultra-conservative standards on other Jews, even violently so.

Persecuting and harassing Messianic Christians and Muslims is not new for the Ultra-Orthodox, as some are even paid to protest and bother Christians as a job (see video), but it seems they are not satisfied just to alienate outsiders, as fellow Jews are also targets.

As another wisely noted:
Many of us are used to the stories of persecution from Muslim lands, strict communistic regimes and dictatorships. But, did you know that the 8-10,000 messianic Jews and other evangelicals in Israel are regularly persecuted by the Jewish population in Israel? Try here and here. Watch this story of a messianic Jew

Israeli Persecution of Christians in the Holy Land - 60 Minutes

I've written about this before here and here, you may be interested in the video detailing some Messianic Christians experience in the second link with arson, protests, and other abuses. Heartbreaking.
In regards to Jewish groups that've been very aggressive toward Gentiles, here are some references for such from various Jewish news centers:

There are others besides that (some others here and here as well, as it concerns the ways many Arabs have been treated), but those are some quick examples of such. Indeed, we need to let the light of Christ shine in us rather than letting darkness win.
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☩ Broman Catholic ☩
Oct 31, 2008
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I apologize to have added to this, but felt compelled to answer and share. I do think it's important that people understand it's not just one-sided and that Israeli is all good and everybody else there are terrorists or bad.

Yes, we should and are praying for peace in the region.

I agree with you, ultimately "peace in the middle east" is the goal, unfortunately our own country and many of the people in it seem to "feed the egos" of the Israelis by supporting the misconception that God's promises to Abraham still apply to them and thus they have a "divine right" to the land they (and the Palestinians) occupy.

I'm not sure whether it's our own fault or if the Israeli's have encouraged it by embellishing their own plight, but this gross perception that Israeli's are strictly victims in relation to the other Arab nations in the Near East is preposterous. I'm hoping that one way or another, our culture's placement of Israel on a pedestal changes. It's a tall order I know, but anything's possible, and as long as more and more aware people speak out and challenge the status quo in this regard then it could very well happen.
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One of God's handmaidens
Jul 10, 2007
Colorado Springs, Colorado
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Easy G (G²);61798221 said:
Amen :) There are bad things happening on all sides and walking out true peace is a part of finding real solutions.

As Elias Chacour, author of "Blood Brothers" , said best on the matter:
“ You who live in the United States, if you are pro-Israel, on behalf of the Palestinian children I call unto you: give further friendship to Israel. They need your friendship. But stop interpreting that friendship as an automatic antipathy against me, the Palestinian who is paying the bill for what others have done against my beloved Jewish brothers and sisters in the Holocaust and Auschwitz and elsewhere.

And if you have been enlightened enough to take the side of the Palestinians -- oh, bless your hearts -- take our sides, because for once you will be on the right side, right? But if taking our side would mean to become one-sided against my Jewish brothers and sisters, back up. We do not need such friendship. We need one more common friend. We do not need one more enemy, for God's sake.

Brother Elias Chacour, the Melkite Archbishop of Galilee, has literally been amongst the key individuals that seemed to change the minds of MANY so that they'd be open to seeing the ways Jews/Arabs did have peace and were mistreated by Zionists. Internationally known for the school he set up in the Middle East for both Palestinians/Jews---alongside his work as a peacemaker---he has literally galvinized the Protestant movement into action. And for other resources:

I have appreciated the voice of Chacour as well as others who stood up on the same issues plauging things today - such as others like Joseph Raya, one extensively involved in the American civil rights movement, and later, while serving as Archbishop of Akko, Haifa, Nazareth and all Galilee while doing extensive work with Dr. Martin Luther King (as both a co-laborer and dear friend) and other rabbis working for desegration/fair treatment toward both Jews and Blacks. Being a very controversial/radical figure in the church....helping to organize marches/often suffering alongside other blacks, he was twice beaten badly by the Ku Klux Klan....but later sought to emulate Dr.King's example with the marches over in Palestine. For a Video clip of Archbishop Raya leading a peaceful protest, 1972-08-14.
Thanks for sharing this. I'll have to take time to watch the video later on.
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One of God's handmaidens
Jul 10, 2007
Colorado Springs, Colorado
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I agree with you, ultimately "peace in the middle east" is the goal, unfortunately our own country and many of the people in it seem to "feed the egos" of the Israelis by supporting the misconception that God's promises to Abraham still apply to them and thus they have a "divine right" to the land they (and the Palestinians) occupy.

I'm not sure whether it's our own fault or if the Israeli's have encouraged it by embellishing their own plight, but this gross perception that Israeli's are strictly victims in relation to the other Arab nations in the Near East is preposterous. I'm hoping that one way or another, our culture's placement of Israel on a pedestal changes. It's a tall order I know, but anything's possible, and as long as more and more aware people speak out and challenge the status quo in this regard then it could very well happen.
I think it's vital that people realize the difference between the true Jewish people and the secularistic, zionist Israeli government. Here's some info I just found:



-The people of Israel have existed for thousands of years.
-It has its own particular, essential, nature.
-The Torah is the source of its essential nature.
-Without Torah and faith there is no people of Israel.
-Whoever denies the Torah and the Faith is no longer part of the people of Israel.
-The purpose of the People of Israel in this world is Divine service.
-Their salvation is occupation in Divine Service.

-Zionism is a new thing.
-It has only existed for a century.
-Zionism redefines the true essential nature of the people of Israel, and substitutes for it a completely contradictory and opposite character.
- a materialistic worldly nation.
-Their misfortune is lack of what other nations have. i.e. a state and army.
-Their salvation is possession of a state and army etc.
- This is clearly speed out in the circles of Zionist though, and among the leaders of the Zionist state, That through changing the nature and character of the people of Israel and by changing their way of thinking they can set before the People of Israel "their salvation." -- a state and an army.

FIRST - Because this is diametrically opposed and completely contradictory to the true essence and foundation of the people of Israel, as it explained above. Because the only time that the people of Israel where permitted to have a state were two thousand years ago when the Glory of the Creator was upon us. And likewise in the future when the Glory of the Creator will once more be revealed, and the whole world will serve Him. Then He Himself (without any human effort or force of arms) will grant us a kingdom founded on Divine Service.

However, a wordily state, like those possessed by other peoples, is contradictory to the true essence of the People of Israel. Whoever calls this the salvation of Israel shows that he denies the essence of the People of Israel, and substituted another nature, a worldly materialistic nature, and therefore sets before them, a worldly materialistic "salvation." And the means of achieving this "salvation" is also worldly and materialistic i.e. to organize land and army.

However, the true salvation of the People of Israel is to draw close to the Creator. And this is not done by organization and force of arms. Rather, it is done by occupation to Torah and good deeds.

SECOND - Because of all of this and other reasons Torah forbids us to end the exile and establish a state and army until the Holy One, blessed be He, in His Glory and Essence redeems us. This is forbidden even if the state is conducted according to the law of the Torah. Because arising from the exile itself is forbidden, and we are required to remain under the rule of the nations of the world, as it explained in the book VAYOEL MOSHE. And the Holy One, blessed be He, has warned us that if we transgress this injunction, He will bring upon us (may we be spared) terrible punishment.

THIRD - Aside from arising from exile, all the deeds of the Zionists are diametrically opposed to the Faith and the Torah. Because the foundation of the Faith and Torah of Israel, is that the Torah was revealed from heaven, and there is reward for those who obey it and punishment for those who transgress it. The entire People of Israel are required to obey the Torah, and whoever doesn't want to, ceases to be part of the Congregation of Israel.

FOURTH - Aside from the fact that they themselves do not obey the Torah, they do everything they can to prevent anyone they get under their power, from fulfilling the commands of the Torah. They do this both with force and with trickery. Their claims to freedom of religion are lies. They fight will all of their strength to destroy the Faith of Israel.\
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I agree with you, ultimately "peace in the middle east" is the goal, unfortunately our own country and many of the people in it seem to "feed the egos" of the Israelis by supporting the misconception that God's promises to Abraham still apply to them and thus they have a "divine right" to the land they (and the Palestinians) occupy.
Sadly. due to what happened with the Holocaust, many are further influenced to say that there's a right for others in the land to be removed so that a safe haven is made...but the reality is that not all Jews were ever accepted in the Holy Land and it was primarily the Ashkenazi/European Jews who were in domiance over the land while other groups were often treated less favorably (and some like outright second-class citizens), be it with African Jews or Sephardic Jews or Indian Jews and many other groups. For those who never felt the need to go to the Israeli State for a homeland and were good abroad, it has always been odd whenever people claimed the Israeli state alone was what Israel was about - and others have noted there are way too many things happening in the land of Israel itself for the Lord to justify it as being Biblical it the amount of people who are agnostic/atheist in the nation or gay marriage/relationships well accepted or the excessive amounts of human trafficking occurring there and many other things.

Even apart from that, from a Biblical perspective, some of the very arguments used by Zionists to support all things done in the name of Israel don't line up. As seen in Zionist Logic -- Malcolm X on Zionism/here, Malcolm X correctly identified the Messianic nature of Zionism, its insistence on the theft of Palestine, its desire to rule the world with a rod of iron (Numbers 24:17-20. Psalm 2:9), the fact that the Jews were not permitted to enter Palestine en masse until their Messiah had arrived (Leviticus 26. Deuteronomy 4:24-27; 28:15-68; 30:1-3. II Chronicles 7:19-22. Jeremiah 29:1-7. Kethuboth 111a).

To be say that the return of the Jews was without SPIRITUAL significance would be error, though...and with the Spiritual/Political aspects being renconciled, my own view is that there are connections between Israel and the Israeli State. Eschatology wise, from what I can understand, it does seem scripture notes that at one point it will return in a state of UNBELIEF in the Messiah or His ways...which would lead to much violence/war AND doing things God said He hated....and all of this is in addition to the fact that there'll always be a Remnant of true Jewish believers who are persecuted by an unbelieving state (more shared here in #52 /#49 and #47 ).

It is possible that the land having others come back to it in disbelief has not been seen yet and was never intended to have others come back to it in the way/manner in which the nation has been established. On the issue, one view that comes to mind is what the scriptures also discuss---in line with the reality of multiple gatherings--that there are many for the view of 2 worldwide gatherings that believe the present state of Israel is in no way a fulfillment of those prophecies that speak of a worldwide regathering in faith in preparation for blessing...but rather a fulfillment of those prophecies that speak of a worldwide regathering in unbelief in preparation for judgement. Ariel Ministries discussed it best, IMHO, as seen in their article entitled THE MODERN STATE OF ISRAEL IN BIBLE PROPHECY.....concerning the passages of scripture that deal with the issue.

I'm not sure whether it's our own fault or if the Israeli's have encouraged it by embellishing their own plight, but this gross perception that Israeli's are strictly victims in relation to the other Arab nations in the Near East is preposterous. I'm hoping that one way or another, our culture's placement of Israel on a pedestal changes. It's a tall order I know, but anything's possible, and as long as more and more aware people speak out and challenge the status quo in this regard then it could very well happen
Who knows what could happen in the future...
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I agree with you, ultimately "peace in the middle east" is the goal, unfortunately our own country and many of the people in it seem to "feed the egos" of the Israelis by supporting the misconception that God's promises to Abraham still apply to them and thus they have a "divine right" to the land they (and the Palestinians) occupy.

I'm not sure whether it's our own fault or if the Israeli's have encouraged it by embellishing their own plight, but this gross perception that Israeli's are strictly victims in relation to the other Arab nations in the Near East is preposterous. I'm hoping that one way or another, our culture's placement of Israel on a pedestal changes. It's a tall order I know, but anything's possible, and as long as more and more aware people speak out and challenge the status quo in this regard then it could very well happen.

I think that since the Holocaust is still fresh, it's easy to hide behind antisemitism, which is ironic because the Palestinians are a semitic people too.
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Gxg (G²)

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I think that since the Holocaust is still fresh, it's easy to hide behind antisemitism, which is ironic because the Palestinians are a semitic people too.
And many of them are indeed part of the main reasons other Palestinians feel connected to the land since it's part of their heritage just as it is for other Jews coming to the Israeli state.
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Easy G (G²);61799191 said:
And many of them are indeed part of the main reasons other Palestinians feel connected to the land since it's part of their heritage just as it is for other Jews coming to the Israeli state.

yep, and my priest told me that Israel should always be seen as a people, not a place.
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Dorothea said:
Ah, they're not a Christian faith yet. Here is the key issue. This implies you follow the man-made, innovative doctrine of Dispensationalism. You believe the Jews will turn back to God. True, some will, but it's doubtful you will see the secular Israelis doing so. More likely, the really, peace-seeking, Hasidic Jews will be the ones that will have the veil lifted from their eyes at that time.

I wasn't aware of such doctrine, it's hard to say that I do follow with having no knowledge to be able to agree with you that I do agree to such doctrine. So thank you for that.

Well we do have some common ground here, that yes I do agree some will, and yes we have doubts that secular Israel doing so, but then they are just doubts and assumption based man made preaching, interpretations and self knowledge, no different from my point of view. But you are generalizing, favoritism and it's a premature judgement, like to say that there is no hope for the Prodigal son. But it's not only peace seeking that earns such favor.
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Gxg (G²)

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yep, and my priest told me that Israel should always be seen as a people, not a place.
What your priest said is an excellent way of seeing it. Others often do the same thing with Jerusalem when becoming fixated on the physical place and forgetting that even Paul noted in Galatians 4 that the physical/earthly Jerusalem was in bondage while the heavenly one believers belong to is on another level......
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One of God's handmaidens
Jul 10, 2007
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I wasn't aware of such doctrine, it's hard to say that I do follow with having no knowledge to be able to agree with you that I do agree to such doctrine. So thank you for that.

Well we do have some common ground here, that yes I do agree some will, and yes we have doubts that secular Israel doing so, but then they are just doubts and assumption based man made preaching, interpretations and self knowledge, no different from my point of view. But you are generalizing, favoritism and it's a premature judgement, like to say that there is no hope for the Prodigal son. But it's not only peace seeking that earns such favor.

Except what I shared with you are the beliefs of the Church of Christ - the Orthodox Church (not my own opinion). And what was revealed to His Church through His teachings, His Apostles, and the Holy Spirit.
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Apr 2, 2006
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I apologize to have added to this, but felt compelled to answer and share. I do think it's important that people understand it's not just one-sided and that Israeli is all good and everybody else there are terrorists or bad.

Yes, we should and are praying for peace in the region.

I don't think you have anything to apologize for, you started the thread and if you wish to discuss the bigger political issue so be it. My post really was because of the non-Orthodox that came in, did not offer any prayers as you had asked for, but instead these non-Orthodox chose to lecture why the Israelis were perfectly in the right, the Palestinians in the wrong and as Christians we must support Israel. The problem, as you pointed out is not that simple nor is the idea of supporting a political state as God's chosen people one we adhere to.
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One of God's handmaidens
Jul 10, 2007
Colorado Springs, Colorado
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I don't think you have anything to apologize for, you started the thread and if you wish to discuss the bigger political issue so be it. My post really was because of the non-Orthodox that came in, did not offer any prayers as you had asked for, but instead these non-Orthodox chose to lecture why the Israelis were perfectly in the right, the Palestinians in the wrong and as Christians we must support Israel. The problem, as you pointed out is not that simple nor is the idea of pointing a political state as God's chosen people one adhere to.

Thanks, graceful. I am quite upset over reading the latest news, and yes, I'm sharing it here. These quotes are from this news link from prominent and regular Israelis, and I believe it's the Zionist Secular Israeli government that has brainwashed its people to believe this way. I pray God has mercy on us all and brings peace quickly to this region before it gets any worse!!

Bloodlust in Israel: 'Flatten Gaza, send it back to Middle Ages, they need to die!' — RT

Interior Minister Eli Yishai said Operation Pillar of Defense would continue and likely be expanded, a reference to the possibility that a ground offensive has already been given the go-ahead.

The war in Gaza “must be so painful and difficult that the terror groups will not think twice but a hundred times before they fire missiles against Israel again,” it was reported in The Israel National News.

“Destroy and damage infrastructure, public buildings and government buildings. We must make sure that Hamas will be spending many years rebuilding Gaza, and not attacking Israel,” he continued.

A few days ago he said, “The goal of the operation is to send Gaza back to the Middle Ages, only then will Israel be calm for the next 40 years.”

Journalist, Gild Sharon, the son of former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, in an editorial in the Jerusalem Post on Sunday called for Gaza to be flattened like the US flattened the Japanese city of Hiroshima in 1945 with an atomic bomb.

“We need to flatten all of Gaza. The American’s didn’t stop with Hiroshima – the Japanese weren’t surrendering fast enough – so they hit Nagasaki too. There should be no electricity in Gaza, no gasoline or moving vehicles, nothing. Then they’d really call for a ceasefire,” ranted Sharon.

A group of Israelis demonstrating in Tel Aviv on Thursday night shouted “They don’t deserve to live, they need to die”, “May your children die” and “Now we want to go back there [Gaza] and kick out all the Arabs”

Even religious leaders joined the fray, with a prominent Israeli rabbi, Yaakov Yosef, the son of former chief rabbi, Ovadia Yosef, in a sermon at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron blessed IDF soldiers while urging them “to learn from the Syrians how to slaughter the enemy.”

It's so wrong and disgusting. This hate that has come about, and the true Jews that adhere to the Torah believe what the Zionists are doing is heresy.
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