
Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2024
United States
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I wanted to share this little insight (vision?) I had while I'm reading this book "The Dynamics of Worship" by James P Gillis MD, 2004

It's actually unusual I read anything from modern times because so much is wishy washy! I'm an avid reader of what I call "the ancient Preachers" Tertullian, Augustine, from the 2nd & 4th century, Wycliffe from the 1300s, Tyndale, George Fox, William Penn, George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, DL Moody, Andrew Murray, Horatius Bonar, AW Pink, and a whole bunch more from the 1500s - early 1900s.
When I read those old preachers from centuries past it's like seeing the same Word the LORD impressed on me when I got saved, and during every time He's brought me back from the brink. ALL those ancient preachers lived and taught holiness, separation from the world, a true devotion to the Living God and His Christ.

Sadly, much of today's Christianity, or what passes for Christianity, pales in comparison.

This is what I had written in The Dynamics of Worship book:

"The Great High and Lofty God, Dreadful upon His Sapphire Throne; Piercing Rays of Glorious Light stream Before Him as Living Fire.
The Sheer Terror of the LORD יהוה , Blessed be His Name! הללויה
Our God Indeed is a Consuming Fire שלהבתיה , for his Jealous Love requires Worship and Holiness, Purity of Heart, and of Body.
For I stand not Before Thee O LORD, in my sins, Lest I be Consumed in Thy Dreadful Wrath.
Worship Before Him that Sitteth Above the Alabaster Mountain, All ye His Host, all ye that Love and Fear His Holy name."

By the way שלהבתיה ShalhevetYah, is from Song of Solomon 8:6 "Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame"

Most vehement flame is what KJV translates from Shalhevetyah, literally "the blazing flame of YAH"
So the LORDS name IS in Song of Solomon.