Tools far pre date man, evolution theory kicked in face

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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2009
Excellent. A claim we can get our teeth into. In what way specifically does a same state past require credit for a computer?
I have no idea - I didn't say it does, and what you mean by 'a same state past' is opaque. I said a computer is designed and constructed according to the same model of physics that gives us the results you say are unproven, insane and inconsistent.

Perhaps you're attacking an inadvertent straw man. Science does not, strictly speaking, deal with the eternal verities and ultimate reality, it makes useful models from the consistencies we observe in the world. Useful models have explanatory and predictive power in respect of those observations, and simple and elegant models are preferred. But they're just models - if you come up with a more useful, explanatory, predictive one, the others will be dropped, and you'll get a Nobel prize.

You can believe whatever makes you happy - that the world rests on the back of a giant turtle, that atoms and molecules are directed around by tiny demons, sedimentary rocks were put in place by spirits, and fossils were embedded by angels, etc... Whatever you believe is the 'true' nature of 'reality', science is interested in only what we can observe and how it behaves (and it behaves exactly as if the Earth is 4.5 billion years old, etc.); if you want to get anything practical done, like making a computer or finding Tiktaalik, you'll find it the more useful tool.
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Jan 17, 2005
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I do believe in the Father and the Son, I just don't believe the exaggerated, self important, conflicted and inaccurate books written by the people who killed the Son when he came in response to the promise.
No one could kill His word, that He promised to get to us right. Is there something about that word that disagrees with something you insist on doing or..? Don't blame it on Jesus not having the kermuffins to get His word to us right.
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Jan 17, 2005
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The 2300-2500 dating of a great flood is truly absurd. The egyptian old kingdom, 3000 bc onwards waves hello.

No. It doesn't wave at all. Try to show how that is dated and prepare to be acquainted with defeat.
And yes I already know your answer, entirety of science wrong, iron age man claiming,without evidence, to speak for god right.
So called science is not all of science. Those folks who build bridges for me and cars and toilet paper etc deal in the real world. The nay saying antiChrist doubters that peddle fables as science are another story altogether.

The dates for Egypt are either radioactive decay based...which means religious rot....or maybe based on some weird scroll such as the king list written on the back of an actual document, that no one knows who wrote! Maybe he was the village idiot for all we know.
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Nov 9, 2004
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No one could kill His word, that He promised to get to us right. Is there something about that word that disagrees with something you insist on doing or..? Don't blame it on Jesus not having the kermuffins to get His word to us right.
True, but the Word is living spiritual truth, not nessisarily the words of men about the Word.
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Jan 17, 2005
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I have no idea - I didn't say it does, and what you mean by 'a same state past' is opaque. I said a computer is designed and constructed according to the same model of physics that gives us the results you say are unproven, insane and inconsistent.
Ah so now you clarify that a same state past actually has nothing to do with computers? By saying it is the same method or system that makes computers as makes models for the past, what you are really saying is that one assumes a same state past and uses that in the way we use other things here in the present. Except it is all belief and theory, not in the real world. The computer is in the real world.

Perhaps you're attacking an inadvertent straw man. Science does not, strictly speaking, deal with the eternal verities and ultimate reality, it makes useful models from the consistencies we observe in the world.
Bingo. FROMM what they observe IN the world NOW!! You admitted it.
Useful models have explanatory and predictive power in respect of those observations,
That is vague. When we apply that to say, the universe, we end up with 95% being unknown so called dark stuff. That may seem explanatory to you, it seems ridiculous to me! Other things also you explain using earth realities, but we could explain them many other ways. Heck a village idiot can explain things, the trick is to be right!

and simple and elegant models are preferred. But they're just models - if you come up with a more useful, explanatory, predictive one, the others will be dropped, and you'll get a Nobel prize.
False. The Nobel prizes are more or less present nature prizes. They do not consider explanations out of the box they are in. They will only pick folks to award from a shallow pool.
You can believe whatever makes you happy - that the world rests on the back of a giant turtle, that atoms and molecules are directed around by tiny demons, sedimentary rocks were put in place by spirits, and fossils were embedded by angels, etc...

Right, or that time exists at the stars, that the big bang spit out the universe etc etc. A simpler way to explain what we can do or not do is as follows...we can believe...or not. Period.
Whatever you believe is the 'true' nature of 'reality', science is interested in only what we can observe and how it behaves (and it behaves exactly as if the Earth is 4.5 billion years old, etc.);
Not really. It can be welded and molested into fitting the belief system that has it old. Then it will look old in the tapestry of imagination it was woven into for the folks who chose to swallow, and limit themselves to that little belief set.
if you want to get anything practical done, like making a computer or finding Tiktaalik, you'll find it the more useful tool.
Created fish and animals and man evolved and rapidly, so finding a walking fish is no problem at all. There you go trying to cram that computer in again, as if it were on your side. No Frumy, no.
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Jan 17, 2005
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True, but the Word is living spiritual truth, not nessisarily the words of men about the Word.
Jesus said His words were living actually. He also said He would arrange for men to remember them right. Anything spiritual that does not measure up to the word may be spiritual all right, but Satanic. We have the wrod from God so we can know the difference.
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Jan 17, 2005
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Prov 26:2
2 Like a sparrow in its flitting, like a swallow in its flying,
So a curse without cause does not alight.
I don't think it is cursing so called science to point out it is antiChrist, any more than it is cursing to call green a color. Guess you had to chirp in though.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2009
Ah so now you clarify that a same state past actually has nothing to do with computers?
Ah, no; I said nothing of the sort.
By saying it is the same method or system that makes computers as makes models for the past, what you are really saying is that one assumes a same state past and uses that in the way we use other things here in the present. Except it is all belief and theory, not in the real world. The computer is in the real world.
Nope. We have physical models that we can use to do all kinds of stuff, including making computers. We can use these models to make predictions about things in the past. When we do that, and go and look at stuff that we think is that old, we find that the predictions hold good. Doing this many times in different ways gives us confidence that our models are reasonably accurate and can tell us about the past.

For example, if you plant a bunch of trees, and every year you cut a few down, and see that a new ring grows in the trunks every year. You might also see that the rings laid down in wetter years are thicker than the rings laid down in drier years. You think that this could be a useful way to tell roughly what the climate was like even before you planted those trees, so you find older trees with known planting dates and compare the rings, and you find the recent rings match those on your trees, but there are earlier rings. You count back through the earlier rings and find a few wide ones and a few narrow ones, and go to the library and look up the historical weather data for the years corresponding to those rings. The historical weather data agrees with the width of the rings - wet years for wide rings, dry years for narrow rings. Now you have a rough guide to the climate over the life of a tree - if you know when it was planted, or you can match some of its rings with a tree of a known planting date (you can also do other tests on tree rings, e.g. to find out about changes in the gases in the air that year, and so-on).

This is the kind of thing I'm talking about - except that tree rings are just one of many independent methods of finding out what the past was like.
Bingo. FROMM what they observe IN the world NOW!! You admitted it.
Of course; obviously you can only observe in the present. But from this, you can infer the past. You know you have a personal past because you have memories. When you look at your friends, you can infer that they had grandparents, although you weren't around then to see them; if you see a photo of those grandparents, you can tell what they looked like. If you dig beneath the foundations of an an Aztec temple and find a burial site, you know the people buried there died before the temple was built, and so-on. It's not rocket science.
When we apply that to say, the universe, we end up with 95% being unknown so called dark stuff. That may seem explanatory to you, it seems ridiculous to me!
The models we use today explain and predict what we have observed better than all previous models. That doesn't mean we know everything. We looked out of our celestial back-yard and - as expected - discovered many new things. Some were easily explained by our existing models; some took a while to explain using them; some remain unexplained because we don't yet have enough information about them. It's possible that the models needs some tweaking to explain dark matter, but it seems likely that it consists of particles that do fit into the Standard Model (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles or WIMPS) - we don't know yet, because at present we don't have enough information - we can only detect its gravitational effect.

Other things also you explain using earth realities, but we could explain them many other ways. Heck a village idiot can explain things, the trick is to be right!
In science, there is no strictly 'right' explanation, there is just the best model or theory - one that explains more observations and makes more useful predictions (and, preferably, is simpler and more elegant) than any other.

The underlying basis for many models or theories is mathematical or logical, so they can be said to be 'right' in as much as the conclusions follow logically from the premises, given an appropriate context. Much of physics (e.g. statistical mechanics) is like this, but in practice, even theories with logical or mathematical foundations may only partially explain real-world behaviour.

For example, the principle underlying Darwinian Evolution is basically statistical: populations with hereditary variation will tend to change over time in response to selection pressure. In that sense, it is 'right', but Darwin's original theory, though based on that principle, was later found to be inadequate in various respects (because the precise mechanisms of heredity and variation were not known at the time). In the real world, it is far more complex than he imagined, and so over time his theory morphed into the 'modern synthesis', and is now known as 'evolutionary developmental biology' - but it's still based on the same evolutionary principle.

In a slightly different way, Newton's mechanics provided a physical model (based on mathematics) that explained and predicted everything from the fall of an apple, the trajectory of a musket shot or cannon ball, to the orbits of the planets. It wasn't until our instruments became much more refined that we realised that Newtonian mechanics was an approximation of a more general theory, Einstein's Relativity. Newton's model wasn't wrong exactly, but applied to a universe with absolute time and Galilean invariance, and although it looks like that at human scales and speeds, we discovered that the universe we observe isn't really like that.

Not really. It can be welded and molested into fitting the belief system that has it old. Then it will look old in the tapestry of imagination it was woven into for the folks who chose to swallow, and limit themselves to that little belief set.
Created fish and animals and man evolved and rapidly, so finding a walking fish is no problem at all. There you go trying to cram that computer in again, as if it were on your side. No Frumy, no.
You can say that, but in practice, the model works - although finding a particular transitional form of walking fish turned out to be, in reality, a difficult problem. Fossils of fish with strengthened front fins were known from rocks dated around 380-385 million years old, and fossils with well developed limb-like front fins were known from rocks dated around 360-365 million years (and never vice-versa), so Shubin, Daeschler, and Jenkins proposed that to find the intermediate form they were interested in, they should look in deposits dated around 370-375 million years. Exposed deposits dated to that age had been mapped years earlier in Northern Canada, so they took an expedition there, and spent 10 years digging. Eventually, among many other fossils of that period, they found an intermediate form that matched their prediction. That intermediate form isn't found in earlier rocks or later rocks (as in tens of millions of years).

Now you can say that all those rock layers and all those fossils were laid down far more quickly than tens of millions of years, and far more recently than 300-400 million years ago; you might say that all the fossilized creatures evolved and all the rock layers were laid down in a few thousand, or a few hundred years; and that it all happened a few hundred thousand, or a few thousand years ago - or even last Thursday, that we can't prove they didn't, and therefore we're wrong; but as far as the science goes, all that counts is that the multiple threads of evidence found by tens of thousands of researchers over hundreds of years, and all over the world, are consistent with the model that dates them to 300-400 million years, and that there is no consistent evidence supporting any other model. If sufficient contradictory evidence is found to make that model untenable, then the model will be changed or replaced appropriately.

In other words, as far as the science is concerned, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, lays eggs like a duck, and swims like a duck, we'll provisionally take it to be a duck until some evidence to the contrary makes it unlikely to be a duck.

Science is, strictly, descriptive; but for many people, the models and theories it provides - based on coherent and consistent evidence gained from observation and measurement of the world around us - are a better guide to reality than the many conflicting stories & myths about it, that are often incoherent and almost always inconsistent with those observations and measurements. YMMV.

I think I've said enough on this now :)
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Jan 17, 2005
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Ah, no; I said nothing of the sort.
Great so let us be real clear here...computers have zero to do with the same state past foundation used for antiChrist so called science alternate creation models.

Nope. We have physical models that we can use to do all kinds of stuff, including making computers.
Whoopee do. Unless it is related to the foundational delusion of a same state past that you use, who cares??

We can use these models to make predictions about things in the past. When we do that, and go and look at stuff that we think is that old, we find that the predictions hold good.

Wake up man. Let's get serious here. Name a few such models. You must be kidding.
Doing this many times in different ways gives us confidence that our models are reasonably accurate and can tell us about the past.
Hey do it just once anD see where it gets you here!
For example, if you plant a bunch of trees, and every year you cut a few down, and see that a new ring grows in the trunks every year. You might also see that the rings laid down in wetter years are thicker than the rings laid down in drier years. You think that this could be a useful way to tell roughly what the climate was like even before you planted those trees, so you find older trees with known planting dates and compare the rings, and you find the recent rings match those on your trees, but there are earlier rings. You count back through the earlier rings and find a few wide ones and a few narrow ones, and go to the library and look up the historical weather data for the years corresponding to those rings. The historical weather data agrees with the width of the rings - wet years for wide rings, dry years for narrow rings. Now you have a rough guide to the climate over the life of a tree - if you know when it was planted, or you can match some of its rings with a tree of a known planting date (you can also do other tests on tree rings, e.g. to find out about changes in the gases in the air that year, and so-on).

This is the kind of thing I'm talking about - except that tree rings are just one of many independent methods of finding out what the past was like.
No. That is just one item on a list of things you superimpose your religious beliefs on. The belief that present nature and laws and forces existed.
Of course; obviously you can only observe in the present. But from this, you can infer the past.

Impossible actually unless they are the same and that is the one issue you skirt.
You know you have a personal past because you have memories. When you look at your friends, you can infer that they had grandparents, although you weren't around then to see them; if you see a photo of those grandparents, you can tell what they looked like. If you dig beneath the foundations of an an Aztec temple and find a burial site, you know the people buried there died before the temple was built, and so-on. It's not rocket science.

If they left remains I suspect they died IN this present nature. So there is a bit of wisdom and real science involved.

The models we use today explain and predict what we have observed better than all previous models. That doesn't mean we know everything. We looked out of our celestial back-yard and - as expected - discovered many new things. Some were easily explained by our existing models; some took a while to explain using them; some remain unexplained because we don't yet have enough information about them. It's possible that the models needs some tweaking to explain dark matter, but it seems likely that it consists of particles that do fit into the Standard Model (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles or WIMPS) - we don't know yet, because at present we don't have enough information - we can only detect its gravitational effect.
You don't know--bingo. You also do not have a clue as to what is likely or not. You are wishful thinking. If God is right, the stars involve a lot more than we know about here on earth and in the physical world.

In science, there is no strictly 'right' explanation, there is just the best model or theory - one that explains more observations and makes more useful predictions (and, preferably, is simpler and more elegant) than any other.
In other words, they are fettered and chained by the limited scope of things they do and can deal with...this present nature for example.

For example, the principle underlying Darwinian Evolution is basically statistical: populations with hereditary variation will tend to change over time in response to selection pressure. In that sense, it is 'right', but Darwin's original theory, though based on that principle, was later found to be inadequate in various respects (because the precise mechanisms of heredity and variation were not known at the time). In the real world, it is far more complex than he imagined, and so over time his theory morphed into the 'modern synthesis', and is now known as 'evolutionary developmental biology' - but it's still based on the same evolutionary principle.
No. If there was no 'hereditary' as we now know it, then the models are way off. If nature was different then forget 'natural' selection! If things were created before starting any evolving, then forget Darwin and his baloney! Etc etc.
In a slightly different way, Newton's mechanics provided a physical model (based on mathematics) that explained and predicted everything from the fall of an apple, the trajectory of a musket shot or cannon ball, to the orbits of the planets. It wasn't until our instruments became much more refined that we realised that Newtonian mechanics was an approximation of a more general theory, Einstein's Relativity. Newton's model wasn't wrong exactly, but applied to a universe with absolute time and Galilean invariance, and although it looks like that at human scales and speeds, we discovered that the universe we observe isn't really like that.
False. An apple tree and field do not have to represent all reality for the universe.

You can say that, but in practice, the model works - although finding a particular transitional form of walking fish turned out to be, in reality, a difficult problem.
That fits creation also, so lose that attempted argument.

Fossils of fish with strengthened front fins were known from rocks dated around 380-385 million years old, and fossils with well developed limb-like front fins were known from rocks dated around 360-365 million years (and never vice-versa), so Shubin, Daeschler, and Jenkins proposed that to find the intermediate form they were interested in, they should look in deposits dated around 370-375 million years. Exposed deposits dated to that age had been mapped years earlier in Northern Canada, so they took an expedition there, and spent 10 years digging. Eventually, among many other fossils of that period, they found an intermediate form that matched their prediction. That intermediate form isn't found in earlier rocks or later rocks (as in tens of millions of years).

The imaginary years may loom large in your mind and models, but let's get real here. In other words the sequence (whatever the real time involved may be) shows that (of the creatures that could fossilize at that time) evolving took place that allowed fish to traverse land also. No surprise there at all, because fish were commanded to multiply in all the world! They needed to get around!
Now you can say that all those rock layers and all those fossils were laid down far more quickly than tens of millions of years, and far more recently than 300-400 million years ago; you might say that all the fossilized creatures evolved and all the rock layers were laid down in a few thousand, or a few hundred years; and that it all happened a few hundred thousand, or a few thousand years ago - or even last Thursday, that we can't prove they didn't, and therefore we're wrong; but as far as the science goes, all that counts is that the multiple threads of evidence found by tens of thousands of researchers over hundreds of years, and all over the world, are consistent with the model that dates them to 300-400 million years, and that there is no consistent evidence supporting any other model. If sufficient contradictory evidence is found to make that model untenable, then the model will be changed or replaced appropriately.
False you have one trick and only one! You assume a same state past and do so with all evidences you get your paws on!
In other words, as far as the science is concerned, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, lays eggs like a duck, and swims like a duck, we'll provisionally take it to be a duck until some evidence to the contrary makes it unlikely to be a duck.

It looks to them as it must to those who only see what they decided to allow themselves to see, using a godless set of present state criteria that they smear onto all things.
Science is, strictly, descriptive; but for many people, the models and theories it provides - based on coherent and consistent evidence gained from observation and measurement of the world around us - are a better guide to reality than the many conflicting stories & myths about it, that are often incoherent and almost always inconsistent with those observations and measurements.

They are only inconsistent to those that define consistency as a same state past based, godless methodology.
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Paul of Eugene OR

Finally Old Enough
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May 3, 2014
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so lose that attempted argument.

They are only inconsistent to those that define consistency as a same state past based, godless methodology.

You are so consistenty against consistency! Your consistent declarations of inconsistency are not consistent with the evidence.
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TLK Valentine

I've already read the books you want burned.
Apr 15, 2012
Behind the 8-ball, but ahead of the curve.
United States
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Heaven is not consistent with the world today. Really. Change can be a good thing. Get out of the rut , man.

How do you know? Have you been there?
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Paul of Eugene OR

Finally Old Enough
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May 3, 2014
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Heaven is not consistent with the world today. Really. Change can be a good thing. Get out of the rut , man.

This universe has been functioning for 13+ billion years and I'm not leaving it until God tells me to.
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dum spiro spero
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Dec 26, 2006
Salford, Greater Manchester. UK
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What of
the Master, (Leader) who has no servants
or, the Leader, that has no 'followers'
or, the Gardener, that has no garden, and, no plants
or, the Shepherd that hath no sheep, and, no dog
or, the Carpenter that has no wood and, has no tools
or, the artist that does not have canvas or brushes for the colours he imagines ?
or, the fruit tree, that does not bear fruit

Imagine our world..... as God's canvas
~an intricate JIGSAW of 'being'
with everything upon it, integrally dependant (Yes! 'dependant')
upon the existence of ALL of, the other parts / pieces (of the puzzle)

From, the lowliest to the highest ....
Each, has it's place ... it's reason for being / for existing

Without sand on the beaches there would be no mortar / concrete

Without metals in the ground there would be no skyscrapers
no-siding, no plumbing, no electricity, no vehicles, no aircraft,
no ships, no phones, no internet

From where, does it all come ?

Did it evolve ?

Likewise, without the cyanobacter, there would be little oxygen here on Earth

Oxygen content (%) throughout the ages
can be determined via Ice cores, lifted at the poles
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Jan 17, 2005
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How do you know? Have you been there?
I know what Jesus said about the world to come. I know what His word describes in some detail. The least we can say is that as far as Scripture is concerned the present is different from the future and heaven. That was the point after all. SubZ claimed that the bible did not offer something different from the present nature basically. Obviously it does, both in the past and the future.
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Jan 17, 2005
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Likewise, without the cyanobacter, there would be little oxygen here on Earth

Oxygen content (%) throughout the ages
can be determined via Ice cores, lifted at the poles

How air is formed or sustained after creation week is not an issue. Show us something from the lowest part of any pole you like that shows Adam could not breathe the week earth was created!? What nonsense.
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Paul of Eugene OR

Finally Old Enough
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May 3, 2014
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How air is formed or sustained after creation week is not an issue. Show us something from the lowest part of any pole you like that shows Adam could not breathe the week earth was created!? What nonsense.

The YEC mind often fails to understand the expressions of a scientist speaking of events millions of years in the past.
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Jan 17, 2005
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The YEC mind often fails to understand the expressions of a scientist speaking of events millions of years in the past.

I understand fine. Just show the simple evidence that there was nothing to breathe in creation week. Otherwise you are empty.
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