Syria: Broken Nation

Landon Caeli

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No, it directly addresses it because the figures support my claims, not yours.

No, it doesn't directly address my post. I Made a statement, and you diverted it by redirecting it to Assad. Nice try, but I've played this game plenty of times before, and I don't appreciate it.

What you did was classic tu quoque. A fallacy, and all readers can see it.
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Jan 25, 2013
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No, it doesn't directly address my post. I Made a statement, and you diverted it by redirecting it to Assad. Nice try, but I've played this game plenty of times before, and I don't appreciate it.

What you did was classic tu quoque. A fallacy, and all readers can see it.

Sigh. Allow me to spell it out further.

One would think these religious Sunnis would get the point that the entire world is against them because they don't automatically flip out on those who do kill and torture non-combatants -which should be an automatic reaction. Instead, they all mingle together, and everyone knows it.

The statement in bold doesn't hold water because the religious Sunnis *are* pretty much the only ones fighting against all of those who deliberately target and torture non-combatants (and generally avoid those who don't):


You should be ashamed of being on Assad's side (or favoring him over the main opposition). Even according to your own logic (of flipping out on those who deliberately target non-combatants), Assad and all of his allies are the ones who should be enemy number 1.

And fyi, the rebels are attacked by everyone else on that list: Assad and allies, the YPG, the coalition, and ISIS (though I think all of them can be considered Assad's allies to a certain extent). The rebels fight against everyone besides the coalition from that list. They've been fighting against ISIS probably before you even heard of it or it became a household name in the West.
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Jan 25, 2013
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Syrian military helicopters systematically dumped canisters of chlorine gas, a banned weapon, on residential areas of Aleppo at least eight times late last year in the final weeks of the battle to retake the city from rebels, Human Rights Watch said in a detailed study released Monday.

...In all eight instances in which the report concluded chlorine bombs had been used, it said they were dropped in areas where government forces had planned to advance. The report said the attacks, from Nov. 17 to Dec. 13, when the combatants agreed to a cease-fire, killed at least nine civilians, including four children, and hurt 200.

Syria Used Chlorine Bombs Systematically in Aleppo, Report Says
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Landon Caeli

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Sigh. Allow me to spell it out further.

The statement in bold doesn't hold water because the religious Sunnis *are* pretty much the only ones fighting against all of those who deliberately target and torture non-combatants (and generally avoid those who don't):


You should be ashamed of being on Assad's side (or favoring him over the main opposition). Even according to your own logic (of flipping out on those who deliberately target non-combatants), Assad and all of his allies are the ones who should be enemy number 1.

And fyi, the rebels are attacked by everyone else on that list: Assad and allies, the YPG, the coalition, and ISIS (though I think all of them can be considered Assad's allies to a certain extent). The rebels fight against everyone besides the coalition from that list. They've been fighting against ISIS probably before you even heard of it or it became a household name in the West.

I'm not sure if you just don't understand or if you're purposely trying to confuse the point.

In any case, it's very typical of radical Sunnis as the following video demonstrates:

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Landon Caeli

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Islamic spokesmen commonly use taqiyya as a form of 'outwitting'. The skilled taqiyya-tactician doesn’t want the matter at hand to be debated or discussed; so his opponent must be outwitted or preemptively outflanked by the use of taqiyya. The objective is to divert attention away from the subject through duplicity and obfuscation.

The word "Taqiyya" literally means: "Concealing, precaution, guarding.” It is employed in disguising one's beliefs, intentions, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions or strategies. In practical terms it is manifested as dissimulation, lying, deceiving, vexing and confounding with the intention of deflecting attention, foiling or pre-emptive blocking. It is currently employed in fending off and neutralising any criticism of Islam or Muslims.

Islam Watch - "Understanding Taqiyya ― Islamic Principle of Lying for the Sake of Allah" by Warner MacKenzie
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Jan 25, 2013
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I'm not sure if you just don't understand or if you're purposely trying to confuse the point.

You: These religious Sunni Muslims should just understand that the whole world is against them (and stand with Assad?) because they don't flip out as they should against those who kill and torture non-combatants. In fact, they mingle with each other!

Me: They're pretty much the *only* ones concentrating nearly solely on attacking those who deliberately target non-combatants and generally avoid targeting non-combatants themselves. And they've been fighting against ISIS before they even became well-known in the West. And if you are to actually be consistent with your reason for not supporting these religious Sunnis, you should oppose Assad and all of his allies the most in Syria.

It's very simple. You're the one refusing to see the facts as they are. If someone were to learn about Syria from your posts, it would seem as if the rebels traded places with Assad.

Islamic spokesmen commonly use taqiyya as a form of 'outwitting'.

lolol you seem to be aware I'm a Sunni so I don't know why you're talking about taqiyyah.
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Jan 25, 2013
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Syrian doctor and poet Mohamed Al-Hamada, who has saved hundreds of lives in the field hospitals around Aleppo over the past six years, was unable to save the life of his daughter last week, local sources revealed on Tuesday.

The 10-year-old was wounded during the air strike as she and her family were in the neighbourhood of Maqtaa Al-Hajar. She was rushed to the hospital in Munbij but her father was unable to help her. She passed away in his arms.

Syrian doctor who saved hundreds of lives unable to save his daughter

Tragedy doesn't even begin to describe Syria. Speaking of which:

It feels insufficient to say that children from Syria are suffering from “PTSD.” The oft-orphaned survivors of a horrible ongoing humanitarian crisis are, likely, experiencing post-traumatic stress, but these children of war have experienced more trauma — physical and emotional — than the medical professionals who care for them have ever seen: the shredded remains of their mom or dad, blown apart by a regime barrel bomb, a Russian cruise missile, or, increasingly, U.S. airstrikes.

“Human devastation syndrome” is Dr. M.K. Hamza's term for the orphaned end-result.

“We have talked to so many children, and their devastation is above and beyond what even soldiers are able to see in the war,” Hamza, a neuropsychologist with the Syrian American Medical Society, told ATTN:. “They have seen dismantled human beings that used to be their parents, or their siblings. You get out of a family of five or six or 10 or whatever — you get one survivor, two survivors sometimes. A lot of them have physical impairments. Amputations. Severe injuries. And they’ve made it to the refugee camp somehow.”

A Doctor Created a New Term to Describe the Pain Syrian Children Are Experiencing
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Landon Caeli

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You: These religious Sunni Muslims should just understand that the whole world is against them (and stand with Assad?) because they don't flip out as they should against those who kill and torture non-combatants. In fact, they mingle with each other!

Me: They're pretty much the *only* ones concentrating nearly solely on attacking those who deliberately target non-combatants and generally avoid targeting non-combatants themselves. And they've been fighting against ISIS before they even became well-known in the West. And if you are to actually be consistent with your reason for not supporting these religious Sunnis, you should oppose Assad and all of his allies the most in Syria.

It's very simple. You're the one refusing to see the facts as they are. If someone were to learn about Syria from your posts, it would seem as if the rebels traded places with Assad.

I don't care about Assad...

You say religious Sunnis have "been fighting against ISIS before they even became well-known in the West"... That's duplicity because religious Sunnis is what ISIS is. This is the kind of dishonesty that bothers people. Also, other Sunni terrorist groups are just as bad as ISIS when it comes to punishing innocent apostates. To make it seem otherwise is a form of dissimulation.

Syria: Broken Nation

Lolol you seem to be aware I'm a Sunni so I don't know why you're talking about taqiyyah.

Both Shia and Sunni use taqiyyah, and I don't believe that you are unaware of it.
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Jan 25, 2013
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I don't care about Assad...

So you don't care about the number one cause of death and destruction of non-combatants in Syria? The one who has sparked the biggest humanitarian crisis the world has seen since WWII?

Instead, you're going to focus all your rage on those fighting him even though *he* and his direct, open allies are the ones responsible for ~95% of all non-combatant deaths?

You say religious Sunnis have "been fighting against ISIS before they even became well-known in the West"... That's duplicity because religious Sunnis is what ISIS is. This is the kind of dishonesty that bothers people.

*Religious Sunnis whose understanding of Islaam is closer to what the Prophet was sent with than ISIS is, then.

I don't deny ISIS is comprised of Sunnis and probably see themselves as righteous. However, they share a lot of the same traits as those whom the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) described as the khawarij, whom he labeled as the dogs of Hellfire. He said about them:

"Leave him; he has comrades whose prayer and fasting will make your prayer and fasting seem insignificant. They recite the Qur'an but it doesn't go beyond their throats. They shall pass through the religion as an arrow that pierces clean through its prey such that, on inspecting the head; then the shaft; then the fletching; then the nock, would see no traces of blood or viscera on it whatsoever"

And he said that groups of these people would keep appearing up until the end of days. He ordered the Muslims to fight against them and kill them. These are people who appear to be religious Muslims.

Also, other Sunni terrorist groups are just as bad as ISIS when it comes to punishing innocent apostates.

Can you cite specific examples of the rebels, whom I assume you are calling terrorists, killing apostates (which is the punishment in an actual Islaamic state after all of the conditions for this punishment filled, though there is discussion about whether it should be applied today) and how many have been executed due to this? Does it justify ignoring Assad's atrocities?

Anyway, that doesn't address the point I made about the rebels fighting against ISIS even before they became a household name in the West which directly refutes your point about these religious Sunnis not flipping out on those who kill and torture non-combatants.

Both Shia and Sunni use taqiyyah, and I don't believe that you are unaware of it.

Obviously I know what taqiyyah is, given my response. But it is a shi'a concept. Here is a post to someone else on this forum:

I had never even heard of the term 'taqiyyah' until I was in my mid-teens and that, too, was because I was looking at Shia beliefs.

Here is an excerpt from an article:

"The word ‘Taqiyya’ is a Shia doctrine which gave its followers to conceal their religious beliefs in order to shield themselves from persecution or even death. This doctrine is only practiced by Shias who make up 20% of the world’s Muslim population. The aim of this article is to show that ‘Taqiyya’ doctrine is part of the Shia sect only, using Muslim and non-Muslim commentaries of the doctrine of Taqiyya. This has no connection to Sunnis, who make up 80% of the World’s Muslims."
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Landon Caeli

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Jan 8, 2016
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So you don't care about the number one cause of death and destruction of non-combatants in Syria? The one who has sparked the biggest humanitarian crisis the world has seen since WWII?

Instead, you're going to focus all your rage on those fighting him even though *he* and his direct, open allies are the ones responsible for ~95% of all non-combatant deaths?

*Religious Sunnis whose understanding of Islaam is closer to what the Prophet was sent with than ISIS is, then.

I don't deny ISIS is comprised of Sunnis and probably see themselves as righteous. However, they share a lot of the same traits as those whom the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) described as the khawarij, whom he labeled as the dogs of Hellfire. He said about them:

"Leave him; he has comrades whose prayer and fasting will make your prayer and fasting seem insignificant. They recite the Qur'an but it doesn't go beyond their throats. They shall pass through the religion as an arrow that pierces clean through its prey such that, on inspecting the head; then the shaft; then the fletching; then the nock, would see no traces of blood or viscera on it whatsoever"

And he said that groups of these people would keep appearing up until the end of days. He ordered the Muslims to fight against them and kill them. These are people who appear to be religious Muslims.

Can you cite specific examples of the rebels, whom I assume you are calling terrorists, killing apostates (which is the punishment in an actual Islaamic state after all of the conditions for this punishment filled, though there is discussion about whether it should be applied today) and how many have been executed due to this? Does it justify ignoring Assad's atrocities?

Anyway, that doesn't address the point I made about the rebels fighting against ISIS even before they became a household name in the West which directly refutes your point about these religious Sunnis not flipping out on those who kill and torture non-combatants.

Obviously I know what taqiyyah is, given my response. But it is a shi'a concept. Here is a post to someone else on this forum:

I had never even heard of the term 'taqiyyah' until I was in my mid-teens and that, too, was because I was looking at Shia beliefs.

Here is an excerpt from an article:

"The word ‘Taqiyya’ is a Shia doctrine which gave its followers to conceal their religious beliefs in order to shield themselves from persecution or even death. This doctrine is only practiced by Shias who make up 20% of the world’s Muslim population. The aim of this article is to show that ‘Taqiyya’ doctrine is part of the Shia sect only, using Muslim and non-Muslim commentaries of the doctrine of Taqiyya. This has no connection to Sunnis, who make up 80% of the World’s Muslims."

You didn't mention the war crimes by the Army of Conquest, which is a coalition of Sunni rebel groups. Are we to believe that these Sunni rebels have not killed non-combatants? Or just that they don't have the firepower to do more damage..?

On 11 June 2016, the al-Nusra Front killed at least 20 Druze villagers in Qalb Lawzeh in Idlib province.

On 12 May 2016, rebels led by al-Nusra Front and Ahrar ash-Sham massacred 42 civilians and seven NDF militiamen while kidnapping up to 70 people after taking control of the Alawite village of Zara'a in Southern Hama.

On 30 October 2016, 38 people, including 14 children, were killed by rebel rocket fire on government-held district of Aleppo.

Army of Conquest - Wikipedia

...Seems Alawites and Druze were considered "apostates", or at least, close enough.
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums
Jan 25, 2013
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Well this post became far lengthier than I intended and I'm fairly certain you will just ignore it and jump around to other topics like you did with my previous post, but maybe it will help someone else:

You didn't mention the war crimes by the Army of Conquest, which is a coalition of Sunni rebel groups. Are we to believe that these Sunni rebels have not killed non-combatants?

Non-combatants have died at the hands of rebels but they were not generally deliberately targeted. And when they have been, and it was clear that any of the rebels were the culprits, the rebels have condemned it and/or taken action against the perpetrators, which is unlike what the regime or allies do.

Or just that they don't have the firepower to do more damage..?

1.) If the rebels we are referring to are religious Sunnis, then why do you think they would abandon the clear principle in Islaam of never intentionally targeting non-combatants?

2.) The majority of the country is anti-regime and Sunni. If they really wanted to, they could've inflicted a lot more damage against non-combatants. But most of those who have died at the rebels' hands have been combatants whereas most of the dead at the hands of the regime are non-combatants. So if it was an issue of firepower and not of principle, that would be reflected in the figures of the types of people dead.

3.) The rebels have had many opportunities to commit massacres, yet they generally do not. When this article was written, there were "56 major massacres displaying obvious sectarian or ethnic cleansing traits. Of these 49 were carried out by Syrian government forces or local and foreign militia allies of President Bashar al-Assad" A Damning Indictment of Syrian President Assad’s Systematic Massacres

49/56 involved the regime/allies and 4/56 involved rebels. Keep in mind most of the country is anti-regime...yet they inflicted the least damage. So the minority and its supporters have killed the vast majority of non-combatants and committed the vast majority of sectarian massacres. They have been the cause of the most death, destruction, and misery in Syria. But for some baffling reason, you continue to only care about what the rebels did.

4.) Look at the infographic from a few posts ago and direct your attention to Fateh al Sham (now disbanded and merged into another group though I think some still specifically track them or refer to them - before they were Nusra but they, too, disbanded). They are a significant fighting force and among the most sophisticated among the rebels militarily, but in 6 years, they were responsible for less than 400 non-combatants dead.

5.) Consider the following infographics. Compare those who were detained with those who were killed under torture. Assuming that those who were killed under torture are included in the figures of the first infographic, then the percentage of the detainees killed under torture is at 13.85% by the regime. It is less than 1.2% for everyone else, even ISIS. So if it was really a question of firepower, the rebels should have had percentages similar to the regime's. And generally, most of those imprisoned by the rebels are combatants whereas the regime killed a 13-year-old boy for attending a protest. Before they killed him, they smashed his knees, broke his jaw, cut off his penis, electrocuted him, and burned him with cigarettes.


On 11 June 2016, the al-Nusra Front killed at least 20 Druze villagers in Qalb Lawzeh in Idlib province.

2015. It was a case rooted in land dispute, not religious affiliation though the killed were all Druze. And this was condemned by Nusra, saying it was an unjustified error taken without the leadership's knowledge, and said this would be reviewed in court and action would be taken. They said they only raise their arms against the regime, ISIS, and corrupt gangs. In court, they ordered blood money be paid to the victims' families.

And the wider rebel groups also condemned what had happened there.

On 12 May 2016, rebels led by al-Nusra Front and Ahrar ash-Sham massacred 42 civilians and seven NDF militiamen while kidnapping up to 70 people after taking control of the Alawite village of Zara'a in Southern Hama.

The ones killed were mainly shabiha (pro-Assad gangs/militia), not civilians. The 2 women killed were armed and shot at the rebels, killing one of them. When Leith Fadel or Assad-allied sources write about the rebels, take it with a grain of salt since most of them lie or rely upon government reports (which are filled with lies). Fyi, many civilians remained in al-Zara when the rebels captured it and only fled when the regime started raining bombs down on the village.

On 30 October 2016, 38 people, including 14 children, were killed by rebel rocket fire on government-held district of Aleppo.

I don't know about that figure (since the sources reporting this are either pro-Assad or have shown themselves to lie in favor of Assad even when trying to portray themselves as neutral or even pro-rebel) killed in rocket attacks targeting the regime....the same regime which had them besieged. But let's assume it's true. What do you expect them to do? Lay down their arms and not even attempt to fight back when they were being massacred? They weren't targeting civilians; rather, they were targeting regime positions.

Now how about you mention how the regime and allies repeatedly target hospitals, marketplaces, and residential buildings. They deliberately target civilians.

...Seems Alawites and Druze were considered "apostates", or at least, close enough.

They're not Muslims to begin with.
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Jan 12, 2016
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It's been 4 years since the revolution started with at least 220,000 dead and half the population displaced. This little documentary by Al-Jazeera, which dedicated the month of March to talking more about Syria since it's the 4-year anniversary of the genocide, is not graphic but it is very heart-wrenching. Most of the stories here are tragic, but Farid's was particularly devastating to me. Poor baby:


Who is the perpetrator of the genocide in your opinion?
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Jan 25, 2013
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Who is the perpetrator of the genocide in your opinion?

Without a shadow of a doubt, the perpetrators of the genocide are Assad's regime and its allies (mainly Hezbollah; IRGC; Iranian-backed Shi'a militias mainly from Iraq (from the PMU, which the US is training), Afghanistan, and Pakistan; and Russia). The YPG and others are also aiding Assad in his crimes.

Here is the proof:

"While the definition of genocide can be debated technically, politically and legally, the Genocide Convention makes clear that the crimes committed in Syria are in fact considered genocide. Under Article Two of the Convention, “Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group;(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”

Certainly, the chemical weapons attack alone constitutes an act of genocide, as defined by International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia court decisions. The Sunnis have been deliberately targeted and destroyed by the Alawite dictatorship, an offshoot of the Shi’a sect of Islam. As such, a Shi’a oriented minority is mass murdering another group. Destroying a religious group is genocide unless they are combatants. The regime is fighting the rebels to be sure, but, as in most known genocides, killing civilians in much larger numbers."

Syria's Civil War Has Become a Genocide

"56 major massacres displaying obvious sectarian or ethnic cleansing traits. Of these 49 were carried out by Syrian government forces or local and foreign militia allies of President Bashar al-Assad"
A Damning Indictment of Syrian President Assad’s Systematic Massacres

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Jan 25, 2013
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It feels insufficient to say that children from Syria are suffering from “PTSD.” The oft-orphaned survivors of a horrible ongoing humanitarian crisis are, likely, experiencing post-traumatic stress, but these children of war have experienced more trauma — physical and emotional — than the medical professionals who care for them have ever seen: the shredded remains of their mom or dad, blown apart by a regime barrel bomb, a Russian cruise missile, or, increasingly, U.S. airstrikes.

“Human devastation syndrome” is Dr. M.K. Hamza's term for the orphaned end-result.

“We have talked to so many children, and their devastation is above and beyond what even soldiers are able to see in the war,” Hamza, a neuropsychologist with the Syrian American Medical Society, told ATTN:. “They have seen dismantled human beings that used to be their parents, or their siblings. You get out of a family of five or six or 10 or whatever — you get one survivor, two survivors sometimes. A lot of them have physical impairments. Amputations. Severe injuries. And they’ve made it to the refugee camp somehow.”

A Doctor Created a New Term to Describe the Pain Syrian Children Are Experiencing

Constant psychological strain of Syria's war has caused some kids to develop speech impediments or lose ability to speak altogether. (1/2) I met Mohamed, little boy on the right, in Lebanese refugee camp. He was so traumatized in Syria that he hasn't spoken since he left. (2/2)


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Jan 12, 2016
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Without a shadow of a doubt, the perpetrators of the genocide are Assad's regime and its allies (mainly Hezbollah; IRGC; Iranian-backed Shi'a militias mainly from Iraq (from the PMU, which the US is training), Afghanistan, and Pakistan; and Russia). The YPG and others are also aiding Assad in his crimes.


Why is it that the areas Assad controls are at peace with no sectarian strife?
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums
Jan 25, 2013
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Why is it that the areas Assad controls are at peace with no sectarian strife?

Because his enemies are, as a whole, more moral than him and don't tend to intentionally target non-combatants. Because he rules with an iron fist and the shabiha (pro-Assad militias) and spies are everywhere (so I wouldn't call that peace with no sectarian strife). Because he is not pummeling the areas he controls with barrel bombs or chemical weapons. Neither is Russia using cluster munitions or incendiary weapons on civilians in those villages. No one deliberately keeps targeting hospitals, marketplaces, schools, mosques, etc. in areas under regime control. The Shia militias that back him do not wreak havoc and commit massacres in Assad-controlled neighborhoods. That's only done by Assad and his allies in areas that are not controlled by him.

Assad has a problem with Sunnis and they are those whom he targets. That's what happened in Houla which is an anti-regime Sunni village that was attacked by Assad's thugs in 2012 following a demonstration, resulting in a massacre. In one house, all of the children were gathered together in one room and were shot dead. Houla is surrounded by a Shi'a village and Alawite ones yet they were untouched. In Douma, Assad's thugs went door-to-door to kill the inhabitants. Children's throats were cut.

An interview of a Syrian with Brandon of Humans of New York:


“When I joined the Syrian army, there was no war yet. I just wanted to serve my country. But now everyone is forced to do horrible things. One time we were marching and a single bullet came from a village. Our commander told us to go into each house, one by one, and kill everyone inside. The village was a Sunni village, so our commander ordered all the Sunni soldiers to lead the attack. Anyone who disobeyed would be killed themselves. We did our best to aim over the heads of the people who were running away, but forty people were killed. A few nights later I fled in the middle of the night.” (Lesvos, Greece)
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Jan 25, 2013
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congratulations to President Assad in his victory against Sunni Jihadists, a victory for Assad, is a victory for Christianity, Dried and alawites, who Sunnis kill, and target.

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: Yes, congratulations Bashar for successfully making much of the world cheer you on in/ignore your genocide or think you're the best option there. I'm sure the devil must be ecstatic.

Congratulations for:

this little boy who says Bashar robbed them of everything:

this little boy (and his family) whose sisters were killed by Assad/allies:

having this little girl witness his men beheading her friend's brother and 2 other people, let alone making her paralyzed and injuring her brother:

Must be a real tear-wiping, moving accomplishment for Assadists.
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Sep 21, 2015
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:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: Yes, congratulations Bashar for successfully making much of the world cheer you on in/ignore your genocide or think you're the best option there. I'm sure the devil must be ecstatic.

Congratulations for:

this little boy who says Bashar robbed them of everything:

this little boy (and his family) whose sisters were killed by Assad/allies:

having this little girl witness his men beheading her friend's brother and 2 other people, let alone making her paralyzed and injuring her brother:

Must be a real tear-wiping, moving accomplishment for Assadists.
those crimes are sad, however the Sunnis have killed or displaced 1/3rd of the Alawites, the Christian population has been reduced by 66%, and ISIS a Sunni group has caused the worse Refugee crisis since WW2. If the Sunnis didn't decide to fight a sectarian Jihad against the Assad regime, and just stuck to peaceful protests, the world would think differently.
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums
Jan 25, 2013
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those crimes are sad, however the Sunnis have killed or displaced 1/3rd of the Alawites, the Christian population has been reduced by 66%,

It is the minority sects and their backers that have caused 95% of the non-combatant casualties. It is they who have killed nearly 200k civilians. Not the Sunnis.

and ISIS a Sunni group has caused the worse Refugee crisis since WW2.


About 900 Syrian refugees were interviewed in front of refugee homes and registration centers in five German cities. "Around 70 percent of respondents say they have fled because of Bashar al-Assad's regime," Perabo said.

Survey leaves no doubt: Syrians are fleeing Assad

Having spoken to dozens of Syrian refugees at Zaatari refugee camp last year, there were three constancies in their actions and motivations [...] The second constancy is that they were fleeing the repercussions of Assad’s barbarity. There is no denying this. They were in Jordan, in Lebanon and in Turkey before ISIS even came on they scene.

It’s the Barrel Bomb, Stupid

"In the meantime, virtually all the Syrians I have spoken with agree that stopping Assad’s barrel bombs is now the most urgent task to reduce their suffering—and the flow of refugees."

To Stem the Flow of Syrian Refugees, Stop the Barrel Bombs - HRW

If the Sunnis didn't decide to fight a sectarian Jihad against the Assad regime, and just stuck to peaceful protests, the world would think differently.

If Assad's regime didn't respond to peaceful protests by shooting protesters fatally (among the myriad of other injustices), the Syrians wouldn't have had to pick up arms to defend themselves. But alas, Assad's regime is going to Assad.
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